Fisheries Update for Monday August 26, 2019 Groundfish Harvests through 8/17/2019, IFQ Halibut/Sablefish & Crab Harvests through 8/26/2019 Fishing activity in the Bering Sea /Aleutian Islands A season Groundfish Fisheries for the week ending on August 17, 2019, last week's Pollock harvest slowed down with an 8,000MT reduction from the previous week. The Pollock 8 season harvest is 60% completed thru last week. Last week's B season Pollock harvest came in at 48, 126MT fishing has .slowed down last week. The total groundfish harvest last week was 58,255MT (130million pounds). We are seeing increased effort in the Aleutian Islands on Pacific Ocean Perch last week's harvest of 1 ,938MT and Atka mackerel1 ,816MT. Halibut and Sablefish harvest statewide continues to see increased harvests, The Halibut harvest is 11.8 million pounds harvested 67% of the allocation has been taken. The Sablefish IFQ harvest is at 13.8 million pounds landed, the season is 53% of the allocation has been completed; Unalaska has had 46 landings for 820, 1171bs of Sablefish. Aleutian Island Golden King Crab allocation opened on July 15th with and allocation of 7.1 million pounds we have 4 vessels registered to fish the allocation. The Eastern District allocation is set at 4.4 million pounds and has had 7 landing for and estimated total of 600,000 to 800,000 harvested. The Western District at 2.7 million pounds there have been 5 landings for and estimated 200,000 to 250,0001bs harvested. For the week ending August 17, 2019 the Groundfish landings, showed a harvest of 58,255MT landed (130million pounds) most of last week's harvest was Pollock 48, 126MT (107 million pounds). The total Groundfish landings for the year stand at 1,464,107MT (3.2) billion pounds) leaving 522,746MT un-harvested (1.16 billion pounds) 74% from the seasonal allocation of 1,986,853MMT has been harvested. The Pollock 8 season quota is set at 751 ,830MT for all harvesting sectors for both onshore and offshore processors which is 60% of the annual allocation of the total allocation of 1 ,397,000MMT. Pollock annual landings through August 17, 2019 show 1,053,685MT (2.35 billion pounds) for the A/8 Pollock season; which leaves a 8 season total of 313,478MT (700 million pounds) left to harvest. Last week's B season harvest was 48, 126MT (107 million pounds) 60% of the B season harvest has been taken. Pollock Shoreside CVs, for the week 22,629MT landed from B season allocation, the B season total harvest of 224,969MT leaving 120,712MT of B season Pollock to harvest, 67% of the B season allocation of 336,979MT has been harvested. At Sea Processors, for this week 16,927MT for the 8 season 174,399MT leaving 95, 185MT of 8 season Pollock to harvest; 65% of the 8 season allocation has been harvested from the 269,584MT 8 season allocation. 1 Mothership sector, for this week 3,903MT harvest, for the season of 27,389MT leaving 40, 725MT of 8 season Pollock to harvest; 41% of the 8 season allocation has been harvested from the 8 season allocation 67,396MT. CDQ sector, for this week 4,668MT for the 8 season 27,076MT leaving 51 ,230MT of 8 season Pollock to harvest 35% of the 8 season harvest has been taken from the 8 season allocation of 77,871 MT. Pollock Incidental Catch, in other target fisheries last week the harvest was 1,079MT for the season 30, 195MT leaving 16,325MT of the allocation to be harvested 65% of the allocation has been taken. Chinook salmon bycatch, in the Pollock fishery shows 18,724 fish compared to 11 ,375 fish in 2018 during the same timeframe. So far this season 40% of the A/8 season allocation 45,700 fish. Chum salmon bycatch harvest stands at 166,772fish compared to 235,268fish in 2018 The Pacific Cod, the federal water fishery for August 17, 2019 Pacific Cod fishing for the week came in at 2,477MT (5.5million pounds) the total harvest for the 8SAI is at 118,688MT (265 million pounds) leaving 76, 125MT (170million pounds) still to harvest 61% of the cod allocation has been harvested. The harvest by sector for last week is as follows; the freezer long liners 1 ,565MT and still have 29,091 MT of A/8 season allocation to harvest 63% of the A /8 season allocation has been taken. The trawl sector harvested 441 MT last week and have 12, 187MT of A/8 season to harvest 88% of the A/8 season harvest. The CDQ sector harvested 461 MT and have 6,490MT of A season to harvest with 66% of the annual harvest is complete. The 60< fixed gear harvested OMT for the season 3,571 MT harvested leaving 835MT to harvest 81% of the harvest is completed. The jig sector harvested 1OMT season total 135MT leaving 924MT to harvest 13% of the allocation. The Amendment 80 bottom-trawl fishery August 17, 2019 the harvest for the week was 6,257MT (13.9 million pounds) the harvest was increased by 1 ,OOOMT from the previous week. Rock Sole and Yellowfin Sole have continued to be slow the past two month, while Perch and Atka mackerel harvests are have increased. The major species landed last week included, Yellowfin Sole 440MT Skates 464MT Rock Sole 57MT, Misc. Sole 1 ,262MT, Atka Mackerel1 ,816MT Pacific Ocean Perch 1 ,938MT, Octopus 3MT, Greenland Turbot 275MT and Squid OMT. 1 Golden King Crab, through August 26, 2019 the fishery opened on July 15 h this year in both the East and West Districts. The exact catch amount is still confidential since 3 the processors haven't made purchases of Golden King Crab as of yet. The Eastern district has and allocation of 4.4 million pounds and has had 7 landing for and estimated total of 600,000 to 800,0001bs. harvested. The Western District allocation is at 2.7 2 million pounds there have been 5 landings in the Western District for and estimated 200,000 to 250,0001bs harvested. Halibut IFQ, the fishery reopened on March 15th with and allocation of 17.1 million pounds. Through August 26, 2019 we have had 2,4051andings for 11.8million pounds; leaving 5.8 million pounds to harvest, 67% of the allocation has been harvested. The CDQ fishery has and allocation 1.19 million pounds landings total 536 for 798,1 021bs have been made leaving 391 ,8981bs. still to harvest 67% of the CDQ harvest has been taken. Halibut price ranges are in the $4-$5 range depending on size. Port of landings shows Homer with 222 landings for 1.87 million pounds, Seward 21 Olandings for 1.47 million Kodiak has had 232 landings for 1.38 million pounds. Unalaska Halibut landings are still confidential due to not having 3 buyers purchasing Halibut. Sablefish IFQ, this IFQ fishery also opened on March 15th, with and allocation of 25.9 million pounds. Through August 26, 2019 show 1,236 landings of Sablefish have been made for 13.88 million pounds leaving 12.0million pounds to harvest 53% of the allocation has been harvested. Ports of landings for Sablefish leading ports include Sitka, 320 landings for 2.59 million pounds, Kodiak, 153 landings 2.4 million pounds for Seward, 2061andings for 2.42million pounds, Unalaska 46 landing for 820,1171bs. Price ranges for Sablefish is in the $6 to $7.00 ranges depending on size. State Water Sablefish harvest for the Bering Sea area, has had a catch of 53,6521bs. and the season is still open. Regards 3 Fishery summary as of August 22, 2819 NMFS Alaska Region Inseason Management Juneau: Obren Davis 987 586 7241 Mary Furuness 987 586 7447 Josh Keaton 987 586 7519 Steve Whitney 987 586 7269 (Rockfish Program, Amendment 88) Dutch Harbor: Krista Milani 987 581 2862 2819 REPORTS The final 2819/2828 harvest specifications: GOA https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2819-83-14/pdf/2819-84538.pdf BSAI https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2819-03-13/pdf/2819-84539.pdf Effort report - This report has been discontinued effective June 1, 2819. Please contact Inseason staff above with any questions. Status of Fisheries reports: https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/status-of-fisheries 2819 CATCH REPORTS - NEW website link https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/alaska/commercial-fishing/fisheries-catch-and-landing s-reports Catch data is through August 17, 2819 unless otherwise stated. BERING SEA AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS POLLOCK The 2819 TAC for Bering Sea pollock is 1,397,888 mt compared to 1,364,341 mt in 2818. NMFS reallocated the 1,988 mt CDQ Aleutian Islands allocation to the Bering Sea. The B season opens at noon, June 18, 2819. NMFS reallocated 14,688 mt of Aleutian Islands Aleut Corporation pollock to the Bering Sea non-CDQ AFA sectors. Bering Sea B Season Pollock for All AFA Sectors and CDQ 2819 2818 Week mt # of vessels Week mt # of vessels 6/15 19,243 48 6/16 25,137 45 6/22 26,548 48 6/23 39,655 54 6/29 31,878 52 6/38 52,387 51 7/86 45,863 52 7/87 52,822 53 7/13 56,835 54 7/14 56,663 61 7/28 68,595 68 7/21 65,556 67 7/27 58,968 67 7/28 72,454 71 8/83 52,658 69 8/84 68,687 75 8/18 56,368 69 8/11 68,337 71 8/17 48,126 63 8/18 55,604 72 B season Total 455,450 548,422 Annual Total 1,053,685 1,133,567 Annual TAC 1,366,980 1,333,053 Remaining 313,295 199,486 ANNUAL SALMON PSC IN THE BERING SEA POLLOCK FISHERY Chinook Salmon 2019 2018 AFA 17,006 10,306 CDQ 1,718 1,069 Total 18,724 11,375 Non-Chinook Salmon 2019 2018 AFA 166,262 210,799 CDQ 510 24,469 Total 166,772 235,268 PACIFIC COD The 2019 BSAI Pacific cod TAC is 166,475 mt in the Bering Sea and 14,214 mt in the Aleutian Islands compared to the 2018 Bering Sea TAC of 188,136 mt and Aleutian Islands TAC of 15,695 mt.
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