NT DL? 6 ..S.;l.ii;.1 THE REPI]BLIC OF UGANDA .,?9.r9. Telephone: IIB ofice: 20002,21 885i 2,|133 MBARARA DIST ENT COUNCIL. DEP Chiof Admlnlstrative Otficer: (Resld0nce)20003 P.o.BOX 1, 0eputy Chief Administrative off icer MBARARA UGANDA ? Our Ref: COU,/212ll Date: 27th March, 2019 MINUTE EXTRACT OF MBARARA DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 26I'IIMARCH 2019. Under Min. COU.45I03/2019: Motion on Mbarara City boundaries. The Motion was moved by Hon. Baryomunsi Codfrey the District Vice Chairperson and Councilor for Kakiika Division on behalfofthe District Chairperson. He proposed to members that Mbarara City boundaries be those of the curent Mbarara Municipal Divisions and that the city be compdsed oftwo City Divisions that isl l Mbarara South Division comprising of: Nyamitanga, Kakoba and Nyakayojo Divisions. 2. Mbarara North Division comprising of: Kamukuzi, Kakiika and Biharwe Divisions. The motion was received by Lady Couucilor Mulongo Prisca of Nyakayojo Division and Hon. Muhangi Inmaculate lady councilor for Rwanyamahembe and Bubare Sub-counties for discussion and approval. Hon. Mulongo Prisca, lady Councilor Nyakayojo Division proposed that the motion on Mbarara City boundaries be approved. She was secolded by Hon. Nakuya Alice Female Councilor for Ndeija and Rugando Sub-counties and Hon. Deogratious Rukundo of Nyakayojo Division and the motion was approved. Recorded by: c"if4r"sa ur rl r l lI I _- _Jnnl}l, ID),lj L Tushabe Ered Rugara Muna[ukye Venance AG. CLERK TO COUNCIL.MDLG DEPUTY SPEAKER-MDLG 1 THE RtrPUBLIC OF UGANDA Telephone: Ofi ice: 20002/21885i21433 MBARARA DISTRICTLOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT CHAIRPERSON Chjef Administrative Ofiicer: (Resid€rco)20003 P.O.BoX 1, Deputy C h iet Ad min istrativs Officer I'TBARARA IJGANDA Our Ref: COU/501/4 Date: 27th lvlarch, 20t9 The Minister ofLocal Goyernment "i..1 P. O. Box 7037 :i Kampala. COUNCIL DECISION ON MBARARA CITY BOUND ARIES - Mbarara District Council in its meeting held on 26th March, 2019, under Min. COU. 45103/2019 resolved that Mbarara City boundaries be the cunent Mbarara Muoicipality Divisions and the city be comprised oftwo (2) City Divisions as follows; Mbarara South Diyision comprising ofthree (3) divisions; MINISTRY OT L0cAl G0vElrNI/l'-N l 1. Nyamitanga P. O. l(lX ilr.r7. 11'''1v1i'r'rl'r\ 2. Kakoba 3. Nyakayojo i t Li,' 2019 Mbarara North Division comprising of tkee (3) divisions; &$ , 1. Kamukuzi it :-r,r:!' rl l( L-l t.t.i Kakiika CO l'4 l',1 I55lol'lt, 2. At)MINISTIIATION 3- Biharwe Attached is the District Council minute extract daled 27d March, 2019 for your reference This is therefore to submit the above District Council resolution for your approval. Capt. JB Tumusiime DISTRICT CHAIRPERSON - MBARAIIA. Copies to: The Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Local Goyernment Hon. Member of Parliament Mbarara Municipality Hon. Womair N{ember of Parliamcnt Mbarara The Resident District Commissioner Mbarara The Chief Administrative Officer - Mbarara Mayor - Mbarara Municipality The Town Clerk- Mbarara Municipal Coutrcil Ielephone: THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA I\4BARARA OISTRICTLOCAL GOVERNMENT THE OFFICE OF DISTRICI CHAIRPERSON P.O.80X 1, I\4BARARA UGANDA our Refr CR/l51/'1 e kA- ii lN lsTIiY {r 1r r){} (;i )v November 11, 2019 l L flit i.tr,l [ 11 ti: (t i ,!./r.Jrr li/it,ll,/ll./\ ]t1r, rai';, i.lrg ,,- The Hon. [\Iinister l\4inistry of Local Gov ffihft:Br;] a:;,,, I t. er4 ADMINISTRAT ION t/,1. ALTERATION OF KAKIIKA DIVISION BOUNDARIES IN MBARARA MUNICI PALITY TO INCLUDE NYAKISHARARA AIRSTRIP The President of the Republic of Uganda guided that Nyakisharara Airstrip be included in Mbarara City as a strategic state infrastructure. This requires alteration of Kakiika Division boundaries to include the following villages of Bubaare sub-county: 1. Rwenturagara of Rwenshanku Parish in Bubaare Sub-county z. Kafunjo of Katojo Parish in Bubaare sub-county Yours in service Capt. JB Tumusiime Bamuturaki DtsTRlcT cHAIRpERSON, MBARARA DISTRtCT Copy to: The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Covernment Commissioner Urban Resident District Commissioner, I\4 ba ra ra The I\4 ayor, iVlbarara Municipality The Chief Administrative Officer, Mbarara The Town Clerk, I\4barara IVlunicipal Council.
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