The Delmarva Farmer OnlineClassifieds Edition | www.americanfarm.com | 1.800.634.5021 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT CoarEQUIPMENTdBensonEQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 2011 GOOSENECK MILKING EQUIPMENT 2004 NEW HOLLAND J1998 CASE IH 2388 JD 930F HEAD NH TN 70 PAR-KAN SEED FOR SALE BW-38 Combine with rear wheel JD 930F head $9,000. SN#001207916 2001 TENDER 34 Highstall milking Self410 propelled-3 stack10 -490assist.9C Drive tiresel 95%.l Sold by RS Farms 410- year model, 909 hours equipment. 1 1/2 serge 829-1584. Electric jacks, remote. For moreinformatiowagon.nont Pictureshese fine avail- offeringso$20,000rassistance update wit inhy Oct.our property search with Koyker 245 loader, Two compartments. stainless steel pipeline. able. SN 1340103. 2512 2018, $5,000 in Oct. cat. II hitch $13,900. Pic- Scales, 22 foot belt Glass receiving jar. Only [email protected]. Excellent Condi- 2019. Includes 20 ft. JD 7280 TRACTOR tures available. Includes conveyor, new roll tarp. 1156 hours. Tie stalls tion. $94,000.00 Call 1020 flex head, this JD 7280 tractor, roll guard and mechanical $15,000.00 firm. Call and other equipment. Darrell at Ag Solutions of combine has been well 4WD, 1,008 hours. fwd. and rev. 2WD. Call 410-708-0409. 430 gallon Jamesway VA Coar804-514-9845.dBensontaken care of and always $147,600.00. Sold by RS Darrell at Ag Solutions of bulk tank. $10,000 takes stored in shed. 4717 Farms 410-829-1584. VA. 804-514-9845. all. Will help to disas- 410-310-4909Cengine elhrs.;l 3385 rotor JD MODEL 3710 semble. Lackawanna,For mor einformationonthese fine offeringsorassistancehours. wit$45,000.00hyour prop witherty search JD 616C CORNHEAD PA. 570-499-3067. 10 bottom plow, like new [email protected] EQUIPMENT FOR head. Call Darrell Ag JD 616C Cornhead with IH 510 21x7 GRAIN condition. $10,000.00 SALE Solutions of VA 804-514- 1,000 acres. $53,000.00 DRILL OBO. Call 410-708- MFS 18x7 ring 100 ton 9845. Sold by RS Farms 410- IH 510 21x7 grain drill 3400. 2007 KINZE grain bin, walk in door 829-1584. with press wheels. Sold Model 3600 Planter 12 aeration fan and walk in the cattle and rented Row 23; CASE IH 496 sweep auger. 3 years old the farm. Field ready. 1995 WILSON HOPPER 25 Ft. Disc; 1993 CASE used only once. West- $3,500. Pictures avail- Twenty Twoacres SouthofEaston with broad viewsofthe ChoptankRiver, this NEWLISTINGisofferedfor $1,250,000 anIHdi siSEVENmprove dbyanoSHANKpenconcept threJDeb ed1997room, 9600threeand half bath home New tires, brakes, IH 9230 Steiger Tractor; field WR80 46 8” loading able. Call Darrell at Ag builtin2004 alongwithatwobedroom,one bath caretakercottage. The property hasabout tenacres in cultivation, sevIHen Seven acres in Shankmature numberdCRP gr ound,asJD ma1997ll ya 9600rd andg 4WD.arde nw iththe balancein drums and fifth wheel FIRESTONE 184R42 auger PTO driven. Both Solutions of VA 804-514- hedgerowsand shorelineprovidinganabundance of habitat forwildlife. The houseiscustombuilt with an open concep10tk itsubsoiler.chen, dinin g,$1,500.living ro omwithl4,619arge wienginendowst hours.othe ri ver, twoguestrooms with aJack&Jiplate.ll bath an $16,800.00.damaster su it Callewit hvault3-Stared ceilin Ratedg, wate Radialr-side bath Tire.room ,largefor $15,000.closet andw Lackawannaater-side sittingr oom. There is awidows peak /studio on thethirdfloorand an enormous9845.basement Pictures available. Call 3,397 separator hours. /garg a ethatpro410-490-0285vides ampleroo.mtoexpandthe Pleaseliving sp acecallof 856-935-6104this home.Cur rentCountyly thebas PAemen 570-499-3067.tisset up as awood workingand electricalshopwithm$33,000.00.ore room ands Soldtorage byth anRSty pical of ahome this size.Equipped with atwo zone central airandorhy 609-381-5425dronic heatings ysforte m,moreoilfi redhot watercirculated to an airexchangDarrelleand oiatlfi 804-574-9845redhot water, th. is home is efficientand simpletomaintain. Newto Twenty Twoacres SouthofEaston with broad viewsofthe ChoptankRiver, this NEWLISTINGisofferedfor $1,250,000 andisimprovedbyanopenconcept threebedroFarmsom, thre ea410-829-1584.nd half bath home theMarketwithsbuhoilwitin2ng004sandalonaddigwittihaontwalobinfedorroommainfo.ti,oonne avbathaila cablreeutakeporcnrottageqe.uest.The property hasabout tenacres in cultivation, seven acres in maturedCRP ground,asmall yard andgardenwiththe balancein hedgerowsand shorelineprovidinganabundance of habitat forwildlife. The houseiscustombuilt with an open conceptkitchen, dining, living roomwithlarge windowstothe river, twoguestrooms REDUCED with aJack&Jill bath andamaster suitewithvaulted ceiling, water-side bathroom,large closet andwater-side sittingroom. There is awidows peak /studio on thethirdflooUNDERrand an enor CONTRACTmous basement /garg a ethatprovides ampleroomtoexpandthe living space of this home.Currently thebasementisset up as awood workingand electricalshopwithmore room andstorage than typical of ahome this size.Equipped with atwo zone central airand hydronic heatingsystem, oilfiredhot watercirculated to an airexchangeand oilfiredhot water, this home is efficientand simpletomaintain. Newto theMarketwithshowingsand additional information availableuponrequest. REDUCED UNDER CONTRACT Easton ~ LeedsCreek waterfront home with a Easton ~ TidewaterColonialonovertwo acres Oxford ~ Nearly 13 acres on Flatty Cove Centreville ~ Bright andelegant onestory home newroofinTunisMillswithfive feet of waterat off Peachblossom Cove, thehouse wasbuilt in off theTredAvonRiver with alongcountry with wonderful viewsupand down GroveCreek mean lowtide,400’Eastofon se~ LecuedresCdsrehoekrewalintee,rfrowant tehomer 1966with aanEadistswon ~ellkTidewaept.teTherColgaraonialogenowaveCoarsmrtwoodacresifiedForOxdrfo iverdmorewa~dBy,Ne informationarpelyriod13 acres1930’ensonsfon onarFl thesemhattyouCo seve,numerCentreouvilsle ~ Brfromight anapderilegamentpaonrceseltoinry“Rhomeecovery” afew minutes side pool, maturenewrtreeoofis,nToruninamesMillntswalithfigaverd feenetsof waCoardtoteaccommrat off Peodacathbealo ssBensonfiromstCoflove,orthbedehouroomse waansbdtuiltheinre offfineoutbutheT offeringsreildingsdAvonRan ivordaer forwiccesth assitancesoalryongcstruountct ryureswiwithAliciawothndaerfulfrviomewsupaCe ntDulinndredovillwnebycGroveCar,arendek just Coff the hester andlandscaping.Thmeanehlowtouidese,4is00’juofstsecuovreerdsfohourreline,arwaettehrr ee1966bedranoodimsswelwilkthept.twTheobgaraathsgeonwaCoarthsmesodecifiedond drivenewawsdBy,eppetiricsodys1930’teensonm.sfPrarmhoposouseed,nLoumert5ouofsLofrngomPoapintrime paRircveelr.in “RGeecneovroery”usafenewteminrtaiutesnmentspaces, lovely side pool, mature trees, ornamental gardens to accommodateafirst floor bedroom andthere outbuildingswithan dayourcces sosearchry structures with a from Centrevillebycar,and just Coff the hester thousand square feet with updatedkitchen, floor.Acozy waterside den with410masonry-3Preser10ve is-4arar90ewater9Cfrontopporeltunilty just finishes, excellentkitchen. Clean, drybasement, andlandscaping.Thehouse is just over four arethree bedrooms with twobaths on thesecond newsepticsystem. Proposed Lot5of Long Point River. Generous entertainmentspaces, lovely bathsand theaddithtiouonsand of assquaturediofeet/hwiomtheoupffice.datedkitfirep410-310-4909chen,laceflo,cor.Aountrycozyki watchetersn,ide dinin den gawith410ndmasolivinryng-3Preserout10vesideis-4ofararOx90ewfoatrder.Th9Cfrontoeppporarelcetulinilstty objusterfinec410-200-6378isordhes,ed excellatentitkcsitchtoen.rageCleaann,da drybaslaement,rgedoublegarage. Good Twocar attachedgbatharsaagnde, thwaeateddirstiideon of [email protected]/hdomeoroffice.oms,FfireploForrilaceda,c morroomountryei,dkinformatiooctchekan,nd dininmaganonttundrelivitreeheseng s outwi finesidethofanOx offeringaccepford.ThtablsoepeCarraceonlissistancetrstacobtofSerecordaladulin@bensonandmangold.come. witedOfferhyatticsedourtoforar prge anopwadaertyterdlargep searchedthoublategtharedage.ocGok.odAquality waterfront greenhouse.AskingTwoc$1,295,000.ar attachedgarage, waterside gazebocompandlimenroomstt,FhiloslForriisdati morngroomloei,dcanformatiooctekadjndustmmanonttuinreuttreeeshesesto wi fine$850,000th an offeringaccepta.AblsoeCddiraontissistancetronacaltofSlandsale. witOfferanhydledourotfosar prvaopwailablertyterde.ep searchth atpropthederoctyk.offAqeruaedlityforwa$935,000.terfront greenhouse.Asking $1,295,000. complimentthislisting locatedjustminutes to $850,000.Additional lands andlotsavailable. property offered for $935,000. Easton. Ea$935,750ston. $935,750 [email protected]@bensonandmangold.com “Annexed-Immense Development Potential!” “Incredible Waterfront“IncredibleTALBOT WaterfrontBuilding BuildingSite!” Site!” COUNTY FARM“Annexed-Immense FOR Development SALE Potential!” *Annexation Agreement Established Twenty Twoacres SouthofEaston with broad viewsofthe ChoptankRiver, this NEWLISTINGisofferedfor $1,250,000 andisimprovedbyanopenconcept threebedroom, threeand half bath home builtin2004 alongwithatwobedroom,one bath caretakercottage. The property hasabout tenacres in cultivation, seven acres in ma*ImmenseturedCRP ground,asmall Developmentyard andgardenwiththe balancein Opportunity hedgerowsand shorelineprovidinganabundance of habitat forwildlife. The usho eiscustombuilt with an open conceptkitchen, dining, living roomwithlarge windowstothe river, twoguestrooms Twenty TwoacreswiSothutaJhofEack&Jiastll bathon anwidamth broasteradsuviitewitsofthvauheltedChceilinoptg,anwakRter-ivesider,baththisroNEom,lWLargeISTINcloset anGisodwater-sidefferedf sittoringr$1,250,000oom. Thereanis
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