ORTER FALL 1982. National Alumni Association EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS President Robert N. Hunter '52, Glastonbury, Ct. Senior Vice President Victor F. Keen '63, New York Vice Presidents Alumni Fund Robert C. Knox III '63, Ocean Beach, N.Y. Campus Activities Jeffrey J. Fox '67, Newington, Ct. Admissions James P. Whitters III '62, Boston Area Associations Merrill A. Yavinsky '65, Washington, D.C. Public Relations Wenda L. Harris '76, Boston Career Counseling Eugene Shen '76, New York Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Steel, Jr. '64, West Hartford MEMBERS Joseph E. Colen, Jr. '61, Norristown, Pa. Megan}. O'Neill '73, New York Charles E. Gooley '75, Hartford James A. Finkelstein '74, Greenwich Susan Martin Haberlandt '71, West Hartford George P. Lynch, Jr. '61, Hartford B. Graeme Frazier III '57, Philadelphia Richard P. Morris '68, Philadelphia Athletic Advisory Committee Term Expires Edward S. Ludorf '51, Hartford 1983 Donald]. Viering '42, Simsbury, Ct. 1983 Susan Martin Haberlandt '71, West Hartford 1985 Alumni Trustees Term Expires Karl E. Scheibe '59, Middletown, Ct. 1983 Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. '56, Pittsburgh 1984 Letters Emily G. Holcombe '74, Hartford 1985 Marshall E. Blume '63, Villanova, Pa. 1986 Dear Editor: Stanley J. Marcuss '63, Washington, D.C. 1987 Seeing such a marvelous cover photo on the Sum­ Donald L. McLagan '64, Lexington, Ma. 1988 mer '82 Trinity Reporter, I quickly went inside look­ ing for a photo credit. Either I couldn't find one or there was none. Nominating Committee Term Expires In any case it seems an injustice to let all go recog­ John C. Gunning '49, Hartford 1982 nized save photographers. (Obviously I'm partial to Wenda Harris '76, Boston 1982 photography.) Norman C. Kayser '57, Hartford 1983 Congratulations on one of the finest covers I've seen Peter Lowenstein '58, Riverside, Ct. 1983 and please pass along those same congratulations to William Vibert '52, Granby, Ct. 1983 the unknown photographer. Sincerely, Michael A. Schacht '58 BOARD OF FELLOWS We are embarrassed that the photographic credit line Term Expires was inadvertently dropped during production. Our Mary Jo Keating '74, Wilmington, De. 1983 apologies to campus photographer, Jonathan Lester, 1983 whose outstanding work enlivens each issue of the William Kirtz '61, Boston magazine. The Editor. Carolyn A. Pelzel '74, Hampstead, N.H. 1983 Charles E. Todd '64, New Britain, Ct. 1983 Dana M. Faulkner '76, Glastonbury, Ct. 1984 Dear Editor: George P. Lynch, Jr. '61, Hartford 1984 May I convey belated congratulations on your Karen Jeffers '76, New York 1984 choice of the cover for the summer issue of The Michael Zoob '58, Boston 1984 Reporter? Surely the photographer got a wonderful JoAnne A. Epps '73, Philadelphia 1985 shot of Donna Gilbert! Would it be in error to term Scott W. Reynolds '63, New York 1985 the photo "poetry-in-motion?" Ann Rohlen '71, Chicago 1985 Thank you for the "pin-up." Bernard F. Wilbur, Jr. '50, West Hartford 1985 Winthrop H. Segur '27 TrinJJyREPoR TER Vol. u. No. l (lSSN 01643983) Editor: William L. Churchill EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Associate Editor: Kathleen Frederick '71 Frank M. Child III Associate Editor: Roberta }enckes Professor of Biology Sports Editor: Douglas Mannen Publications Assistant: Kathleen Davidson Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51 Consulting Editor: J. Ronald Spencer '64 Director of Alumni & College Relations Articles Dirk Kuyk THE CLASS OF '86 Associate Professor of English The rites of freshman arrival and orienta­ George Malcolm-Smith '25 tion are captured on film by College Photographer Jonathan Lester. 12 Theodore T. Tansi '54 Rx: MEDICAL EDUCATION Susan E. Weisselberg '76 by Richard M. Ratzan '67 A practicing physician offers some in­ Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity sights about the training of doctors and College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four the decline of inspired teaching. 16 times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Sec­ ond class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut. AN ARCHIVIST'S DREAM The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Trinity College without Missing letters of 19th century landscape charge. All publication rights reserved and contents painter Thomas Cole are unearthed in may be reproduced or reprinted only by written per­ the Watkinson Library. 20 mission of the Editor. Opinions expressed are those of the editors and do not reflect the official position HEROES AND VILLAINS of Trinity College. by Frank G. Kirkpatrick '64 The life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer provides the basis for a discussion of the moral dilemmas of justifiable political actions. 22 A PICTURE-PERFECT DAY A glorious fall afternoon, featuring sports, seminars and celebrations, made Home- coming an occasion to remember. 3 4 Departments Along the Walk 2 Campus Notes 27 Sports 29 Quadwrangles 33 Class Notes 36 Cover: Some 1,500 balloons were sent skyward by Kap­ pa Kappa Gamma during half time festivities at the foot­ In Memory 48 ball game, culminating the sorority's successful project to raise funds for Hartford youth and for the Juvenile Deten­ Trintype 49 tion Home. For more Homecoming, see pages 34-35. Photography by ]on Lester except as noted Along the Walk Along ·the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk PRESIDENT INITIATES PLANNING PROCESS In response to the changing condi­ tions in higher education and in society at large, President English has set in motion a year-long planning process de­ signed to formulate an overall plan for Trinity during the eighties. The process, which involves a prelim­ inary review group and three major project committees, will involve all con­ stituencies of the College. The timetable calls for formulating a single plan of specific and significant initia­ tives by the fall of 1983. Over the past summer, a task force led by Vice President Thomas A. Smith launched the planning cycle with an in­ tensive review of the 1979 Report of the Institutional Priorities Council, the existing master plan for the College. Smith's committee submitted its re­ 2 port early this fall. While affirming the excellence and stability of the institu­ tion, the report recognized several areas PRESIDENT JAMES F. ENGLISH, JR. was one of six individuals chosen tore­ in need of improvement and estab­ ceive an honorary degree from St. Joseph College in West Hartford, CT, at a lished a set of priorities for dealing with special convocation in honor of that college's 50th anniversary. Sister Mary the perceived problems. Consolata O'Connor, college president, is shown presenting the degree to Curricular renewal and planning re­ English. Also this fall English was chosen by the University of Connecticut Law ceived top billing accompanied by the School Alumni Association to receive its Distinguished Alumnus Award. He is a observation that the faculty should ar­ 1956 graduate of the law school. rive at a consensus about the purposes and content of a Trinity education. co, dean of the faculty and Drew hood, and examine Trinity's visibility Achievement of a greater degree of Hyland, professor of philosophy. Its and level of support in its host city. diversity among students, faculty and four major areas of inquiry involve The findings of these groups and the administration was viewed as only questions of academic intensity, the in­ final planning report will be fully aired slightly less important than curricular tegration of academic and residential in future issues of the Reporter. reform. Next in line was the recommen­ life, the responsiveness of the liberal dation that several programs be imple­ arts to student needs, and the curricu· $4MILLION mented to improve the "intellectual lar applications of the urban environ­ RENOVATION tone, style and civility of residential ment. A student committee, made up SET FOR MATHER life." of the President's Fellows and chaired Other recommendations included a by Dean J. Ronald Spencer, will be con· Mather Campus Center will have a strengthening of administrative proce­ ducting a parallel study of academic totally new and exciting look when it dures, involving students in the cultur­ strategy to complement the work of reopens in the fall for the 1983-84 aca­ allife of Hartford, clarifying tenure and Project 1. demic year, thanks to a $4 million "in· promotion guidelines, reviewing teach­ Project 2. Improving the Quality of Stu­ ternal face lift." The need for renova­ ing loads, and building a new dormi­ dent Life in the 1980's will be the respon­ tion of Mather has been a topic for dis­ tory and alumni/ visitor facility. sibility of the Board of Fellows working cussion on campus since 1979, when With the initial review process com­ with appropriate faculty committee, the the Institutional Priorities Council, ap­ pleted, many of the recommendations Student Government Association and pointed by then-President Lockwood, have been passed on to the three proj­ the Dean of Students. recommended that a task force be ect committees for further study. These Project 3. Trinity and Hartford in the formed "to study opportunities for im­ groups, scheduled to complete their 1980's is chaired by Gerald J. Hansen, provements both in the Mather Cam· work by the spring of 1983, are as Jr., director of college and alumni rela· pus Center and elsewhere on campus." follows: tions. This group will study the Col­ The work of the task force was con­ Project I. Academic Strategy for the lege's role as an institutional citizen, tinued by an administrative committee, 1980's is co-chaired by Andrew De Roc- seek ways to improve the neighbor- chaired by Vice President Thomas A. Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Smith, which devised specific recom­ integration of the architect's concepts cess and the addition of a service eleva­ mendations and priorities to be ac­ and the thoughts and opinions of peo­ tor which can be used to transport the complished in a renovation of Mather.
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