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Over 300 plants are included , with more than 200 fascinating recipes ; how to harvest and store plants. Illustrated . $9.95 AGuide to the Medicinal Plants of the United States Arnold & Connie Krochmal This illustrated guide shows how to recognize tho se plants that can contribute to health and well-being , from ginseng to licorice root- and explain what each is used for , the environments it prefers , how it is harvested . $9 .95. I ----------­INIYIT~ Quadrangle/The New York Flowers and Plants 1 l.W Times Book Co., Dept. 24 5 Robert Shosteck 10 E. 53 St., N.Y., N.Y. 10022 How did plants and flowers get their names? I Enclosed please find check or money What roles did history play, Folklore? Science? 1 order in the amount of $ __ for the The stories behind the naming of plants is books indicated below. If I find this often fascinating and useful to know . And here 1 order unsuitable, I may return it with- is a book that unfolds this wealth of informa­ in 10 days and my money will be re­ tion. Some 1,150 varieties are presented I funded in full. alphabetically by their common names , plus I CHARGE MY MASTER CHARGE scientific name , origin , use and history. With 393 illustrations. $9.95 I Add$.60for postage andhandling:- 1 N.s2. 1'itk. ~ 1------------------- 1------------------Name _______________________ I Address ____________________ I City ___________ St._ Zip __ AT LEADING BO",n. ,,,,," )' ~ 1 Signature :;:-:-----:-:----:----::-:---:---;---­ N . Y. a nd Ill. r e sidents add sales tax . ----------;, How do you handle these loads now? NOW... Carry TEN TIMES the Load of a Common Whee/barro or Cart with INCREDIBLE I ;~ EASEl ~ This Big NEW Jumbo sized cart is the • Stores easily on end, saves space. culmination of 20 years of cart re­ • Special stand straddles rows in the search! It has the largest load carrying garden, w ithout damage to plants. abil ity of any cart or w heelbarrow • Rust resistant steel parts and durable available for home and business use! weather-proof plywood for years and years of service. • Ca rries 10 times the load of a com­ mon wheelbarrow! • No need to keep indoors-turn over and this cart becomes its own ga­ • Saves time and steps-make one rage. trip instead of ten! • Just so useful, you' ll wonder how • So e asy to handle, so perfectly bal­ you ever did without it. anced you can guide it with JUST ONE HAND! • Not sold in stores. • Actually feels lighter when it's fully • At last-the perfect cart for lawn, loaded! garden and countless other uses. • Loads won't fall out forward. • Order for and charge to your busi­ ness. Borrow to use at home. Soon • Carries 5 bales of hay, 5 trash cans! you will be ordering another to keep • Tips down to take on heavy loads home all the time! without lifting! BALED HAY • Several smaller models of same • Rolls up steps and down with ease. unique design also available. • Open end lets you load long handled • Please send for FREE CATALOG with tools, even long extension ladders all the specifications, sizes and and lumber. prices. • Two wheels instead of one keeps loads from tipping sideways. IOFF-SEASON SAVINGS NOW IN EFFECT! I • Big 26" diameter easy roll pneumat­ ic wheels with ball bearings. Special wide hubs to handle' heavy loads. Garden Way Research, Charlotte, Vt. 05445 All models available complete or in r------- -, Money-Saving KIT FORM! GARDEN WAY RESEARCH BUSHELS & BUSHELS OF LEAVES I Dept. 54402 I Charlotte, Vermont 05445 I Please send FREE CATALOG includ­ If you handle any of the above ing prices and OFF-SEASON Savings loads (or any other heavy or now in effect. bulky loads) by hand, or with an inadequate cart or wheelbarrow I Name - please send postcard for your Address ....... He re is how 'his Big NEW Cart compares with a I FREE Cart Catalog describing our very widely sold Cart (with tiny wheels and almost complete line of time .and labor­ no load space). Our "Jumbo" Cart will carry 75 LCi~ ___ State_ Zip time. the load of this little cart. _I saving carts. an editorial . ... Gardener's Favorite Plants As I see it, one of the finest accolades you ca n give a fee ls that the old fashioned bleed ing heart belongs in every person is to say th at he is a good ga rd ener. Horticulturist is a garden . Peggy Macneale thinks most highly of daffodils, es­ good term, too, but research institutions are full of horticultur­ pecially a ye ll ow and w hite one cal led ' Festiv ity.' Th ere is ists who see plants only as "experimental organi sms" with another chapter in the Impatiens saga from Fleeta B. Wood­ wh ich to work. To be a good ga rd ener you have to know the roffe. As you read the articl es by these noted horticulturists arts and the science of horticulture, but your delight comes in you easi ly can spot a,unifying theme; everyone of them loves actuall y growing your plants to perfection, finding new plants to grow plants. Th at's what horticulture is all about. to grow, enjoying the arranging of plants into a su itab le land­ Th e Ameri can Horticu ltural Society helps people grow scape design. At the 1974 A. H. S. Congress participants were plants, with various publications, w ith informative sem inars treated to vis its to severa l wonderful ga rd eners. Notable and Congress programs, and w ith other services. When you horticulturists-th e rea l, ga rdening type-were among the have digested this issue of American H orticulturist you will crowd, accessib le to lay gardeners searchi ng for plant identifi­ know a great deal about growing severa l choice plants in cation or a word about cu Iture. Severa l congress-goers men­ your garden. Th ere are other sou rces of inform ation, too. H or­ tioned the desirability of hea ring from these notable people in ticultural societies, botanic gardens and arboreta, and plant the world of horti cu lture in our magazine. Therefore, the spe­ societies are fine sources for local, detailed cu ltural informa­ cial emphasis in this issue. We asked a number of "notables" tion and for inform ation in depth on a specia l plant. Read to w rite about a favorite plant. about cha nges underway at the Missouri Botanical Garden, Parma violets are Nelson Coon's first love, and he freely all designed to ease the ivory tower status and build up pop­ admits that his enjoyment in growing them is not at all dimin­ ular appeal. Th e Pennsylvania Horticu ltura l Society rises to ished by the botanists' fai lure to properly class ify them. Anne the challenge of taking horticulture to the people with its Wood is famous for her outstanding flower arranging pro­ Gardenmobile, and Longwood Gardens builds ful l sca le, grams, and there can be little doubt that her great sk ill as a example ga rd ens to show various ways of so lving a specific gardener combi ned w ith her great love for her plants fu r­ garden design problem. Who can help but be excited by all ni shes the so lid basi s for her fine arrangements. Mrs. Wood of this activity, by these new ways of shari ng horticulture? likes plants with year round va lue; first she wrote about her Who does not want to hear more from people who know and arums, then decided that bergenia deserved mention. We felt love certain plants? The umbrella over al l of this exciting we had to include both of her favorites. Magnolias come in world of horticulture is the American H orticultural Society. It for a double hearing; just now, magnolias are enjoying a high is the unifying organization for everything that goes on in the level of popularity, with old sorts comi ng to the fore, and American gardening world. As we support A. H. S. we give wonderfu l new cu ltivars appearing in breeders' gardens every aspect of ga rdening, of horticulture, a boost. Won't you around the country. As a top-flight research plantsman Pro­ en li st your fr iends to help promote horticulture in America? fe sso r J. C. McDaniel writes about certa in magnolias with Financial support for A. H. S. has come from corpora­ emphasis on one he favors, and the professional magnolia tions through the special membership classification, " In ­ man, Mr.
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