UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday, May 9, 2000 Volume 46 Number 32 www.upenn.edu/almanac/ Faculty Senate Leadership New Roles for Dean Lang The Faculty Senate President Judith Rodin announced last week leadership for 2000- that she had accepted with regret the decision of 2001, as of May 3: School of Nursing Phoebe Leboy is the Dean Norma Lang to newly elected past step down as dean, ef- chair; Larry Gross, fective this summer. center, continues as Dr. Lang, the Marga- chair; and David ret Bond Simon Dean Hackney is chair- of Nursing, is a world- elect. See SEC renowned nursing Actions on page 2. leader, educator and researcher. She has served as Dean since 1992 and will assume Phoebe Leboy Larry Gross David Hackney an endowed nursing professorship in the faculty. Norma Lang “The University is deeply grateful to Dean Graduate School of Education Awards Lang for the record of accomplishment the The Graduate School of Education has an- School has achieved under her leadership,” said nounced this year’s recipients of awards for fac- President Rodin. The School of Nursing is cur- ulty and students. Two awards were given to rently the top-funded private nursing school in faculty and three awards were given to students. federal research dollars from the NIH and con- Excellence in Teaching: Dr. Margaret Beale sistently ranked in the top two schools nation- Spencer, GSE Board of Overseers Professor of ally by the U.S. News & World Report survey of Education, director of CHANGES and director graduate schools. President Rodin continued, of DuBois Collective. Dr. Spencer is also a “We are delighted she will be rejoining the fac- Salzburg Seminar Fellow. She received her ulty as a pre-eminent teacher and researcher in Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. the nursing community.” Outstanding Service to Students: Dr. Har- “I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as a ris Sokoloff, adjunct associate professor, direc- dean here. I eagerly look forward to enhancing tor of the Center for School Study Councils and my research agenda and leadership role inter- the GSE Certification officer. He has a Ph.D. nationally,” said Dean Lang, an honorary fel- from Syracuse University. low of the Royal College of Nursing and devel- Margaret Beale Spencer Student Awards: William E. Arnold Award for Harris Sokoloff oper of the Lang Model used to measure Outstanding Accomplishments in a Doctoral Pro- nursing’s impact on patient outcomes. “Person- gram: Joseph Youngblood; William E. Arnold The Award for Outstanding Service was pre- ally, I am inspired by the thought that, as a pro- Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in a sented to Dr. Sokoloff on May 4. The other fessor, I will have even more opportunities to Master’s Program: Matthew Corcoran; and the awards will be presented at the GSE Commence- mentor the next generation of nursing scholars.” Phi Delta Kappa Award for Outstanding Disserta- ment Ceremony on Monday, May 22, at 2:30 “The University also appreciates Dean Lang’s tion: Christine Andrews Paulsen. p.m. at First District Plaza. contributions in establishing a range of interdiscipli- nary degree programs,” said Provost Robert Barchi. “These include Health Care Management in partner- ship with the Wharton School, Health Care Technol- Law School’s Harvey Levin Memorial Award ogy with SEAS, a submatriculation program with the Professor Robert A. Gorman, Kenneth W. Gemmill Professor of Law, Law School and a nutrition minor.” is this year’s Law School Class of 2000 recipient of the Harvey Levin Dean Lang developed a tripartite mission for Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence in recognition of his distin- Penn Nursing, integrating research, education guished career as scholar, academic leader and teacher of generations of and clinical practice. In this way, the discovery law students. In addition, he will receive the Distinguished Service Award of new knowledge can inform both education which is presented by the Law Alumni Society to members of the Penn and practice which can then test it and stimulate law community who have distinguished themselves by their outstand- additional research. ing service to the Law School. Professor Gorman was the 1968 recipient During Dean Lang’s eight-year tenure, the of the University’s Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. School of Nursing: Professor Gorman joined he Law School faculty in 1965 and has • Formed a system of centers for nursing re served as associate dean for academic affairs under three deans. His (continued on page 2) fields of teaching and scholarship are copyright and intellectual prop- erty, and labor law. He is the author of numerous books and journal IN THIS ISSUE articles on those subjects. He served for many years as chair of the Law 2 SEC Actions: May 3; Trustees Meetings; Robert A. Gorman Committee on Manufacturer Responsibility School’s Educational Program Committee, and was author of the 1969- 3 Dean of Freshmen; New Leadership in ISC; 71 curriculum reform study that resulted in innovative changes in the PPSA Candidates for May 24 Election Law School program. Professor Gorman served twice on the School’s 4 Council Coverage: Budget Presentations More teaching 6 Volunteer Opportunities; Recognized Holidays; awards to come, Dean Search Committee. He has been president of the American Asso- A-3 Assembly next week. ciation of University Professors, and president of the Association of 7 Update; CrimeStats; Commencement Singers American Law Schools. 8 Penn-West Philadelphia School Partnerships SENATE From the Senate Office The following statement is published in accordance with the Senate Rules. Among other purposes, bers took office and outgoing members stepped down. the publication of SEC actions is intended to stimulate discussion among the constituencies and their 5. Appointment of Chair of the Senate Com- representatives. Please communicate your comments to Senate Chair Larry Gross or Executive mittee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. Assistant Carolyn Burdon, Box 12 College Hall/6303, (215) 898-6943 or [email protected]. Current committee chair Erling Boe was unanimously reappointed as committee chair for one year. Actions Taken by the Senate Executive Committee 6. Election of a Past Chair of the Faculty Wednesday, May 3, 2000 Senate. Professor Phoebe Leboy was unanimously 1. Chair’s Report. Faculty Senate Chair Larry things as renovation, facade restoration and the in- elected as past chair to serve May 3, 2000, until May Gross noted that due to a crowded agenda the pre- stallation of a public address system in the three high 2, 2001. Professor Leboy served as chair of the Fac- liminary discussion on the Medical School Faculty rise College Houses, and the two Sansom Place tow- ulty Senate in 1981-82 and has served the last two 2000 Working Group Reports and Proposals origi- ers that can be used for safety reasons, such as re- years as an at-large member on the Senate Executive nally planned for the meeting had been deferred to porting on the status of a fire. Committee and a member of the Steering Committee September (on-line at www.med.upenn.edu/senate). Professor Keene noted this would be his final of University Council. Professor Gross announced that the Steering Com- meeting as one of the chairs of the Faculty Senate 7. Election of Four Senate Executive Com- mittee of University Council approved a recommenda- and that it has been a privilege to serve. Professor mittee Members to the Steering Committee of tion to conduct a faculty gender equity study to be fol- Gross thanked Professor Keene for his service. University Council. Nominations were made and a lowed by a faculty minority equity study. Each study 3. Report of the Senate Committee on the ballot was circulated. The following SEC members will be carried out by the Office of the Provost and the Economic Status of the Faculty. Committee Chair were elected to a one-year term: Arthur Dunham (bi- Faculty Senate, co-chaired by Associate Provost Barbara Erling Boe noted the support and cooperation of Pro- ology), Sarah Kagan (nursing), Gregory Possehl (an- Lowery and Professor Phoebe Leboy. A report on the vost Barchi and his office in providing data for the thropology), and Edward Rubin (law). The Chair, Past gender equity study will be made in the fall and the mi- committee’s review and analysis. Some of the data Chair and Chair-elect of the Faculty Senate are ex- nority equity study will begin in the spring. took longer to obtain, therefore the annual spring re- officio members of the Steering Committee. The Sen- 2. Past Chair’s Report on Academic Planning port of the committee will be submitted in the fall. ate Chair serves as chair of the Steering Committee. and Budget Committee and on Capital Council. 4. Graduate School of Fine Arts Proposal on 8. Optional June 7, 2000 SEC meeting. SEC Past Chair John Keene reported that the Academic Plan- Practice Faculty. Discussion continued from the voted unanimously not to hold the meeting. ning and Budget Committee has met twice since the last previous meeting (see SEC Actions, Almanac April SEC meeting. Omar Blaik gave a comprehensive review 11, 2000). Dean Gary Hack reviewed the proposed The Committee on of the University’s draft capital plan for the year 2000 change requested by the school faculty. Following and Lee Stetson gave a preliminary report on this year’s discussion the question was called. SEC unanimously Manufacturer Responsibility admissions. The College continues to improve its ad- approved the proposal. [For the Handbook text see Earlier this term, the Ad-Hoc Committee on missions statistics. It is too early to have information on the Faculty Senate Web page at www.upenn.edu/ Sweatshop Labor recommended a Code of actual matriculations.
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