S6344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 (2) was honored at the Fete du Livre orga- (1) Toni Morrison was the Charles E. Nor- S. RES. 403 nized by Les Ecritures Croise´es at the Cite´ ton Professor at Harvard University in Cam- Whereas farm to school programs of vary- du Livre in Aix-en-Provence, France; and bridge, Massachusetts; ing scale operate in nearly 43,000 schools (3) delivered a lecture at a lecture series (2) the American Academy of Arts and across the United States; sponsored by the United Nations Secretary Sciences awarded Toni Morrison the Emer- Whereas farm to school programs connect General; son-Thoreau Medal for ‘‘her distinguished schools and local farms in order to— Whereas, in 2002, Toni Morrison— achievement in the field of literature’’; and (1) serve nutritious meals in school cafe- (1) delivered the Alexander Lectures at the (3) Toni Morrison received the PEN/Saul terias; and University of Toronto; and Bellow Award for Achievement in American (2) support local farmers, ranchers, and (2) wrote the libretto for ‘‘Margaret Gar- Fiction; fishermen; ner’’ with composer Richard Danielpour, an Whereas, in 2017— Whereas farm to school programs include opera that was co-commissioned by— (1) Harvard University Press published experiential education components that can (A) the Michigan Opera Theatre; ‘‘The Origin of Others’’ by Toni Morrison, lead to permanent improvements in the diets (B) the Cincinnati Opera; and which was based on the Charles Eliot Norton of children, both in school and at home; (C) the Opera Company of Philadelphia; Lectures presented by Morrison at Harvard Whereas farm to school programs facilitate Whereas, in 2003— University in 2016; the purchase of local food for school meals; (1) Toni Morrison received the Docteur (2) Toni Morrison delivered the keynote Whereas farm to school programs can ben- Honoris Causa from the Ecole Normale address at the Princeton Slavery Project efit small and mid-sized agricultural pro- Supe´rieure in Paris, France; and Symposium; and ducers by providing access to consistent (2) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Love’’ by (3) Princeton University dedicated the markets; Toni Morrison; naming of Morrison Hall in honor of Toni Whereas farm to school programs can be Whereas, in 2004, Toni Morrison— Morrison, who was the Robert F. Goheen (1) delivered the Amnesty International particularly important for beginning or so- Professor in the Humanities, Emeritus, at cially disadvantaged farmers, as schools pro- Lecture in Edinburgh, Scotland; Princeton University; (2) received the ‘‘Arts and Communities’’ vide a consistent and secure customer base; Whereas, in 2019— Whereas farm to school programs can ben- award from the Academy of Culture in Paris, (1) Knopf published ‘‘The Source of Self- France; and efit local economies; Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Whereas for every $1 spent on local foods in (3) received the Image Award for Out- Meditations’’ by Toni Morrison; and standing Literary Work in Fiction from the schools, up to an additional $2 circulates in (2) the American Academy of Arts and Let- the local economy; National Association for the Advancement of ters awarded Toni Morrison a Gold Medal for Colored People; Whereas data from the Centers for Disease distinguished achievement in the field of lit- Control and Prevention shows that only 7 Whereas, in 2005, Toni Morrison— erature; (1) received— percent of children consume the rec- Whereas the invaluable contributions of (A) the Du Bois Medal from the W.E.B. ommended amount of vegetables; Toni Morrison to literature in the United DuBois Institute in Cambridge, Massachu- Whereas communities with high levels of States during a career that spanned more setts; and poverty have less access to fresh fruits and than 5 decades will inform generations of au- (B) the Coretta Scott King Award from vegetables than higher income communities; thors, scholars, teachers, and students in the the American Library Association; and Whereas the increased consumption of United States and around the world; and (2) was awarded a doctor of letters from fresh fruits and vegetables is 1 of 6 major Whereas, on August 5, 2019, at the age of 88, Oxford University in Oxford, England; strategies to prevent and control obesity, ac- Toni Morrison died, leaving a legacy of a vi- Whereas, in 2006— cording to the Centers for Disease Control sionary literature that— (1) the New York Times rated ‘‘Beloved’’ and Prevention; (1) is extraordinary for the freshness of its by Toni Morrison as the ‘‘Best Work of Whereas studies have demonstrated that narrative strategies and procedures; and American Fiction of the Last 25 Years’’; and children in schools with an active farm to (2) Toni Morrison— (2) is dedicated to dramatizing the complex school program increase their average con- (A) through the ‘‘Grand Invite´’’ program humanity and art of Black people: Now, sumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by 1 of the Muse´e du Louvre in Paris, France, therefore, be it or more servings per day; was the Guest Curator of the Muse´e du Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas farm to school programs— Louvre; and (1) extends heartfelt sympathy to the fam- (1) are popular among children; (B) was named a Life Trustee of the New ily of Toni Morrison on the occasion of her (2) can increase interest in school meal York Public Library; death; programs; and Whereas, in 2007, Toni Morrison was award- (2) recognizes Toni Morrison as— (3) can decrease food waste; and ed— (A) one of the most formidable scholars, Whereas October 2019 would be an appro- (1) the Docteur Honoris Causa from the educators, and authors of the United States; priate month to designate as ‘‘National Universite´ Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV in and Farm to School Month’’: Now, therefore, be Paris, France; and (B) a writer of the stature of other great it (2) the Radcliffe Institute Medal from the literary figures of the United States, such Resolved, That the Senate— Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at as— (1) designates October 2019 as ‘‘National Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachu- (i) Nathaniel Hawthorne; Farm to School Month’’; setts; (ii) Ralph Waldo Emerson; (2) recognizes support for policy improve- Whereas, in 2008, Knopf published the novel (iii) Herman Melville; ments to farm to school programs in legisla- ‘‘A Mercy’’ by Toni Morrison; (iv) Walt Whitman; tion reauthorizing child nutrition programs; Whereas, in 2010, Toni Morrison received (v) Mark Twain; and (3) encourages schools and local edu- the Chevalier Ordre National de la L′egion (vi) William Faulkner; cational agencies to use local farm products d’honneur, the highest national order of (3) honors the life of Toni Morrison and the in meals; and merit in France; achievements of Toni Morrison in human- (4) encourages schools, farmers and farm Whereas, in 2011, Toni Morrison wrote the ities and literature; and groups, local businesses, nonprofit institu- play ‘‘Desdemona’’, which premiered in Vi- (4) expresses deep appreciation for the ex- tions, churches, cities, State governments, enna, Austria; ceptional and vital work of Toni Morrison, and other local groups to raise awareness of Whereas, in 2012— including— farm to school efforts in their communities. (A) the vehemence of the work; (1) Toni Morrison delivered the Ingersoll f Lecture at the Harvard Divinity School in (B) the uncensored exploration of race in Cambridge, Massachusetts; the United States that the work presented; SENATE RESOLUTION 404—EX- (2) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Home’’ by and PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Toni Morrison; and (C) the enduring impact the work has had, SENATE THAT THE UNITED (3) President Barack Obama awarded the and will continue to have, on the United States. STATES SHOULD WORK IN CO- Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest OPERATION WITH THE INTER- civilian honor of the United States, to Toni f Morrison for her literary work and legacy as NATIONAL COMMUNITY AND ‘‘one of our nation’s most celebrated novel- SENATE RESOLUTION 403—DESIG- CONTINUE TO EXERCISE GLOBAL ists’’; NATING OCTOBER 2019 AS ‘‘NA- LEADERSHIP TO ADDRESS THE Whereas, in 2014, Toni Morrison received TIONAL FARM TO SCHOOL CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CLI- the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement MONTH’’ MATE CHANGE, AND FOR OTHER Award from the National Book Critics Cir- PURPOSES cle; Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Ms. COL- Whereas, in 2015, Knopf published the novel LINS, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. PERDUE) sub- Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. COL- ‘‘God Help the Child’’ by Toni Morrison; mitted the following resolution; which LINS, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. Whereas, in 2016— was considered and agreed to: MARKEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. UDALL, VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.045 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE.
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