THE NINETY - NINES, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS N ew s L etter International Headquarters — P. 0. Box 1444 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AIR TERMINAL BUILDING — WILL ROGERS FIELD --------------------------------------- JULY, 1957 YOUR OFFICERS FOR 1957 -1958 Coming Events October 4 S.M.A.L.L. Race, Lanh sing to Traverse City, Michigan. Held i n con­ junction with t h e Paul Bunyan Festival, Traverse B RON ETA DAVIS EUGENIA HEISE ELOISE SMITH BARBARA EVANS City, October 4-5-6, 1957. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer PROPOSED BY-LAWS CHANGES: 17 June, the International Air Cruise President's Column Changing the word “delegate” to Vacation to Varadero Beach, Cuba. With the 1957 NINETY-NINE Con- “ member” in the matter of proxies to Good flying weather and lots of fun vention, Training Missions, Air Races the International Convention (passed). with more than generous hospitality at and Flight Cruises in the form of fond 2. Division of yearly dues, $8 to Inter­ Fort Lauderdale and Cuba. 99 mem­ memories, we are replete with a national, $1 to Section, and $1 to the bers were royally entertained at the wealth of new friends and helpful chapters (passed). Coral Ridge Club and President flying experiences. SUGGESTED POLICY CHANGES: Batista received the women pilots as A great big “thank you” to the Change of the official 99 Pin (defeat­ guests in the palace at Havana. Won South Central Section for hostessing a ed). 2. 99 Display Kit not to exceed by Margaret Calloway and Elsie Mc­ very successful 99 Convention. Heart­ $300, for the use of our members at Bride in a Cessna 140. By the time this felt appreciation goes to those con­ Air Shows, etc., in quality and art is off the press the AWTAR will have cerned for a very big job extra well work that will be a credit to our organ­ been flown and another great flying done. The Texas Chapter, with Ardath ization (passed). 3. Accept the offer of event completed. McCreery as chairman and Merle Felicity Buranelli to purchase 200 We wish to thank the Bay Cities Dunnam as convention chairman, did bronze Amelia Earhart medals at $2 Chapter (memorial for Hazel R. Zim­ a wonderful job of providing a good each, to be sold for $3.50 each, the merman, San Joaquin Valley Chap­ variation of entertainment and at all profit going to the AE Scholarship ter), $15 and the Idaho Chapter, $30 for times thinking of our every comfort Fund (passed). contributions toward furnishing our for our Ninety-Nine members and RESULTS OF THE TELLERS headquarters. There are only a few friends. The most generous people of COMMITTEE REPORT: President, more things we need to make our beautiful McAllen extended such a Broneta Davis; vice president, Eu­ headquarters complete. We thing it is rich brand of true Southern hospitality genia Heise; secretary, Eloise Smith; very attractive. Make every attempt we shall always remember them. treasurer, Barbara Evans; AE trustee, to stop by soon, we think you will like Now for the convention: The gover­ Donna Meyers; and nominating com­ the results, also. nors and committee reports showed a mittee: Doris Langher, Margaret Ger- A big and happy welcome to so great deal of activity and an increase hardt, Nancy Hopkins Tier, Marjorie many new members, who will enjoy of flying interest among our women M. Gray and Marilyn Nordstrom. 14 months of pleasure with our great pilots. The treasurer reported the Looks like a great crew for the good organization on becoming members organization was in better financial ship 99 in 1958. July 1. Attend your section and chapter condition. The 1958 convention will be CONGRATULATIONS to Georgianna meetings and you will find lots of new in Montgomery, Ala. It sounds like it McConnell on winning the AE Scholar­ friends. Send your newly elected sec­ will be tied in very close with the ship Award for 1957. tion and chapter officers names to AWTAR. I feel this is a big mistake Your president found real pleasure arranging our two largest flying events headquarters as soon as possible, so in flying three races this summer: our roster will be complete and on only a few days apart, because one 23 May, Skylady Derby Efficiency Air over shadows the other and each will schedule this year. Race, during which the weather of­ Our faith grows as we rely on it. not have its full value. fered fronts, rain, low ceilings and AMMENDMENTS PROPOSED AND six tornadoes on course. Won by Pat Sincerely yours, ACTION TAKEN: The changing of Jetton in a Tri-Pacer. 31 May, The Life Membership from $100 to $200 Hayward-Tucson Gross Loading Race. (passed). 2. If the number of chapter This was a new experience, racing my members falls below five at renewal poor little Cessna 120 fully loaded over time, the chapter will be deactivated the mountains with a high-cruise prop. (defeated). Won by Mike Coutches in a Bonanza. Edna Gardner Whyte 1956-57 New 99 Members 2518 Ome Ave., All-Ohio INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Dayton 4, Ohio JUNE 28, 1957 SMITH, Mabelle L. V. (Mrs. Lester F.) EDNA GARDNER WHYTE Southwestern Section 3155 Willow Park Dr. BIEGERT, Thelma 6256 E. 24th St. Indiana Fort Worth 11, Texas (Mrs. Max L.) Indianapolis, Ind. Phone: FL 9-1134 Vice President 811 E. State Saguaro Phoenix, Ariz. TOMMY-MARTIN, Odile BRONETA DAVIS P hone: WI 3-5762 714 Second St. S.W. Minnesota Minco, Oklahoma MARSHALL, Shirley Rochester, Minn. Secretary (Mrs. Arthur E.) Phone: 7152 ELOISE SMITH 4032 Calle Chica Tucson WILKINSON, Mary M. Route No. 6, Box 135 Tucson, Ariz. (Mrs. Wm. A.) Kalamazoo, Michigan P hone: EAst 5-2793 5 Bridge Lane, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. Treasurer JULY 1, 1957 Phone: WA 2-6378 JIMMIE KOLP Members-At-Large WILLIAMS, Marilyn R. Box 591 IMBRECQ, Anne Marie (Mrs. Frank L.) Electra, Texas 103 Rue La Boetie 103, 1683 7% Ave. N.E. Minnesota Executive Committee Paris, France Rochester, Minn. LOUISE SMITH Phone: ELYsees 34-54 Phone: 3756 421 Edgedale Drive McKENZIE, Gertrude J. High Point, North Carolina McKenzie Flying School South Central Section ANN WADDELL Moorabbin Airport JASPERSON, Neva D. 108 North Ninth Street Cheltenham, Melbourne, Australia (Mrs. Ted E. Jr.) Garden City, Kansas Phone XY-1153 Rt. 2, Box 266 Texas Edinburg, Texas BARBARA EVANS SALLAZ-INGOLD, Margrit 40 Stuart Place (Mrs. Otto) Northwestern Section Manhasset, New York Schlachthausstrasse 15, ELLIOTT, Hilda D. Grenchen, Switzerland ; (Mrs. Glenn E.) Deadline For News Phone: 8-57-40 Rt. 2 Idaho The 25th Of Each Month SCOTONI, Silvia Payette, Idaho (Mrs. Eric Anton) Phone: MI 2-3042 Chateau de Mex, KELLOG, Nelda (Terry) Pilot's Briefing Mex, Switzerland (Mrs. Dave) Phone: 021-4-32-51 Use your SOP booklet when in doubt 9688 Rainier Ave. Western Seattle, Wash. Washington as to the duties of your office. Your New England Section Phone: RA-9214 section governor and chapter chair­ READ, Pamela R.F.D. No. 2 New LOENING, Elaine man, as well as each committee chair­ Middleburg, Va. England (Mrs. Michael T.) man, have them in their file to be Phone: MU 7-3731 Star Route Idaho turned to you. Salmon, Idaho New York - New Jersey Section Phone: 21-F-012 If anyone knows of or has in her RENNINGER, Doris H. SHERMAN, Ardith L. possession records or material that (Mrs. Warren H.) (Mrs. Wilmer) Eastern belongs to the Ninety-Nine organiza­ Ridge Rock Lane, New York- N. 1513 Farr Road, Sop Washington East Norwich, L. I. New Jersey tion, kindly send to International Head­ Spokane, Wash. Phone: Oyster Bay 6-3383 P hon e: WA 4-1872 quarters, Oklahoma City. No records Middle Eastern Section will be destroyed without the unani­ Southwestern Section DIEMAND, Nancy M. mous consent of at least three mem­ CAMPBELL, Catherine J. (Mrs. Jno. A. Jr.) Eastern bers present. We are trying to com­ 809 West 30th St. Long Beach Holicong, Pa. Pennsylvania plete by date, the old records of our Los Angeles, Calif. P hone: "BU-2191 P hone: RI 8-1764 organization. Southeastern Section EVANS, Beth M. Deadline for receiving news for the BRINKMAN, Virginia M. (Mrs. Howard D.) News Letter has been changed to the 1700 Fieldcrest Lane Utah 25th of the month. This will enable us (Mrs. Richard O.) Georgia Salt Lake City, Utah to get the News Letter to you earlier P. O. Box 414 Phone: EM 4-7735 in the month. Postage changed to Jasper, Ga. Third Class with return postage guar­ Phone: 2897 SEPULVEDA, Jacqueline anteed. Keep headquarters advised WALLACE, Betty L. (Mrs. Tom ) and up-to-date as to your correct name (Mrs. Paul H.) 807 Cullen Street Long Beach and address. 2406 Clairmont Terrace N.E Whittier, Calif. Atlanta, Ga. Georgia P hon e: OX 6-3177 It is time to start the elections for Phone: ME 4-3219 section and chapter officers. Please SWOPE, Laura P. send results to headquarters as soon North Central Section Cotta Villa, San Fernando as possible, so all the officers will be BROWN, Mary T. Glendora, Calif. Valley in the 1958 roster on schedule. (Mrs. Wm. P.) Phone: ED 5-1857 Many a man has gone to the top 1484 Winona Road All-Ohio WALKER, Ruth Walters because he went to the bottom of Stow, Ohio (Mrs. Dean H.) things. Phone: OV 8-4686 644 North 11 East Utah Man your airplanes and spread the GILMORE, Rhea Carr Provo, Utah habit of safe enjoyable flying. (Mrs. Theodore) Phone FR 3-4979 BEFORE THE IAR — McAllen, Texas. That’s Dorothea Vermorel, chairman, with the Coke. Have no names for the other girls, sorry.
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