OUTPOST The magazine of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway September–November 2016 WHO’s WHO SENIOR CHAPLAIN The Ven Dr Brian Russell 22 69 22 14 Harald Hårfagresgate 2, 0363 Oslo [email protected] ASSISTANT CHAPLAINS The Revd Peter Hogarth 51 55 54 88 [email protected] 48 60 40 61 The Revd April Almaas (locum chaplain) 92 46 67 29 Kongsgårdsgata 2, 7013 Trondheim [email protected] The Revd Kirk Weisz (locum chaplain) 40 39 62 42 Edvardsens gate 5, 5034 Bergen [email protected] READERS IN TRONDHEIM Priscilla Beck 73 93 81 50 Ursula Sonnewald (permission to officiate) READER IN BERGEN Iris Evans–Bjørnø 55 18 67 34 ARCHDEACONRY SYNOD Ingeborg Wörheide (Oslo) 66 80 81 36 REPRESENTATIVES Linda White (Trondheim) Eirik Duerr (Bergen) 55 32 18 47 CHAPLAINCY CHURCHWARDENS Gregory Norton, Michael McNaull [email protected] ASSISTANT CHURCHWARDENS Eirik Duerr (Bergen), Susan Boyd (Trondheim) FORSTANDER Ingeborg Wörheide COUNCIL MEMBERS Ekene Aqbalakwe, Kristine S Brorson, Michael Brooks, Helen Campbell Andrew Lane, David H Lovett, co-opted: Joseph Chidindi, Sampson Okeke Trond Werner Pettersen (Hon Sec) 22 46 07 53 Sigrid Kvaal (Hon Treasurer) CHILDREN’S CHURCH OSLO Kirstin McNaull YOUTH GROUP OSLO Anne-Grete Larsen YOUTH & CHILDREN STAVANGER Denise Johnson-Joakimsen [email protected] ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER John Chapman [email protected] CLEANER/CARETAKER Peter Ekeuluabia OUTPOST EDITORIAL TEAM Brian Russell (editor-in-chief), Roger Martin Other clergy holding the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Permission to officiate at Anglican Services in the Chaplaincy are: Geir Barlaup, Andreas Hilmo Grandy-Teig, Harald Grønnevik, Janet Heil, Vebjørn Horsfjord, Ragnhild Jepsen, Limbani Juttah, Siv Limstrand, Jørund Midttun, Tracy Rishton, Geir Sakseid, Bodil Slørdal, Mary Strømmen, Harald Svendsen, Helene Selvik Thomas, Fredrik Ulseth. Persons authorised by the Bishop to assist in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion are: all readers, Joseph Chidindi, Eirik Duerr, Torhild Fikseaunet, Cheryl Hogarth, Sigrid I Kvaal, Peter Lane, Margaret Luthar, Neil Matthews, Penny Mietle, Philip Ringrose, Betty Short, Rune Torsvik, Linda White. For further information see our websites: www.osloanglicans.no, www.bergenanglicans.net, www.stavangeranglicans.net, and www.trondheimanglicans.net. The diocesan website is www.europe.anglican.org, and the Church of England’s website is www.cofe.anglican.org. Donations and payments to The Anglican Chaplaincy may be made to bank account 7029.05.14973. For further details see page 11 reading the story of God, found through The Senior Chaplain’s Notes Jesus in the bible? How is the story of our life part of God’s story? Many different ways to find God Are we someone who is helped most if someone reads it for us, bringing it to life, so that the reader links us into God’s presence? Who tells us the Christian story to inspire us? Are we someone who, in hearing the Christian story, is moved to think of God and fix our thoughts on the source of all that is, the Father of Jesus? What of the child at the edge? Well, often, God’s presence is there and quietly makes an impact on us, whether we know it or not. Later in life, we find that we were somehow touched by the story and are Topelius and children by Ville Vallgren part of God’s presence in the world. Helsinki, Finland Zachris Topelius was a national poet and Bringing children to church, even before writer in Finland in the nineteenth century. they ‘understand’, opens them to the influ- He encouraged children and young people ence of God’s presence. When growing in their Christian Faith and, like Hans older, many people find they have been Christian Andersen, wrote stories to help connected to God all along. them. In his honour, a statue was erected And finally, the author Topelius in the in the school park in Helsinki and it is statue. He lets someone else read his story, quite fascinating to see it in place with six bringing out their own meaning, and mar- full-size human figures. vels at them as they do this. He hands over They are all gathered around a copy of to others. Well, God the Father is like that. one of Topelius’s books to guide children God hands over and watches with us as we in their faith. Topelius is there, like a try to make our lives into a Christian story grandfather, but not reading his story; one for God. Jesus is the subject of the story, of the young people is reading his story the main character in how God reveals the and Topelius is listening. Then there is a truth in the bible. The holy spirit is like the young person peering over the shoulder, reader who brings alive today the story of trying to read the story for themself, en- Jesus in the situations in which each of us grossed in the book. A third young person finds ourself, and in which we can find is looking at the storyteller, listening closely God as real and present for us. to the telling of the story. Yet another young Of course, God is met through different person is, whilst listening, looking up at Tope- traditions as well. Our two new appoint- lius himself, as if catching through the story ments for clergy to serve in Trondheim something of his Christian vision. Lastly, there and Bergen take us into a bigger story, is a child on the edge, looking away from all linking the Anglican tradition ecumenically that is happening, as if not linked in at all. with the Lutheran and Presbyterian tradi- Well, this statue can be seen to suggest tions. The Porvoo Agreement, it seems, is many different ways to find God, the God just the start of God bringing us all together that is at the heart of the stories Topelius – in the story of God in the world today! told. Who are we, then, in the statue? The Ven Dr Brian Russell Are we someone who seeks to know at Senior Anglican Chaplain in Norway first hand, for ourselves, by seeing and looking for a job or just visiting relatives. Bergen Notes Following worship we invite everyone who On 16 May, a lovely sunny day, members can spare the time to join us in Mariastuen of our church took part in the annual for tea or coffee and a chat. In that way we ecumenical service on the site of Krist- have had conversations with so many won- kirken in Bergenhus fortress. There was a derful people, who were very pleased, as huge crowd of people either sitting or we were, to get the opportunity to talk. standing, ready to take part in this very This Sunday, 21 August, we are welcoming special service for Pentecost. During the our new priest Kirk Weisz as our spiritual worship several people read from the Bible leader. We hope that he finds that the new in their own languages, thus making it a task he is beginning will be fulfilling and very inclusive service. Iris was asked to rewarding. To welcome him we are hav- read the Gospel in English after a Catholic ing a pot luck lunch in Mariastuen, with priest read it in Norwegian. During this everyone bringing something. It is our same weekend many of our congregation way of saying we are glad you are with us. were in Balestrand celebrating Pentecost From then on, on most Sundays, the service with the Ven Rev Brian Russell in the of Holy Communion will be led by Kirk, English church. Last year Janine and Åge who is preparing to be ordained an Anglican celebrated their wedding there, which they Minister as soon as every requirement is met. had shared with some of our members, and Our prayers are with him and his family at due to illness which prevented the happy this time. couple from enjoying their honeymoon in On Sunday 11 September there will be a the USA, they had to postpone all their plans Family Service led by Iris, and on Sunday 18 until now. We wished them all the very best September the service of Holy Communion when they finally travelled to the USA. will be led by Harald Grønnevik. Our Har- Since Easter 2015 we have enjoyed quite vest festival, followed by our harvest lunch a number of different priests, who have in Mariastuen will be on Sunday 2 October, stayed with us for varying amounts of and at the end of the month rehearsals for the time. We have been greatly blessed by the Christmas Carol service will start. variety, dedication and enthusiasm of Life has certainly changed for us here in these people, who have brought with them Bergen, and we can only pray that God very different styles of preaching. This will be with us as we go further on in our time since Sammy returned to South Africa journey, show us the way he wishes us to has been a time of enrichment for us all, a go, give us the courage to persevere and time when we have been spiritually uplifted the faith to trust in Him whatever chal- by their messages and commitment. They lenges we may encounter. We will trust have indeed spread the Word of God in God every day and be guided by Him. around in the ever-changing congregation Iris Evans-Bjørnø which meets every Sunday in Mariakirken. Bergen Lay Reader We are indebted to Brian for the grand job Stavanger Notes he has done arranging for so many priests – and in most cases wives – to come and Hello everyone greetings from the Stav- spend time in Bergen, getting to know us anger congregation – here we are in another and our ways, blending in and adding to new season.
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