ISSN 1018-5593 The mission of the JRC is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, develop- LB-NA-23759-EN-C ment, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the com- mon interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national. Soil Biodiversity Ciro Gardi and Simon Jeffery EUR 23759 EN Soil Biodiversity Ciro Gardi and Simon Jeffery The mission of the JRC-IES is to provide scientific-technical support to the European Union’s policies for the protection and sustainable development of the European and global environment. European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Land Management & Natural Hazards Unit Authors: Ciro Gardi, Simon Jeffery Design: José-Joaquín Blasco Address: Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 I-21027 Ispra (VA) E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel.: +39 0332 783682 Fax: +39 0332 786394 Legal Notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server PUBSY JRC50304 EUR 23759 EN ISBN 978-92-79-11289-8 ISSN 1018-5593 DOI 10.2788/7831 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities © European Communities, 2009 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Printed in Italy Table of contents Soil Biodiversity 5 Measures of soil biodiversity 5 Organisms of the Soil 6 The Functions of Soil Biodiversity 7 Nutrient cycling 7 Soil formation and weathering 8 Waste recycling 8 Home for other organisms 9 Functional redundancy 9 Resistance vs. Resilience 10 The Economics of Soil Biodiversity 11 Soil Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture 13 Organic matter cycling and humification 13 Fertility regulation and nutrient uptake 14 Pest and disease control 14 Soil structure and soil-water relationships 14 Pollination 15 Soil Biodiversity and Biotechnology 16 Bioremediation 16 Antibiotics 16 Antibiotic resistance 17 Biocontrol of pests 17 Soil Biodiversity at the Extreme 19 Temperature 19 Hot 19 Cold 19 Dry 19 Solar Radiation 20 Mechanisms for coping with extremes 20 Cryptobiosis 20 Use of proteins 20 Cyst formation 20 Soil Biodiversity and Climate Change 21 The Impact of Soil Biodiversity on CO2 21 The Impact of Soil Biodiversity on other Greenhouse Gases 22 References 23 Soil Biodiversity What is biodiversity? Biodiversity has different mean- • Species evenness, normally denoted “E”, which is ings depending on the situation being discussed and a measure of how similar the abundances of different the target audience. For example, the Oxford English species are in a community. Species evenness ranges Dictionary defines biodiversity as being “The variety from zero to one. When evenness is close to zero, it in- of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular dicates that distribution of organisms within the com- habitat”. This is definition is clearly sufficient for non- munity is not even, i.e. most of the individuals belong specialists. However, when looking more specifically at to one, or a few, species or taxa. When evenness is biodiversity, it becomes evident that thought needs to close to one, it indicates that the distribution of organ- be given to other groups such as fungi, bacteria and isms within the community is even, i.e. each species or archea. As soil is such as diverse system when consid- taxa consist of a similar number of individuals. ered biologically (as well as physically or chemically) Clearly, these two measures of biodiversity are much it is necessary to include all taxonomic groups. There- more informative when combined than when used fore, throughout this booklet, when referring to “soil alone. biodiversity” it will be in reference to the variety of all living organisms found within the soil system. Other methods which are of the used to quantify biodi- versity in an ecosystem are: The soil system is dynamic, highly heterogeneous and extremely complex. Soil itself consists of a mineral por- Simpson’s index (D) gives the probability that two tion containing mainly silica and a mixture of trace met- randomly selected individuals belong to two different als, and an organic matter portion containing a large species/categories. It is often used to quantify the bio- variety of different organic compounds, as well as water diversity of a given habitat and takes into account both and vast array of different organisms. Soil can exist as a the number of species and the relative abundance of variety of textures; with the texture being a product of each species present. changes in the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay. Simpson’s index is calculated as follows: It can contain areas of relative dryness, and includes mi- cropores which are almost always water filled apart from in times of extreme drought. The proportion and type of organic matter varies both with depth, and spatially. Where S is the number of species, This high level of heterogeneity means that soil con- N is the total percentage cover or total number tains an extremely large number of ecological niches of organisms, which have given rise to a staggering array of biodiver- n is the percentage cover of a species or number sity. Using a taxonomic approach to measure biodiver- of organisms of a species. sity, it is often said that more than half the world’s es- timated 10 million species of plant, animal and insects It has been noted that the Simpson Index can, in some live in the tropical rainforests. However, when this situations, provide misleading results with some areas approach is applied to the soil, the level of diversity which clearly have low levels of biodiversity having a is often quoted as being in the range of hundreds of disproportionately higher index. This situation is un- thousands to possibly millions of species living in just common, however, and the Simpson Index normally 1 handful of soil! provides a realistic measure of biodiversity with a low index equating to a relatively high level of biodiversity Measures of soil biodiversity and a high index relating to a relatively lot level of bio- Measurements of the level of soil biodiversity in a given diversity. area are important as a high level of species diversity Shannon-Wiener index (H1) (also often referred to as is thought to indicate a healthy environment. No spe- the Shannon Index) is a measure of the order or disor- cific indices exist, or need to be developed for the soil der in a particular system which can be used and ap- system as biodiversity indices are applicable across plied to ecological systems. When applied in ecology, the entire range of ecosystems without the need for in order to quantify levels of biodiversity, the Shannon modification. However, each has its own strengths and index takes into account both species richness and weaknesses. the proportion of each species within a zone. A higher The simplest measures of biodiversity are: index is an indication that either there are a relatively high number of unique species or that there is relative- • normally denoted “S”, which is Species richness, ly high species evenness. the total number of species found in an ecosystem or sample. The Shannon index is calculated as follows: 5 Organisms of the soil As previously stated, the soil environment is home to an incredible diversity of organisms. Added to that, the p is the relative abundance of each species. This is i organisms which are found there are also often exist calculated as the proportion of individuals in a spe- at astonishingly high levels of abundance. The level cies compared to the total number of individuals in the of abundance and diversity varies from soil to soil, community: depending on factors such as organic matter content, soil texture, pH and soil management practices. Below is the approximate abundance and diversity of organ- n is the number of individuals in species i. i isms divided into groupings according to size, typically N is the total number of all individuals found in a handful of temperate grassland soil. S is the number of species. Microfauna Mesofauna Megafauna Size range: 1-100 mm Size range: 100 mm-2 mm Size range: ‹ 2 mm Bacteria Tardigrades Earthworms 100 billion cells from 10.000 species Fungi Collemobla Ants 50 km of hyphae from 500’s of species Protozoa Mites Woodlice 100.000 cells from 100’s of species Nematodes Combined 1.000’s individuals Combined 100’s individuals 10.000 individuals from 100’s of species from 10’s of species from 100’s of species Smaller size > larger size The reason that such as large abundance of organisms or extreme drought. The surface area of this pore space can be found in just one handful of soil is due to the can exceed 24,000 m2 in 1 g of clay soils, with the total pore space found within soil which is where the organ- surface area decreasing with increasing silt and sand isms live. While it may appear to be solid, soil normally content.
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