Politics &Society EDITORIAL BOARD FRED BLOCK MIEKE MEURS University of California, Davis American University JOHN BOWMAN MOLLY NOLAN Queens College, CUNY New York University ARCHON FUNG DAVID PLOTKE Harvard University New School for Social Research IRA KATZNELSON GAY SEIDMAN Columbia University University of Wisconsin–Madison ELIZABETH KIER NIKHIL PAL SINGH University of Washington University of Washington CLAIRE JEAN KIM SUSAN STOKES University of California, Irvine University of Chicago MAGALI SARFATTI LARSON MARGARET WEIR Temple University University of California, Berkeley University of Urbino, Italy ERIK OLIN WRIGHT MARGARET LEVI University of Wisconsin–Madison University of Washington MARY-ANN TWIST Managing Editor Politics & Society publishes original analyses of politics, including its social roots and its consequences. In its broadest sense, politics encompasses conflicts over the shape of social life, whether on the shop floor, within the family, or in the realms of the state and the world economy. The quest for a good society is also enduringly a part of political life. Politics & Society is committed to developing Marxist, post-Marxist, and other radical perspectives and to examining what Robert Lynd once called “some outrageous hypotheses.” For Sage Periodicals Press: Stephanie Lawrence, Ani Ayvazian, Tammy Ditmore, and Corina Villeda Politics & Society Volume 29, Number 4, December 2001 Contents Contributors 483 Collective Action, Property Rights, and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal ARUN AGRAWAL ELINOR OSTROM 485 National Political Community and the Politics of Income Taxation in Brazil and South Africa in the Twentieth Century EVA N S. LIEBERMAN 515 Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Local Governments, Industrial Sectors, and Development in China ADAM SEGAL ERIC THUN 557 Fee-Splitting Revisited: Concealing Surplus Value in the Temporary Employment Relationship GEORGE GONOS 589 Index 613 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi Politics & Society publishes original analyses of politics, including its social roots and its consequences. In its broadest sense, politics encompasses conflicts over the shape of social life, whether on the shop floor, within the family, or in the realms of the state and the world economy. The quest for a good society is also enduringly a part of political life. Contributions are welcome from people of many disciplines, and they may take the form of theoretical essays, historical investigations, philosophical reflections, and empirical research. The journal emphasizes the use of lucid English in its articles. Politics & Society is committed to developing Marxist, post-Marxist, and other radical perspectives and to examining what Robert Lynd once called “some outrageous hypotheses.” Manuscript Submission: Contributions and other editorial comments should be sent to Mary-Ann Twist, Managing Editor, Politics & Society, 123 Van Deusen Street, Madison, WI 53715. Manuscripts may be transmitted electronically to [email protected] in most formats. Please include your name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address on the cover letter. Politics & Society will not consider manuscripts currently under review with any other journal. Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, and submitted in duplicate. Notes must be double-spaced and placed at the end of the text (not at the bottom of pages). Politics & Society follows Chicago style (A Manual of Style, 14th ed., Chicago: University of Chicago, 1993). Notes must be complete: References to journal articles must include volume and issue numbers, as well as month and year of publication; references to books must list the author, title, city and year of publication, and publisher; references to contributed books must list the contributor, title of the contributor’s essay, and full book information, including editor(s). All publication decisions are made by the editorial board as a whole at its quarterly meetings. There, one of four possible decisions is made: (1) acceptance; (2) conditional acceptance, pending revisions; (3) revision and resubmission; or (4) rejection. In the case of a decision to accept pending revisions, the coordinating editor usually determines if the author’s changes meet the board’s requests. In the case of a decision to revise and re- submit, the article is treated as a new submission and is reread and rediscussed by the entire board. Contribu- tors should receive a decision within five months of submission. 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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Politics & Society, c/o 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Printed on recycled, acid-free paper POLITICSCONTRIBUTORS & SOCIETY Contributors Arun Agrawal ([email protected]) is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Yale University. His research focuses on the institutional political economy of development and environmental conservation. His first book, Greener Pastures, on pastoralists in western India was published by Duke and Oxford University Presses. He has also coedited Agrarian Environ- ments (Duke University Press), Regional Modernities (Stanford University Press), and Communities and the Environment (Rutgers University Press, forthcoming). His research has been published in various journals, among them, Comparative Political Studies, Development and Change, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of
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