SERVICE RECORD ~ United States Army, Navy and Marines J Pullman, Washington ·'.. ' January, 1920 ( \ ) ' A record of the alumni, former students and faculty of the State College of Wash­ ington, who were in the military service of the Allied Countries, during the war with the Central Powers. ' ' Every effort has been made to locate per­ sons whose names should appear in this book. O n account of uncertain addresses, :cs mistakes are bound to occur and omissions be made. One copy of this record, with corrections, will be kept on file with the ... college librarian, and will serve as a history of the State College men in the war. Cor­ rections should be sent to the Librarian. ., 'I WILLIAM H. AM:os, Engineers, son of PERCY DOSH, Infantry, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Amos. Received Mrs. Charles Dosh of Palouse, Wash. training Washington Barracl-:s·, Wash­ Entered service October, 1918. Received ington, D. C. Died from influenza in training in S. A . T. C., State College of New York City in l\iovember, 1 918. Washington, Pullman, Wash. Died from influenza at Pullman, Wash., November, RICHARD BURBANK, Infantry, son of Mr. 1918. and Mrs. D. b. Burbank of Edmonds, Wash. E ntered service October, 1918. CARL C. DUNHAM (Pvt.); 28th Infantry, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunham of Received training in S. A. T. C., State vV . Adna, Wash. Received training at College of Washington, Pullman, Wasl1. Ca mp Mills, N. Y ., and in France. Killed Died from influenza at .l:'ullman, Wash., in action on Ju1y 23 , 1918. November, 1918. OSWALD J . FOSS (Sgt.), Mect . Dept., son ANSEL I-I . CHESSER, Infantry, son of of Mr. and Mrs. K . B. Skibness of Spo­ Mr. an Mrs. G. C. Chesser of Stevenson, kane; Wash. Received training at Base Wash. hntered service October, 1918. Hospit al, Lamp Kearny, Calif. Died Received trammg in Second Training from influenza at San Diego, Calif. Detachment, State College of Washing­ ton, Pullman, Wash. Died from influ­ LOUIS B. GLOMAN ( 2nd Lieut.), Q. M. C., enza en route to Eastern camp in No­ Motor Supply Train, son of Mr and Mrs. vember, 1918. K. S. Gloman of Bellingham, Wash. Re­ ceived training at Presidio of San Fran­ CONRAD C. COCKERLINE, 28th Infantry, cisco, Calif. Died from influenza en son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cockerline of route from Presidio, San Francisco, Estacada, Oregon. Entered service Calif., to Camp Merritt, N. J ., December October 6, 1917. Received training at 14, 1917. Camp Lewis, vv ash. Wounded at bat­ tle of Soissons July 21, 1918. Killed in THOMAS J. GRAHAM (Pvt.), 361st In­ action by machine gun bullet October fantry; son of Mrs. Marion Gra­ 4, 1918, at Argonne Woods. ham of Gould Gity, Wash. Received training at Camp Lewis, Vvash. Killed HARRY H. COULTER, Infantry, son of in action October 10, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. P . F. Coulter of Olympia, ARCHIE M. HALSEY, 9th Infantry, son of ,Vash. Entered service October, 1918. Mr. and 1\/Irs. W. C. Halsey of Asotin, Received training in S. A. T. C., State W a sh. Wounded in action in July, 1918. College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. Killed in action November 9, 1918. Died from influenza at Pullman, Wash., in October, 1918. FRANK HAMELIUS (Sgt.) , 361st In­ fantry, son of Mr. and 1,l[rs. Math Ha­ LEE A. DAY, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and melius of .l:'ullman, Wash. Received Mrs. H . J. Day of Pullman, Wash. Re­ training at Camp Lewis, Wash. Killed ceived training at Columbia University. in action in France September 2 8, 1918. N. Y., on U. S. Sub Chaser 98. Lost his life by gas poisoning on October 26, NICHOLAS HEALY, Air Service, son of 1918, while serving as Chief Machinist's Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Healy of Seattle, Mate on U. B. Submarine Chaser 98 on Wash. Killed in aero accident May, patrol duty along English Channel. 1918. Page Five * CLARENCE F. HOLMES (1st Lieut.). En­ going through the streets of Cunel under gineers'. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. heavy machine gun and shell fire. Body Holmes of Spokane, Wasll. Entered was found Noveri1ber 16, across the service April 2 7, 1918. Received train­ Meu se River from Cunel, in the line of ing at Camp Lee, Va., and in France. advance. Wounded at battle of St. Mihiel, France. Was with Flash Sound Rangers in St. I~LMER 0 . LEONARD, Infantry, son of Mihiel drive and received injury which Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard of Castle Rock, reseulted in death. Died May 2 ", 1919, Wash. Received training at Camp Lew­ at Spoka'1e, Wasn. is, Wash. Wounded in action Octoher 7, 1918, Died October 17, 1918. WILLIAM N. JANS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jans of Edv- a ll, Wash. Received LEE C. LEWIS (Capt.), Infantry, son of training at Ft. Worden, Wash. :Uied Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lewis of Tumwater, from mfluenza at Ft. V\Torden, Wash., Wash. Entered service August 30, 1917. in November, 19 ... 8. Received training at Ft. Leavenworth. Kans., stationed at Camp ·GreenP, N. C. EMIL DALE JINNETT (H. A. 1st cl.), U. Went to the front July 25, iuto tattle S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jin­ July 27, wounded at battle of Sergy July nett of Pullman, Wash. Entered sen­ 29, 1917. Was taken to 1Dv,tc1ntioc ice March 1 8, 1918. Received training Hosp. No. 6, near Chateau Thierry, at Bremerton, Wash. Discharged June where he died July 30, 1918 18, 1919; totally disabled. Died from effects of pneumonia January 6, 1920, IVAN D. LIVINGSTON ((;aclet), Air Sarv­ at Portland, Ore. ice, son of Mr. G. F. Ljving,,,ton of Turo­ da, Wash. Killed in Am·u Accident at RICHARD JUVENAL, Infantry, son of Mr. Foggia, Italy, May 8, 1918. and Mrs. J. T. Juvenal of Kahlotus, Wash. Entered service October, 1918. ALEXANDER McALISTEJR. Died at his Received training in S. A. T. C., State home in Scotland from exposure receive,-] College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. at sinking of Tuscania. Died from influenza NovemlJer, 1918, at Pullman, Wash. LEO McCORMACK, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McCormack of R epublic, Wash. LESLIE M. KNIGHT, S. A. T. C., son of Kil.Jed in action in France. Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Knight pf Tacoma, ·wash. Entered service October, 1918. WILLIS E. MASON (Sgt.), Chemical War­ Received training in S. A. T . C., Stan­ fare Service, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ford University. Died on March 31, Mason of Yakima, Wash. Entered serv­ 1919, at Tacoma. ice October 6, 1917. Received training at Camp Lewis, Wash., and Edgewood LOUIS LEIDL ( 2nd Lieut.), 7th Engin­ Arsenal, Md. Burned by mustard oil. eers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin Leidl which was escaping from a bursting of Glenwood , Wash. Entered service Au­ valve. Died · from the effects October g ust, 191 7. Received training at .Amer­ 6, 1 918. ican University, Washington, D. C., and in France. Killed at battle of Cunel BOYD C. MAYNARD (1st Lieut.), U. S. Octol;>er 14, 1918. Went over top on Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. May­ morning of October 14, was last seen nard of Colton, Wash. Received train- Page Six ing at Quantico, Va. Wounded in action LAWRENCE C. SIEVEKE, Infantry, son April 1, 1918. Killed in action near of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sieveke of Latah. Chateau Thierry June 7, 1913. Was Wash. Entered service October, 1918. posthumously awarded the croix de Received training in S. A. T. C., State guerre and cited for bravery by the College of Vi7ashington, Pullman, Wash. French ~,overnment. Died from influenza at Pullman Octo­ ber, 1918. LOUIS MUTTY, U. S. Navy (Aviation Sec­ tion), son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mutty ROY L. SHAW, son of Mrs. Ma-ry C. Baker of Port Townsend, Wash. Received of Baker, Ore. Died from influenza. training at Seattle, Wash., San Diego, Calif., Cambridge, Mass. Killed in aero HENRY E. TURNER (1st Lieut.) , Air accident July 9, 1918, at Miami, Fla. Service, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tur­ ner of Seattle, Wash. Entered service .JAMES L. NEILLY, Air Service, ot June, 1917. Received training a t Ber­ Sprague, Wash. Died from pneumonia keley, Calif.; stationed at Bordeaux, at V✓ aco, Texas. France. Killed in air fight on Argonne CHARLES J . NEWLAND (Lieut. ) , Infan­ front October 23, 1.9 19. try, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Newland of Ritzville, VVash. Killed in a ction in 1-l OW ARD H. VAN VORIS ( 2nd Lieut.), France September 2 7, 1918. son of Mrs. A. L. Yates of Stites, Idaho. Received training at Camp Lewis, Wash. WILLIAM NOLAN, Infantry, of P ullman, Killed in action at Meulebeke, Belgium, Vi7ash. Entered service October, 1918. October 31, 1918. Posthumous awar~l Received training in S. A. 'l'. C., State of medal made for exceptional bravery. College of ·vvashington, Pullman, Wash. Died from influenza at Pullman, Wash., VERN D. WEEKS, Signal Corps, son of November, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Weeks of Carter, Mont. Entered service October 4, 191 7. THEODORE R. NORVELL, Infar:.try, son Received training at Camp Lewis, Wash. of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norvell of Helix, Engagements: Wounded by mustard Ore. Entered service October , 1918. gas in Argonne Forest on October 1, Received training in S. A. T . C., State 1918. On Lorraine Front, Cantigny Colle~,e of Washington, Pullman, Wash. Front. Took part in action at St. Mi­ Died from influenza at Pullman, Wash., hiel, Soissons, Marne, Argonne, Argonne in October, 1918.
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