Issued Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday The C ou rier- Gazette By Rockland Publishing Co., 465 Main St, Established January, 1846. Entered aa Second Claes Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, January 6, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80................Number 3. crew spent three weeks on the little tlcle concerning clipper ships, re­ The Courier-Gazette island, sheltered by a tent which was published from The Courier-Gazette TALK OF THE TOWN HELPED BUILD CLIPPER SHIP BED JACKET improvised from the foresail. At of some years ago, will not full to THREE-TIM E8-A-WEEK [he end of this period the men rowed interest. The first regular drill for 1925 of ALL THE HOME NEWS to St. John’s in a small boat, and Battery G is called for tonight. boarded a vessel bound for home. Subscription $3 00 per year payable In Schooners J. B. Holden, Helen The best passage to the westward tdvance; single copies three cents. Story of Capt. Andrew Gray, Who Worked ’Tween Decks On the made by tile Dreadnaught was in The Chapin Class will have a sup­ Advertising rates baaed upon circulation Montague and Jennie Pillsbury came per Thursday In the UnlversaUsl ves­ next in order. 1854. when she ran from the Rock- and very reasonable. Famous Rockland Craft—And a Word About Some Other Ltght, Liverpool, to Sandy Hook in try of 6.30. NEWSPAPER HISTORY Time has never nolved the mystery 19 days. While it cannot be said The Rockland Gazette was entabllahed In of what buppened to the Jennie Pills­ 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established that the Dreadnaught ever made the Rebekah’s public supiier and rpgu- and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. Famous Clipper Ships. bury. fastest passage of a sailing vessel 1 lar meeting is on tonight. Mentbers The Free Press was established in 1855, and off Two Bush the schooner had between New York and Liverpool, please take pastry. Supper will be In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune Every now and thc-n there crops j brightened the moment he heard the! ages. In fact his These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. first command run into a thick snowstorih, and got as the records in this respect are served at 6.15. out In New England seafaring circles tragic name, l'.td Jacket. j was a banker, the little schooner in so dose that Capt. Gray found his held by the Red Jacket, Captain Asa QUR swift, serene ser­ i a. discussion as to clipper ships, a •‘Yes," «ahl he, "I worked on that J Marietta which he bought with the crafy ashore and full of water be­ Eldridge, from Randy Hook to the A meeting of the board of mana­ ... ••• topic which "listens” well to anj/ craft—helped build the stem. That late I<*wis Brewer of Rockland, fore he could get the sails furled. Rock Light, in 13 days 1 hour, in gers of the Home for Aged Women is vice will make a hit tvas I sack In '53. Deacon Thomas was I The craft measured 93 gross tons, ••• If fashions gives the word, every . Rockland group for it was a iRock- The shipwrecked men found shelter 1854, end by the Andrew Jackson, 'Called Thursday afternoon at 2 30 at with you. Our whole­ ' land shipyard which gave birth to ♦ distinction of beauty, complexion or •* the builder and the yard was up and cost the young men $1900. Mr. at the lighthouse and later returned Captain John Williams, from Rock the home of Miss Lucy Farwell. some, well cooked food stature ceases —Goldsmith. ••• ’ an erstwhile queen of the seas—the where Crockett block now stands. I Brewer sold hla interest a year later. to Rockland Next morning accom- Light to Sandy Hook in 15 days, In ( Summer street. will leave the right im- ( ••• ••• ••• ••• n pression with you. You'll Edwin Libby Relief Corps will hold tell your friends they ' Its regular circle supper Thursday, AN EGG STORY should know this place. i Members not solicited will take cake I or pastry. There are two puffs to Get acquainted with our There are many fishy stories told be made In the afternoon. ' "Bill O'Fare" by the trailers of brook and stream, but Gardner Mank of East Waldoboro Opportunity Class of lhe First tells an egg story with the facts to Baptist church will meet Thursday Newbert’s Cafeteria i evening at fhe home of Mrs. Nellie back it up. He has 130 pullets, Buff | lKhilibrook, South Main street. Metn- Rockland’s Finest Eating Place Leghorns, which laid 2416 eggs in the j bers take needle, thimble and scls- month of December. Can you beat it? i sors. Mrs. James J. O'Hara will be at the piano during the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday showings of "Janice Meredith" at Strand Theatre, acting as accompanist to her hus- • band, the talented organist. Max Dyer, who has been employed aPARKa as bell boy at the Thorndike Hotel, bus Joined the New England Tele­ COMING—THE EVENT OF THE SEASON phone detachment which Is making the inventory In this section. He is succeeded by Max McRae, VRBBINTID BY J.M BARRIES PETER PAJS ADOLPH ZUKOR 6 J13SU L LA8KY Sixteen prisoners from Aroostook Ci (paramount. Qu county were brought to the State Penitentiary in Thomaston lust week, making a total of 223 in that | Institution. Aroostook County I covers lots of territory, hut It Is in the public eye Just now rather more | than It desires to he. Sllshy Maternity Home has a n. A" head in the person of Mlgj Elizabeth Hutchinson who graduated from the Sllshy Training School New Year’s a HERBERT BRENON production Day. Miss Hutchinson is a native of ASBIS7ED ST ROY POMEROY Stonington but for several years past has made her home in this city. —Featuring— Her record nt Silsby’s was such that no hesitation was felt in placing her BETTY BRONSON, ERNEST TORRENCE at the head of the rapidly growing maternity unit. During her training she manifested a marked aptitude and ability in obstetric cases which Another Kncx County Clipper Ship—the Frederick Billings, Built At Rockport. fact lead to the present appointment. | old Red Jacket. On her very first No buildings there then, mind you. hut Capt. Gray remained in com­ panied by William W. Case and a 1860, still the uniform speed of the Thomas S. Dennison, who lias voyage she made the passage from “I went to work there in the month mand about three years and then tugboat captain, Capt. Gray went to Dreadnaught a many voyages en­ been coming to Rockland as a hard­ ’ Sandy Hook to Rock Light, Liver­ cf May. and there were a hundred sold her for $4000, abundantly satis­ the scene of the wreck, but no Jen- titles her to a place among the cele­ ware salesman 35 years or more, was pool, in 13 days and 1 hour, and with j W us before the ship was finished. fied with his first investment. I nie Pillsbury was to he seen. The brated packet ships of the past. making his last trip yesterday, for that achievement brought lasting Man -named stetson, from East Bos­ Capt. Gray’s second vessel was the i owners swept for her and searched The White Star Line, not to be the present at least, as his employ­ STOP LOOK LISTEN ers, Bigelow & Dowse Co., of Bos­ fame to this port. ton* did the plunking and ceiling; Isa^j- Cohenhertz—gone these many - everywhere, but the schooner had outdone by rivals, followed the. ex­ Gone is the man who designed this Henry Ewell was boss builder on yeaft, 1>ot still fresh in the mind of vanished as if -by magic. ample of the Black Ball and In 1854 ton, insist that he have a leave of absence on account of the condition ■ famous craft; gone are the builders deck; Benjamin Bean was the old seafurers along the Maine coa«t. in the spring of l$Bt Capt. Gray chartered the Chariot of Fame, Red PREVENT BEING j in whose yard she was created; blacksmith; and a chap by the name in this craft, the first year after the made a trip to Hilton Head, S. C. in Jacket and Blue Jacket These ships, of his health. Mr. Dennison has al­ j gone are the last traces of the yard of Bills was timekeeper. the schooner Marietta, where he sold of which the first was a medium clip­ ways been a great favorite with the't Civil War closed, Capt. Gray had l.is local trade, and in connection with ' itself. Three-quarters of a century "The white oak frame was cut in most profitable 'winter’s work, it be­ supplies to a sutler. Even with his per and the other two extreme clip­ his Rockland visits it is Interesting have elapsed, and the Rockland Virginia and the planking and ceil­ gan when he loaded lime for Mobile, marvelous memory Capt. Gray cannot pers, were built in New England. waterfront of today is but a sad ing were Southern pine. The ship from the late John Coburn of Rock­ bridge the 64 years and say what The Chariot of Fame, was a sister to note that he has sold to four gen­ erations of H. H. Crie & Co.—the late commentary on the g’ory of the was painted white ’tween decks, and land and received $1.25 a barrel prices he received for his wartime ship to the Star of Empire, 2050 tone, Hiram H.
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