THE LINKING RING VOLUME 87 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2007 greatest close-up artists and magical The Two Magical Paths of thinkers." Over the years, Eugene has written fif­ teen books and appeared on numerous tel­ Jeff Scanlan evision shows around the world, includ­ ing two profiles on CNN. More recently, and the Teachers Who he also has been a featured speaker for top executives of such major companies as Shaped His Career Coca-Cola, Williams-Sonoma, Unisys, By Michael Burke and Pottery Barn, as well as top business schools including Wharton and the Graduate School of Bu iness at the This is the story of the influence of two teachers, one a mentor and the other an University of Chicago. inspiration known by reputation alone. For Jeff Scanlan, this is also the story of the two paths he has followed in the shap­ ing his double-barreled career in magic. One teacher would become a lifelong friend and trusted advisor to Jeff. The other would die suddenly, surrounded in his living room filled with friends and family. Both men would change Jeff Scanlan's life and work. A Chance Meeting It's fitting that Jeff met his first magic teacher in a school. In 1983, long before Jeff Scanlan became known as America's Sports Magician and years before he jeff Scanloll with his mentor, Eugene Burger. would begin creating an impressive and popular line of "impossible bottles," Jeff "I studied with Eugene Burger through­ was a freshman enrolled at a college in out my college years," Jeff recalls. "But it north suburban Chicago. wasn't until after graduating from college One afternoon, Eugene Burger - at the that Eugene really had the greatest impact time, only three years into his own profes­ on my life and magic career. After gradua­ sional career - was performing at the col­ tion, I worked in corporate sales for six lege. and a half years. I started performing "I watched Eugene perform some magic at a local restaurant, and I did an sleight-of-hand and I remember thinking, occasional magic show on weekends. In 'This guy is fantastic, '" Jeff recalls. "I fol­ 1992, I decided to leave the corporate lowed him around all afternoon. I skipped world - quit my day job - and follow my classes to watch his movements, his pres­ true dream to become a professional magi­ entation, his interaction with everyone. He cian. I immediately called Eugene to ask was so smooth. At some point, I finally got for his guidance and assistance as I made around to introducing myself to him. I told the tran ition. Eugene welcomed me with him how I had fallen in love with magic at opened arms. We worked on tidying-up the age of six, and eventually I asked if he some technical moves and worked vigor­ offered magic lessons. He said he did, and ously on my magic presentation. In fact, from that day I became a student of a man Eugene had me videotape all the magic I who would become one of America's was currently performing. He watched the March,2007 www.magician.org 33 video and wrote note after note after note. fessional career really began, as America's When the video was finished he looked at Sports Magician. me and said, 'Jeff, technically you're fine. Over the years, Jeff has performed for But the presentation of your magic needs a teams ranging from the Chicago Cubs and lot of work. We're going to change all the Chicago White Sox to the Milwaukee that.' And we did." Encouraged by his Brewers and Bucks. He's also performed wife, Felecia, Jeff studied and trained for private parties for former Chicago Bears' hours and hours, day after day for months. Coach Mike Ditka, baseball player Mark At about the same time, Jeff's cousin, Grace, Hall-of-Fame sports broadcaster Bob Scanlan, was pitching for the Chicago Harry Caray, and former Chicago Bull Cubs. One year, the Cubs invited Jeff to Scottie Pippen's New Years Eve party - a perform at a Chicago Cubs' convention, a party Jeff now works into one of the fea­ popular, annual gathering of die-hard fans tured routines in his repertoire. and never-give-up aficionados. Jeff per­ "In those early days," Eugene recalls, formed rather basic effects at the conven­ "Jeff and I spent months revamping his tion, such as 20th Century Silks and entire repertoire. It wasn't easy." What's Next, but he was a hit. Afterward, "It still isn't easy today," adds Jeff. he continued working for the Cubs at a "Now, even after fourteen years, I still turn variety of charity fund raisers and parties to Eugene, and he is still very demanding, for sponsors. pushing me and all of his students to be the "After performing at several of these best we can be. I'm lucky to have one of events, I once again turned to Eugene the great masters as my teacher." Burger," Jeff recalls. "I explained to "It's all about continual improvement," Eugene that I would like to change some Eugene says. "About really paying atten­ of my magic to help promote the baseball tion to what we are doing and what we are team during my act. And once again, saying - and getting better." Eugene said something that changed my One favorite routine Eugene and Jeff life and magic career. He said 'Jeff, you put together is the Chicago Cubs Chop obviously enjoy sports and know a lot Cup, which involves pennants, a miniature about them; why don't we change all your baseball bat signed by Harry Caray, and a magic routines so they are tied to sports? miniature baseball signed by Bob Scanlan. You could become a sports magician. Jeff's two final loads are official major There really isn't anyone else doing this. league baseballs signed by his cousin, the You could build a nice niche for your­ former pitcher, and one signed by the self. '" And that's when Jeff Scanlan's pro- entire 1993 Cubs team. 34 www.magician.org The Linking Ring To Chance to Meet them all over the world. At puzzle and Jeff's econd major career influence magic conventions, Harry would always wa a man he never met, Harry Eng, a mas­ bring some of his bottles, and he always ter of making Impossible Bottles. Eng sold out of them. Today, if you can find placed all kinds of objects into bottles - them, his bottles have become collector's complete deck of cards, scissors, golf items. Collectors have paid thousands of balls, ping-pong balls, tennis balls, base­ dollars for ju t one of his bottles." balls, padlocks, pack of cigarettes, books, But six years pas ed after he read about pair of shoes, plus many other items. How Harry Eng's Impossible Bottles before Jeff impossible? He even put a bottle inside of began seriously considering how to create a bottle. them him elf. "In 2002, my friend, Tracy Harry Eng was a hu band, father, ele­ Atteberry, showed me and a few others a mentary school teacher, inventor, and bottle with a deck of cards inside. I looked amateur magician. On June 29, 1996, he and studied the bottle very carefully," Jeff was performing a rope trick in his living says. "For the next few weeks I did a lot of room for family and friends when he sud­ re earch on the Internet - although that denly sat down and pas ed away. wasn't very successful - made some "Unfortunately, the first time I ever phone calls, and shortly thereafter started even heard of Harry was when I read about figuring out some things on my own. A his untimely death in an article in Magic week or so later I made a deal with Tracy: magazine," Jeff recalls. "I read the article 'You show me how to put a deck of cards and was amazed by the pictures of the into a bottle, and I'll tell you how to put wonderful bottles he made. I remember some other items into a bottle.'" saying to myself, 'I've got to learn how Since then, Jeff has been making the e bottles are made.'" Impossible Bottles, which he now dubs Harry's signature was always putting a Bottle Magic. Like Harry Eng, Jeff sells knot of rope in each bottle. Sometimes his bottles worldwide, too. Currently, he small, sometimes large, but usually larger has more than twenty different bottles for than the bottle opening. What amazed me sale on his Web site, www.bottlemagic most was that Harry didn't start making . com. Three years into perfecting his craft, his bottle until the mid-1980s, only ten Jeff's menagerie of bottles includes every­ years before his passing," Jeff says. thing from decks of cards to packs of ciga­ "Harry made somewhere between six rettes, padlocks, golf balls and baseballs, hundred and seven hundred bottles in scissors, tennis balls. bars of soap, and those ten years. He made and shipped even gym shoes. Samples of Jeff's Bottle March,2007 www.magician.org 35 Magic adorn the desks, tables and book­ shelves of celebrities such as the Tonight Show's Jay Leno, Tony Snow of Fox .leff Scanlan'S News, baseball commissioner Bud Selig, Top Five Tips On former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka, Working \Nith and magicians Lance Burton, Johnny Thompson, Jeff McBride, Mac King - and Learning from and, of course, Eugene Burger. a Magic Mentor "Along the way, I've even duplicated about six of Harry's original bottles, although when it comes to knotted rope in Seek out the best.
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