DIRECTORY.) SHROPSHIRE. SHELVE. 405 Brown Thomas, farmer, Mardy Jones John, lime burner, Llawnt Roberts John, farmer, (Hoppa Davies Dllvid, farmer Jones Margt. (Mrs. ),farmer, Nant Ucba Roberts Robert, lime burner, Llawnt Davies John, farmer, Birch house Lockley Robert, blacksmith, Pantglas Roberts Thomas Golding, farmer & Davies Joseph, Cross Keys P.H. & grocer Morgan Joseph, farmer, Vron assistant ovel'Se81', Tynydrain Davies William, farmer, Crown house Owen J oseph, far-m bailiff to Lord Har- Roberts Wm. farmr.& butcher, White ho Drury Edward, farmer, Mardy lecb, Brogyntyn Homefarm Rogers John, farmer Edwards Edward, farmer, Higher Parry Thomas, blacksmith Rogers John, farmer, Gyt'n Pentre-David Parry Thomas, farmer, Selattyn lodge Sands Richard, farmer, Springs Edwards John, farmer, Penrhos Payne William, head gamekeeper to Vaughan John, fanner, Vron Evans Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Forest Lord Harlech, Vron lodge Williams Edward, farmer, Pen-y-bont Evans Thomas, farmer, Burnt house Porter Rob~rt, nurser-yman Williams Thomas, miller (water) & Groom William, farmer, Botany bay Richards Edward, pig dealer farmer, Wern James Sarab (Mrs.), farmer, Grouse lo Richards Richard, pig dealer, Pantglas Williams Thomas, cowkeeper, Pantglas Jones Edward, farmer, Craignant SHAWBURY is a village and parish, 7 miles north-east The soil is mixed ; subsoil, sand and marL The chief crops from Shrewsbury, 6 south-east from Wem and 4 east-by­ are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 7,367 acres north from Hadnall station on the Shrewsbury and Crewe of land and 47 of water ; rateable value, ,£"8,836 ; the popu­ branch of the London and North Western railway, iu the lation in 188I was 967. Northern division of the county, Wem division of North Parish Clerk and Sexton, John Friend. Bradford hundred, Wem petty sessional division, union and AcTON REYNALD township is 2 miles north-west. Acton county court district, rural deanery of W em, archdeaconry Reynald Hall is the seat of Sir Waiter Orlando Corbet bart. of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The church of the Virgin Mary is a fine and ancient edifice of red and white stone in J.P. the Norman, Early English and Perpendicular styles, con­ BESSFORD is a township 2t miles north-north-west. sisting of chancel, nave of two and a half bays, south aisle, EnoEBOULTON township is I mile north-east. There is a north porch and a lofty embattled western tower, with W esleyan Methodist chapel here. eight pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells : the north MUCKLETON township is 2 miles south-east. porch is modern : the reredos of carved oak was executed GREAT and LITTLE WYTHEFORD township is Ii miles and presented in 1881 by Miss Corbet, of Acton Reynald : south. the Jacobean pulpit (dated 1612) and reading desk ara both PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, of carved oak : the font is Early Norman. The register Shawbury.-Mrs. Jane Clowes, receiver. Letters through dates from the year 1561. The living is a vicarage, average Shrewsbury, arrive at 7·50 a.m.; dispatched at 5.10 p.m.; tithe rent-charge £320, net yearly value £330, including 35 sundays, Io.so a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir Waiter Hadnall Orlando Corbet bart. and held since 1887 by the Rev. WALL LETTER Box, at Muckleton, cleared at 10.15 a.m. Frederick Vernon B.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. Sir week days only Waiter Orlando Corbet bart. who is lord of the manor of National School (mixed), for 130 children; average attend­ the whole parish, Colonel Sir Thomas Meyrick bart. of Apley ance, 61; there is a master's house; John Casewell, mast Castle, and Captain Horner are the principal landowr.ers. Assistant Overseer, Samuel Cartwright Stanton Smith Alfred Pemberton L.R.C.P.Edin.& Muckleton. Shawbury. L.F. P.S.Glas.surgeon,& medical officer [Letters for names marked thus t are Cope Captain Arthur Henry & public vaccinator for Shawbury received through Wellington.] Cope The Misses district of Wem union t Brookes George l<'rancis, farmer Egan Mrs. Holly cottage Winnall John, farmer Higginson George, farmer, Moss Parry William Henry, Ivy house Lawley Thomas, bricklayer Smith Alfred Pemberton Acton Reynald. tMadders Walter, farmer V ernon Rev. Frederick B. A. [vicar] Corbet Sir Waiter Orlando bart. .J.P. SPowell George, farmer COMMERCIAL, Acton Reynald hall rnith William, far-mer Corbet Lady, Acton Reynald hall tTudor George, farmer Astley Samuel, fa•·mer, Heath . Ward William, farmer Bailey Samuel, butcher Downes Thomas, ta1 1or Bourne Edwin, brick maker Fowler John, farmer Wytheford. Cartwrigbt Sarnl. saddler & harness ma Croxton Phillip, wheelwright Clowes Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post office Edgeboulton. Hampton Robert, farmer DaviesThomasEdwardShakeshaft,estate Lester John Hudson Samuel, farmer, Wytbeford hall agenttoSirWaltr.OrlandoCorbet bart Maddocks Thomas, The Grove Humphries Edwin, blacksmith Foulkes Henry, blacksmith Reynolds Mrs · Hnssey John, farmer Hawkins Selwyn, Elephant & Castle P.H Jones Henry, shoe maker Madeley Henry, farmer Jefferies Wm. Jonas, farmer, Newhouse Perks Thomas, Fox & Hounds P.H Owen John, farmer Lloyd John, farmer, The Heath Richmond Thomas, farmer Pemberton John, farmer Lutener George, farmer Rider Ann (Mrs.), farmer Williams John, farmer Parr Lawrence Panting, farmer Rogers Richard, wheelwrig:ht Bessford. Pitchford Geo. farmer, Shawbury park Rowley James, tailor Edwards Job, blacksmith, Lee bridge Powell John, whe£"lwright Ward Thomas, maltster Jefferies Thomas, farmer 'l'udor Samuel, shopkeeper Williams Thomas, farmer Powell Emma (Mrs.), farmer SHELVE is a township and parish, in a mountainous dis- Ladywell, the Roman Gravels and the South Roman Gravels trict on the western side of the Stiperstones, 16 miles south- lead mines are in this parish, but are now only partially west from Shrewsbury, 7 north from Bishop's Castle and 5 worked. Robert Jasper More esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. of Linley south-west from Minst.erley station on the Shrewsbury and Hall, Bishop's Castle, is lord of the manor and chief land­ Minsterley branch of the London and North Western and owner. The soil is very light mixed; subsoil, stone and Great Western joint railway, in the Western division of the gravel. The area is 1,389 acres ; rateable value, £1,352 ; county, lower division of Chirbury hundred, Clun union, the population in 188I was 153. petty sessional division of Chirbury, Bishop's Castle cttunty Parish Clerk, John Higgins. court district, rural deanery of Montgomery, archdea~onry MucKLEWICK township was in 1g84 added to Shelve, for of Ludlow and diocese of Hereford. The church of All Saints, civil purposes, but still attached to Hyssington, Montgomery­ rebuilt in I839, is an edifice of stone in the Early English shire, for ecclesiastical purposes. style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western turret containing one bell: the east window is stained: the PosT OFFICE, Gravel. John Booth, receiver. Letters church was restored in 1884 at the sole cost of ~-Jasper through Shrewsbury, arrive at 8.30 a.. m.; dispatched at More esq. M.P. of Linley Hall, Bishop's Castle, and affords 4.30 p.m. Minsterley is the nearest money order & tele- I8o sittings. The register dates from the year 1585. The graph office living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £35, net yearly LETTER Box, at White Grit mine, cleared at 4 p.m.; sun- value £72, including 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of Robert days, 10 a.m Jasper More esq. and held since 1881 by the Rev. Donald National School (mixed), built in 1884, for 93 children; Ion Forbes Macleod M.A. of Trinity College, Toronto, N.A. average attendance, 56; there is a master's house; John who is also rector ot and resides at Hope. The White Grit, Higgins, master Shelve. Corfield Robert, fa1·mer I Roman Gravels Mining eo. I.imited Jarratt John, cowkeeper (Arthul' Waters & Son, managers; Cook Robert, farmer Powell John, farmer John Rowe & James Rowe, agents; Corfield Benjamin, farmer Powell William, farmer William Waters, clerk) .
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