Academy Ignacio Bobcat PRSRT STD MARCH 31, 2017 students to baseball in full U.S. POSTAGE PAID Vol. XLIX, No. 7 Ignacio, CO 81137 transition swing Permit No. 1 Official newspaper of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe For subscription or advertising information, call 970-563-0118 PAGES 5 PAGE 12 $29 one year • $49 two year INSIDE THIS ISSUE FREE Culture 3 The Health 4 Education 5 Sports 10 Voices 13 Southern Ute Drum Classifieds 15 CCIA/TRI-UTE TRIBAL HEALTH Utes return to Denver Awareness, prevention key for CCIA, Tri-Ute to breaking child abuse cycle By Jeremy Wade Shockley April is Child Abuse Prevention Month THE SOUTHERN UTE DRUM and tribes ... our wishes are munity of local natives. Steeped in regional cul- By Sacha Smith we will realize children and The goal is always pre- ture and vivid imagery, the THE SOUTHERN UTE DRUM people are important and in- vention, Carter said. And a History Colorado muse- valuable; no one needs to go big part of preventing abuse um in downtown Denver In April, the tribe will join through abuse at any age.” and trauma is education. proved to be an ideal loca- many all across the country Sekayumptewa added “It’s not always inten- tion to host the Colorado in advocating for the health that abuse and neglect is tional, we do it because Commission of Indian Af- and safety of children. April not only happening here in we don’t know any better,” fairs, Southern Ute and Ute is recognized annually as the local community, but it Carter said about abuse. Mountain Ute Tribes for a Child Abuse Prevention plagues many tribes across “As a community we all series of meetings held from Month; Tribal Services and the country. need to be educated.” Wednesday, March 22 – Fri- Jeremy Wade Shockley/SU Drum fellow tribal departments “Its not just Southern Ute To help with education, day, March 24. Southern Ute Councilman Adam Red (center), sits along will be teaming up to edu- it’s an commonality with the tribe and community, side Southern Ute Chairman Clement J. Frost and cate the community on child Indian tribes,” he said. “We will be hosting the 2nd An- TRIBAL ENERGY Councilwoman Juanita Plentyholes of the Ute Mountain abuse and the services the have a frequency of abuse, nual Child Abuse Preven- Ute Tribe during the Tri-Ute meeting hosted in Denver, tribe provides. neglect and trauma.” tion Color Run. The run is Chris Deschene, Director Colo. at the Grand Hyatt, on Thursday, March 23. “Our goal is to have According to Mary Car- focused on bringing aware- Office of Indian Energy, US The opening is set for and fishing in that area,” healthy members of the ter, Division of Social Ser- ness and sending a mes- Dept. of Energy called the Friday, June 9; this will be Frost said. community and we have vices clinical supervisor, sage of support. The run is Colo. Ute tribes together to exclusively for members of Councilwoman Amy J. to work together to make statistics show that inci- open to the community and discuss the potential of an In- the Ute tribes, followed by a Barry updated the Com- that happen,” Loren dents of child abuse are 2 will start at 1:30 p.m. on tertribal Energy Association public opening on Saturday, mission on educational pro- Sekayumptewa Tribal Ser- to 5 times higher in the Na- Wednesday, April 26 at the on Wednesday, March 22. June 10. grams in Colorado looking vices director, said. “To tive population. Which is an Ignacio Middle School. “Today’s energy includes “The museum building is to incorporate Ute culture serve and protect the vul- alarming statistic the tribe is renewable sources,” said doubled in size, the exhibits and history into the school nerable of the community trying to combat in its com- Awareness page 6 Deschene, “we want to fo- are doubled in size,” said curriculum. cus on clean energy stake- Voirol, “We are thrilled by “Thank you to the State holders.” the donation of buffalo and for the conversation of COUNCIL AFFAIRS “I wanted to speak to fry bread by both of the Col- bringing our culture into tribal leadership and see if orado Ute Tribes.” schools,” Barry said. this is even possible,” said The museum will host a “We are currently work- Membership can livestream Deschene, “we are looking traditional Native Ameri- ing with hashtag initiatives for entities with a broader can feast for the opening in to empower our youth,” she educational meeting perspective.” June. said – elaborating on the im- “Not all tribes have oil, Turning the conversation portance of youth and edu- By Lindsay Box be for tribal membership will include the link to or natural resources,” said towards political affairs, cation to the tribe. TRIBAL COUNCIL AFFAIRS only, and to ensure this access the Web-Ex Event Deschene, “this would help Southern Ute Chairman Health Care, Education, information is only shared on Monday, April 10 from tribes become for proficient Clement J. Frost gave an Broadband Infrastructure Tribal Council would with the appropriate in- 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. if they work together.” update for the Southern Ute and Energy were among like to reach as many peo- dividuals, members must Reminder emails will be Tribe. the topics of discussion for ple as possible for the Edu- register for the Web-Ex sent on Friday, April 7 as CCIA “We have to march to The Denver’s CCIA meeting. cational Meeting for Mem- Event (Educational Meet- well as Monday morning. Hill to get recognition for Southern Ute Council- bership regarding Sisseton ing for Membership). You Members will be able to The upcoming opening the needs of the tribes,” said man Adam Red closed his Settlement, which will be can register for the Web- log-in as early as 10 min- of the Ute Museum in Mon- Frost in his opening remarks thoughts by saying; “Ener- held on Monday, April Ex Event by following utes prior or at any time trose was a key topic for to the Colorado Commis- gy is key to moving forward 10 at the Sky Ute Casino links on one of these loca- during the event. the Denver meetings. Rep- sion of Indian Affairs. “The – with the environment in Events Center from 1:30 tions: the Tribal Member To log-on to the Web- resentatives from History State and the Ute Tribes mind.” until 4:30 p.m. website, Tribal Facebook, Ex Event, you must return Colorado, working directly working together, I think Historically, membership and in The Southern Ute to your email inbox and on exhibits in the new cul- that is what it’s all about.” TRI-UTE would have been required Drum and on the Drum’s follow the link from the tural center were on hand Frost then gave a brief to either attend the meetings website. Registration is confirmation email. This fielding questions and giv- update on the status of Lake Ute language was the in person or to follow-up required; if you want to automatically brings up a ing some behind the scenes Nighthorse. leading topic going into with Council Members gain access to the Web- window where you will be updates for the project. “We are working with the the March Tri-Ute meet- after meetings were held. Ex Event, please follow required to input the code “[We are hoping] this mu- City of Durango and Bureau ing . The meeting was held Unfortunately that isn’t the link below to register. included in the confirma- seum will symbolize tribal of Reclamation to deter- in downtown Denver at always an option for the The password to register tion email. sovereignty,” said Shannon mine recreational use,” said the Grand Hyatt Hotel on entire membership. Tribal is “sumembr”. You will If you have questions, Voirol, Senior Exhibit De- Frost. Thursday, March 23. Council, with the help of only be allowed to regis- comments, or technical veloper with History Colo- Recreational use of the “Once the elders that Southern Ute Shared Ser- ter once and you will only difficulties, please contact rado. reservoir, which sits just spoke that language are vices, has been working to be granted access from a Lindsay Box at 970-563- Items to be included in southwest of Durango, has gone you can’t go back,” find ways to make it easier single source, so please do 2313 or lbox@southern- the newly renovated ex- been a hot topic of discus- said Northern Ute Chairman for all tribal members to re- not share your registration ute-nsn.gov. For technical hibits will include Chief sion ever since it was filled Shaun Chapoose. “We have ceive the information from information with anyone. difficulties, you may also Ignacio’s headdress, cloth- to capacity in 2011. to preserve what we can these meetings. Once you have regis- contact Landri Wauneka at ing items from Chipeta and “We are also taking into now.” The Educational Meet- tered, you will receive a 970-563-5055 or lwaune- Chief Ouray and a never be- account the Brunot Agree- ing for Membership will confirmation email which [email protected]. fore seen deer hide painting. ment in regards to hunting Utes page 10 be streamed via Web-Ex, which is similar to a we- https://sugf.webex.com/sugf/onstage/g.php?M- binar. This meeting will TID=e1e40e34f18acaf4974a63717313c460b Revered elder walks on Denver March fills coliseum Flags fly at half-staff in Veterans Memorial Park on Wednesday, March 29 honoring the passing of tribal elder, Neil Buck Cloud.
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