«r um% MMUKTf WKBKtJAm t m ira H 11 '.’j a A ren c* DaHjr Clrenlstlon HanrljifBtrr Eogitittfl i|graU> TIm W«Btk«r For tho Moma aC Jarnwy, IMS FsrssM* sf U. & Wstohar den, chairman of the Supplies - any other plans that the workers committee will have sll of the 9,030 may have formed for the ex^nlng. 1 Fair tonight and FrMny; esidrr supplies that the workers will need ir nC tan A nilt Rally Planned Hpeeker Already Seenred and these must be seciired at this 1 In Interior tonlghk j ^ ^ u t T ow n As the speaker for the evening. mi Obenlntiona lEwnttm Ifcnilb rfllly* Major Nate Gatchell has been se­ On Saturday. February 23 the HALE’S FOR HOUSEWARES Manchester^A City of Village Charm cured snd a short Him, 'Facing » - mwtta* €< To Open Drive official Red Cross Fund Campaign ■SU t wMiool P«T«nt-1>ach- Tomorrow" will be shown. n- will get under way Ih Manchester Ktlon, Bch^duled for to- structlons and supplies will ne and the committee has high hopes n Aluminum VOL. LXV., NO. 121 (O laattM Adrrerttslag mm Pagn IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1946 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS i«n poatponod brcauao Red CroM ^ orkern to given out snd it is im|)ortant that of obtaininl: its Quota of $21,325 workers attend this meeting to Odora Cedar Closets Gather at the Gheiiey secure these. Mrs. Klmer We- fn record time. rOUR WAfNDAy FRIEND f Clothes Pint r W. Bovd. n iM !•«. of 4T Tech Friday Evening Wood reinforced, hinged O ft drive, MIclierl A. Orfltolll, door. .Single door ............ Shooting Fray in Argentina ----------' 1 w ill not Hpllt or crack—nver- of MT Woodbridge •twt. Clo-Pin laattng! Russia Says Data u rerrell. M 6U M * «•«*. j,® The Red Cross 1946 Fund Cam- ! Wilh Mirror and Tie and Shoe Rack Naval Seamen Train atnet and RumcU C. An- paign will onen with a rally to be I $6.9R and S8.98 Tainer , « T V c . df 40 Bdgerton held at 8 p. m. on Febniary 22 , 23c dozen - ware eeparated from Navel at the Howell Cheney Technical : loe at lid o Beach, Long laland, Tonight’s The Night! From Canada Not BChool. General Chairman Her­ T , y a a U ^ y . bert B. House said that plans have | Guns Upon been made to have an Interesting } “ MAGIC MIST” •Hm Wartilngtcei luncheon ;^«ch meeting but said that the whole GALVANIZED GI.OTHES jw SecMid CongregaUonal W o ^ affair had been streamlined so | ’The furniture poUah you Of Great Worth '‘Si'a League waa to have that It would not Interfere with LINE P R O P .............. *1.2 9 have waited for — now being T ^ y . has been poetponed until to^ made—offered with a bottle S S S iw at the eame h ^ r. 1 Eight feet long. Will outlast several Red Press Accuses Ca­ of Houaehold .Cleaner at: Fight with Troops •’block, becauee of the anov^orm. ALICE OOFRAN ' woixlen props. Some Data l i n . Harry Rylan^er. preaident or nadian Government (Kbowb As Queen Alice) the League, heada the committee Seventb Daughter of a Seventh Son Medel li5 Hreeg Of Using Espionage- On A -B om b ; iB Charge. ____ Bom With • Vea BINGO If Dvywtlgkt lehrk. 200 Casualties Suffered Bandings Dally. Inclndlng Sunday, CLOTHES LINE PU LLE YS.......................30c - ,T9c each Expose for ‘Unbridled M n. Joaeph Nemeroff of • A M te I P. M. Or By AppMnt- Moldt 190 delhespioi—heofi conwtft* Anglican Cathedral By Strikers in Fight­ SCRATCH REMOVER Anti - Sdviet Cam­ Yet Secret Weat etreet haa received n ew msnL In tbe Servtoe of the Peo- SASH CORD FOR PULLEYS.................. 2c O. (•iitty M Hm bftodlaf dvdc ing Ashore; Troops the promotion of wn, Prlv^ pln for 80 Teara. ____ •od atidlBW tlept — kcitdiMl Itiiwg 50c bottle paign* Among Allies ■ Bay Zemanek, to Private First SPIRITUAL MEDIUM LIGHT WEIGHT LINE FOR INDOORS OR If you are not an old friend Given Orders to Quell Claaa He entered the Marine ST. BRIDGErS In Cairo Attacked 188 Church Street. Hartford, Oona CLOTHES REELS ............................................... ‘ C ft. of thia polish, aak for a mm- industrial Process, Pro­ 'Corps In July, 1944, and la •! P " " ‘ Pbeae 8-2M4 ple bottle. London, Feb. 21.—(IP)— What Flag Officer •nt serving with the 6th Marine With Cover Russia said today its repre­ duction Methods, Sup­ Calls ‘State o f Open Division In China. sentatives’ had obtained “ in­ ply Sources and Trig­ Egyptian Mob Tries Japan Worried CHURCH BASEMENT BEAN POTS Heavy, Well Constructed Invade British Army JT Mutiny’ ; 9 Warcraft th e Manchester Women’s ^ RUDY JOHNSON significant . secret data” ger Device Unrevealed Mibllcan Club omitted Its meeting Regular Brown Earthenware, Covered 2-Qt. Size----- 49c ASH CANS in Canada and its press ac­ Barracks, Burns M iH -l(}\ er N a t i o n a l s In Battle - Position ■ today, not only because of the ELECTRICAL CONTRAOnNO cused the Canadian govern­ 7-Piece Set, consists of large bean pot with 6 Individual tary Stores in Riot i ’ atorm. but because of lHn«s« U»e AND REPAIRINO Regular $6.30 ment of using the espionage BuUetin! Bulletin! family of Mrs. Arthur Nlelaon of R . F. D. No. L Rockville. PLAYING STARTS AT 8:15 p o t s ........................................................................" Washington, Feb. 21—(/P)— B a ^ ord , who was to have been expose for “ an unbridled In Red Areas BomBoy, FeB. 21.— (/P )--A Route 44 Special a t $4.98 Preaident Truman told hla Cairo, Feb. 21.— {JP) — the c u ^ speaker. The next meet- 5-Piece Earthenware Bowl Sets, Ovenware . .$1.00 set anti-S6viet campaign.” news conference today that communique from Vice Ad­ : lug sS u be held March 20, and It PHONE MANCHESTER 8028 Swarms of demonstrators, HIU Havin’* FMInr* security measures in this coun­ miral Sir John Godfrey, flag Is hoped Mrs. Nielson will be able 2-PlECE BATTER SE T ....................................... i...4 9 c The Moscow newspaper Pravda, try are adecinate to protect se­ Argentinians run for cover of a subway station in the Buenos AIrcs railway station plaza as police shouting “Down with Eng­ Has Asked Repeatedly to address the club at that time. organ of the Communist party, cret military Information. He move Into action during a shooting scrape shortly af ter the arrival of Jose P. Tamborinl, Col. Juan land,” attacked the All Saints officer of the Royal Indian CASSEROLE .................................................................. HANDY TRUCK charged editorially that Canada added that these measures Peron’s opponent for the presidency In next Sunday's election. At least two persona were killed. Anglican cathedral, attempt­ For Allied Aid in Repa> Navy, said tonight that all the Mothers Circle of the Sa- made the statement to distract at­ have been adecpiate In the past (AP photo by radio from Buenos Aires). R.I.N. ships in the BomBay •tod Heart win meet tomorrow ed to invade a British Army triating 2 ,6 40 ,0 00 ; UTILITY JA R ................................................................ To wheel out aah cans! tention from the ‘^litlcal fall- and he thinks they sUO are. harbor in the hands of muti­ At th# honiA of Mr®. KfAnk nre” of Brltlsff Foreign Secretary The president would not com­ barracks, burned military No Reply Received Gardner, 82 Walker street, DECORATED COOKIE JAR........ .‘ ..........................^1*29 $7.50 Ernest Bevln at the United Na­ ment on reports that Justice stores and touched off riot, neers had “ hoisted the signal tions assembly meeting. department agents were tn- ‘Cease fire.’ ” Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daughters Pope Confers Traditional Hat disorder and gunfire in Egypt Tokyo, Feb. 21— Japan has A Canadian spokesman com­ veatigating activities of for­ today. , of Union Veterans of the Civil War, eign agents In this conntr}-. asked Washington repeatedly for will meet tomorrow evening with mented In Ottawa: Shops and Factories Closed Bombay, Feb. 21.—(/P)— “The Soviet statement started Allied aid In repatriating 2,640,000 Striking Indian Naval sea­ Mrs. Kthel Carter of Parker street. Our Annual Clearance Special Sale On out as an admiaalon of guilt suflS- Washington, Feb. 21 What Responding to a call of student A Valentine and patriotic social Upon 28 New Cardinals Today Japanese from Russian-occupied cient to eause the-withdrawal of Is atm secret about the atom and union leaders for a general men trained the guns of A , win follow the business session and ^ p/cm one-dav strike in Egypt’s princi­ Manchuria, northern Korea, the flotilla of warcraft on Bom­ the members are reQuested to ' Dinner Ware Its military attache, and then pro­ bomb ? ceeded to minimize the whole mat­ pal cities as a demonstration of Kuriles and southern Sakhalin, bay tonight after a day of being a Valentine. Light weight. Ivory ter and sought to make, political Russia’s acknowledgment that Magnificent Religious their determination to have Brit­ authoritative Allied sources said she obtained "Insignificant” secret ish troops withdraw from all the today. Well-Informed Japanese fighting between troops and The Manchester Green Parent color. 35-piece sets, capital by imputing the motives to data about atomic energy and oth­ the Canadian government” Lewis Calls Meeting Spectacle W itnessed Nile valley, from 100,000 to 150,- said there has been no reply. seamen ashore which one Tbacher Association, owing to dlffl moniiiwAsni service for six: er projects from Canadian citizens 000 persons roamed the streets cult travel conditions, will cancel 'The Canadian government was pointed up tbe Question today. By 20,000 Persons in , The latest reQuest was forward­ Navy enlisted man said had^ under Increasing pressure to lift and sQuares of Cairo.
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