REVISITING EXISTENTIALISM IN DOSTOYEVSKY’S CRIME AND PUNISHMENT THROUGH THE STUDY OF RASKOLNIKOV’S PERSONALITY CHANGES AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By DAVID BAYU PRAWIRO HERYANA Student Number: 024214036 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 REVISITING EXISTENTIALISM IN DOSTOYEVSKY’S CRIME AND PUNISHMENT THROUGH THE STUDY OF RASKOLNIKOV’S PERSONALITY CHANGES AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By DAVID BAYU PRAWIRO HERYANA Student Number: 024214036 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 i Only a life lived for other is a life worthwhile - Albert Einstein - iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my creator for the freedom that He has given to me. Without freedom I would not be what I am. I wish to thank wholeheartedly my beloved parents, Ko Charles, and Cie Pauline, for their love and support. I apologize for making them wait so long. I do thank my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. for spending his time to guide me finishing this thesis. His advice and suggestions give a large contribution in improving my writing. My next gratitude goes to Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum. for being my co-advisor. I really appreciate her suggestion and criticism that have improved my thesis. Special thanks are addressed to Romo Hary Susanto SJ for a short but inspiring discussion. I would also express my appreciation to all the staff in English Letters Department secretariat. Their great services ease me in accomplishing my study. I want to give also special thanks to Thoms, Danang, and Sigit for the discussion enriching my knowledge. I would like to say thanks to WW, Leonardo, the couple Cecep-Minthul, Dimas, Parjo, Step, Téh Ria, Ajeng, Cak Diqin, Munyux and all my friends in English Letters 2002. I thank them for the happy or sad memories they have shared with me. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who deserves my gratitude. I am sorry that I forgot to name them all. May God bless them. David Bayu Prawiro Heryana v TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................ ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE.................................................................................... iii MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ vi ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... viii ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1 B. Problem Formulation ................................................................... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 5 D. Definition of Terms ...................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW.................................................. 7 A. Review on Related Studies ........................................................... 7 B. Review on Related Theories ........................................................ 10 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ............................... 10 2. Theory on Character Developmen ........................................... 13 3. Theory of Personality Changes ................................................ 14 4. The Relation between Literature and Philosophy .................... 16 5. Existentialism and Attempted Definitions ............................... 17 6. Sartrean Existentialism ............................................................ 18 C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................ 21 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .............................................................. 23 A. Object of the Study ....................................................................... 23 B. Approach of the Study .................................................................. 24 C. Method of the Study...................................................................... 24 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 27 A. The Character of Raskolnikov before the Murder ......................... 27 B. Raskolnikov’s Personality Changes after the Murder.................... 37 C. Existentialism Reflected in Raskolnikov ...................................... 47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 60 vi APPENDIX. .................................................................................................... 63 Summary of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment ................................... 63 vii ABSTRACT DAVID BAYU PRAWIRO HERYANA (2007). Revisiting Existentialism in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment through the Study of Raskolnikov’s Personality Changes. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. In Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky drowns into the psychological combat that might be undergone by a criminal. Raskolnikov, the major character of the novel, tries to find his existence through his action of murdering an old woman pawnbroker. The murder is based on an assumption that the pawnbroker carries out poverty. Such action can be seen as a free act. A free act can be a manifestation of a man’s freedom. On the contrary, it might also be an antithesis of his freedom. The writer attempts to examine Raskolnikov and his freedom from the point of view of existentialism, mainly existentialism by Jean-Paul Sartre. This study is led to accomplish three objectives. The first objective is to gain a description of the character Raskolnikov before he commits the murder. The second objective is to see the personality changes he undergoes after the murder. The last objective rises to observe the character from the point of view of existentialism. In accomplishing the analysis the writer uses library research method. Most of the data needed are collected from several books and essays. Theories on character are employed to answer the first problem. Then, theories on personality changes from the domain of Psychology are essential to examine the personality development that happens to Raskolnikov. Lastly, the writer applies philosophy of existentialism in studying Raskolnikov’s personality journey. In the beginning of the story Raskolnikov is described as a smart and proud man who lives in poverty. These two contradictory facts make him feel that his life is meaningless. Based on empirical theory of the concept of man, he tries to look for his existence by murdering a pawnbroker. He has an obsession to be an extraordinary man. In fact, Raskolnikov experiences a psychological punishment as the consequence of his act. His pride is slowly falling down. Nonetheless, due to the love given by the people who care for him, he is able to rise up from the agony and repent his sin. The murder done by Raskolnikov is obviously an antithesis of his freedom. He does not realize that he has been enslaved by his own obsession. As an impact, Raskolnikov happens to be in despair because he feels that he has failed. An existential act is reflected precisely in his personality change from being proud to being humble and his will to live. viii ABSTRAK DAVID BAYU PRAWIRO HERYANA (2007). Revisiting Existentialism in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment through the Study of Raskolnikov’s Personality Changes. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Dalam novel Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky menyelam ke dalam pertarungan psikologis yang mungkin dialami seorang kriminal. Raskolnikov, tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut berusaha menemukan eksistensinya dalam tindakannya membunuh seorang wanita tukang gadai. Pembunuhan ini didasari anggapan bahwa tukang gadai tersebut menyebabkan kemiskinan terus berjalan. Tindakan Raskolnikov ini dapat dilihat sebagai sebuah tindakan bebas. Tindakan bebas dapat menjadi perwujudan dari kebebasan manusia. Di sisi lain, tindakan tersebut juga bisa menjadi pengkhianatan atas kebebasannya. Penulis mencoba melihat tokoh Raskolnikov dan kebebasannya dengan kacamata eksistensialisme, utamanya eksistensialisme Jean-Paul Sartre. Studi ini diarahkan untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan. Permasalahan pertama ditujukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang karakter Raskolnikov sebelum dia melakukan pembunuhan. Permasalahan kedua adalah untuk melihat perubahan watak yang dialaminya setelah pembunuhan. Permasalahan terakhir muncul guna mencermati karakter Raskolnikov dari sudut pandang eksistensialisme. Dalam menyelesaikan analisis, penulis
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