LA NOUVELLE REVUE DU P ACIFIQUE THE NEW PACIFIC REVIEW PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH PACIFIC HISTORY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ACTES DE LA J6E CONFERENCE DE L'ASSOCIATION DES HISTORIENS DU PACIFIQUE The Pacific Centre Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies The Australian National University Noumea-Kone, 6-10 december 2004 VOLUME3 Editorial Board Frederic Angleviel, University of New Caledonia, Noumea Paul de Deckker, University of New Caledonia, Noumea David Hegarty, RSPAS, Australian National University, Canberra Louise Peltzer, University of French Polynesia, Papeete Serge Tcherkezoff, EHESS Paris and CREDO, Marseille Darrell Tryon, RSPAS, Australian National University, Canberra Volume editor: Paul de Deckker Christophe Sand Frederic Angleviel Designer: Totem Infographie,toteminfo@mac .com Production: The Pacific Centre Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY [email protected] Printer: University Printing Service, Canberra, Australia Cover: Hinuili, masculine pendentive ofNews-Georg;ia,archipelago of the Solomon Islands, Rotival collection. Hinuili, pendentif masculin de la Nouvelle-Georgie, archipel des ties Salomon, collection Rotival. ISSN I445-4947 ii Contents Darrell Tryon: Preface Frederic Angleviel: Prologue 3 Antony Hooper: Orality, Literacy, Tradition, History 6 Serge Tcherkezoff: Cultures, langues, patrimoines et enjeux historiques 18 Grant McCall and Max Quanchi: Teaching the Pacific in the Pacific: 23 Awesome Anthropology and Pacific History forundergraduates Paul de Deckker: Uvea-Wallis: Tradition vs Modernity? A community torn apart 41 Michael Goldsmith: Being Pakeha then: the genealogy of an ethnic label 55 in New Zealand mythistory Cluny and La' avasa Macpherson: Like Moths to a Light: Misunderstanding 65 the Process of Pacific Labour Migration Sam Kaima: The Hazards of Colonial Patrol: Wounding of Thomas Alfred Hough 84 in Wantoat, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea Charles Illouz: L'histoire en amhropologie. Controverse neo-caledonienne 104 et etude de cas (Mare, lies Loyaute) Helen Gardner: Missionaries, Evolutionism and Pacific Anthropology: 122 The correspondence of Lorimer Fison and Robert Codrington Colin Newbury: Bose Vakaturaga: Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs, 1875-2000 134 iii Christophe Sand, Jacques Bole et Andre Ouetcho: De la recherche archeologique 176 a l'histoire oceanienne : quel passe pour le Pacifique ? Jean-Michel Chazine: Grande et petite histoire sur Jes atolls: l'exemple des Tuamotu 188 Richard Shing: Oral tradition in Vanuatu and its importance from an historical perspective 199 Jean-Christophe Galipaud: Laperouse a Vanikoro : tradition orale et histoire 205 Robin Skinner: Illustrating the New Zealander: London exhibitions of Maori in the 1840s 218 Brian Gilkes: Observed Space as Epistemology Non-iconic Signifiers in Kiribati 227 Prue Ahrens: The Question of Samoan Femininity: Reverend George Brown's 244 Photographs, 1898-1903 Jude Philp and Helen Gardner: The photographic moment George Brown 255 in New Britain 1875-1880 Contributors 265 iv Preface Darrell Tryon The New Pacific Review/La Nouvelle Revue du Pacifique owes its initial impetus to the vision of the late Pierre Garrigue-Guyonnaud, French Permanent Secretary for the Pacific 1996-2002, who died in Marrakech in March 2006. This volume is dedicated to his memory. Ambassador Garrigue-Guyonnaud masterminded a major international symposium, 'Les ldentites du Pacifique/ldentity in the Pacific', held at the Tjibaou Centre in New Caledonia in 1999. This symposium, bringing together Anglophone and Francophone scholars from all around the Pacific, followedthe successful French-Australian colloquium, 'Changing Identities in the Pacific at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century', held at the Australian Embassy in Paris in 1997. The proceedings of the symposium held at the Tj ibaou Centre constituted the first volume of the New Pacific Review/la Nouvelle Revue du Pacifique (2000). The second volume was the fniit of another major French-Australian symposium, 'L'Etat des Etats/Pacific Island States Today', held at the Australian National University in 2003. In the second volume contributions were published in the language in which they were delivered, either English or French, with bilingual abstracts at the end of each chapter, following the tradition of the major French anthropological journal L' Homme. This third volume of the New Pacific Review/la Nouvelle Revue du Pacifique consists of the proceedings of the 161" Pacific History Association Conference, held in Noumea at the end of 2004. This is particularly noteworthy in that this was the first time that the Pacific History Association held its annual international conference in the Francophone Pacific. Significantly, the editors of the volume are also French. Until now, most Pacific history has been in English and the substantial contribution of French scholars to Pacific Studies has been somewhat overshadowed by the dominance of English as the predominant language of most students of the Pacific. This unfortunate situation, highlighted during the Assises de la Recherche Fram;aise clans le Pacifique Preface colloquium held in Noumea in August 2004, is being addressed, as this volume attests. Indeed it may be seen as a harbinger of things to come and a welcome taste of the benefits of closer collaboration and exchange between Anglophone and Francophone scholars. This is one of two volumes to come out of the conference. It has a distinct purpose and logic in seeking to bridge the colonial linguistic and academic divide between the Anglophone and Francophone Pacific, and especially to reach out and bring the research of Francophone scholars to a wider English-speaking readership. Nine of the contributors are from the Francophone world, and fourof the eighteen contributions are in French. The rest are in English. Each chapter has both French and English abstracts. The contributions are organised around three interdisciplinary clusters: History and Anthropology, History and Archaeology, and History and Images. It is interesting to observe that the two worlds of Pacific scholarship combined here have both been moving independently towards these associations. The three sections also vary considerably in length, with 169 pages for the History and Anthropology section, 47 for History and Images, and 41 for History and Archaeology. These figures roughly reflect the strengths of the disciplines within Pacific Studies. Diversity and individuality have been favoured over imposing one single style throughout, as this volume, while seeking common ground, is also about celebrating diversity, diversity of subject-matter and diversity of approach, reflecting the richness which a combined French/English prism can bring to the study of the Pacific. For the sum of the whole is certainly greater than the sum of the parts. The Pacific Centre of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies is delighted that ANU E-Press, into which Pandanus Books was recently folded, is to be the publisher of future volumes, since Pandanus was the publisher of the first two volumes of the New Pacific Review/la Nouvelle Revue du Pacifiq ue. Darrell Tryon Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies Australian National University 2 The New Pacific Review Prologue Frederic Angleviel L'histoire du Pacifique . Bilans et perspectives (Pacific History. Assesments and Propects), tel etait le theme de la seizieme conference de la Pacific History Association. Cette association des historiens du Pacifique a une vocation regionale et ii est a noter que c'etait la premiere foisen trente deux ans qu'elle se reunissait en terre francophone. Du 6 au 10 decembre 2004, cette conference a reuni une centaine de chercheurs en provenance de la region Pacifique, mais aussi d'Europe et des Ameriques. Le comite local avait organise neuf ateliers : Histoire et anthropologie ; histoire et archeologie ; histoire et geographie ; histoire et sciences politiques ; histoire et images ; histoire et litterature ; histoire et religion ; histoire et Franconesie ; histoire de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Sans conteste, Jes deux ateliers qui furent les plus reflexifs furent le premier et le demier. L'atelier histoire et anthropologie, dirige par le professeur Paul de Deckker, etait significatif de !'importance de l'oralite clans la region Pacifique. L'atelier histoire de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, coordonne par Christiane Terrier, a permis aux chercheurs locaux de confronter les resultats de leurs recherches monographiques aux travaux generaux des chercheurs d'Australie, de Nouvelle-Zelande, d'Hawaii ou de France metropolitaine. La conference se deroula durant quatre jours a Noumea sur le campus de l'universite de la Nouvelle-Caledonie avant de se cloturer par une joumee a Kone, joumee dediee aux difficultes et aux particularites de l'histoire locale au siege de la province Nord de la N ouvelle-Caledonie. Nos remerciements vont tout d'abord aux differents partenaires institutionnels qui ont permis la reussite de cette manifestation scientifique : le Minisrere des affaires etrangeresde la Republique fran�aisea travers le Fonds de cooperation economique, sociale et culturelle pour le Pacifique, le gouvemement de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, Jes provinces Nord et Sud de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, la ville de Noumea, les ambassades fran�aises de Fidji, de Nouvelle­ Zelande et du Vanuatu, l'universite de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, la Pacific History Association, ainsi qu'un mecene, !'office des postes et telecommunications de Nouvelle-Caledonie.
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