Z01_JUDG9111_02_SE_BIB.QXD 11/10/10 2:07 AM Page 465 FOR FURTHER READING 1. The Seeds of Conflict Wohlforth, William. The Elusive Balance (1993). Bennett, Edward M. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Wozniuk, Vladimir. Understanding Soviet Foreign Search for Security: American-Soviet Relations, Policy: Readings and Documents (1990). 1933–1939 (1985). Yakovlev, Nikolai N. Russia and the United States (1979). Gaddis, John Lewis. Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States: An Interpretive History (2nd ed., 2. Adversaries and Allies, 1939–1945 1990). Alperovitz, Gar. Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Haslam, Jonathan. The Soviet Union and the Struggle Potsdam (2nd ed., 1987). for Collective Security in Europe, 1933–1939 Buhite, Russell. Decisions at Yalta: An Appraisal of (1984). Summit Diplomacy (1986). Hochman, Jiri. The Soviet Union and the Failure of Bullock, Alan. Hitler and Stalin: A Comparative Collective Security, 1934–1938 (1984). Biography (1992). Kennan, George F. Russia and the West under Lenin Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt: The Soldier of and Stalin (1960). Freedom (1970). Knock, Thomas. To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson Calvocoressi, Peter, Guy Wint, and James Pritchard. and the Quest for a New World Order (1995). Total War (2nd ed., 1989). Langer, William L., and Sarell Everett Gleason. The Churchill, Winston. The Second World War (6 vols., Challenge to Isolation: The World Crisis of 1948–54). 1937–1940 and American Foreign Policy (1952). Clemens, Diane. Yalta (1970). Lenin, Vladimir I. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Dallek, Robert. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Capitalism (1916). Foreign Policy 1932–1945 (1995). MacMillan, Margaret. Paris 1919: Six Months That Edmonds, Walter. The Big Three (1991). Changed the World (2003). Feis, Herbert. The Atomic Bomb and the End of World Maddux, Thomas R. Years of Estrangement: American War II (1966). Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933–1941 (1980). Feis, Herbert. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin (1957). Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto (1848). Feis, Herbert. Between War and Peace: The Potsdam Conference (1960). Medvedev, Roy A. Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism (2nd ed., 1989). Gallichio, Mark S. The Cold War Begins in Asia (1988). Pipes, Richard. The Russian Revolution (1990). Gardner, Lloyd C. Spheres of Influence: The Great Powers Partition Europe, from Munich to Yalta (1993). Ponomaryov, Boris, Andrei Gromyko, and Vladmir Khvostov. History of Soviet Foreign Policy, Gilbert, Martin. Churchill (1991). 1917–1945 (1969). Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi. Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Roberts, Geoffrey. The Unholy Alliance: Stalin’s Pact Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (2005). with Hitler (1989). Haynes, John, and Harvey Klehr. Venona: Decoding Tucker, Robert C. Stalin in Power (1990). Soviet Espionage in America (2000). Ulam, Adam. Stalin: The Man and His Era (1973). Herken, Gregg. The Winning Weapon (1982). Uldricks, Teddy. Diplomacy and Ideology: The Origins Hoopes, Townsend, and Douglas Brinkley. FDR and of Soviet Foreign Relations, 1917–1930 (1980). the Creation of the United Nations (1997). Watt, Donald Cameron. How War Came: The Keegan, John. The Second World War (1989). Immediate Origins of the Second World War, Kimball, Warren. The Juggler: Franklin D. Roosevelt 1938–1939 (1989). as Wartime Statesman (1991). Weinberg, Gerhard L. Germany and the Soviet Union, Kitchen, Martin. British Policy toward the Soviet 1939–1941 (1954). Union during the Second World War (1986). 465 Z01_JUDG9111_02_SE_BIB.QXD 11/10/10 2:07 AM Page 466 466 For Further Reading Leffler, Melvyn. For the Soul of Mankind: The US, the Korbel, Josef. The Communist Subversion of Soviet Union, and the Cold War (2007). Czechoslovakia, 1938–1948 (1959). Mastny, Vojtech. Russia’s Road to the Cold War (1979). Kovrig, Bennett. The Hungarian People’s Republic McCagg, William O. Stalin Embattled, 1943–1948 (1970). (1978). Kovrig, Bennett. The Myth of Liberation (1973). Miscamble, Wilson (Bill). From Roosevelt to Truman: Lees, Lorraine. Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War (2007). Yugoslavia, and the Cold War (1997). Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb Naimark, Norman, and Leonard Gibiansky, eds. The (1987). Establishment of Communist Regimes in Eastern Roberts, Geoffrey. Stalin’s Wars (2007). Europe, 1944–1949 (1997). Rzheshevsky, Oleg, ed. War and Diplomacy: The Oren, Nissan. Bulgarian Communism: The Road to Making of the Grand Alliance: Documents from Power (1971). Stalin’s Archives (1996). Rothschild, Joseph. Return to Diversity: A Political Sainsbury, Keith. Churchill and Roosevelt: The War They History of East Central Europe Since World War II Fought and the Peace They Hoped to Make (1994). (1989). Schlesinger, Stephen. Act of Creation: The Founding of Stokes, Gale, ed. From Communism to Pluralism: A the United Nations (2003). Documentary History of Eastern Europe since 1945 (1991). Stoler, Mark. Allies and Adversaries (2000). Swain, Geoffrey, and Nigel Swain. Eastern Europe Stoler, Mark. Allies in War: Britain and America since 1945 (1993). against the Axis Powers, 1940–1945 (2005). Ulam, Adam. Titoism and the Cominform (1952). Taubman, William. Stalin’s American Policy (1982). Ullman, Walter. The United States in Prague, Weinberg, Gerhard. The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s 1945–1948 (1978). Germany: Starting World War II, 1937–1939 (1980). Zinner, Paul. Communist Strategy and Tactics in Czechoslovakia (1963). Weinberg, Gerhard. A World at Arms (1994). Zubok, Vladislav, and Constantine Pleshakov. Inside The Weinstein, Allen, and Alexander Vassiliev. the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America—the (1996). Stalin Era (1999). 4. The Cold War Begins, 1945–1948 3. The Formation of the Communist Bloc, 1944–1948 Anderson, Terry. The United States, Great Britain, and the Cold War, 1944–1947 (1981). Coutouvidis, John, and Jaime Reynolds. Poland, Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold War 1939–1947 (1986). Beisner, Robert. (2006). Crampton, Richard J. Bulgaria (2007). Benson, Michael. Harry S Truman and the Founding of Dedijer, Vladimir. The Battle Stalin Lost (1971). Israel (1997). Djilas, Milovan. Conversations with Stalin (1962). Brands, Henry W. Into the Labyrinth: The United Fischer-Galati, Stephen. The Socialist Republic of States and the Middle East, 1945–1992 (1994). Romania (1969). Brands, Henry W. Inside the Cold War: Loy Henderson Gati, Charles. Hungary and the Soviet Bloc (1986). and the Rise of the American Empire (1991). Ionescu, Ghita. Communism in Romania, 1944–1962 Bullock, Alan. Ernest Bevin (1983). (1964). Burridge, Trevor. Clement Attlee: A Political Kaplan, Morton. The Communist Coup in Biography (1985). Czechoslovakia (1960). Chace, James. Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Kersten, Krystyna. The Establishment of Communist Created the Modern World (1998). Rule in Poland, 1943–1948 (1991). Etzold, Thomas, and John Lewis Gaddis, eds. Kertesz, Stephen. Between Russia and the West: Hungary Containment: Documents on American Policy and and the Illusions of Peacemaking, 1945–1947 (1984) Strategy, 1945–1950 (1978). Z01_JUDG9111_02_SE_BIB.QXD 11/10/10 2:07 AM Page 467 For Further Reading 467 Fawcett, Louise. Iran and the Cold War: The McMahon, Robert and Thomas Paterson, eds. The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946 (1992). Origins of the Cold War (4th ed., 1998). Ferrell, Robert. Off the Record: The Private Papers of Miscamble, Wilson (Bill). George F. Kennan and the Harry S Truman (1980). Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947–1950 Gaddis, John Lewis. The United States and the Origins (1992). of the Cold War, 1941–1947 (1972). Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli Gardner, Lloyd C. Architects of Illusion (1970). War (2008). Gimbel, John. The Origins of the Marshall Plan (1976). Ninkovich, Frank. Germany and the United States (1988). Gorlizki, Yoram, and Oleg Khlevniuk. Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945–1953 Offner, Arnold. Another Such Victory: President (2004). Truman and the Cold War, 1945–1953 (2002). Hahn, Peter. The United States, Great Britain, and Pollard, Robert A. Economic Security and the Origins Egypt: Strategy and Diplomacy in the Early Cold of the Cold War, 1945–1950 (1985). War, 1945–1956 (2000). Rothkopf, David. Running the World: The Inside Story Harbutt, Fraser. The Iron Curtain (1986). of the NSC and the Architects of American Power (2005). Haslani, Jamil. The Place Where the Cold War Began: Southern Azerbaijan, 1945–1946 (1999). Rubin, Barry. The Great Powers in the Middle East: The Road to the Cold War (1980). Herring, George C. Aid to Russia, 1941–1946 (1973). Sharp, Tony. The Wartime Alliance and the Zonal Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Hixson, Walter. Division of Germany (1975). Culture, and the Cold War, 1945–1961 (1997). Steel, Ronald. Walter Lippmann and the American The Marshall Plan: America, Hogan, Michael J. Century (1980). Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947–1952 (1987). Thomas, Hugh. Armed Truce: The Beginnings of the Cold War, 1945–1946 (1986). Hogan, Michael J. A Cross of Iron: Harry S Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, Yergin, Daniel. Shattered Peace (1977). 1945–1954 (2000). Hoopes, Townsend, and Douglas Brinkley. Driven 5. The Battle for Germany, 1948–1952 Patriot: The Life and Times of James Forrestal Acheson, Dean. Present at the Creation (1969). (1992). Backer, John H. The Decision to Divide Germany (1978). Isaacson, Walter, and Evan Thomas. The Wise Men
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