OCTOBER 1985 • $2.50 THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ~DIESEL / Drop steps! .' ~PARTS OS 1403 Drop ·step, as OS 1404 Drop step, as OS 1406 Drop step, as used on GE U-series die­ used on EMD late model used on Aleo Century se­ sel locomotives. Pkg. diesel locomotives. Pkg. ries diesel locomotives. 2/$1.00 2/$1.00 Pkg. 2/$3.00 By RlCHARD GREEN A fabulous photo excursion over the Northern Pacific during the glory years Deta.il Associates' between 193.0 and 1955 as se,en through first general cata.log! the camera of two of the NP's m ost Available now, at your dealer or directl$3.50 famous phot ographers and hist orians, Warren McGee and Ron Ni xon. Eoch chapter traces the evolution of power, from M'ikados to Northerns, to the supe r paw e r Challenger s, ono \n'<D ''''e early days of the Di ese l Age, Over 300 panoramic a nd dromotic photographs lor which M cGee and Ni xon are renow ned. T h Q I\J n r th ",... ~ ~>- ~ 'I- ~ !ii 101 1 J..';iIt io- lO t;:;: O 0 l U N I )fon 28.0 pages· 11 " x8'/, " Hardcover. $ 3 9.95 N <?O~IH~~w~!18~Y ~1J¥J Do you want your crossings to look this good? #125001 Treadplate-two 4" x 8" sheets of textured styrene, $3.98 at your dealer or write: McKean Models 707 E. 41st, Suite 236 . Sioux Falls, SO 57105 See it at leading ~IIIIIIIIIII~ Hobby Shops AMI P.O. Sox 11861 or send SSA E to: Clayton, MO 63105 Custom-Painted and Oecaled HO Covered Hoppers P-$ 3-boy & ACF 4-bo y. 3-boy & 2-boy $12.50 p lus UPS shipping includes Kodee couplers THE HOPPER SHOP George H. Sitzenstock 3301 Astor Place (419) 382-4928 Toledo, OH 43614 CHAMP has proper decals for ALL GOULD CO. CARS • TANK CARS • FLAT CARS • Wrecking TRAINS (Cranes & Carsl 1986 SANTA FE CALENDAR • P F E REEFERS This popular colendar i ~ back again, but this time in • BOX CARS FULL COLO R. Fourteen beautiful color scenes of Santa Fe action. High-quality paper and printing. Don't miss The proper Champ Deca l Cata log numbers out-order now! are included in each Gould kit. Only $8.95 postpaid GET YOUR 8 '11 X I ' HO & 0 Ga uge Ca l No 82 S I 50 At Your Oealer or $ 1 75 pos tpaid (first class send $2 00) Order from: Available Fall 1985 McMillan Publications Illinois residents add 3208 Halsey Drive 6% sales tax. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s Woodridge, IL 60517 2 PROTOTYPE MODELER pro1otypc /' "'-___ The MODELER'S Magazine of Prototype RAILROADING Vol. VIII, No. 5 F17 OCTOBER 1985 ------------------------- features Pu blisher Kevin McKinney Prototype Portfolio: Amtrak's River Cities .......... 9 Editor Jim Six James E. Humbert Se nior Ed itor Modeling Missouri Pacific 5040-2 locomotives .... 12 Mike Schafer Charles A Roth Associate Editor Southern gives the green light to innovation: James E. Humbert Locotrol ........................................ 18 Art Director Allen Ambrosini/GRAVITY GRAPHICS Warren Calloway Reseorch & Assistance Railroading in the Feather River Canyon: John H. Kuehl past, present and future ........ ...... 21 John B. Hilbron James E. Humbert and John Ryczkowski CirculationlOffi ce Manager ........ 31 Chrys Repking ARA 70-ton hopper cars ............. Richard H, Hendrickson Detail Close-up: 500 Line GP30's .... 35 M E MBE R James E. Humbert and Jim Six RI!I The Prototype Modeler's Notebook: .............. 38 P R O() R (SS ' ' ,/<Isnru r£ ...J..... Sf. Louis Southwestern wood-sheathed boxcars Richard H, Hendrickson Advertising inquires: Contact Terry Stuart Lineside: Riverdale, III. interlocking at W. Terry Stuart & Associates , P.O. Box 38106 , Clevel and , OH 44138, (216) 861-8646; plant and tower ............................. 39 or contact PT J Publishing, PO. Box 860, James E. Humbert Homewood, IL 60430, (3 12) 957-RAIL. PROTOTYPE MODELER (ISSN 0734·1482) is published monlhly by PT J Publishing. Inc .. 2024 Hickory Rood. p.o departments Box 860. Homewood. Illinois 60430. (312) 957 ·RAIL Sec­ ond class paslage paid at Homewood. III.. and 01 addi­ lional office. (USPS 710·590). SUBSCRtPTlON RATES: In the U.S. and its possessions $14 for 6 issues. 524 for 12 issue s. Canada and Mexico S17(U.S.) for 6 issues. S28(U.S.) for 12 issues. Oulside Norlh America S20(U .S.) Modeler's Newsbox ....................................... 4 for 6 issues. S34(U .S.) for 12 issues. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send change·of·address nolice at leasl 4·6 A Message to our Readers ................................ 5 weeks prior 10 moving . POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 PM Junction .............................................. 6 10 PTJ Publishing. P.O. Box 860. Homewood. IL 60430. Now Arriving ............................................. 8 Correspondence regarding new subscriptio ns. renew· ols. circulation, changes o f address, book. binder and Society Page ............................................ 42 back issue orders. manuscript and photo submissions a nd any other business related to PR0 10IYP£ MODElER Model Retailer listing .................................... 45 should be sent 10: PROTOTYPE MODELER prJ Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 860 On the cover: The focus of our attention this month is the legendary Western Pacific Railroad and its Homewood, Illinois 60430 low-level crossing of the Sierra Nevada via Beckwourth Pass (EI. 5212 feet) and the canyon of the Feather River. Synonomous with both the Western Pacific and el Rio de las Plumas, the equally famous California Zephyr carried WP's banner faithfully between Oakland, Calif., and Salt Lake City, Utah, for 21 years. Senior Editor Mike Schafer recorded this breathtaking view of three-hour -late No. 17 heading down the canyon at Pulga, Calif., in July 1969, less than a year before its premature discontinuance. Note to contributors and manufacturers: We a t PROTOTYPE MODElER welcome your feature articles and photography. Conditions permitting. features ondlor photographs and artwork are paid for within 90 days following publication. All published material. with the exception o f original color slides, becomes property of PTJ Publishing: originat color slides will be returned to the contributor. UnSOlic ited material. if not accepted, will be re turned only if return postage and self-addressed pac kaging are included. PTJ Publishing cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited material. Letters, products for review (including books and periodicals), club information and news, etc., are considered gratiS contributio ns. OCTOBER 1985 3 modelerJs newsbox / Have you photographed any new paint schemes lately? Send your entries to PTJ Publishing. P.O. Box 860. Homewood. IL 60430. We might be able to use them in Modeler's Newsbox or in th e News Photo section of our sister magazine, P ASSE NGER T RAIN J OURNAL. Color slides are preferred. although high-quality sharp color prints will be considered. Stides will be returned whether used or not ; please include a self-addressed. stamped envelope. As merger day approaches. both Santa Fe and parlner Southern Pacific have taken steps to make the transition a smooth one. One tan­ gible result of this planning has been the for­ mulation of a quasi-experimental common corporate image and attendant paint scheme. as modeled here by SP SD45R 755.... recently rebuilt by the road's Sacramento. Cal­ Dave Marlin if .. locomotive works. Note that the unit is miss- ing its forward classification lights and that its traditional Pyle Gyralight has been replaced by two "cross-eyed" strobe headlights. Unit is on display at Sacramento's California State Railroad Museum on Aug. 19. 1985. Chalk up a win for maroon. at the expense of purple: Electing to find a suitable replacement for its gaudy livery of purple/platinum/yellow, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority opted instead for a more conservative image. choosing a handsome maroon/platinum/yel­ low combination. Our inimitable Mike Schafer happened to have crossed paths with FP10 1104 at South Station in Boston. Mass.. on June 23. 1985. Oovid Huri Ike Tigrett would certainly be beaming proud­ ly if he could only view th,e same scene pic­ tured here! No mirage. at least two and possi­ bly three of upstart Gulf & Mississippi's ex­ Illinois Central Gulf rebuilt Geeps have been tastefully repainted into classic Gulf. Mobile & Ohio colors. Shown here on ex-GM&O track in Artesia. Miss .. 8082 and 8009 are ex-ICG "GP10" Nos. 8082 and 8009. Photo taken on July 13. 1985. 4 ", / a message to our readers t th e Milwaukee NMRA national convention we an­ Another important happening at the convention was the A nounced that PROTOTYPE MODELER will become a month­ contest conducted by the n ewly formed Modern Prototype ly with publication of the October issue. It is with great satis­ Modelers Association (no affiliation with PROTOTYPE MODEL­ faction that we are able to bring you this good news after so ER). The 100-plus models on display were simply phenom­ many months of struggling to get the mechanics of publish­ enal. (I love to see hood doors left open on a model to swing ing the magazine worked out. The August/September issue in the breeze as was portrayed on one modeler's Espee growl­ demonstrated some of the many additions and improvements er). No, these models were not the ultimate in scratch­ we are implementing. And one thing you can be sure of, PM building, but they represented that which most craftsman will strive to be the publication for and by its readers. modelers of today can accomplish-kitbashing, detailing Too often in the past, my name has appeared on articles in and painting. Locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars and PROTOTYPE MODELER. This may not have bothered some, but to cabooses were finely detailed and painted to portray a "con­ me, it's a turn-off to see so much presented by anyone per­ vincing" feeling of representing the "real thing." In fairness son.
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