Page 6 — Viticulture and Enology Research Center February 1991 component from the western grapeleaf skeletonizer, of western grapeleaf skeletonizer (Lepidoptera: Harrisina brillians. Tetrahedron Lett. 23: 2757-2760. Zygaenidae). Environ. Entomol.19:1689-1697. Roltsch, W. J., M. A. Mayse & K. Clausen. 1990. Tem SAS Institute. 1985. SASuser's guide: statistics.SAS perature dependent development under constant and Institute, Gary, N.C. Research Bulletin fluctuating temperatures: Comparison of linear Smith,O. J.,K.M. Hughes, P. H. Dunn & 1. M. Hall. versus nonlinear methods for modeling development 1956. A granulosis virus disease of the western grapeleaf skeletonizer (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). California State University, Fresno J. Econ. Entomol. 78: 799-801. About CATI... Soderstrom, E. L.,D. G. Brandl, J. Myerson, R. G. Buttery &B. E. Mackey. 1985. Sex pheromone for Asa permanent research arm ofCalifornia State attractingwestern grapeleafskeletonizer (Lepidop Seasonal Patterns of Western Grapeleaf University, Fresno's School ofAgricultural Sciences tera; Zygaenidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 8: 799-801. and Technology, the California Agricultural Tech Steinhaus,E. A.& K. M.Hughes. 1952. A granulosisof nology Institute (CATI) is committed toimproving the western grapeleaf skeletonizer. J. Econ. Entomol. Skeletonizer (Lepidoptera: Zygaenldae) the profitability ofCalifornia's foundation 45:744-745. industry-agriculture. Stern, V. M.,D. L. Raherty &W. L.Peacock.1983. Pheromone Trap Catch Theaddress is asfollows: Control of the western grapeleaf skeletonizer (Lepi doptera: Zygaenidae), a newgrapepestin theSan California Agricultural Technology Institute Joaquin Valley, California. J. Econ. Entomol. 76:192- By William J. Roltsch, Wesley 0. Carr Jr., and Mark A. Mayse California State University, Fresno 195. Fresno, CA 93740-0115 Stern, V. M. & B.A. Federici. 1990.Granulosis virus: Introduction pheromone trap catch data can be useful in describing Phone: (209) 278-4869. biological control forwestern grapeleaf skeletonizer. the general seasonal occurrence pattern of a species, California Agriculture 44:21-22. The Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer (WGLS) particular care must be taken when attempting to use {Harrisina brillians Barnes & McDunnough) was first such data to reflect relative population abundance on a detected in San Diego County, California during 1941 daily basis. Such information can only be interpreted (Lange, 1944). It is now established in the southern and within the context of a detailed knowledge of the central regions of California and may ultimately become biology of the organism. The field dynamics of competi established in the northern viticultural regions of the tion involving synthetic pheromone and female moth state. Larvae are primarily grapevine defoliators. pheromone attractiveness to male moths are often quite However, they will feed on fruit clusters on extensively complex . For example, pheromone trap catch of WGLS defoliated vines, which often leads to Botrylis bunch rot. frequently declines during the middle of a generation Research on WGLS biology, biological control, chemical curve, while at the same time visual count data of flying control, and pheromone attractants has been conducted moths signify peak male and female moth abundance intermittently for more than 40 years since Lange's (W. C. Carr Jr., unpublished). (1944) report on this insect as a new California grape pest (Steinhaus & Hughes, 1952; Barnes et al, 1954a&b; The primary objective of this project was to investi Hall, 1955;Smith et al, 1956;Clausen, 1961;Myerson et gate WGLS moth seasonal activity patterns within and al., 1982; Stem et al., 1983; Soderstrom et al., 1985; Curtis between years in vineyards in the Fresno County region et al., 1989;Stern & Federici, 1990;Clausen, 1989;Mayse of California's San Joaquin Valley. Furthermore, two & Carr, 1990; Roltsch et al., 1990). commonly used trapping devices were compared for their relative effectiveness. Results would demonstrate Pheromone systems of pest insects have been of particular interest to practitioners of integrated pest TheVilicullureand Enology Research Center is one management because these monitoring tools can greatly ofthemajor research centers comprising the reduce the time and labor involved in sampling. Sex pheromone traps can be very useful for monitoring various characteristics of a species' occurrence. For example, they can be used to monitor the seasonal occurrence of a species. Also, they may be useful in providing seasonalinf5rmationregarding the approxi California Agricultural Technology Institute mate time of first appearance, which is often used as a Publication No. 910202 "biofix" for phenology model initialization. While sex Page 5 Page 2 for each of the two trap types. However, examination of heat accumulation from maximum and minimum how patterns of WGLS activity may vary or coincide checked, moths were counted and removed from the the raw field data indicated that during one 28 day temperatures. Ecology 50:514-517. among vineyards and years in the central San Joaquin inserts so that the sticky surface would remain effective period in 1987, delta traps caught ca. 60% of that cap Curtis C. E., P. J. Landolt, R. R. Heath &R. Murphy. Valley. This research is part of a broader research in capturing moths attracted the next day. tured by wing traps. No certain explanation can be 1989.Attraction of western grapeleaf skeletonizer program investigating WGLSecology, with the ultimate provided for this one-time deviation from comparative males (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) to S-(+)-2-Butyl- goal of helping growers improve the ways they manage Pheromone traps were monitored in the early trap catches that were typically much closer. In general, (Z)-7-Tetradecenoate. J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 454-457. WGLS populations. afternoon on a daily basis. In 1986,monitoring began on the wing traps' higher daily moth totals probably Clausen, C. P. 1961. Biologicalcontrol of western June 1, prior to the start of the second moth flight of the involved several factors associated with the two trap grapeleaf skeletonizer (Harnsina brillians). Hilgardia Materials and Methods season. In 1987,monitoring began during the first week types differing designs. Most notably, the wing trap 31:613-638. of March, well before the spring emergence from the sticky insert had 338cm^ of surface area compared to Clausen, K. 1989. Mortality patterns of western ^ape- Studies during 1986-87 were conducted on the overwintering population of pupae. For all years, 214cm^ of surface area for the delta trap sticky insert leafskeletonizer on grapesin central California. M.S. California State University, Fresno (CSUF) farm vine monitoring continued into November, by which time (i.e., delta area = 63%of wing trap area). Thesis, California State University, Fresno. yard. Counts were made of male moths collected from moths were rarely caught. Hall, I. M. 1955. The use of Bacillus thurinqiensis Berliner pheromone traps located within each division of a six- Conclusion to control the western grapeleafskeletonizer. J.Econ. quadrant grid. The 1 ha (2.5 acres) grid was situated During 1988,single traps were placed in the same Entomol. 48: 675-677. within a 2.5ha (6.2 acres) plot of 30-year-oldThompson area of the CSUFvineyard, as well as in six commercial First, second and third seasonal moth flights dem Lange, W. H.Jr. 1944. The western grapeleaf skeleton seedless grapevines{Vitis vinifera L.). One wing trap and or abandoned Thompson seedless vineyards in the onstrated similar patterns of occurrence among vine izer, Harrisina brillians in California. Calif. Dept. one delta trap containing sticky bottom inserts were Fresno vicinity. During 1989-90,trapping was continued yards within a year. However, greater differences Agric. Bui. 32:98-104. located in each quadrant (Fig. 1).Each trap contained in the CSUF vineyard and in two of the six additional occurred in moth flight duration among years. Using Mayse, M. A. &W. C. Carr Jr. 1990. Alternative chemical the same type and amount of the 1cm x 0.5 cm lami vineyards used in 1988. The two additional sites were 17 pheromone traps to determine the approximate time control of western grapeleaf skeletonizer on grapes in nated lure (Hercon Environmental Corp., Emigsville, km (10.5 miles) east and 12 km (7.4 miles) west of the that WGLS moths first occur in a vineyard during the central California. Res. Bui. 900506, Calif. Agric. Pa.). TheWGLS lure contained thesynthetic analogof CSUF site.Traps were placed in each vineyard prior to springseems reasonable. In everyvineyard forall years, Technol. Inst., Calif. State Univ., Fresno. female pheromone (sec-butyl-(Z)-7-tetradecenoate), spring emergence in March and checked at three- to traps initially caught oneor two moths. Thereafter, each Myerson, J., W. F. Hadden &F. L. Soderstrom. 1982. Sec- which is highly attractive to male moths (Soderstrom et four-day intervals during each flight cycle and weekly trapcount gradually increased. This would beexpected butyl-(Z)-7-tetradecenoate. Anovel sexpheromone a)., 1985; Curtiset al., 1989). Both trap designs received between cycles. Bucketstyle traps (Fig. 1) were used iftraps were catching moths at levels representative ofa new lures every six weeks. Thestickybottom inserts during 1988-90 because of theirability to trap large gradually increasing moth population emerging from an werereplacedon an individual basis depending on each numbers of moths without the diminished effectiveness overwintering population
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