Non Profit Org U S Postage PAID Bronx New York Permit No 7608 Sana/Km and Sensationalism. n' •*' H ^ || J. "i U ? 1 ^ New York —see centerfold. Gloria Shuts Down Fordham Village Residents Evacuate During The Hurricane by Melissa Goodman all valuables and loose items in the closets or More than 100 students had to evacuate under beds. Residents were also told to tell The Villages last week as Hurricane Gloria their RA where they would be staying during hit the New York metropolitan area, forcing the storm. Approximately 75 students went the closing of the University. to Spellman Lounge. About 150 Village residents were "Most of the students were frustrated notified by resident assistants that they had that they had to move, but they thought it to evacuate the modular dormitories by 11:30 was fun, like more of a social event," said a.m., and stay in Spellman Lounge, the Durkin. McGinley Center, or at friends' rooms until "I got a little nervous when they told us the storm subsided. Residents were allowed we had to tape up the windows," said Dean to move back into their rooms by 2 p.m. Rogers, CBA'89. "It seemed to me that even after consult- "We had fun. We played Trivial Pursuit ing with the engineer (Robert Mahan) and for a bottle of vodka," said Bill Brennan, FC'89. Winifred Wegmann, assistant dean of "There is no way students for residential life, said that as of Thursday there were no plans to evacuate the wind would have The Villages. "In anticipation of the storm I spoke to blown those things Bob Mahan to get his opinion of the struc- ture. He told me that The Villages were built (The VUlages) over." to meet all New York City building codes, which include waterproofing and windproof- —Robert Mahan ing," Wegmann said. "All our electricity and phone lines are under campus, so I wasn't Dr. Cammarosano and being assured that too concerned." Jerry Kehm, CBA'88, The Villages were secure, I, along with Father "There is no way the wind would have takes advantage of O'Hare, felt that even to take a slight chance blown those things over," said Robert Gloria's gusty wind would be irresponsible," said Rev. Denis Mahan, director of facilities engineering. Moran, S.J., assistant vice president for "The Villages, as an assembled structure of by "wind-skating student affairs, who notified The Villages' seven units have a relatively high weight to from New Hall to housing staff on Friday morning to evacuate surface area ratio. It's like asking the same Faculty Memorial the dorm. question as to why Faculty Memorial won't Hall with a sail made According to Pam Durkin, resident fall." from u bed-sheet and director for Spellman Hall and The Villages, Some Village residents said that their fallen brunches. residents were advised to open their windows parents did call the dormitory and the Uni- a crack, tape the window panels, and place Continued on page 7 Harvard Coach Returns To Fordham as New AD Plenty by Jack Curry for Student Affairs. "He has great leadership Frank McLaughlin lias come home. qualities, knows and appreciates the Of The 1969 Fordham College graduate and academic as well as athletic tradition of For- former basketball captain is returning to dham, and is well-known in our alumni Rose Hill as the school's sixteenth Athletic community," Sting Director. 1 have a great love for Fordham," McLaughlin, a 38 year-old native of the McLaughlin said. "I think the school has the Bronx, has been the head coach of Harvard tremendous potential to do things the right University's basketball team for the past way. I don't look at Fordham as a stepping eight seasons. stone. I am looking to stay here." "I am a frustrated Fordham alumnus," According to McLaughlin no immediate said McLaughlin, timing a press conference athletic administration changes arc planned. at the Rose Hill campus. "Whenever 1 was at "My ideas about Fordham arc that I Harvard, I was always looking back to For- have to evaluate things," said McLaughlin. dham and wanting things to be better. I guess "I'm going to evaluate things now (in the now I'm on the firing line." athletic administration) and then in the ome- McLaughlin, who was an assistant spring I'll make some recommendations to i basketball coach for the Rams under Digger Father O'Hare." * Whenever I was at Phelps in 1970-71, was selected ahead of 75 While the adminstration remains intact, other applicants. The new AD's stifl'est com- there may be some changes on the sports Harvard, I was petition came from Fordham head basketball fields. coach Tom Penders and former Ram player "I'm coming in here very open," always looking back Dob Melvin. McLaughlin said. "I'm open to anything. "Frank McLaughlin has all the qualities Fordham has tremendous potential in track, to Fordham..." we were looking for in an Athletic Director," tennis and baseball. We're going to look to page 9. said Dr. Joseph McGowan, vice president Continued on page 5 —Frank McLaughlin 2/THE RAM/THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,1985 CALENDAR Saturday, October 5 Homecoming Football vs. St. John's 1 p.m. Jack Coffey Field. WAC Homecoming Mixer 9 p.m. Ramskellar. Monday, October 7 T.O.P.: presents Pat Monahan 9 p.m. Ramskellar. Fordham Club: Meeting, 3 p.m., Keating 204. Wednesday, October 9 Tuesday, Cinevents: sponsors It Happened One October 8 A//g/7f8p.m. Keating 1st. T.O.P.: presents The Nerve 9:30 p.m. American Age: presents a lecture on Ramskellar. International Terrorism with Senator Jeremiah Dento. (R-Alabama). 12:30 p.m. Ballroom. T.O.P.: presents "Pat Monahan"— a singer of many popular tunes. Cultural Affairs: Tickets on sale for Thursday, Hudson Valley Winery. McGinley Center. Trip date is Saturday, October October 10 T.O.P. presents "The Nerve", 12. Cost $4. an improvisational group with Special Events: Sign-ups for "College Cinevents: sponsors The Breakfast great satire and music! Bowl" begin (October 8-17) Club. 10:30 a.m., 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. (Fordham Graduates) McGinley Center. Keating 1st. Use this form lo list events in the cu cslendar Sponsoring Group. Address Description of Event yft III ' l tf . *\ • ,^"ii '!*i >" t j * Date, Place. T i me Admission Requirements . ••-, *'• .* OfinisnsiTo: D College f] CBA • General Public DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 4i>M •» LJ Grad Students D Other Upon completion ol this lorm, olease return lo- ? r.*»- •» f: Members of Fordham University Only • Cilendar Committee Cimouj Center Directors Office THE RAM/THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,1985/3 Divestment Issue Continue^ Student Coalition To Meet Board of Trustees by Scott Benjamin dham currently lids more than $4 milion in- The Fordham Coalition for Divestment vested in companies doing business in South has reached a milestone in its campaign. Africa. After months of rallies and protests, the "I would be: very surprised," O'Hare coalition and University President Rev. said,"if there was hot a favorable response to Joseph O'Hare, S.J., are scheduled to meet the notion of at least selective divestment. 1 with the Board of Trustees next Tuesday to would expect thaj on the issue of total in- discuss the divestment issue. vestment that thert would be a number of ob- "We are going to present them (the jectives from the pjeople on the board." Board) with a page and a half on why the While Fordham reviews the divestment University should divest totally," said coali- issue, over 40 bolleges and universities tion leader Joe Etoll, FC'86, "regardless of around the country already have divested whether or not they follow the Sullivan either partially <k fully from companies principles." doing business in South Africa. The most re- The Sullivan principles are a voluntary cent was the Stat^ University of New York, code of conduct for United States firms in Other schools include: Harvard University, South Africa. They are designed to prevent which divested $50.9 million in 1981; Boston segregation on the job and to promote fair University, which partially divested $6 Companies in the portfolio doing business in South Africa that have signed the Sullivan emplopyment practices. million in 1979; ind the City University of principals. According to figures the University pro- New York, which) fully divested $10 million vided from its investment portfolio, For- last year. Coca-Cola Control Data O'Hare, however, does not think the Corning Glass International Business Machines board will be influenced by other schools. Eastman Kodak Johnson & Johnson According to the president, the Board may be General Motors Merck & Co. "impressed" with the actions of other insti- Caterpillar Tractor Minnesota Mining tutions, but most of the members are strong- Cooper Industries American Express ly independent. ' Dow Chemical Bankamerica Corp. "I think, however, that whatever Burroughs Citicorp decision is made, it will be made on the grounds of what (is most likely to effect the Companies in the portfolio doing business in South Africa that have not signed the desired social chknge in South Africa and Sullivan Principals. what is most likely to provide the kind of Air Products & Chemicals financial stability that Fordham University Boeing needs. , "Those are I the two concerns of the Endowment Cost: Trustees and whi e they may be interested in $2,949,187.47 what other institutions have done, I am confident that their decision will be much Plant Fund Cost: more based on jhe issues of the first two $1,405,482.59 questions than just jumping on a band- wagon." Total: $4,354,670.00 SAC Addresses CSA \ Commuter Council Proposes A $10 Activity Fee bhyv ChristinrtlristinAe PariarSxFedericno _ | tt increase in tuition, it must be approved by Cerra.CBA '89.
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