462 Approved and ordered this day of Lleutenant.Governor. At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: The Honourable c)- Mr.Ulivar in the Chair. Mr.B tall° Mr.liacLe tut Mr.2ar ri 8 Mr.klar t Mr.Bur row Mr.310 an Mr.1.: inc To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to 7HAT Section 5 of Chapter 17 of the Statutes of 1912, provides for the Division of tne Province into Forest Districts; AID to recommend that Districts be established in accordance with the Schedule attoched hereto. DATED THIS 1' A.D. 1919. 1-.ioter of Lands. l".7] /4 DAY OF a L.D. 1919. 2ToL-Aain:: :.ember of the ILIxecutive Coun-::. ( DESCRInTIO1:S OF 70nEJTET DISTnICTS. NELSONFOE:2TRY DISTRICT: Commencing It a'point on tne International Boundary line being the S.E. corner of Section 4, Township b6, Osoyoos now Similkameen Division of Yale District; thence due North to the Coutherly boundary of the waterehne cf ..lanen Creek; thence Northerly following the .lesterly boundary of the watershed of LIM:annoy Creek and Kettle :aver and its tributaries to point whore such boundary intersects the nestorly boundary of the Kootenay Land District. Thence Northerly along the said nestern boundary of Kootenay Land District to the South boundary of the Dominion Government railway -.3elt. Thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary of said Railway Belt to the Eastern boundary of the watershed of Duncan River. Thence Southerly along the height of land between the miters flowing the Kootenay Lake to the West and the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers to the East to a point due East of Kuskanook; thence Jesterly to the South-west corner of Sub-lot'145 of Lot 4595, L:ootenay District. Thence Aet along the South boundary of said cub-lot and Section 2, Township 12, Kootenay District and continuing 'Jest across Kootenay Late to the.South-east corner of Lot 845. Thence South-westerly and Southerly along the northerly limit of the watershed of Summit Creek. Thence Southerly alone the height of land between Sumait Creek and itieet Creek to the East and the Salmon River to the nest to the point where said height of land intersects the International Bounder: Line; thence .iect aloes the said boundary to the point of commencement. Also comri;oncin^ at a point on the .;extern boundary of the Kootenay Land District where same intersects the Northerly boundary of the Railway Jolt. Thence Northerly along the said nesters bounda ry- of Kootenay Land District to the Southerly limit of the waterehed of Canoe Elver. Thence Easterly to the mouth of said Canoe -River. Thence Southerly across the Columbia :Ayer folio .i ,south-ensterly along tho summit of the Selkirk Range to the Lorthero bollndary of the Railway -3,2,1t. Thence ,iesterly along tile said Northern boundary of the railway belt to the point of commencement. ,11 that portion of the 1:ootenay Land District lying East of the Eastern boundRry of the Nelson 2orestry District and South o the Dominion Government .;;:dlway. Belt including also that portion of the :ootenay Land Distriet described as follows:- COiLoan:CIN nt a point on the Nort:lern boundary of the Railway Belt where it is intersected by the sumiAt of the Selkirk Range, thence :Tortherly alon the said summit to the mouth of the Canoe Rivcr; thence Norlh-casterly along the Southern boundary of the wateruhed of the Canoe :).iver to a point at or near AthJ.basca ::'ass on the Eastern boundary of the 2rovince. Thence Southerly along the said Eastern boundary of the .'rovince to the Northern boundary of the ::.ail%:ey Belt. Thence .Iestorly along the said boundary of the Railway Belt to the point of commencement. VERNON 20R..AT'RY DI31:nIOT: nt the South-west of the Nelson 2oreetry District horeinbefore described; thence Northerly along the said ;.ostern boundary of said Nelson -2orestry District to the South boundary of the Dominion 3overnment Railw3y Belt, thence 'deeterly and Southerly folio. in the boundary of said Railway Bolt to the height of land between the Tulameen and Skagit Rivers. Thence Easterly and Southerly follodlig the Easterly boundary of the watershed of the Ska.;-it river to the International Boundary Line; thence Easterly along the s!A.1 International Boundary Line to the point of coiliencelr.e7't. EAL10023 11C.E=.1Y DISLUCT: a point on the WeJtern boundary of the :ftilway 3elt where it is intee;:ectod by the cuanit of the Cascade Liountains no defined by the "Ihterpretatlon ...et", thence Northerly along the said swliit to a point where it is intersected by the heizht of land between the 31z:el:water :liver and the Chilcotin :Aver. Thence Easterly along the rorflierly limit of the watershed of the Chilcotin :Ivor to :ale i'ost 47 on the 124th E.eridian. Thence Southerly elon the s.id 124th. iieridian to _oat 40; thence South-e.1.:1 to the North-west corner of Lot 4770,Cariboo Distric!,; to c!o along the North boundaries of Lots 4770 and 4753 to the "girth-east corner of seid Lot 4758. Thence Southerly along, the East boundaries of Lots 4758,4768, 4773, and 4782 to the South-en corner of s'‘id Lot 4782. Thence Easterly and Southerly follo-;Ire.: lon: the South boundary of Lot 4781, the 'jest and South boundaries of Lots 4792 and 4803, the South boundary of Lot 4832, the jest end South boundaries of Lots 4810 and 4813 and the South bo-nideries of Lots 4814, 4819, 4318, 4830, 4331, 483b and 5260. Thence followin,r; along the Easterly boundary of the watershed of Alexis Creel,: and Chilcotin raver to the rorth-wezt corner of Township 54, being also a point on the Northerly boundary of the Lillooet Lend District. Thence Easterly alon:; the said 'Northern boundary of the Lillooet Land District to the jeutern boundary of the :amloope Land District. Thence Northerly and Easterly along the boundary of the said :Am1o:)2J Lind District to a point ::here it is inersected by the watershed bet;een the :trash :Aver and :Ldwah or Little Shuswap Cr001:. Thence northerly along the said watershed to the South- wect corner of Lot 7216. Thence Northerly .:.long the said Westerly bou::dc'xy of Lots 721:,, 7215, and 7217. Thence Northerly, Westerly and Northerly along the bounde.ry of Lot 7218 to the South bound:ry of Lot 4101; thence East to tho :;outhoact corner of said Lot 4101; thence north along. the East hodedaries of Lots 4101, 4102, and 4104 to the North-east corner of said Lot 4104. Thence North- easterly to the South-east corner of Lot 4113; Thence North of Lots 4113, 4114 to the North-east along the East boundaries corner of said Lot 4114. Thence North-east to the Eastern thence Southerly along the Eastern boundary of the J2rovioce; where it is intersected by boundary of the Orovince- to o the Northern bound of the Cr ibroo:: Forestry District. Thence South-westerly and Southerly alooz the Northern and "Astern boundarieo of the Cranbrook oad::elsoo 7:'orestry Districts hereinbefore described to the Northern boundary of the aailway Belt. Thence :;est(.ply and Southerly following the boundary of said 2ailway Belt to the point of coulencenent. 70:ESTaY DISiaICT; CONS •CI7 at a point on the International Boundary Line on the 'esterly shore of Point 2co)orts; thence Easterly along the acid International Boundary Line to the South-west corner of the Vernon ?orestry District; thence rortherly along the :lesterly boundary of said District to the North-east corner of Township 10, Ronc-o 23, Jost of the 6t71. :eridian in said Bolt. Thence Jesterly alo,,-07 the north boundary of Township 10 Ranges 23 to 28 7:est of the 6th. Ecrilian to the point where said boundaro intersects the summit of the Cascade Uountains as defined by the "Interpretotion :let." Thence Northerly along the =omit of the said Cascade i.:buntains to a point where it is interscoted by the 1:ortherly boundary of the watershed of the iJ.ina Elini :Aver. Thence South-westerly along the Northern boundary of the watorohod of said dins Elini River and continuilk: South-westerly along the waterched of all streams flwing into Johnstone Strait sand ,uoen Charlotte Sound South of Smith Sound, alld following along a hoiht of land between Licreworth Sound and Salitits Inlet to the South-oast corner of Lot 747, Coast ;:cst aloe; the South boundaries of District, 1:.onjo- 2. Thcoce . - 5 - Lots 747, .:41, 242 and 75,2 to the shore of Blunden 'lay. Thence ,;outh-cao torly alon: i.10 Coast line to the point of comlencement colltirt. 1 also Vancouver Islad a:id all adjacent islands. I ;It a 2oint on the Eastern boundar;,- of the Province, bein: the ?forth-easterly corner of the laimloops Foreatry District hereinbefore described. Thence Southerly and .iesterly following the 'iorthern boundary of said Famloo,)s Forestry District to the point ;here it is intorJeted by the summit of the Cascade Eountains. Thence :Torthorly tilons the said summit to the intersection In the 7:eijlt of lurid botaeen the 31ackwater ) :Aver and its tributriec to 121c :!sst and fie i'echaco River to the :est; thence 7orther1:- s%id 11,?iglit of land to a point due So-3th of the East cmi of :atalkus nonce :forth to the Eaot and of said 77atallatz L..ko, thence :ortherly to the East end of Cheolatta IC:e. Thence 17ortherly mlon the trail to the East end of Choslatta Lake.
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