--------....~-----------------~~-~--~,... -r by G.~. O. ~-~,~,~~mq~Nnrt4uill~ it~:tnr(l QLD NORTHVILLE SPRING For More Than 82 Years - - F rien.~, Companion and Kindly Counselor 12 Pages Northville, Michigan, Thursday, October 16, 1952 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Towns.hip Regist:'rations Rossow on Institutions Board Counly to Resurface 7-Mile A new member of the County Northville Township supervisor, Break Previous Records Board of Institutions which bat- who J praIsed Rev. Rossow's un- from Middlebelt to Village tles mental illness in Wayne tiring efforts in the past and hIS County IS the Rev. E. E. Rossow, dedication to such work along Northville may benefit very greatly I;his year from pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran with hIs pastoral duties at hIS the Wayne County Road Commission's plans to spend $10,- Church in Northville. church. He will job), the county He was elected to the board by board Dec. l. 835,000 on highway improvements in Detroit and the out- a supervisor's vote of 54 to 23, He has been a chaplain and in- County area starting Dec. 1. said Mrs. Mollie Lawrence, stitutional advisor for several Definitely, Seven Mile Rd. js to be resurfaced from years at the Detroit House of Correction near Plymouth and Northville-Plymouth Road east to Middlebelt (71h, miles) the Wilham H. Maybury Sana- and from Westbrook east to Grand River (2 miles). This Woman's Club to torium on Seven Mile Rd. An article in Sunday's Detroit job WIU cost an estimated $412,500. It is the most ambi- News saId that Mr. Rossow does tious of any re-surfacing program to be undertaken during Hear Play Reviews not pretend to be an authority on mental dIsease, but he lauded the coming yeai:. the work of psychiatrists, as well 1--------------0 Not definite, but at least a pros- as clergymen, in bringing solace pect, is construction of a cut-off To the Lady Who Wrote :the and Ihe1p to the mentally afflict- around Northville from Seven Anonymous LeUer Signed "An for Nursery School ed: 'Years of visiting patients in Glenn Long Buys MIle Rd. to Edward Hines Drive. Observer". mental hospitals have taught hrm This would eliminate the great Unlil your leHer was received admiration and respect for the New Business Site majority of truck traffic through we did no:t know :the conditions profeSSIOnals in the fIeld of psy- Rev. E. E. Rossow the Village by opening a direct to which you refer existed. Since chiatry and an awareness of their then. we have made a brief in- problems. route along the south border of quiry and have been Iold that ''The psychiatrist who tries to the VIllage from the present end what you say is true. However, restore the mental faculties of a of Seven Mile at Northville Rd. there is IUne point in washing human bemg does God's work to the east end of Seven Mile dirty linen in public and there is equally as much as the clergy- where it is joined by the Edward , the addtional grave danger of li- man who tends to his spiritual Hines Drive. needs," Mr Rossow said. bel in doing so. Under the circum- 3-Way Financing slances. we have turned your let- The 57-year old mmi~ter will ter over to the proper village of- have no trouble findmg his way A spokesman for the Wayne ficials in the, belief tha:t an im- around the huge \Vayne County County Road Commission told the mediate investigation will be General Hospital (Eloise) near Record this week that a three- made and that this investigation Wayne, which is run by the way financing deal has been dis- may pui an end to :the situation. board. because he has made cussed between the Road Com- Concerning :the man whom you countless VISItSto patients there mission, the ViUage of Northville hold :to be ultimately responsible. in the last 20 years. and Northville Downs. The Road we have the highesi regard for ,Commission' already has appro- his integrity and his effor:ts to do priated approximately $55,000 to the bes:t he can under certain Garden Club Hears defray its share of the cost and 'handicaps with which you prob- this money is available at any ably are not familiar. Ypsi Orchid Grower ,time the Village and Northville • • • Downs work out their end of the HybridIzation of orchids as a deal. hobby for home gardeners and as The status of Northville and the a business venture 'for florists was Student Council, Downs is not entirely clear at this described to members of the Teachers to Aid time but it is known that village Nor.:;ville branch, Women's Na- offiCIals have bee.n in contact with tIOnal Farm and Garden ASSOCI-With Vaccinations the Road Co'riUnssion and are en- ation, Monday evening, Oct. 13 dea,voring to work out their end by Mr. Stanley Norton of Ypsilan- The Istlldent counCILand home of the financing. Village Presi- ti. Mr. Norton has personally de- room teachers at Northville HIgh dent Conrad E. Langfield and veloped approximately fifty dif- School are helping the local doc- other local leaders are especially tors and School Nurse Ruth ferent varieties of orchids over Villagers Asked interested in bringing the cut-off Knapp, R.N., with the annual the past 15 years, four of which to Burn Leaves proiect to a stage where con- vaccmation program now In pro- struction can be started during he will exhibit at the National gress agamst smallpox. ')n Own Property the coming year. Orchid Show in Washington late A request blank authorizmg this month. vaccmation was given each stu- Northville Road Surfaced Mrs. F. J. Collins presided as dent Wednesday, which should chairman at the meeting and Mr. be signed by parent~ and re- The road commission has al- Norton was introduced by Mrs. turned to the school by Fnday, ready completed resurfacing of Merner Eilber, first vice-president Oct. 17. The blank reads: "I the Northvi1le-Plymouth Rd. from and program chairman for the would lIke (or would not like) the Seven MIle entrance to North- current year. to have (child's name) vaccinat- ville to the edge of Plymouth, a Mrs. Pau18chulz reported to the ed." A charge 'Of fIfty cents is road which now furnishes a members on the conservation con- made for vaccmation. smooth drivmg surface m con- ference of the Federated Garden Parents are advised that chil- trast to the tire-damaging, chop- Clubs, which she attended in Sep- dren should be vaccinated before tember with Mrs. Roy Matheson, entering school and every five Mrs. M. L. Hoysradt, and MIS. R. to seven years thereafter. D. Merriam. The NorthVIlle SIxty children iJl the grade branch of the associatIOn was rec- school have been vaccmated so ognized by the Federated Garden far this year. Nmety-five were Clubs this year for the first time gIven tOXOIdmjections and seven she said. ' pre-school chIldren were given protective doses of toxoid for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. EIghteen chlldlen WIll receIve a second dose of the ser- ies on Oct 22, and 22 will reCPlve booster shots. FortY-SIx grade school chIldren WIll be vaccinat- ed. For thlj! past five years the Student Council Votes Funds to Install writer has been responsible for Football Team After Fourth Victory in George R. Simmons presenting economic facts govern- ing operations of Continental Mo- in Legion affaIrs on a slate-Wide Public Address Speakers in Gymnasium Game at Centerline Tomorrow Night basis, had just completed hIS sec- tors Corporation of Muskegon to ond two-year appomtment to the The High School gymnasium cause-only the poles and renee-I Adult Typing Class about 100 teachers from that area. The Northville High School Irecord of three wins as against commission. WIll have two new public address tors would be salva gable for the Will Begin Oct 22 1:1 is a stimulating project. both football team will attempt to one loss They've defeated Cen- system speakers a~ the result of addition. The present Wiring will • from the standpoint of industry. weave another victory into its terlinc the. last two times out, a vote by the student council to not calTY a heaVier load and I Typing classes in the Adult and also from :the teachers' view- . but Centerlme IS also on a wm- supply money to buy them. said would have to be replaced, and Recreation Program WIll begin wmmng patt~rn when II; faces ning spree this year and is always point. if we can judge from the 60-Passenger Bus HIgh School PI mClpal El.ray V. mItre reflectors hung on the Wednesday, Oct. 22, said Director Centerlme HIgh Se~ool In an a dangerous opponent. • enthusiasm and inte.est which Ellison. The speakers Will cost poles. Wilson Funk. The classes WIll be a,way game Fnday mght at 8:00 The high school is located a the teachers always display: There about a hundl ed dollars. Me.mbel s of the student coun- held in the commercial room at a clock. block north of Ten Mile Rd. be- Bought for Schools is no question but that it pro- The Mustangs already have a tween Mound and Van Dyke Also under consideration by ell WIll fOlm a comlmttee to make the high school on the second moles belter leaching of the eco- the student council IS the pOSSl- contact With SuperlUtendent of floor and Will be instructed by Rds Probably the best route IS A bId of $6,22432 by G E nomic fundamentals of life which blllty of ralsmg money to ~ro- Schools Russell H Amerman and MISS' Kathryn GIltner once a out Baseline, north on Mound !lnd Miller Sales and Service to pro- are the subject of a vast amount V.F.W.
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