•■ ■*- ,• r — ■ V V Avcnurc D»ily Ntt P i'c m R an r * r tiM'WMk IkulMl H ie W n tlm r ^-Hmy S M , ItM VaraMut •# 0 .1 L W esttac A m m ' Mmttarml ■liniw»ri> mmI Uiun- ^ C l2 ,9 2 5 e#<r*hnw>fa IHi>il]r- tANlfht. U m t MmA w *f tk« An«« W*-eA. Mh<nrar« P tu iy Tlmnwley fal. B otm* «f CItMhitiM . InwMf h f rlwaHfi*. tfich la THa. M imeh^iter-f^A City o / ViUagt Charm j . VOL. LXXVIII, NO. m , (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECtlONS) ^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1959 (OtaMalfM AeraHiatiiK m Paca ie> PRICE FIVE CENTS Inflation Issue Isr a eli^/^Back ^-<rAjfuIs^ Sale to In ’60, Ike ^ayS West Germany Jerusalem, Lirael. July 1 (JF) —Parliament toda.r approved Washington, July 1 <. inflation will be the Israeli arms • sales trt West President Eisenhower said to?^ in iaaue in nexl year'a preai- Germany despite bppositimi-of dential oampatgii'. Ha replied it day the matter of jnflation certainly will be one.-o< the prin­ two parties inside the govern-^ will be one of the maim issues ment coalition ^ To Curb Car Deaths, cipal laatiea. of the 1960 presidentiat cam­ Then he added that he, had Pifty-eeven depot lee approved a paign. ^ - thought thi* In the 1938 electiona, 1 motion by Premier David Ben- Ttiei^A'eeldwK aiao toM a iMrwa but the outcome of the congrea-J Nurlan against cancellation otthe Drivers Warned eonfereiice that ha not enl:^' look# aional campaign did not lead him' contract. Forty-five voted against tor a bahuicad budfot if th,^ n«w to believe the people were as great-1 with six abstentions, ly concerned as he had expected. Despite parliament's .approval In Safely Slogan flaeal year aterting to(iay -ha' ax- Mulcahy Plan Lists paeto a atari on paying, off the Blsenhower, In reply to a ques- of his course in selling aims to an S38« MHkxi national debt. lion, said he had no knowledge of! old enemy, Ben-Ourion is expact- Hartford, .July 1 Statg-- ^ •im^’ confidential government report | ad to resign clear the way for Potice Commissioner , Leo J , r And, ha aaid, ha balievaa the predicting a 3 per cent Increase in | hia formation Of^^i new cabin^T Damocnutk: - controlled Ongraaa ..ifujeshy gave Connecticut a the consumers.price index In 1960.' with the two..^ parties excluded, j Racket, Dope Units alao aapaeta the admMatrSMon to new traffic safety slogan to­ Today is the <3rri wedding anni-j The two parties that Jought the day; atari paying off Ova debt during versary bf thi President and Mrs..! arms deal refused to llvia up to tha neoct 12 montha. "Drive safely,— the car be­ RIsenhower. Despite the sweltering a 1987 pledge to support alNcabl- Ha noted that Oongrtaa has juat hind you may be a pojice car.” Hsrfford.-Jiil.v I (/P)---Swapping changes in the organizt- heat, Eisenhower turned up for th e! net decisions or-quit the 4-pStrty •t>f>rov«d legislation — which ha It referred to the use of un­ tion and administration of the Connortirut State Police D6^* news conermce wearing a . vest coalition cabinet. ' -N marked state police cruisers, .itgnad yaatarday — providing Tor parlment w«t p aniimim-ed twlay hy Commissioner Leo J. a new parnuuvent debt ceiUng of fi’'*.'' business suit. They are the left-wing Achduth i driven by qfficers in civilian The first question brought a big j (Unity of Labor) and clothes. ’ in the^ stepped-up Mulcali.y n.s he took command of the force. lass billion. smile toW s face. It was ^request; (United W'orkers), ! The legislation alw> seta a tem­ campaign againsj motor ve­ “Traffic fatalitie.s ami crime are on the increase In the that h e ^ forth h s formula for43, said later hicle f,w ‘ violalors ordered porary limit of lass bllUon. yea^rs of successfu marriage ; ^^^re was "reason to believe I Slate,” the new commi.s.sioher said. “Therefore, the State Po­ . final flguraa have .not been re- Tuesday by.<3overnor Riblcoff. lice will take neoes.<iai'.v> shift.s to meet thi.8 challenge." Added Warning to ,all laaaad on the government'a deficit •Jlowcr TEf)liEn t-tiAt. nc rcflllj iis.^ no •.•S4v»i»« 4u^ • fa«s- dAt** •• ua j Chief feature.^ of program are these: (n the fia ^ year which has Juat drivers- — soon many of the formula--------- His marriage, he smiled, I Formation of a rackets squad headed by Lt, Samuel 8. oloaed. Hiit it ia in tha neighbor­ has been a very .happy experience. did not elaborate. -cruisers will haVe, brightly hood of |1S MlUon. Achduth Avodah and Mapam colored paint jobs iitstead of j Home, one of the department’s foremost crime inve.stigators, Biaanhowar waa aakad whafthar (ConttniHMi on Page Nine) ministers had refuaed to quit the the telltale black. : who will work directly under the commis.sioher. cabinet on the ground that the govemment’a agreement to sell ! Formation of a narcotics squad headed by an unnamed of- 250.000 grenade latinchera to West i ficer who has grAduated from a special narcotits school run Germany was unconstitutional. I l»y the New York City Police Department, Moahe Carmel, an Achduth Avo­ Fired Trooper I Expansion of the sipecial Service* Luebke President dah minister, told parliament the , Division, investigative arm of the! arms agreement violated its . department, to include not only a resoliitibn opposing the rearms-rma-isMjMissiuff; * o ' Also heMquarters aquad In Hartford ment of West Germany. but twp new branches Special The prote.sting ministers also Seiw’lce, Bast, with headquarters Of West Germany charged that Ben-Giirlon promot­ Danbury Wife i in the We'slbrook Barracks, and ed the amis dcSl and by-passed ' Special Servlbe^ West, with head- Berlin, July 1 (If)— H e i n r i c h the Ministerial Defense Commit­ Ridgefield. July 1 State I quarters In Ihe.Bclhan.v Barracks. Lsiebke, 64-year-old agriculture tee. Israeli law requires arms Policeman Thomas E. Hickey, 26, As.stgnment of Sgt. John J. minister, was elected president of trqnsaftibna to be considered by pf^2881 Fairfiqld Ave.. Bridgeport, , Doyle Jr. to the .Special Service West Germany today. that committee. The premier con­ has been discharged from .the i Division to take charge of opernt- Luebke was the candidate of tends the sale Is necessary to keep Stale Police Department without } ing lie detector eqiiipnienb,which Chancellor K o n r a d Adenauer's the nation'a infant arms Industry hearing by former State Police ; is to be purchased. going. (.ommlseioner John C. kellii'r Assignment of lA. .lease F. EUj Christian Democratic part.v. ' - ; He defeated Carlo Schmid, the After his resigna.Uon, Ben- This was disclosed today at ley to take charge of an intensl-'s 6 o c 1 a 11 s t condtdate, and Max ' -AvV--. Gurion will be asked by the presi­ Ridgefield ba-ra-lts where the tied program for the rei-rnitlng Becker, who waa the- tholce of the | dent to form a'-hew giiVernmeht state policeman- still under hta 9- , and training of auxiliary state po­ Uberal Free Democratic party. irionth prol^tionary period since licemen. wlio will augment the Laiebka won on the second bal­ (^nUnued on Page Twen^-foiir) graduating from the State Police highway patrol force. lot ■ \vlth .326 votes In \he 1,038- Academy--haa been stationed for Organization of a squad of offi- member electoral college. Thia was the pait several month.s. cpi-a to be specially trained in ■lx more votes than needed. According to police, officials. MD Poster Boy SCI’BA (self-cphtnined underwa­ ter bieathini^-apparatus) . diving! He had 517 votes, or three shy War ^Secretary Hickey failed to report for duty Armand Leganit, 9, a student at Naylor School, Hartford, has m . Of the required majority on the by 12:25 a.m. Saturday. been, chosen by the State Muscular D.vstrophy Chapters to serve and recovery' work. Detachment of two barracks I-EO J. m i i x -Ah y first ballot. Schmid had 385 oh the ,Ati inquirty at his home revealed in the November fund campaign jm poster symbol bf sufferers of --------- ------ ■ - first bsdlot and Becker lOA' Resigns, Builds he W'ae not avatlabli and a search the dread disease. The chapters met Tuesday In' Hamden to commanders Lt. A.bett H. Kim­ On the •acond ballot," ScHmId of the area was liurtltuted without select Armand. (AP Photofax). ball of Hartfort and Lt. Harry •ellected 386 votes, wblia Backer Ifeeii'W. Ta.ylor of Stafford Springs—for a 350 Traffic Dealhg popped to 99. Frondizi Crisis Meanwhile, at 12:89 a.m. the spst-ial as.ngnm,.nt tt take charge Lueljke, a jaunty man.' baa baen same day. J<hn Repko of Ooal Pit In the field of Ujioinor Rlbicoff’S Seen for Weekend mihlRtar aC‘ f||t|ettlttira sin years, Buenos Aire's,-Argetitlna, July 1 HttI Road, Danburjs notified tl)ie stepped-up. day ard-night traffic hut he :ia litUa known outside barracks that ’Us wife. Barbara, ■ safety prog am. aunoiihced Tues­ lAb—Gen. Hector Solan'ae Pacheco Ike, Kozlov Confer day. Chicago, July 1 IA5—Traffic sc- ffcrmlng circles. 34. and the family car were miss­ resigned last night as war secre­ Formation '.f a Biueau of Public Me serve4 In the Kalsar'a armies ing. cldenta during ths weekend Inde­ tary in the midst of a crisis in Informattoi, Education and Youth pendence Day holiday, .tha Nation^ tn World War I and than became'a At 11:30 s.m.
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