TONIGHT Mostly Clear. Low of 64. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News “THE MAIN DANGERS Westfield350.com The Westfield News IN THIS LIFE ARE THE Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIMEPEOPLE IS THE WHOONLY WANT WEATHER TO CHANGECRITIC WITHOUT EVERY THING TONIGHT —AMBITION OR NO.”THING .” Partly Cloudy. — ViscountessJOHN STEINBECK NANCY ASTOR Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comWestfield350.orgLow of 55. Thewww.thewestfieldnews.com WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHERVOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75CRITIC centsWITHOUT VOL. 88 NO. 151 THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2019 75 Cents TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Southwick VOL.Rotary 86 NO. 151Summer TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 Thursday’s 75 cents Concert Series budget review kicks-off in July By HOPE E. TREMBLAY and vote on Correspondent SOUTHWICK – It’s officially summer and Southwick Rotary final passage Club is heating up the town with its third annual concert series. The first of three scheduled Southwick Rotary concerts fea- still on tures funk rhythm performer Rich By AMY PORTER Sadowski and the Blues Band July Correspondent 17. WESTFIELD – The Special City Council meet- “He is a very talented performer ing to finalize the FY20 budget is still on for who plays all over, including in Thursday, June 27 in Council Chambers with an Europe,” said Rotarian Robert Annual Garden Tea amended agenda. The first item reads Budget Fox. The Rocks laugh with Mary O’Connell and Michelle Moriarty at the Westfield Workshop/Committee of the Whole to review the The series takes place at Whalley Woman’s Club 22nd Annual Garden Tea fundraiser Wed., June 26 at Stanley Park. FY20 Budget, followed by Final Passage of the Park Pavillion on Powder Mill The event featured homemade scones, tea sandwiches and an event tradition – trifle FY20 Budget. Road from 6-8:30 p.m., rain or made by members and their families. A Hat Parade showcased 60 hats and a raffle “Dave (Flaherty) was incorrect in his assump- shine. All concerts are free. helped raise funds. See additional photo Page 8. (Photo by Hope E. Tremblay) tion that we couldn’t do it,” said At-large Councilor “This is a family event, so bring John J. Beltrandi, III, who will preside over the kids – it’s a great time,” said Thursday’s meeting. He was referring to the sched- Fox. “And it showcases Whalley uled Special City Council meeting on Tuesday, Park. If you haven’t had the oppor- June 25 to review the budget, which was cancelled tunity to come up to the park, you on a point of order raised by Councilor Flaherty, should really come check it out. challenging the process. It’s a beautiful venue.” “Now we have the legal opinion to back it up,” Rotary continues to offer spon- Beltrandi said. sorships for the summer series. While the Law Department was unavailable for Three levels in the amount of comment, Mayor Brian P. Sullivan explained $500, $300, and $100 are avail- Flaherty’s error. “Here’s what he’s wrong about. able. A commitment of any amount The budget was given to the City Council as a REPJ . OHN VELIS whole. The Council gave it to the Finance See Southwick Rotary, Page 2 SEN. DON HUMASON Committee for review, but it was still in the Council,” Sullivan said. See Review and Vote Still On, Page 3 Hampton Ponds Assoc. continues Last chance to see Fourth of July Parade tradition the map display at the By PETER CURRIER the colors for the parade, and they will also Corrrespondent be marching with American Legion Post Westfield Athenaeum WESTFIELD — The 63rd Annual 454. By AMY PORTER Westfield Community Fourth of July The HPA will use their float from the Correspondent Parade is next Thursday. Westfield 350th parade. Other known par- WESTFIELD – Kate Deviny, acting director of The annual event is organized by the ticipants include a detachment of Vietnam The Westfield Athenaeum, wants residents of the Hampton Pond Association (HPA). Veterans, Marine League Detachment 141, Greater Westfield area to know that this is the last HPA Committee Chairperson Pat Haber the Third Massachusetts Regiment, the week to view the display of old and new maps at said many of the people she expects to take Springfield Kilpies Bagpipe group, the the library. part in the parade typically do so every Westfield Fire Department, and city digni- Deviny said the display of the 45 maps in the year. The parade will begin at Hampton taries, which include Mayor Sullivan, Jasper Rand Art Museum trace the history of Ponds Plaza on North Road at 10 a.m. It American flags, tri-colored streamers, Humason and some members of the City Westfield from its roots in 1651 as a trading post will end at the Hampton Ponds Association and a host of other patriotic decorations Council. for beaver skins to the present. The 1651 map also Hall on the corner of Old Stage Road. cover this all-terrain vehicle at a past Beyond that, Haber said, there are a shows the settlements of the Dutch, Native inhabit- Haber said that the parade itself will begin Hampton Ponds Association handful of people and groups who typical- ants and the French in the city. with the Westfield Police Department Independence Day Parade. (WNG file photo) ly take part but have not yet confirmed that Other maps of Westfield are from the railroad marching contingent. P. Sullivan and state Sen. Donald F. they will this year. J-Dog Junk Removal, a and businesses, and others show the topography of State Rep. and U.S. Army Mjr. John Humason, Jr., but Haber said the commit- Westfield business run by a veteran, typi- the land, plus a bird’s eye view of the city. Velis will be parade marshal. In recent tee chose to honor him due to his recent cally has a float in the parade each year. “A lot of the maps, people have not seen before,” years he would have been marching with return from a tour of duty. the other dignitaries such as Mayor Brian American Legion Post 124 will display See Fourth of July Parade, Page 3 See Historical Maps, Page 5 Stacks of pancakes await patrons July 11 By LORI SZEPELAK would walk up and down Elm Street through- Last year close to 700 area residents Correspondent out the day into early evening, checking out attended the event, consuming 130 pounds of WESTFIELD-Now in its 42nd year, the the shop windows and exchanging pleasant- sausage and 30 pounds of pancake batter. Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce ries with the store employees. Phelon is hopeful that with exceptional will once again host its popular summer tra- “The breakfast originally was conducted weather a goal of 1,000 patrons can be dition – the annual pancake breakfast. on the Green with the fountain as a back- reached next month. “Keeping with tradition, the pancake drop,” said Phelon, adding that once the Park “The Chamber has an events committee breakfast is conducted on a Thursday,” said Square Green received a makeover, a new that includes folks from the original Spark Kate Phelon, executive director. “When the location was needed for the breakfast. Plugs group,” said Phelon, adding, “The vol- breakfast first started, it was always tied into The Westfield Middle School on West unteers are amazing and handle every aspect the popular sidewalk sales days that were Silver Street will once again be the setting of the breakfast from working the griddle to conducted downtown to promote business- for the pancake breakfast, slated July 11 mixing the batter.” es.” from 7 – 11 a.m. The event will be conducted Phelon also credits the smooth flow of the For those of us who remember the days of rain or shine. event to members of the New Life Christian Kate Phelon, executive director, Greater Antoinette’s, Newberry’s, Eaton’s, Conner’s Tickets are $6 for adults, $5 for seniors Center who also help with setting up and Westfield Chamber of Commerce, and Virginia and so many other downtown shops, the ages 62 and older, and kids under 10 are $3. breaking down the tables, helping seniors Schwarzenbach, administrative assistant, show- sidewalk sales days were also a time to meet The menu includes pancakes with syrup, with their plates, and helping vendors with case the banner that will be among those hung up with neighbors and enjoy the festive sausage, orange or apple juice, coffee, and a throughout the city soon announcing the annual atmosphere that was created as hundreds bottle of water. See Annual Pancake Breakfast, Page 3 pancake breakfast. Oak Ridge Golf Club For more info contact: Marie Boccasile at Scramble For Animals (413) 564-0589 or [email protected] Feeding Hills, MA Sunday Rain or Shine Hole Sponsorship th $50.00 donation August 4 Registration 11:30am To Benefit the Shotgun Start 12:30pm Dinner Only $25.00 Westfield Homeless Cat Project $100 per player (includes golf, cart, lunch, dinner & prizes) 501(c) non-profit organization PAGE 2 - THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2019 WWW.THEWESTFIELDNEWS.COM THE WESTFIELD NEWS Southwick Rotary Continued from Page 1 is welcome and greatly appreciated, said Fox, and will keep During the concerts, Smokey Waters will sell BBQ and the music playing. Rotary will have a beverage tent with wine, beer, soft drinks “We are talking with other bands now and would like to add and water for sale. No coolers are allowed. Everyone is another concert or two in August, but we need the funds to do encouraged to bring a chair.
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