US 2013 007 6002A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0076002 A1 Gafni (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 28, 2013 (54) RECYCLABLE CARDBOARD BICYCLE Publication Classification (71) Applicant: Izhar Gafni, Hefer (IL) (51) Int. Cl. B62K 9/02 (2006.01) (72) Inventor: Izhar Gafni, Hefer (IL) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ...................................... B62K 19/02 (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 13/684,733 USPC ....................................................... 280/281.1 Filed: Nov. 26, 2012 (22) (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data A human powered land vehicle Sufficiently rigid so as to (63) Continuation of application No. 12/631,831, filed on transport a human rider constructed only from palpably recy Dec. 6, 2009, now abandoned. clable and shreddably recyclable materials. Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 & CN S s S Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 6 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 g Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 g Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 28, 2013 Sheet 9 of 9 US 2013/0076002 A1 g S / S US 2013/0076002 A1 Mar. 28, 2013 RECYCLABLE CARDBOARD BICYCLE to the weight per square meter being 440 gp/sq. meter. Pref erably the depth of the honeycomb cardboard filler is in a RELATED APPLICATIONS range between 15 mm and 70 mm. More preferably the range is between 20 mm and 50 mm. Most preferably the range is 0001. This application is a continuation of U.S. applica between 30 mm and 40 mm. tion Ser. No. 12/631,831, filed Dec. 6, 2009, entitled “RECY 0010 Cardboard CLABLE CARDBOARD BICYCLE”, which is hereby 0011. In addition to the materials specifically mentioned, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety for all pur the current invention may alternatively and/or additionally be poses. comprised of cardboard and similar materials such as paper FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE board and fiberboard. The term cardboard when not specifi INVENTION cally designated as honeycomb cardboard, is a general refer ence to one or more of the cardboard-like materials namely, 0002 The present invention relates to a recyclable veloci cardboard, paperboard, fiberboard, honeycomb cardboard, pede and, more particularly, to a bicycle made from honey corrugated cardboard, corrugated fiberboard, corrugated comb cardboard or corrugated honeycomb cardboard, with paperboard and corrugated honeycomb cardboard, and/or a various polyethylene terephthalate (PET) components. combination thereof 0003 Typically, bicycles and children's vehicles (tri 0012 Scooter cycles, scooters, etc.) are constructed from durable, light 0013 The term "scooter is defined for the purposes of this weight materials which are not easily recycled. Steel, plastic, application as a pedal-less vehicle propelled by the user's legs rubber and numerous other materials are combined together pushing off against a surface, usually the ground, unless to provide a comfortable, utilitarian vehicle for recreational specifically denoted as being motorized. use. The final products range from the moderately priced to the very expensive. Typically, Such vehicles are purchased SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and kept until they become unusable, either due to damage or 0014. According to the teachings of the present invention no longer being age appropriate. At this point the vehicle is there is provided a human powered land vehicle wherein the usually discarded, destined to take its place in some unnamed vehicle includes (a) a frame and (b) at least one pulpably landfill. recyclable wheel and shreddably recyclable hub arrangement 0004. The current invention provides a lightweight, coupled to the frame wherein the frame is propelled by a user durable and fully recyclable bicycle. The embodiments of the vehicle by effecting the rotation of the at least one depicted here-below have an approximate weight of seven wheel and hub arrangement Kilograms, can bear the weight of at least two hundred Kilo 0015. According to further features in preferred embodi grams and is made of components which are 100% recyclable ments of the invention described below the pulpably recy using standard recycling methods. clable wheel includes cardboard and/or paperboard and/or fiberboard and/or honeycomb cardboard and/or corrugated DEFINITIONS cardboard and/or corrugated paperboard and/or corrugated 0005 Recycling fiberboard and/or corrugated honeycomb cardboard and the 0006 Strictly speaking, almost any material can be shreddably recyclable hub includes PET and/or one or more recycled. Therefore, for the purposes of this application, the thermoplastic material and/or one or more recycled plastic terms recycle, recyclable’, recycling, palpably recy material. clable and the like are defined as referring to the process of 0016. According to still further features in the described reducing a material from a substantially solid form into a preferred embodiments the vehicle is a unicycle. slurry, by adding water, and Subsequently drying the slurry to 0017. According to still further features in the described produce a material Substantially identical to the original preferred embodiments the vehicle is a bicycle. material. In addition, the terms recycle, recyclable, recy 0018. According to still further features in the described cling and shreddably recyclable are understood to also relate preferred embodiments the vehicle is a tricycle. to the recycling process of a material such as PET, wherein the 0019. According to still further features in the described material is ground into flake form and cleaned thereby ren preferred embodiments the vehicle is a scooter. dering it reusable in a variety of useful products such as carpet 0020. According to another aspect of the present invention fiber, strapping, molding compounds, and non-food contain there is provided a vehicle including (a) a pulpably recyclable CS. fork and (b) at least one pulpably recyclable wheel and 0007 Honeycomb Cardboard shreddably recyclable hub arrangement coupled to the pulpa 0008. The current invention is constructed from honey bly recyclable fork. comb cardboard or corrugated honeycomb cardboard and 0021. According to further features in preferred embodi includes PET and/or cardboard components. The terms cor ments of the invention described below the pulpably recy rugated honeycomb cardboard and honeycomb cardboard clable fork and wheel includes cardboard and/or paperboard are defined herein as referring to material made up of at least and/or fiberboard and/or honeycomb cardboard and/or corru two linerboards and honeycomb filling made from paper gated cardboard and/or corrugated paperboard and/or corru board, fiberboard or cardboard. Honeycomb cardboard is gated fiberboard and/or corrugated honeycomb cardboard. well known in the art and its uses are well documented, for 0022. According to still further features in preferred example in U.S. Patent Application 2006/0207481 to McCar embodiments, the shreddably recyclable hub includes PET thy which is incorporated by reference for all purposes as if and/or one or more thermoplastic material and/or one or more fully set forth herein. recycled plastic material. 0009. The preferred honeycomb cardboard for the 0023. According to another aspect of the present invention embodiments described here below is known as Fini 440 due there is provided a vehicle including a recyclable drivetrain US 2013/0076002 A1 Mar. 28, 2013 wherein the recyclable drivetrain includes pulpably recy manufactured, durable and totally recyclable product. In a clable or shreddably recyclable material. Preferably the pull field where even the most simple bicycles are expensive and pably recyclable material includes cardboard and/or paper not easily disposed of there has long been a need for a board and/or fiberboard and/or honeycomb cardboard and/or cheaper alternative as well as one that is fully recyclable in corrugated cardboard and/or corrugated paperboard and/or keeping with the needs of a Society that is on the one hand an corrugated fiberboard and/or corrugated honeycomb card aggressive consumer and on the other hand becoming more board and the shreddably recyclable material includes PET and more ecologically concerned. and/or one or more thermoplastic material and/or one or more recycled plastic material. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 0024. According to further features in preferred embodi ments the recyclable drivetrain includes a recyclable coupling 0033. Various embodiments are herein described, by way apparatus operationally connecting at least one pulpably of example only, with reference to the accompanying draw recyclable pedal to a pulpably recyclable wheel and ings, wherein: shreddably recyclable hub arrangement. 0034 FIG. 1 is a diagram of an embodiment of the inven 0025 More preferably, the recyclable coupling apparatus tion; includes a crank arm operationally coupling the at least one 0035 FIG. 2 is a diagram of the frame of an embodiment pedal to the wheel and hub arrangement. Also more prefer of FIG. 1; ably, the recyclable coupling apparatus includes (a) a forward 0036 FIG.3 is a diagram of the drivetrain and wheels of an pinion operationally coupled to the at least one pedal; (b) an embodiment of FIG. 1 with one of the pedals deleted; aft pinion operationally coupled to the wheel and hub 0037 FIG. 4A is a diagram of the rear hub of an embodi arrangement; and (c) a timing belt operationally coupling the ment of FIG. 1; aft pinion to the forward pinion. Most preferably the timing 0038 FIG. 4B is a diagram of one wheel of an embodi belt includes a pulpably or shreddably recyclable material.
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