May 17, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5299 SECTION 1. MULTIYEAR CONTRACTING AUTHOR- will occur on Monday; however, Sen- It is because of people like George ITY FOR THE C–17 AIRCRAFT PRO- ators are encouraged to offer their Courtovich that we are here today, Mr. GRAM. amendments prior to Tuesday. It is the President. The hard working people of (a) MULTIYEAR CONTRACTS AUTHORIZED.— The Secretary of the Air Force may, pursu- intention of the leadership to complete this country who contribute to their ant to section 2306b of title 10, United States action on the budget on Tuesday, and community, raise their families, help Code (except as provided in subsection numerous rollcall votes are expected to their neighbors, make this country (b)(1)), enter into one or more multiyear con- occur that day. what it is today. It is easy to find rea- tracts for the procurement of not more than The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sons why one cannot participate in a total of 80 C–17 aircraft. objection, it is so ordered. their community or volunteer to help (b) CONTRACT PERIOD.—(1) Notwithstanding f others. It is much easier than it is to section 2306(b)(k) of title 10, United States become active in such endeavors. Code, the period covered by a contract en- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT George did not take the easy route and tered into on a multiyear basis under the au- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, if there is thority of subsection (a) may exceed five for that he left this world as an exam- years, but may not exceed seven years. no further business to come before the ple for others. He left too early, but (2) Paragraph (1) shall not be construed as Senate, I now ask the Senate stand in was able to live three lifetimes before prohibiting the Secretary of the Air Force adjournment under the previous order, he did. from entering into a multiyear contract for following the remarks of the Senator No, George is not with us today but a period of less than seven years. In deter- from New Hampshire, Senator SMITH, his memory and example of leadership mining to do so, the Secretary shall consider and the Senator from South Carolina, and charity are. I join the Courtovich whether— Senator THURMOND. family as they prepare to celebrate his (A) sufficient funding is provided for in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without life at the morning mass on Tuesday, future-years defense program for procure- objection, it is so ordered. ment, within the shorter period of the total May 21, in honor of their son, brother, Mr. LOTT. I yield the floor. husband, and father at St. Michael’s number of aircraft to be procured (within the Mr. SMITH addressed the Chair. number set forth in subsection (a)); and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Church in Exeter, NH. (B) the contractor is capable of delivering f that total number of aircraft within the ator from New Hampshire is recog- shorter period. nized. ADM. MIKE BOORDA (c) OPTION TO CONVERT TO ONE-YEAR PRO- f Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, it is with CUREMENTS.—EACH MULTIYEAR CONTRACT FOR TRIBUTE TO GEORGE F. a very heavy heart and a profound sad- THE PROCUREMENT OF C–17 AIRCRAFT AUTHOR- ness that I take the floor today to pay IZED BY SUBSECTION (A) SHALL INCLUDE A COURTOVICH tribute to a good friend, Adm. Mike CLAUSE THAT PERMITS THE SECRETARY OF THE Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, today I AIR FORCE— rise to pay tribute to George F. Boorda. As my colleagues know, Admi- (1) to terminate the contract as of Sep- Courtovich of Stratham, NH. It was ral Boorda apparently took his life yes- tember 30, 1998, without a modification in just 1 year ago that my wife and I at- terday near his home on the grounds of the price of each aircraft and without incur- tended this young man’s funeral in the Washington Navy Yard. ring any obligation to pay the contractor Mike Boorda was an inspiration to New Hampshire. George died at an termination costs; and those of us who care about military early age of 33, leaving behind his wife (2) to then enter into follow-on one-year matters and who strive to improve the Debbie, daughter Colleen, parents, contracts with the contractor for the pro- quality of life of our soldiers, sailors, curement of C–17 aircraft (within the total George and Dorothy, and brother Jim. number of aircraft authorized under sub- I think nothing is harder than con- airmen, and marines. He was also an section (a)) at a negotiated price that is not soling a mother, a father, a wife, a inspiration to our enlisted ranks, to to exceed the price that is negotiated before brother, on the tragic loss, such an whom he demonstrated by example September 30, 1998, for the annual production early and unexpected loss, of someone that hard work, dedication and com- contract for the C–17 aircraft in lot VIII and mitment can pay off. My dad was a subsequent lots. who was so close and loved and so young. However, my wife Mary Jo and naval aviator in World War II. Like my f I were able to learn so much more dad, Mike Boorda was a Mustang, he about George at his wake and funeral was an enlisted man who rose from the ORDERS FOR MONDAY, MAY 20, enlisted ranks to become an officer. So 1996 from his friends, colleagues, and family who had gathered to mourn his death. I had a special appreciation for what Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- George had a youthful zeal for life Mike Boorda did. His career is a mod- imous consent that when the Senate that touched many in his community. ern day success story. He was the first completes its business today, it stand From the senior citizens to whom he enlisted man to rise up through the in adjournment until the hour of 10:30 brought food to on holidays to the peo- ranks, become an officer, and become a.m. on Monday, May 20; further, that ple in need he helped as a volunteer the Chief of Naval Operations. He was immediately following the prayer, the EMT in his hometown, George made a the first one in the history of America. Journal of proceedings be deemed ap- difference. George was a volunteer From his enlistment in the U.S. Navy proved to date, no resolutions come looking to help. He strived to make the in 1956 through his service as Chief of over under the rule, the call of the cal- quality of life better for not only his Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Boorda endar be dispensed with, the morning family but his community. epitomized our Nation’s finest. He was hour be deemed to have expired, and, George also was a ski instructor at truly a remarkable man. under the previous order, the Senate Loon Mountain on weekends, helping Many of my colleagues have de- will then resume consideration of Sen- others learn a sport that he had mas- scribed Admiral Boorda’s distinguished ate Concurrent Resolution 57, the tered. He even took on the task of professional history. It is a career rich budget resolution. teaching the senior Senator from Texas in diversity, long on accomplishment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without how to navigate on the snowy slopes of I ask unanimous consent at this objection, it is so ordered. New Hampshire. This is a task point that Admiral Boorda’s cur- riculum vitae be printed in the f daunting for even the most experienced ski instructor, but one George spoke of RECORD. There being no objection, the mate- PROGRAM with honor, and, frankly, a little rial was ordered to be printed in the Mr. LOTT. On Monday the Senate humor. will resume consideration of the budget George lived his life to the fullest al- RECORD, as follows. resolution. Senators are expected to ways looking to move forward and to ADM. JEREMY MICHAEL BOORDA, U.S. NAVY, offer amendments to the resolution bring others with him. To see the num- CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS throughout the day on Monday. Any bers of people who turned out for his Admiral Boorda, born in South Bend, Indi- ana, in November 1939, enlisted in the U.S. votes ordered on those amendments on funeral, it was clear that the people Navy in 1956. He attained the rate of petty Monday will be in order to occur on who knew him had profound respect for officer first class, serving at a number of Tuesday. Therefore, for the informa- what George did for his family and commands, primarily in aviation. His last tion of all Senators, no rollcall votes community. two enlisted assignments were in Attack VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:11 Jun 21, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S17MY6.REC S17MY6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.
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