cs 71 .K48 1845 Research Library rF c&SIl .K48 1845 PURCHASED FROM THE INCOME OF THE JOSIAH H. BENTON FUND •-E. .T Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Public Library http://www.archive.org/details/familymemorialhi1845kilb — COAT OF ARMS, KILBURNE, [London, and Hawkehurst in Kent.] COAT OF ARMS. KlLBoKNE, and Kilbnrne, {Lincolnshire.) -'Ardent Clieveron. Azure between Ihiee bald cools, close, sable, head.s argent, beaks tawny. Ciest—bald coot proper. £Umonsun's Heraldry. THE FAMILY MEMOR ^l^@#M¥ &W® ®1£W1Ei!E#S¥ OF THE KILBOUEI FAMILY, IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA FROM THE YEAR 1635 TO THE PRESENT TIME. INCLUDING EXTRACTS FROM ANCIENT RECORDS, COPIES OF OLD' WILLS, BIO- GRAPHICAL SKETCHES, EPITAPHS, ANECDOTES, ETC. WITH AN ENGRAVING OF THE KILBURNE " COAT OF ARMS." BY PAYNE KENYON KILBOURN, MEMBER OF THE CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HARTFORD: 1 BROWN & PARSONS. MDCCCXLV. I TO The Honorable JAMES KILBOURNE, OF WORTH 1NGTON, OHIO, Sat? M?3Jr«$s*r»tatffec in fg$ ©o&gwgjs of tifyz ISwakD Jbtateg, THIS MEMORIAL IS INSCRIBED, AS A TRIBUTE OF FRIENDSHIP AND ESTEEM, BY HIS KINSMAN, THE AUTHOR. — ADVERTISEMENT. The printing of this volume was commenced in 1845, and has necessarily progressed slowly, in consequence of the dif- ficulties and dela}'s in obtaining authentic materials, occasion- ed often by the tardiness of correspondents and the indifference of those who should have been interested in the matter. The author takes pleasure in commending it to those for whom it is especially designed—the Kilboubn Family of America. Though he cannot flatter himself that his work is destitute of errors, he still believes it to be freer from them that the gener- ality of books of the kind. He would here express his ac- knowledgments to the Hon. James Kilbourne, of Worthing- ton, Ohio ; Austin Kilbourn and N; Goodwin, Esqrs., of Hartford, Conn. ; Maj. Edward Kilbourne, of Fort Madison, Iowa ; Hon. Ira Kilbubn, of Lawrenceville, Pa: ; Rev. Wm, S. Fcbteb, of Faimington, Conn., and others, for their valua- ble assistance m collecting- genealogical and other facts. Litchfield, Connecticut, Nov. 1847. p. k. k. THE KILBOURN l^fston'ral autr OEnualogtcal ^otCeig. AT a primary meeting of several members of the Kilbottrn Family of the United States, holden at the Astor House, in the city of New York, Saturday, the 15th of April, 1848, (being the two hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the embarkation of the ancestors of said family from London for New England,) J. SAGE KILBOURN, M. D„ of the city of New York, W83 caliad to the r!-.air, and Patne Kenton Kilbourn, of Litchfield, Connecticut, was appointe .' sec retary. The objects of the meeting were briefly stated by the Secretary. Several interesting communications from and relative to the KSlboHiTSS j£ Great Britain, were read by Lieutenant Charles L. Kilburn, U. S. - After an hour or two spent in a free and social interchange of sentiments and feelings, it wag, on motion of Rey. James Kilbousn, of Bridgewatcr, Conn., Resolved, Thdt, regarding the Kilbourns of (.his continent as the members of ene common though long scattered family, it is expedient- to form a Society fer their re-uaion. A Committee appointed for the purpose reported the following form, of t Constitution, which wa* unanimously adopted. CONSTITUTION Article 1.—This Society shall be called the "Kilbourn Historical and Gene- alogical Society of North America." 2.—The officers of this Society shall consist ot a President, twenty Vice Prts idents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and a Central Committee, who shall be chosen at each General Meeting of said So- ciety. 3. —The object of this Society shall be the collection and preservation of such facts, data and documents as shall serve to illustrate the history and genealogy of the Kilbourn Family on this comment, from the arrival of "the ancestors of said family in New England, (a. d. 1635.) to the present time. 4. —A primary object of this Society shall be the collection and preservation of facti, data and documents relative to the history and genealogy of the Kil bourn Family in Great Britain, both before and since the arrival of our ances- tors in New England ; and to this end the co-operation^of our namesakes in the father -land is earnestly and hopefully solicited. 5. —All printed documents and manuscripts transmitted to either of the Sec- retaries, post paid, shall be entered upon the Records ot the Society, or be oth- erwise preserved —and be laid before the Society' at each General Meeting thereof, 6.—Any person bsaring the name of Kilbourn, and being deseended from George or Thomas Kilbourn, may become members of this Society by paying into the Treasury thereof the sum of One Dollar. 7,—Persons who have descended from the Kilbourns through female lines, or have married into the family, or, (if bearing the name,) belong ».o other than the American branches of said family, may from time to time be elected Honorary Members of said Society. 8. —All officers, members and honorary members of this Society shall at all times have free access to the records and documents belonging to or deposited therewith, with the privilege of copying the same. 9. —All letters and communications received by the Corresponding Secreta- ry, in any way relating to the Kilbourn Family, shall be preserved and laid be*, fore the Society at each General Meeting thereof. 10, —The power to call primary and general meetings of this Society shall be vested with the Central Committee, with the concurrence and advice of the President. fjrJ-Family Records, Biographical Sketches, Historical Reminiscences, Epi- taphs, &e., ol or concerning our namesakes, are hereby solicited, and will be entered upon the Records of the Society. Officers of the Society. President, Hos, JAMEs- KILBOURNE, of Worth iagton, Ohio. Vice Presidents, Hon. Byron Kilbourn, of Miiwaukie, Wisconsin. Col. Alexander Kilborn, of Stanstead, Canada. James Kilburn. Esq., of Princeton, Massachusetts. Hon. Ira Kilburn, of Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Jonathan Kilbourn, of Clinton, Connecticut. Ralph Lee Kilburn, Esq., of Sanoma District, Upper Californi Col. Timothy Kilbourn, of Hudson, Ohio. Rev. David Kilburn, of Barre, Massachusetts, Capt. Charles Lawrence Kilburn, U. S. A. Dr. Jedediah Sage Kilbourne, of New York city, Hon. Henry Kilbourn, of Hartford, Connecticut. Deac. Jeremiah Kilbourn, of Groton, Massachusetts. Maj, Edward Kilbourne, of Fort Madison, Iowa, Laac Kilburn, Esq,, of Kingsclear, New Brunswick. Truman Kilbourn, Esq., of Litchfield, Connecticut. Capt, George Kilburn, of Newburyport, Massachusetts. Hon. John Kilborn, of Newborough, Canada. Samuel Kilborn, Esq., of Ogden, New York. Hon. Joseph H. Kilbourn, of Sanford, Michigan. Josiah Kilburn, Esq., of Lyttleton, New Hampshire, Treasurer, Ogden Kilbourn, Esq., Hartford, Connecticut. Corresponding Secretary, Payne Kenyon Kilbourn, of Hartford, Connecticut. Recording Secretary, Austin Kilbourn, Esq., of Hartford, Connecticut. Auditor, Henry S. Kilbourn, Esq., Hantord, Connecticut. Cenlral Committee, Rev. James Kilbourn, of Bridgewater, Connecticut. Charles Kilbourn, A. M , of Vernon, New York. Payne Kenyon Kilbourn, of Litchfield, Connecticut. Truman Cushman Kilbourn, of Lockport, New Ycrk. John Kilbourn, of Newville, Pennsylvania; Jedediah Sage Kilbourne, M. D., of New York city. Honorary Vice Presidents, Hon. Greene C Bronson, ll. d., Albany, New York. Hon. Charles Kilborn Williams, ll. d., Rutland. Vermsnt, William Kilburn, Esq., London, England. Goodwin Kilburn, Esq , Hawkhurst, Kent, England. Lord Kelburne, Kelburne Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland. Hon. George Hu 1, Sandisfield', Mssachuse us. Hon. Norman H. Purple, Peoria, Illinois. Hon Erastus D Culver, Salem, New York. The next General Meeting: OF the " Kilbourn Historical and Genealogical Society ofjYorth America* will be holden at NIAGARA FALLS, or. the 16th day of May, 1849. This place as been selected by the Committee, as the most convenient rallying point fr»m tfee United States and British Provinces— it being accessible, either by railroads or by navigable waters, from almost every direction. It is earnestly desired that the meeting should be fully attended. The Order of Arrangement will hereafter be more fully announced. JAMES KILBOURNE, President. JAMES KILBOURN, . CHARLES KILBOURN, ^ | P. K. KILBOURN, ! Central Committee. C. T. KILBOURN, f JOHN KILBOURN. ', J. S, KILBOURNE, J June 27, 1848. iPiEmifAO.- It can hardly be deemed necessary to state the object of this volume more fully than it is contained in the title-page: This is emphatically an age of antiquarian and genealogical research. Few intelligent descen- dants of the puritan settlers of New England, especially, are to be found, who do not cherish a filial reverence .for their progenators, and an ardent desire to know more of their history. It is a laudable and virtuous spirit which would keep alive a knowledge, and emulate the good deeds, of those who have passed over the stage of Existence before us, and who now "rest from their labors." And surely if any people on earth have a special right to boast of an illustrious ancestry, they are those whose homsteads are found in the deep glens and and along the mountain fastnesses of the Land of the Pilgrims, It has been the design of I he author of these pages to preserve from a pre- mature oblivion, the recorded and traditionary history of the KILBOURNS of this continent, from the date of the landing en these shores of the com- mon ancestors of the
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