FISH WITH TWO Second List of Estonian freshwater fish Fish size limits dorsal fin is II category protected fish Pelvic fin * -does not live in Lake Peipus A - protected species DORSAL FINS First dorsal YES fleshy, without III category protected fish starts further water body L fin smaller rays back than A Guide to Idenfy Fish Species ENGLISH LATIN Species where the size limit is effective cm YES NO than the (a lobe fin) the dorsal fin YES Asp Aspius aspius rivers that flow into the sea 35 second NO No paired fins, Atlantic salmon* Salmo salar Eel Lakes Võrtsjärv, Peipus, and Pihkva 55 YES Bleak Alburnus alburnus other internal water bodies 50 many gill slits, All fins Pelvic fin Bream Abramis brama Brown trout 36 sucking disc have YES RUFFE starts above Trans- Large mouth, YES Brook lamprey Lampetra planeri Brown trout 50 around rays NO the dorsal Atlantic salmon lucent, jaws reach Brown trout Salmo trutta trutta m. fario rivers 60 the mouth NO fin ESTONIAN FRESHWATER FISH smells like Brown trout* Salmo trutta trutta Lakes Peipus, Lämmi, and Pihkva 20 below the eye, Superior Vendace cucumber No spots Bullhead Cottus gobio other internal water bodies 12 strong teeth NORTHERN Long and NO mouth YES on the dorsal Burbot Lota lota Lake Peipus, Lämmi, and Pihkva YES WHITEFISH 40 fin, spots spar- high dorsal Carp Cyprinus carpio Whitefish other internal water bodies YES NO sely on the fin Chinese (Amur) sleeper* Perccottus glenii rivers that flow into the sea 35 YES YES body NO Chub Leuciscus cephalus Smelt 12 Diameter NO Common rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus Pike 45 Striped Do ed Terminal NO of the eye is NO Crucian carp Ide rivers that flow into the sea 38 YES fish A streak mouth, slim, Carassius carassius LAMPREYS fish Diameter Dace Leuciscus leuciscus Tench 30 First dorsal larger than or along the lives in of the eye is YES ATLANTIC Eel Lakes Peipus, Lämmi, Pihkva and fin smaller equal to the side, which can lakes Anguilla anguilla Bream 35 smaller than the SALMON Grayfing Thymallus thymallus rivers Suur Emajõgi and Väike Emajõgi than the YES snout, lives range from snout, lives also pink to red Gudgeon Gobio gobio Vimba 30 second in rivers that in lakes Inferior Ide YES Leuciscus idus Burbot Lakes Peipus, Lämmi, Pihkva, and 40 flow into mouth, stocky, Lake smelt Võrtsjärv LAKE Osmerus eperlanus eperlanusm . the sea YES NO YES 44 SMELT in rivers that spirinchus rivers that flow into the sea Brook flow into Minnow Phoxinus phoxinus Lakes Peipus, Lämmi, and Pihkva and lamprey Do ed GRAYLING YES Pike-perch** 46 dorsal and RAINBOW the sea Moderlieschen Leucaspius delineatus other internal water bodies TROUT Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius Lake Võrtsjärv 51 A dark batch caudal fin YES SMELT Northen (Siberian) whitefish* Coregonus peled Fishing regulaons and size limits are provided in the Government of the Republic's on the end of regulaon no 144 of 09.05.2013 "Fishing Regulaons". In addion, the Minister of the first dorsal Perch Perca fluviatilis Environment establishes temporary restriconsin a regulaon for fishing in the BalcSea Pike Esox lucius and lakes Peipus, Lämmi, and Pihkva. River lamprey fin, reddish ** Once a year the Estonian–Russian mutual Fishing Commission agrees upon the YES Pike-perch Sander lucioperca necessary fishing restricons in the lakes Peipus, Pihkva and Lämmi, including the size lower fins PIKE- Prussian carp Carassius gibelio limit for the pike-perch, which is also set in the temporary fishing restricons in the YES PERCH regulaonsof the Minister of Environment. Rainbow trout* Oncorhynchus mykiss A lot of River lamprey* spots on the Lampetra fluviatilis Kalapüügipiirangud 1 YES PERCH dorsal fin Roach Rutilus rutilus h p://pump.regio.ee/kalandus/public/ mandibular and body Ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus barbel Sea lamprey* Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey Smelt* Osmerus eperlanus eperlanus YES YES first dorsal fin Spined loach Cobitis taenia Kalastusinfo WHITEFISH second dorsal fin tail fin Spirlin Alburnoides bipunctatus BURBOT YES A light Stone loach Barbatula barbatula h p://kalastusinfo.ee snout NO Distance circle Sturgeon Acipenser sturio WHITEFISH YES Tench Tinca tinca between the around Kalamäng second dorsal fin Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus NO the spot h ps://play.google.com/store/apps/ and the tail fin is BROWN TROUT Weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis lateral line shorter than half YES (Salmo tru a fario) barbels Wels catfish Silurus glanis details?id=ee.kalateave.kalamang anal fin the second pectoral fin Vendace Coregonus albula barbels White bream Blicca bjoerkna The distance dorsal fin inferior mouth anus Peipsi järve elu tuba Whitefish* Coregonus lavaretus lavaretus between the Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus maraenoides h p://ctc.ee/peipsi-piirkond/naitus second dorsal fin BULLHEAD YES full length (L) Vimba Vimba vimba and tail fin is longer pelvic fin This brochure has been created with the financial aid of Estonia–Latvia–Russia cross-border cooperaon programme than half the 2007-2013 within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument and the Environmental Investment Centre. The Peipsi Centre for Transboundary Cooperaon is responsible for the content and it does not reflect the views of the second dorsal YES Programme, the member–states of the Programme nor the European Union. The Estonia–Latvia–Russia cross-border cooperaon programme 2007–2013 within the European Neighbourhood and fin superior mouth Partnership Instrument offers financial aid to promote joint development acvies for the improvement of the region's BROWN compeveness by ulising its potenal and beneficial locaon in the cross roads between theEU and Russian NO Federaon.The webpage of the programme is www.estlarus.eu. It was created for the project "Man and Nature". CHINESE SLEEPER YES TROUT Publisher: The Peipsi Centre for Transboundary Cooperaon,www.ctc.ee. 2014. (Salmo tru a tru a) VENDACE The system for idenfying fish: Anu Metsar.Designer: Triinu Sarv. Cover photo: Jaak Nilson, Tartupublic photo gallery mm FISH WITH ONE 0123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 DORSAL FIN VENDACE 12 cm VENDACE 20 cm TENCH 30 cm EEL 35 cm BROWN TROUT 36 cm IDE 38 cm BURBOT 40 cm PIKE- PERCH 44 cm PIKE 45 cm PIKE- PERCH 46 cm EEL 50 cm PIKE- PERCH 51 cm EEL 55 cm ATLANTIC SALMON 60 cm SMELT 12 cm VIMBA 30 cm WHITEFISH 35 cm WHITEFISH 40 cm BROWN- TROUT 50 cm YES BREAM 35 cm Water-bodies where the size limits are effecve Long Dorsal Võrtsjärv Spines No visible Anal fin Small Straight- dorsal fin fin located Short or Concave Lakes Peipus, Lämmi and Pihkva NO on the hind NO in front of NO scales on NO NO significantly NO split on NO or round- NO Suur Emajõgi and Väike Emajõgi along the disconnuous anal part of the the dorsal the body larger than the tail edged other internal water bodies back lateral line, body fin fin anal fin fin rivers that flow into the sea YES YES small fish the dorsal YES YES YES NO SUNBLEAK fin Dorsal rivers fin starts further YES YES YES II category protected fish 2-4 7-12 back than YES Dorsal, YES YES Small A line III category protected fish spines spines the pelvic fin, tail and anal Quite large scales, of dots on small fish NO scales, reddish all fins have the side, 2 bar- YES YES NINESPINE Long fins are A duck-bill STICKLEBACK YES Many lower fins bels at the Reddish Reddish THREE- SPINED anal fin, connate rounded shaped streaks on Dorsal fin corners mouth lower eye, STICKLEBACK YES long mouth the sides and starts above YES BLEAK fins pinkish barbels NO a vercal the pelvic YES GUDGEON NO Lateral fins stripe fins YES CHUB Large NO line between YES YES COMMON MINNOW two dark mouth, ROACH YES narrow reaches YES stripes the eye Barbels WELS CATFISH YES PIKE around NO the mouth NO Has TENCH YES YES IDE Vercal a raised stripes, body YES SPIRLIN 10 barbels, YES EEL Inferior squeaks YES mouth NO Inferior NO YES CARP NO mouth Orangey Diameter of eye, dark A line NO Asymmetric red fins of dots on the the eye is smaller tail fin, mouth YES than the snout, on the lower side WEATHERFISH sides, a moving spine under the at least 50 scales YES ASP YES of the head, COMMON RUDD YES Round- barbels, scutes eye, 6 on the lateral line, edged on the body barbels scales smaller on Diameter the back, larger dorsal fin NO of the eye about on the stomach, the same size as YES STURGEON gray fins the length of the YES VIMBA YES Marble snout, less than SPINED LOACH YES 50 scales on the pa ern, YES BREAM CRUCIAN 6 barbels lateral line CARP DACE YES WHITE YES BREAM NO Straight or concave dorsal STONE LOACH YES fin YES PRUSSIAN CARP.
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