ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY .............................................................................. 3 2 DECLARATION OF OPENING ............................................................................................... 3 3 ATTENDANCE ........................................................................................................................... 3 4 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE ....................... 4 5 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ...................................................................................................... 5 6 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE .................................................................... 12 7 PETITIONS, DEPUTATIONS OR PRESENTATIONS ....................................................... 12 8 DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST .......................................................... 12 9 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETING – AS CIRCULATED .......................................................................................................................... 12 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIR (WITHOUT DISCUSSION) ................................. 13 11 SIGNIFICANT STRATEGIC MATTERS ............................................................................. 14 TF033 ADOPTION OF GERALDTON AIRPORT MASTER PLAN ...................................... 14 SC069 PROPOSED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – DEVELOPMENT REZONING, KARLOO (LOT 21 SCOTT ROAD) ...................................................... 23 SC070 PROPOSED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – DEVELOPMENT REZONING, KARLOO (LOTS 23 & 800 MOLONEY STREET) ................................ 28 CR HALL RETURNED TO CHAMBERS AT 5.59PM ............................................................................ 32 12 AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT..................................................................................... 33 13 STRATEGIC & POLICY MATTERS .................................................................................... 34 SC066 CONTROL OF VEHICLES (OFF ROAD AREAS) ACT AUTHORISED OFFICERS 34 SC067 DOG ACT AUTHORISED OFFICERS ...................................................................... 37 SC068 FINAL APPROVAL OF LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – ‘CHILD CARE PREMISES’ ADDITIONAL USE, GLENFIELD ............................................. 40 SC071 PROPOSED TOWN PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – RESIDENTIAL REZONING, BLUFF POINT (LOT 3029 KEMPTON STREET) ............................... 48 SC072 PROPOSED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL REZONING, WOORREE ................................................................. 54 SC073 PROPOSED TOWN PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – ‘RECREATION ACTIVE’ ADDITIONAL USE, RIFLE RANGE ROAD RANGEWAY ......................... 59 SC074 FINAL ADOPTION OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT & OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - RESORT DEVELOPMENT REZONING, CAPE BURNEY .................................................................................................................................... 64 SC075 ADOPTION OF DRAFT LOCAL PLANNING POLICY, GERALDTON – FROM A LOCAL TO GLOBAL REGIONAL CITY .................................................................... 75 SC076 CLAUSE 2.6 PARKING AND PARKING FACILITIES LOCAL LAW ....................... 80 14 OPERATIONAL MATTERS .................................................................................................. 84 TF034 COUNTRY LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND - PROJECT ALLOCATIONS ............... 84 CC085 MEMBERSHIP OF GERALDTON REGIONAL ART GALLERY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................. 88 14.1 REPORTS TO BE RECEIVED ................................................................................................... 92 15 ELECTED MEMBERS MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN ........................................................................................................................................ 94 16 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN .............. 94 17 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY PRESIDING MEMBER OR BY DECISION OF THE MEETING ........................................................................................................................ 94 1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 18 CLOSURE ................................................................................................................................. 94 APPENDIX 1 – ATTACHMENTS AND REPORTS TO BE RECEIVED ..................................... 95 2 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 CITY OF GREATER GERALDTON ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2012 AT 5.30PM CHAMBERS, CATHEDRAL AVENUE MINUTES DISCLAIMER: The Chairman advises that the purpose of this Council Meeting is to discuss and, where possible, make resolutions about items appearing on the agenda. Whilst Council has the power to resolve such items and may in fact, appear to have done so at the meeting, no person should rely on or act on the basis of such decision or on any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or on the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the meeting. Persons should be aware that the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (Section 5.25(e)) and Council’s Standing Orders Local Laws establish procedures for revocation or recision of a Council decision. No person should rely on the decisions made by Council until formal advice of the Council decision is received by that person. The City of Greater Geraldton expressly disclaims liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of relying on or acting on the basis of any resolution of Council, or any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the Council meeting. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and pay respect to the Elders and to knowledge embedded forever within the Aboriginal Custodianship of Country. 2 DECLARATION OF OPENING The Presiding Member declared the meeting open at 5.32pm. 3 ATTENDANCE Present: Cr N McIlwaine (Presiding member) Cr R Ashplant Cr N Bennett Cr D Brick Cr C Gabelish Cr J Clune Cr R D Hall Cr N Messina Cr R Ramage Cr R deTrafford Cr T Thomas Cr S Van Styn Officers: C Wood, Director of Organisational Performance B Davis, Director of Treasury & Finance N Arbuthnot, Director of Community Infrastructure 3 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 S Moulds, PA to the Chief Executive Officer M Connell, Manager Town Planning Services S Chiera, Coordinator Marketing & Media K Seidl, Manager Community Law & Safety C Budhan, Manager Arts, Culture & Heritage Others: Members of Public: 3 Members of Press: 1 Apologies: Cr I Middleton T Brun, Chief Executive Officer A Selvey, Director of Creative Communities P Melling, Director of Sustainable Communities Leave of Absence: Mayor I Carpenter Cr P Fiorenza 4 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE Questions below were addressed at the Agenda Forum held on 20 November 2012. Mr Colin Dymond, [email protected] Question Based upon the current design for the new car park behind the library what is the net increase in car parking spaces? Response The Deputy Mayor advised that the current design is not yet completed. Question It is stated in the item regarding the SGIO car park that the building of the new car park behind the library will offset the loss of bays from the sale of the car park? Response Acquisition of the Beaurepaires site was strategic, creating land capacity for future development (with private sector participation) of a commercial multi-deck car parking facility, on that site and potentially also the library carpark area, with ground floor commercial shopfront development, and possibly including g some in-city residential development on top floors above the car parking decks. A development such as this has been successfully undertaken in Cairns. Timing of such a development is dependent on actual demand for parking. In that context, the current development of the car parking area on the Beaurepaires site is an interim development only. Future deck parking, when justified by actual 4 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 27 NOVEMBER 2012 demand for parking in the CBD, will more than offset any loss of parking associated with the SGIO car park. The market will determine timing. Question If my memory is correct the reason why the council first purchase the car park from the state government so to secure the long term car parking requirements for the city. As I understand our car parking requirements in the CBD have not decreased, or does a new study refute this? Response The Deputy Mayor advised that no new studies have been undertaken. Question How is it possible that this proposal will offset the carparking requirements when the net increase in bays is for only 1 after a loss of 99 bays? Response See response above. Question I would contend that the City would achieve higher revenue for the site if it were patrolled correctly and infringement notices issues for non-payers as I understand this is not currently the case. Response Patrolling and issue of infringement notices does in fact occur but, as is the case with all City car parks, full time patrolling
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