International journal of scientific and technical research in engineering (IJSTRE) www.ijstre.com Volume 1 Issue 7 ǁ October 2016. Some New Prime Graphs S.MEENA, J.NAVEEN Associate Professor of Mathematics Government Arts College, C.Mutlur, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India E-mail : [email protected] Assistant Professor of Mathematics Government Arts College, C.Mutlur, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRACT : A Graph G with n vertices is said to admit prime labeling if its vertices can be labeled with distinct positive integers not exceeding n such that the labels of each pair of adjacent vertices are relatively prime. A graph G which admits prime labeling is called a prime graph. In this paper we investigate the ∗ existence of prime labeling of some graphs related to cycle Cn, wheel 푊푛 ,crown 퐶푛 ,Helm퐻푛and Gear graph퐺푛 ,Star푠푛 , Friendship graph 푇푛 ,prism 퐷푛 and Butterfly graph 퐵푛,푚 .We discuss prime labeling in the context of the graph operation namely duplication. Keywords:Graph Labeling, Prime Labeling, Duplication, Prime Graph. I. INTRODUCTION We begin with simple, finite, connected and undirected graph G (V,E) with p vertices and q edges.The set of vertices adjacent to a vertex u of G is denoted by N(u).For notations and terminology we refer to Bondy and Murthy[1]. The notion of prime labeling was introduced by Roger Entringer and was discussed in a paper by Tout[6]. Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. Relatively prime numbers play an important role in both analytic and algebraic number theory. Many researchers have studied prime graph.Fu. H [3] has proved that the path 푃푛 onn vertices is a prime graph. Deretsky el al [2] haveprove that the cycle 퐶푛 on n vertices is a prime graph. Around 1980 rugerEtringer conjectured that all trees have prime labeling which is not settled till today. The prime labeling for planer grid is investigated by Sundaram et al [5] , Lee.S.al [4] has proved that the Wheel 푊푛 is a prime graph if and only if n is even. ′ " Definition 1.1[7] Duplication of a vertex 푣푘 by a new edge e = 푣푘 푣푘 in a graph G produces a new graph G' such ′ " that N(푣푘 ) ∩ N(푣푘 )= 푣푘 Definition 1.2 The graph obtained by duplicating all the vertices by edges of a graph G is called duplication of G ∗ Definition 1.3 The crown graph 퐶푛 is obtained from a cycle Cn by attaching a pendent edge at each vertex of the n-cycle. Definition 1.4 The Helm퐻푛 is a graph obtained from a Wheel by attaching a pendent edge at each vertex of the n-cycle. Definition 1.5The gear graph퐺푛 is, the graph obtained from wheel 푊푛 = 퐶푛 + 퐾1by subdividing each edge incident with the apex vertex once. Definition 1.6TheFriendship graph 푇푛 is set of n triangles having a common central vertex. Definition 1.7The Prism 퐷푛 is a Graph obtained from the cycleCn(= 푣1,푣2 , … , 푣푛 )by attaching n-3 chords푣1푣3 , 푣1푣4,… , 푣1푣푛−2. Manuscript id. 249778 www.ijstre.com Page 9 Some New Prime Graphs Definition 1.8 The Butterfly Graph 퐵푛,푚 is,the Graph obtained from two copies ofCn having one vertex in common, and by attaching m pendent edges tothe common vertex of two cycles. In this paper we proved that the graphs obtained by duplication of all the alternate vertices by edges inCnand ∗ wheel 푊푛 if n is even , duplicatingall the rim vertices byedges in crown 퐶푛 ,Helm 퐻푛 andGear graph퐺푛 , duplicating all the alternate vertices by edges in star 푆푛 = 퐾1,푛 and Friendship graph 푇푛 and prism 퐷푛 ,duplicating all the vertices of 퐶푛 by edges in Butterfly graph 퐵푛,푚 , m ≥ 2n-2 are all prime graphs. II. MAIN RESULTS Theorem 2.1 The graph obtained by duplicating all the alternate vertices by edges in퐶푛 is a prime graph , if n is even. Proof. Let푉(퐶푛 ) = {푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} 퐸(퐶푛 ) = {푢푖 푢푖+1 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} υ {푢푛 푢1 } Let G be the graph obtained by duplicatingall the alternate vertices by edges in퐶푛 and let the new edges ′ " ′ " ′ " be푢1푢1, 푢3푢3,… , 푢푛−1푢푛−1by duplicating the alternate vertices 푢1, 푢3 , … . 푢푛−1respectively, ′ " Then푉 퐺 = { 푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ∪ 푢푖 , 푢푖 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 ′ " ′ " 퐸 퐺 = {푢푖 푢푖+1 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1} ∪ {푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 , 푖 푖푠 표푑푑} ∪ { 푢푛 푢1} 푉 퐺 = 2푛, 퐸 퐺 = 5푛/2 Define a labeling 푓 ∶ 푉 퐺 → 1,2,3,… , 2푛 as follows. Let 푓 푢1 = 1 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 푖푓 푖 푖푠 푒푣푒푛 , 2 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 − 1 푖푓 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 푎푛푑 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 " 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 + 1 , 푖푓 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 푎푛푑 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 − 1 , 푖푓 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 푎푛푑 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 ′ 푓 푢푖 = 2푖, 푖푓 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 " 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 + 1 , 푖푓 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 푎푛푑 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 Since 푓 푢1 = 1 ′ gcd 푓(푢1), 푓 푢2 =1, gcd 푓 푢1 , 푓 푢1 =1, " gcd 푓 푢1 , 푓 푢1 = 1, gcd 푓(푢푛 ), 푓 푢1 = 1. gcd 푓 푢푖 , 푓 푢푖+1 = gcd 2푖 , 2 푖 + 1 − 1 = gcd 2푖, 2푖 + 1 = 1, 푖 푖푠 푒푣푒푛 , 푓표푟 2 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 , 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 If i is odd . gcd 푓 푢푖 , 푓 푢푖+1 = gcd 2푖 − 1 , 2 푖 + 1 = gcd 2푖 − 1 , 2푖 + 2 = 1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 , 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 as among these two numbers one is odd and other is even and their difference is 3 and they are not multiples of 3 gcd 푓 푢푖−1 , 푓 푢푖 = gcd 2 푖 − 1 , 2푖 + 1 = gcd 2푖 − 2 , 2푖 + 1 = 1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 , 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 as among these two numbers one is even and other is odd their difference is 3 . And they are not multiples of 3 gcd 푓 푢푖 , 푓 푢푖+1 = gcd 2푖 + 1 , 2푖 + 2 = 1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 , 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 ′ gcd 푓푢푖 ), 푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푖 − 1, 2푖 = 1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 as these two number are consecutive integers " gcd 푓 푢푖 , 푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푖 − 1, 2푖 + 1 =1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 " gcd 푓 푢푖 , 푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푖 + 1, 2푖 − 1 = 1 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ n, 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 as these two number are odd consecutive integers ′ " gcd 푓 푢푖 ,푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푖, 2푖 + 1 = 1 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ n, 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 ′ " gcd 푓 푢푖 ,푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푖, 2푖 − 1 = 1 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ n, 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 as these two number are consecutive integers Thus푓 is a prime labeling. HenceG is a prime graph. Manuscript id. 249778 www.ijstre.com Page 10 Some New Prime Graphs Theorem 2.2 The graph obtained by duplicating all the alternate rim vertices by edges in Wheel 푊푛 is a prime graph. If n is even and 푛 ≢ 1 푚표푑 3 . Proof. Let푉(푊푛 ) = { 푐,푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} 퐸(푊푛 ) = { 푐푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 } υ {푢푖 푢푖+1 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 } υ { 푢푛 푢1 } Let G be the graph obtained by duplicating all the alternate rim vertices by edges in Wheel 푊푛 and let the new ′ " ′ " ′ " edges be 푢1푢1, 푢3푢3,… , 푢푛−1푢푛−1by duplicating the vertices 푢1, 푢3 , … . 푢푛−1respectively, ′ " 푉 퐺 = { 푐, 푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ∪ 푢푖 , 푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 ′ " ′ " 퐸 퐺 = 푐푢푖 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 ∪ 푢푖 푢푖+1 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 ∪ {푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푖푖푠표푑푑} ∪ { 푢푛 푢1} 푉 퐺 = 2푛 + 1, 퐸 퐺 = 7푛/2 Define a labeling 푓 ∶ 푉 퐺 → 1,2,3, … , 2푛 + 1 as follows Let 푓 푐 = 1, 푓 푢1 = 2푛 + 1 2푖, 푓표푟 2 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛, 푖 푖푠 푒푣푒푛 푓 푢 = 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 푖 2푖 − 1, 푓표푟 3 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑, 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 + 1 , 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 ′ 푓 푢푖 = 2푖, 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 , 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 " 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 + 1, 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 푖 ≢ 2 푚표푑 3 " 푓 푢푖 = 2푖 − 1 , 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1, 푖 푖푠 표푑푑 , 푖 ≡ 2 푚표푑 3 Since푓 푐 =1 gcd 푓 푐 , 푓 푢푖 = 1, 푓표푟 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 ′ gcd 푓(푢1), 푓 푢1 = gcd 2푛 + 1,2 = 1 " gcd 푓 푢1 , 푓 푢푖 = gcd 2푛 + 1,3 = 1, 푓표푟 푛 ≢ 1 푚표푑 3 Since푛 ≢ 1 푚표푑 3 , 2푛 + 1 ≢ 0 푚표푑 3 " Therefore gcd 푓 푢1 , 푓 푢푖 = (2n+1,3)= 1, Similar to previous theorem for all other pair of adjacent vertices gcd =1 Thus f is a prime labeling. Hence G is a prime graph. Theorem 2.3 ∗ The graph obtained by duplicating all the rim vertices by edges inCrown 퐶푛 is a prime graph. Proof: ∗ Let푉(퐶푛 ) = {푢푖 ,푣푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ∗ 퐸 퐶푛 ={푢푖 푢푖+1 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ∪ 푢푖 푣푖 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 υ {푢푛 푢1 } ∗ Let G be the graph obtained by duplicating all the rim vertices by edges inCrown 퐶푛 and let the new edges be ′ " ′ " ′ " 푢1푢1, 푢2푢2,… , 푢푛 푢푛by duplicating the vertices 푢1, 푢2 , … . 푢푛 respectively, Then, ′ " 푉 퐺 = { 푢푖 , 푣푖 , 푢푖 , 푢푖 / 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ′ ′ " " 퐸 퐺 = 푢푖 푢푖+1/1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛 − 1 ∪ {푢푖 푣푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 , 푢푖 푢푖 /1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푛} ∪ { 푢푛 푢1} 푉 퐺 = 4푛, 퐸 퐺 = 5푛.
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