Listino VOIP 7860 .Xlsx

Listino VOIP 7860 .Xlsx

Listino VOIP - Standard - Senza scatto alla risposta - v2 Listino Destinazione Descrizione Prezzo (€/min I.E.) 7860 ARE- UAE 0,1987 7860 ARE-ABD UAE Abu Dhabi 0,1987 7860 ARE-DUB UAE Dubai 0,1987 7860 ARE-MOBD UAE Mobile du 0,2184 7860 ARE-MOBZ UAE Mobile Others 0,2184 7860 ARG- Argentina 0,0248 7860 ARG-BUE Argentina Buenos Aires 0,0248 7860 ARG-COR Argentina Cordoba 0,0248 7860 ARG-MOB Argentina Mobile 0,1778 7860 AUS- Australia 0,0155 7860 AUS-CBR Australia Canberra 0,0155 7860 AUS-COC Australia Cocos Christmas Isla 0,0390 7860 AUS-MEL Australia Melbourne 0,0155 7860 AUS-MOBO Australia Mobile Optus 0,1689 7860 AUS-MOBT Australia Mobile Telstra 0,1689 7860 AUS-MOBV Australia Mobile Vodafone 0,1689 7860 AUS-MOBZ Australia Mobile Others 0,1689 7860 AUS-SYD Australia Sydney 0,0155 7860 AUT-FIX Austria Geographic 0,0988 7860 AUT-MOBET Austria Mobile eety Telecommunications GmbH 0,1900 7860 AUT-MOBH Austria Mobile H3G Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH 0,1900 7860 AUT-MOBM Austria Mobile A1 Telekom Austria Mobilkom 0,1900 7860 AUT-MOBT2 Austria Mobile Tele2 Telecommunication GmbH 0,1900 7860 AUT-MOBX Austria Mobile T Mobile Austria GmbH 0,1900 7860 BEL-FIX Belgium Geographic 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBFE Belgium Mobile FEBO TELECOM 0,1900 7860 BEL-MOBIN Belgium Mobile INFRABEL / Eurofiber (GSM R) 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBJO Belgium Mobile Join Experience S.A. 0,1900 7860 BEL-MOBL Belgium Mobile Lycamobile sprl 0,1900 7860 BEL-MOBM Belgium Mobile MOBISTAR s.a. 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBMU Belgium Mobile Mundio Mobile Belgium SPRL 0,1900 7860 BEL-MOBO Belgium Mobile Base Company NV 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBP Belgium Mobile Proximus N.V. Publiek recht 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBT Belgium Mobile TELENET NV 0,0774 7860 BEL-MOBTI Belgium Mobile TISMI B.V. 0,1900 7860 BEL-MOBVX Belgium Mobile VOXBONE S.A. 0,1900 7860 BGD- Bangladesh 0,0348 7860 BGD-CHI Bangladesh Chittagong 0,0348 7860 BGD-DAC Bangladesh Dhaka 0,0348 7860 BGD-MOBG Bangladesh Mobile Grameen 0,0498 7860 BGD-MOBZ Bangladesh Mobile Others 0,0498 7860 BGD-SYL Bangladesh Sylhet 0,0348 7860 BGR- Bulgaria 0,1900 7860 BGR-MOBB Bulgaria Mobile BTC 0,1900 7860 BGR-MOBG Bulgaria Mobile Globul 0,1900 7860 BGR-MOBT Bulgaria Mobile Mobitel 0,1900 7860 BGR-SOF Bulgaria Sofia 0,1900 7860 BMU- Bermuda 0,0597 7860 BRA- Brazil 0,0282 7860 BRA-BEL Brazil Belo Horizonte 0,0282 7860 BRA-BRA Brazil Brasilia 0,0282 7860 BRA-CAM Brazil Campinas 0,0282 7860 BRA-MOB Brazil Mobile 0,1689 7860 BRA-RIO Brazil Rio de Janeiro 0,0249 7860 BRA-SAO Brazil Sao Paulo 0,0249 7860 CAN- Canada 0,0130 7860 CAN-NWT CAN Northwest Territories 0,1104 7860 CAN-RUR Canada Rural 0,1590 7860 CHE-BAS Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-BER Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-FIX Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-GVA Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-LAU Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-LUC Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-MOBBE Switzerland Mobile Beeone Communications SA 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBCO Switzerland Mobile Comfone AG 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBD Switzerland Mobile Sunrise Communications AG 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBL Switzerland Mobile Lycamobile AG 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBMU Switzerland Mobile Mundio Mobile Limited 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBO Switzerland Mobile Salt Mobile SA (Orange) 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBS Switzerland Mobile Swisscom (Schweiz) AG 0,4020 7860 CHE-MOBUP Switzerland Mobile upc cablecom GmbH 0,4020 7860 CHE-TES Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHE-ZRH Switzerland Geographic 0,0155 7860 CHL- Chile 0,1000 7860 CHL-MOB Chile Mobile 0,1000 7860 CHL-RUR Chile Rural 1,0445 7860 CHL-SAN Chile Santiago 0,0217 7860 CHN- China 0,0951 7860 CHN-BJS China Beijing 0,0951 7860 CHN-GUA China Guangzhou 0,0951 7860 CHN-MOB China Mobile 0,0951 7860 CHN-SHA China Shanghai 0,0951 7860 CHN-SHEN China Shenzhen 0,0951 7860 COL- Colombia 0,0449 7860 COL-ARM Colombia Armenia 0,0449 7860 COL-BAR Colombia Barranquilla 0,0449 7860 COL-BOG Colombia Bogota 0,0449 7860 COL-CAL Colombia Cali 0,0449 7860 COL-MED Colombia Medellin 0,0449 7860 COL-MOBC Colombia Mobile Comcel 0,0449 7860 COL-MOBM Colombia Mobile Movistar 0,0797 7860 COL-MOBO Colombia Mobile Ola 0,0797 7860 COL-MOBZ Colombia Mobile Others 0,0797 7860 COL-PER Colombia Pereira 0,0449 7860 CPV- Cape Verde 0,3000 7860 CPV-MOBU Cape Verde Mobile Unitel 0,3000 7860 CRI- Costa Rica 0,0862 7860 CRI-MOB Costa Rica Mobile 0,0797 7860 CZE- Czech Republic 0,0801 7860 CZE-MOBO Czech Republic Mobile O2 0,0801 7860 CZE-MOBT Czech Republic Mobile T Mobile 0,0801 7860 CZE-MOBV Czech Republic Mobile Vodafone 0,0801 7860 CZE-MOBZ Czech Republic Mobile Others 0,0801 7860 CZE-PRG Czech Republic Prague 0,0243 7860 DEU-FIX Germany Geographic 0,0155 7860 DEU-MOBD Germany Mobile Vodafone GmbH 0,0774 7860 DEU-MOBDZ Germany Mobile Vodafone GmbH (reserved) 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBE Germany Mobile E Plus Mobilfunk GmbH 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBEX Germany Mobile E Plus Mobilfunk GmbH (For virtual operators) 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBEZ Germany Mobile E Plus Mobilfunk GmbH (reserved) 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBL Germany Mobile Lycamobile (Vodafone virtual operator) 0,0774 7860 DEU-MOBSI Germany Mobile Sipgate Vintage Wireless Networks (Eplus virtual operator) 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBT Germany Mobile Telekom Deutschland GmbH 0,0774 7860 DEU-MOBTZ Germany Mobile Telekom Deutschland GmbH (reserved) 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBV Germany Mobile O2 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG 0,1900 7860 DEU-MOBVZ Germany Mobile O2 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG (reserved) 0,1900 7860 DJI- Djibouti 0,4000 7860 DJI-MOB Djibouti Mobile 0,4000 7860 DNK- Denmark 0,0155 7860 DNK-MOBA Denmark Mobile Telia 0,0774 7860 DNK-MOBD Denmark Mobile TDC 0,0774 7860 DNK-MOBS Denmark Mobile Sonofon 0,0774 7860 DNK-MOBZ Denmark Mobile Others 0,0774 7860 ESP-FIX Spain Geographic 0,0155 7860 ESP-FIXN Spain Geographic and Nomadic 0,0155 7860 ESP-MOBA Spain Mobile VODAFONE ESPA?A, S.A. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBAI Spain Mobile AIRE NETWORKS DEL MEDITERRANEO, S.L. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBB Spain Mobile LEBARA LIMITED UK 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBBL Spain Mobile BLUEPHONE, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBBT Spain Mobile BT ESPA?A VODAFONE ENABLER Hosted 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBBX Spain Mobile BT ESPA?A INGENIUM Hosted 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBCA Spain Mobile CARREFOURONLINE, S.L. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBCE Spain Mobile CECOSA INSTITUCIONAL, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBCR Spain Mobile CARRIER E MOBILE, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBDI Spain Mobile DIGI SPAIN TELECOM, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBDS Spain Mobile DISTRIBUIDORA INTERNACIONAL DE ALIMENTACION, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBE Spain Mobile EUSKALTEL, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBIN Spain Mobile INGENIUM OUTSOURCING SERVICES, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBL Spain Mobile LYCAMOBILE, S.L. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBLC Spain Mobile LEAST COST ROUTING TELECOM, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBMA Spain Mobile MAS MOVIL TELECOM 3.0, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBMI Spain Mobile MASMOVIL IBERCOM, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBMR Spain Mobile MORE MINUTES COMMUNICATIONS, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBOC Spain Mobile OPEN CABLE TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBOI Spain Mobile OCEAN'S NETWORK, S.L. (INGENIUM) 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBOT Spain Mobile OCEAN'S NETWORK, S.L. (TELEFONICA) 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBPA Spain Mobile PARLEM TELECOM COMPANYIA DE TELECOMUNICACIONS, S.L.0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBPE Spain Mobile PEPEMOBILE, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBPR Spain Mobile PROCONO, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBR Spain Mobile ORANGE ESPAGNE, S.A.UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBRE Spain Mobile REPUBLICA DE COMUNICACIONES MOVILES, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBRV Spain Mobile ORANGE ESPA?A VIRTUAL, S.L. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBRY Spain Mobile R CABLE Y TELECOMUNICACIONES GALICIA, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBSA Spain Mobile SARENET, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBT Spain Mobile TELEFONICA MOVILES ESPA?A, S.A. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBTA Spain Mobile TELECABLE DE ASTURIAS, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBTN Spain Mobile TENARIA, S.A. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBTU Spain Mobile SCN TRUPHONE, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBTZ Spain - Mobile - TELEFONICA MOVILES ESPA?A - Others 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBVE Spain Mobile VODAFONE ENABLER ESPA?A, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBVO Spain Mobile VODAFONE ONO, S.A. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBVX Spain Mobile VOZTELECOM SISTEMAS, S.L. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBX Spain Mobile XFERA MOVILES, S.A. 0,0774 7860 ESP-MOBYU Spain Mobile YOU MOBILE TELECOM SPAIN, S.L. UNIPERSONAL 0,0774 7860 FIN- Finland 0,1900 7860 FIN-HEL Finland Helsinki 0,1900 7860 FIN-MOBE Finland Mobile Elisa 0,1900 7860 FIN-MOBS Finland Mobile Sonera 0,1900 7860 FIN-MOBZ Finland Mobile Others 0,1900 7860 FRA-FGUA France Geographic Basse-Terre 0,0155 7860 FRA-FGUY France Geographic Cayenne 0,0155 7860 FRA-FIX France Geographic 0,0155 7860 FRA-FMAR France Geographic Fort-de-France 0,0155 7860 FRA-FMAY France Geographic Mayotte 0,0155 7860 FRA-FREU France Geographic Saint-Denis 0,0155 7860 FRA-FSAI France Geographic Saint-Martin 0,0155 7860 FRA-FSPM France Geographic Saint Pierre et Miquelon 0,0155 7860 FRA-MOBAB France Mobile Airbus defence and space SAS 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBAC France Mobile ACN COMMUNICATIONS FRANCE 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBAF France Mobile Afone 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBAL France Mobile Alphalink 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBAR France Mobile Acropolis telecom 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBB France Mobile Bouygues Telecom 0,0810 7860 FRA-MOBBJ France Mobile BJT Partners 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBCO France Mobile CORIOLIS TELECOM SAS 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBCP France Mobile Completel 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBDA France Mobile Dauphin telecom 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBDG France Mobile Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBDI France Mobile Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane 0,1800 7860 FRA-MOBDM France Mobile

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