‘ and PROGRESS Of SPIRITUALISM, RELÎGI ON and REFORM. Entered as Second Class Matter. March 15th, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., U.3.A., under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 (Sec. 397, P.L. and R.). No. 2238 —V ol. X L III. Friday, Oct. 17, 1930. Price T wopence. MARYLEBONE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION LTD., WIMBLEDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH QUEEN’S HALL, Langham Place, W.1. (Accepting the Leadership of Jesus Christ), Public W orship : Sundays at 6-30. 136, H artitkld R oad, W imbledon, S .W .1 9 . SUNDAY, Oct. 19th, at 6-30, Sunday, Oct. 10th. a t 11. Mrs. A. F. HOLLOWAY, Address, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. Mu. ERNEST L1UNT, A ddress. A t 6-30. M r . ERNEST W. BEARD, Mbs. ESTA CASSEL, C lairvoyance . Address, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. AT HEADQUARTER3: W ednesday, Oct. 22nd. a t 7 -3 0 , M r s . J. R. YORKE, Marylebone House, 42, Russell Square, W.C.1. Addresses, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. II k a l i no (No Charge) : Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, MEETINGS for PSYCHOMETRY and CLAIRVOYANCE. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, 3 to 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20th, at 3, Psychom etry, Mrs. F. K ingstone Monday, Oct. 20th, at 7-30, Clairvoy’ce, Mrs. E. R oberts North London Spiritualist Association, Thursday, Oct. 23rd, at 7-30, Clairvoyance, Mr. Austin (Limited by Guarantee), friday, Oct. 24th, at 7-30, Clairvoyance, Mr. G . Botham: Hornsey R oad, N.19 (one minute Hornsey Rd. L.M.S. Stn.) LECTURES. Sunday, Oct. 19th, at 11, Mrs. E. EDBY. Tuesday, Oct. 21st, at 7-30, Mrs. St. Clair Stobart. A t 7, Captain JACK FROST, Madame S T E L L A and “ The Spiritualism of Lao-Tzo and Confucius,” M r . HARLTEY W. FORD. Mowed by q u estion s a n d d iscu ssion on s u b je c t in trod u ced . W ednesday, Oct. 22nd, a t 8 , Mr. & Mrs. E. J. PULHAM . GROUP SEANCES. Sunday. Oct. 26th, at 11, Miss MARIAN MORETON. Tuesday, O ct. 2 1st, a t 7-30 .. .. Mr. T homas W yatt A t 7, M r s . E . E D E Y . Wednesday, O ct. 22nd, a t 3 .. Miss Lily Thomas Lyceum every S unday at 3. Thursday, O ct. 23rd, a t 7-30 . Mr. Glover B otham F ree H ealing every F riday from 7. PRIVATE SITTINGS can be arranged with the following u Mediums : LONDON SPIRITUAL MISSION, *M. Estelle R oberts, Mrs. Morrel, Mrs. Cassel, Mrs. 13, Pembridge Place, Bayswater, London, W. Oannock, Mr. Glover B otham, Miss Lily Thomas Mrs. H irst. Sunday, Oct. 19th, a t 11, Mr. FLORIZEL VON REUTER. , HEALING. Subject, “ How a Spirit Proved Its Identity.” yer7 Wednesday, at 2-30 a n d 7, “ Medicine Man,” the A t 6 -3 0 , M r s . WORTHINGTON. j®trol of M r . J o n e s , will Diagnose and give Treatment, ednesday ct nd a t 7 -3 0 , r DENNIS GRINLING charge is m a d e, b u t a S ilv er C ollection w ill b e ta k en to W , O . 22 , M . defray expenses. Personal Experiences. Clairvoyant: Miss F. C a m p b e l l . K LIBRARY. Admission by ticket only. ■'early 2,000 volumes. Open Daily except Saturdays. AN OPPORTUNITY.— A Voluntary Choir is being Rochester Square Spiritualist Temple, for our Queen's Hall Sunday Evening Services under Camden Road, Camden T own, N.W. ^jdlent conductorship. Apply by letter only to the Secre- Sunday, Oct. 19th, a t 11 A 0-45, Mr. A Mrs. W H Y M A N fEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS : .Members 10/-, Associates, 1 /6 (Hanley). Seances will be held during the week. correspondence to the Secretary, Frank Haivken. Admission ny ticket only. Monday, at 3. W omen’s Guild. T uesday, at 7. Free Healing. Thursday, a t 8, Mr. & Mrs. WHYMAN, Lecture and flORIZEL VON REUTER Demonstration. ON Saturday, Oct. 25th, at 7. C O N C E R T . “ THE PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES OF A Sunday, Oct. 26th, HARVEST THANKSGIVING. Gifts of God’s Bounty Invited. MUSICIAN ” L yceum every Sunday at 3. (illustrated by Lantern Slides) at the KENSINGTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Develop Y our Psychic Gift». Lindsey Hall, The Mall, Notting H ill Gate, PSYCHOSENSICS. ^•8., on W ednesday, Oct. 22nd, at 8 p.m. The W orld’s B est Course. Tickets, 1/6 and 2/-. S en d for pamphlet and explanatory literature, with I id. stamp for postage, to Assistant Secretary : Mrs. H orton-Smith, Secretary, Psychosensic T raining I nstitute Clarendon R oad, H olland Park, W. 11. 28, St. Stephen’s R oad, London, W .2. P lea se ask for Syllabus. T he B ook for A ll Psychic Students “ Symbols and Their Interpretation,” by F. Brittain, 1,6, poet free 1/t. T H E T W O WORLDS October IT, 1930 THE “ W. T. STEAD” BORDERLAND LIBRARY, BRITISH COLLEGE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCECE LTD,irn S, Smith Square, Westminster. S.W.1. 15, Queen’s Gate, London, S .W .7 . T e l. : Western 39si, (Entrance in North Street). Telephone : V i c t o r i a 0567. H on Principal: Mrs. Champion De Crespignt. H o n . S e c r e t a r y .................................M iss E S T E L L E S T E A D SYLLABUS ON APPLICATION. The Lending Library contains hundreds of books on Psychic Best Equipped Centre for the Study and T)emonstia(#, subjects. Fully Classified Catalogue, 2s. 7d. of Psychic Science in Britain. PRIVATE APPOINTMENTS. For particulars of Membership and Experiments apply u Psychic Photography..................................... Mrs. Deane the Secretary. Trance— Mrs. G. P . Sharplin, Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. R o n s , Mrs. H. Cantlon “ PSYCHIC SCIENCE.” Clairvoyance— M iss F rances Campbell, Mrs. L ivingstone V o l . IX. No. 3. ctober 1930. Ouija Board and Automatic Writing—Mrs. H ester Dowden O , Mrs. Corelli Green The B ritish Medical A ssociation at W innipeg, by Hemi CIRCLES and CLASSES. A . V . Green. Fourth Congress of Parapsychology at Athens, by Di Mondats, Demonstrations and Messages with the new K arl R othy. Communigraph by the Originator and the Medium of “ Sensing ” at Glastonbury, by B arbara McKewo. the Reflectograph (by appointment). T he R ev. W illiam Stainton Moses, by Stanley deBras T uesdays, at 3, Class for Development, Mrs. Sharplin. The L’E strange Sittings, by R. Sanders-Clark and Di W ednesdays, at 3, Circle for Clairvoyance. Oct. 22nd A. Conan Doyle. Mrs. H irst. Miss Francis’ Mediumship, by M. W . Hankey. Thursdays, at 3, Open Circle for Instruction, Miss E arle A nimism and Spiritism. Preface. By E. Bozzano. j a n d Mrs. L ivingstone. A n A uthentic Case of Clairvoyance, b y F loiuzel voi T hursdays, at 5-30, Devotional Group for Absent Healing, R euter. M iss Stead. Also other valuable articles, Frontispiece and Illustration* Fridays, at 3, Claes for Development, Mrs. Campbell F o r Syllabus and further particulars, apply Secretary. E d ito r: STANLEY DE BRATH, M.I.O.E. 1 L ibrary “ A t H omes ” are held every Friday, 3 to 5-30. Can be obtained from the College, 2/9 post free ; 11/- yearly, Members and all interested to talk on Psychic Subjects and Sample Copy (back number) free from the Secretary. to see the Library are cordially invited. Tea 6d. Alternate Fridays, Special Speakers, Discussion and Tea. Members Free. Non-Members, 1/-. Tea, 9d. «‘ THE HEAVENS ARE RINGING.” Friday,'Oct. 24th, at 3-30, Mr. A . J. A shdown on “ S om e By Ivan Cooke. Scientific Facts with Regard to the Reflectograph.” The Story of the Century-long Haunting of an Old Sum; SPECIAL NOTICE. Manor House. The Seance which Released the Earthboun Miss HAZEL RIDLEY, Voice Medium from America, Spirit, and the Remarkable Verification of the Story After­ will visit the Library in the early autumn. Private and wards Obtained. Group Sittings will be arranged. Apply The Secretary. “ The Author has done well in preserving the remart- able story now published.”— The T wo W orlds. PSYCHOLOGY MAGAZINE CALLS YOU P rice 1/2 post free from to a happier, nobler and more abundant life. It shows you how to avoid past mistakes, banish fear IVAN COOKE, ” The Fifth House,” Elmstead Avert« and worry, attain love and happiness, and come into Wembley Park. a peacefulness of mind which passes all understand­ ing. Published monthly. Specimen copy at re­ duced price of 1 - from PSYCHOLOGY PUBLISH­ ING CO., Dept W., 11, TODD ST., MANCHESTER. Books on Spiritualism BY MAGNETIC HEALING, ELECTRICAL AND HERBAL TREATMENT. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Phone : Moss Side 2493, or write for Consultation. JAMES KITE, N.A.T.M., M.N.Ch.A., g. D. 105, Withington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. History of Spiritualism. Complete. Two Vols. 21 8 F riday «fe Saturday a t 74, W atson R oad, B lackpool. Land of Mist ( N o v e l ) ..........................................................3 6 Qualified A ssistants. Advice F ree. Memories and Adventures (Autobiography) .. 7 * Iron, Wood and Semi- Cur African Winter ............................................. 7 • Permanent Buildings. Our American A dventure.....................................® " Our Second American Adventure ........................65 E stimates and D esigns Free. The Edge of the Unknown ............................7 • GINGER, LEE & Co. Ltd., The New Revelation (P a p e r), 2/6 .. Cloth 3 • Longsight, MANCHESTER. The Coming of the Fairies ............................31 * The Spiritualists Reader. Short Readings and HUMAN PERSONALITY AND ITS M essages ...............................................................3 * SURVIVAL OF BODILY DEATH.
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