INTERNATIONAL JUGGLERS ASSOCIATION Volume 27. No. 4 April 1975 Groups of jugglers, meeting by chance at various places and After juggflng things around, Art Jennings was elected various times, had previously voiced the need for an organization President; Eddie Johnson, Vice President: George Barvinchak, where they could meet at stated intervals in an atmosphere of Secretary: and Roger Montandon, Treasurer. No directors were mutual friendship to further their art. elected at this meeting. They were elected at the Jamestown But it was in June 1947. during the International Brotherhood Convention in 1948. After suggestions from each member, a vote that it came of Magicians Convention in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, was taken and “The International Jugglers’ Association" was to a head. Several of the jugglers present talked about organizing adopted as the name of the organization. a juggler's association of some sort...something of their own. So Harry Lind, Art Jennings, Bill Dunham, Bernie Joyce, Eddie Upon leaving the cafe, snap shots were taken of the group. All returned to the convention hotel where they soon found some Johnson, Roger Montandon,George Barvinchak.and Jack Greene more members. made a date for a noon lunch at the Ambassador Cafe in Pitt There were many doubts expressed as to the future. But sburgh where the subject was discussed further. • through Roger Montandon's Jugglers' Bulletin, and the efforts of Art Jennings proposed that Jack Greene act as Chairman born. which he did. George Barvinchak was appointed Secretary. The many others,the Association grew. Thus the IJA was meeting got underway. The reverse side of the bill of fare was used to record the meeting, until someone went to the bar and by Mrs. Eva Crosby, Historian obtained a few sheets of the cafe stationary. Reprinted from the IJA NE^LETTER (November 1960) Annual IJA 28'i‘ convention July 31, August 1, 2, 3, 1975 Youngstown, Ohio Tentative schedule of major events THURSDAY 31st JUGGLING~ ~ _ FRIDAY Ist.o. COMPETITION 11:30 A,M. (RULES INSIDE) S BUSINESS MEETING 6 P,M. SATURDAY 2nd PUBLIC SHOW AT SOUTHERN PARK MALL 2 P,M. BANQUET 7:30 P.M. (AT YMCA) I SUNDAY 3rd JUGGLING I Next month's issue will contain more up to date information about the Convention, including info on lodging (locations, prices, res» ervations , etc») and how to get to the Youngstown YMCA from where you are, If you have already decided to attend the Convention, be sure to notify Convention Chairman Dick Francis as soon as possible at 2122 Windsor Ave,, Youngstown, Ohio, 44502, PAGE 2. IJA NEWSLETTER. April 1975 B • Condensed from Editor THE ENGLISH CIRCUS HELLO by Ruth Manning Sanders Because o£ a busy schedule, Hnvey Towards the middle of the nineteenth Burgess (current Newsletter Editor) century, the appearance in European felt that it would be hard for him circuses of Indians and Chinese with to turn out a bulletin each month. their pure juggling proved that the So, we were asked to edit three or art was sufficient in itself, and four Newsletters leading up to the did not need bolstering up with a Convention. We will try to publish display of rope-dancing or horse- the April 5 May, June, and July riding, This challenge was quickly issues between now and the Conven taken up by the West, and a long tion, Ilovey will publish back line of distinguished European issues concurrently and together jugglers made its appearance, cul we will try to make up all missed minating in the naturalized British issues, subject, Cinquevalli, and his even greater successor, Rastelli, Since this was our first issue, we did not have much information to Meanwhile, in circuses and music print. However, with your help, we halls all over Europe, the Indians hope to fill the following issues and Chinese continued to make their with a wealth of material. Remember special contribution to the art. this is your Newsletter; it is the number one benefit you receive for One of the earliest of these Eastern your $6 dues. We hope you will take jugglers to appear in England was advantage of it by sending any info, the Indian whom William Hazlitt went no matter how small, even if it to see at the Olympic Theatre in applies only to a certain region or 1.820, The Indian's juggling with city. We’d like to know about you, four balls seemed to Hazlitt a mir any juggling events, get-togethers acle; though, nowadays, no juggler or performances. Also, we will try considers himself a past master of to answer all questions about jug his profession until he can keep at gling, jugglers, props, history, least six going, and Rastelli jug future (?), or anything else you can gled ten. But, since Hazlitt’s think of. We plan to do four issues, description opens a window into the that means one every two weeks, If particular quality of this exacting we don't have the material, we won't and beautiful art, here it is* be able to do this. So let's hear from you. "Coming forward and seating himself See you in Youngstown on the ground in his white dress and tightened turban, the chief of the Indian jugglers begins by tos DON REED LAN’A ROBERTS sing up two brass balls, which is (Temp. Editors) what any of us could do, and con- PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE INTERNATIONAL JUGGLERS ASSOCIATION. SUBSCRIPTION BY I.J.A. MEMBERSHIP. PLEASE SEND NEWS ITEMS TO: SEND MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES TO: Newsletter Editors Secretary-Treasurer Don & Lana Judy Burgess 107 Jersey St., Apt. 22C 45 First Avenue, Apt. 5-K Boston, Mass. 02215 New York. N.Y. 10003 Gr.iphic assistance Sprout Studios IJA NEWSLETTER. April 1975. PAGE 3 eluded with keeping up four at the "The Parlement of Foules") - what same time, which is what none of us artist is not conscious of this could do to save our lives. Is it fact? And yet, for the art of jug then a trifling power we see at gling, it seems to have a more than work, or is it not something next ordinary significance, Practice to the miraculous? It is the utmost when you can, work when you cannot stretch of human ingenuity, which practice, and sleep when you can nothing but the bending of the fac neither practice nor work"» that is ulties of body and mind from ten- the circus dictum, and by no member derest infancy, with incessant of the profession, perhaps, must it ever-anxious application to m.anhood, be more strenuously applied than by can accomplish or make even a light the juggler. The great Rastelli approach to. practiced nine hours a day, and though he wandered the world over, "A single error of a hair's* breadth he ignored the world. Practice, of the smallest conceivable portion work (that is, perform), sleep; east of time would be fatal; the precision or west, north or south, in the old of the movements must be like a world or the new - such was the mathematical truth, their rapidity rhythm and the meaning of his days. is like lightning. And, being such, his work broke every recordi ignoring the world,he "To catch four balls in succession established himself as the greatest in less than a second of time and juggler that the world has ever known. deliver them back so as to return Enrico Rastelli was born at Bergamo with seeming consciousness to the in Lombardy, His father owned a hand again; to make them revolve circus, and all his people, back to around him at certain intervals, the eighth generation, had been like the planets in their spheres; jugglers. to make them chase one another like sparkles of fire, or shoot up like At eleven years old, the quiet, flowers or meteors; to throw them slender little boy made his first behind his back and twine them round his neck like ribbons or like ser appearance in public. pents; to do what appears an It was when he was performing in impossibility and to do it with all the family circus at Naples, and the ease, the grace, the careless contemplating no more exalted des ness imaginable; to laugh at, to tiny than to go on performing there play with the glittering mockeries; for the rest of his life, doing his to follow them with his eye as if he best in the manner of his father could fascinate them with its lam and of all his long line of fore bent fire, or as if he had only to bears, that Kr. Sherek saw him at see that they kept time with the work and recognized his genius. music on the stage - there is some He at once offered the lad a tour thing in all this which he who does in England at, to Rastelli, the not admire, may be quite sure he ' amazing sum of L.120 a week. Enrico never admired anything in the whole accepted, but father Rastelli shook course of his life. his head in gloomy foreboding, No good would come of it, he felt. "It is skill surmounting difficulty fi It was not for his son's happiness. and beauty triumphing over skill. Enrico Rastelli's fame spread You will notice that besides rhap throughout Europe and across to sodizing over the beauty of the art, America. Everywhere he went he Hazlitt stresses the "incessant triumphed. But wherever he went, application." And this indeed needs to him it was the same thing. The stressing. "The lyf so short, the world was no larger than the circus craft so long to lerne" (Chaucer - Continued on pace 5 ija championships RULES AND REGULATIONS 1975 INTRODUCTION JUDGING AND SCORING The seventh annual IJA Juggling Championships, sponsored by The competition will be judged by three expert jugglers.
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