^ X O N A L ^ FEDERAL« REGISTER VOLUME 13 J , ? Ì L 4n ^ NUMBER 71 </AilTEO Washington, Saturday, April 10, 1948 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Defense. Appointments under this sub­ CONTENTS PERSONNEL division shall not exceed one year. (vii) One position of Vice Chairman or Agriculture Department Page Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Deputy Chairman of the Munitions Proposed rule making: Board. Handling: P art 2—Appo in t m e n t T hrough th e (Sec. 6.1 (a), E. O. 9830 (Feb. 24, 1947), Milk in Fort Wayne, Ind., C o m petitive S ervice 12 F. R. 1259) area-------------_------------- ... 1954 P art 6— E x ceptio ns P rom th e Walnuts in California, Oregon U nited S tates C iv il S erv­ and Washington (Corr.)___ 1955 C om petitive S ervice ic e C o m m issio n , Rules and regulations: MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS [seal] H. B. M itc h el l, Limitation of shipments in Cal­ President. 1. Effective upon publication in the ifornia and Arizona: 1951 F ederal R egister, a new paragraph (h) [P. R. Doc. 48-3180; Piled, Apr. 9, 1948; Lemons__________________ is added to § 2.114 as follows: 8:53 a. m.] Oranges---------------------------- 1953 Alien Property, Office of § 2.114 Temporary appointment. * * * Notices: (h) Emergency-indefinite appoint­ a ien t. Whenever the Commission deter­ TITLE 7—-AGRICULTURE Vesting orders, etc.: Baracs, Anna__________ __ JL968 mines that it is in the interest of na­ Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ tional security to do so, it may enter Brull, Margaret____________ 1966 into a special agreement with an agency keting Administration (Marketing Cornelson, Rasmus_________ 1968 Agreements and Orders) Enichen, Elizabeth________ 1969 stipulating that where it is impossible to Evers, Clara Feucker_______ 1966 make an appointment to a position di­ [Lemon Regulation 269] rectly connected with the foreign assist­ Fischer, Senta J ___________ 1969 ance or defense program in accordance P art' 953—L em ons G row n in California Hertzberg, Emmy Carlotta__ 1969 with regular civil-service procedures, the and Arizona Kaltenbrun, William_______ 1969 Knoche, Adelheid____._____ 1970 agency may, with due regard to the pro­ lim ita tio n of sh ipm en ts visions of veteran preference set forth in Luecke, Use and Fried______ 1971 § 953.376 Lemon Regulation 269—(a) Manahan, Frieda_____ *___ 1970 paragraph (e) (2) of this section, make Findings._ (1) Pursuant to the market­ an emergency-indefinite appointment to Noltenius, Clementine S____ 1967 the position subject to the approval of ing agreement, as amended, and Order Oelschlager, Emma__________ 1971 qualifications by the Commission. Such No. 53, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., Ohaus, Henry J. B________ 1970 appointments shall not extend beyond 953.1 et seq.; 13 F. R. 766), regulating Rhode, Matthias, and Co____ 1971 June 30,1952, Persons so appointed will the handling of lemons grown in the Simonsen, Magda_________ 1972 not thereby acquire a permanent civil- State of California or in the State of Societe Anonyme Superflexit- 1973 service status. Such special agreements Arizona, effective under the applicable Siigihara Industrial Co., Ltd., provisions of the Agricultural Marketing et al---------------------------- 1968 shall clearly specify the conditions Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and Union Special Machine Co. under which this authority is granted. upon the basis of the recommendation and Union Special Ma­ (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. and information submitted by the Lemon chine Corp. of America___ 1972 631, 633) Administrative Committee, established Wanzenberg, Louise, et al___ 1972 2. Under authority of § 6.1 (a) of Ex­under the said amended marketing Wittenberg, Dr. Ernst______- 1973 ecutive Order No. 9830 and at the request agreement and order, and upon other Atomic Energy Commission of the Secretary of Defense, the Com­ available information, it is hereby found Proposed rule making: mission has determined that the posi­ that the limitation of the quantity of Fissionable material, definition- 1955 tions listed below should be excepted such lemons which may be handled, as hereinafter provided, will tend to effectu­ Civil Aeronautics Board from the competitive service. Effective ate the declared policy of the act. Proposed rule making: upon publication in the F ederal R eg is­ Mechanic school certificates__ 1955 ter § 6.4 (a) (20) is amended by the ad­ (2) It is hereby further found that dition of two new subdivisions as set out compliance with the preliminary notice Civil Service Commission below. and public rule-making procedure re­ Rules and regulations: quirements and the 30-day effective date Appointment through competi­ § 6.4 Lists of positions excepted from requirement of the Administrative Pro­ tive system___________ 1951 the competitive service—(a) Schedule cedure Act (Pub. Law 404, 79th Cong., Exceptions from competitive A. * * * 2d Sess.; 60 Stat. 237) is impracticable service__________________ 1951 (20) National Military Establish­ and contrary to the public interest in ment. * * * Federal Communcations Com­ that the time intervening between the mission (vi) Thirty positions as Chiefs and date when information upon which this Deputy Chiefs of divisions, branches, and section is based became available and Notices: sections, or as Special Advisers and As­ Hearings, etc.: the time when this section must become Bunker Hill Broadcasting Co_ 1958 sistants in the Office of Civil Defense effective in order to effectuate the de- Don Lee Broadcasting System Planning, Office of the Secretary of ( Continued on next page) et al— ;______ 1956 1951 1952 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Federal Communications Com- Page Title 7— Agriculture Page FEDEML®REGISTER Chapter LX—Production and Mar­ mission— Continued keting Administration (Mar­ is>34 ¿y Notices—Continued , keting Agreements and Or­ Hearings, etc.—Continued ders) : Ozarks Broadcasting Co. Part 901—Walnuts grown in Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (KWTO)_______________ 1958 California, Oregon and Wash- and days following official Federal holidays, Patterson, S. H. (KJAY)----- 1960 ington (proposed)------------- 1955 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Penn-Allen Broadcasting Co. National Archives, pursuant to the authority (WFMZ)_______________ 1958 Part 932—Milk in Fort Wayne, contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Progressive Publishing Co. Ind., marketing area (pro­ proved July 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as (WCPA)_______________ 1959 posed) -------- ;------------------ 1954 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Williamson Broadcasting Part 953—Lemons grown in Cal­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ ifornia and Arizona-------- 1951 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Corp. and Big Sandy Part 966—Oranges grown in tion is made only by the Superintendent of Broadcasting Co— --------- 1957 California and Washington— 1953 Documents, Governm ent P rinting Office, Woolridge, David Harold, and W ashington 25, D. C. Bluff City Broadcasting Co., Title 11— Atomic Energy The regulatory material appearing herein is Ltd. (WDIA)----------------- 1959 Chapter I—Atomic Energy Com­ keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, mission: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Federal Power Commission Proposed rule making— -------- 1955 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Notices: . am ended June 19, 1937. Hearings, etc.: Title 14— Civil Aviation The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by Chapter I—C i v i 1 Aeronautics m ail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Atlantic Seaboard Corp. and Virginia Gas Transmission Board: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Part 53—Mechanic school rating vance. The charge for individual copies Corp__________________ 1961 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Florida Power Corp----------- 1961 (proposed)_______________ 1955 size of the issue. Remit check or money Gas Transport, Inc----------- 1962 order, made payable to the Superintendent Michigan Public Service Com­ dared policy of the Agricultural Market­ of Documents, directly to the Government mission et al----------------- 1961 Printing Office, W ashington 25, D. C. ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, There are no restrictions on the republica­ New York Power and Light is insufficient for such compliance, and tion of material appearing in the F ederal Corp__________ ■___ ____ 1961 as a reasonable time is permitted, under R eg ister. Penn-York N a tu ra l Gas the circumstances, for preparation for Corp____—------------------- 1962 such effective date. Phebus Pipe Line Co---------- 1961 (b) Order. (1) The quantity of lem­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ ons grown in the State of California or 1947 SUPPLEMENT in the State of Arizona which may be sion to the handled during the period beginning at Notices : 12:01 a. m., P. s. t., April 11, 1948, and CODE OF FEDERAL Directive to furnish cars for ending at 12:01 a. m., P. s. t., April 18, REGULATIONS railroad coal supply: 1948, is hereby fixed as follows: Monongahela Railway Co----- 1963 (1) District 1: 360 carloads. The following book is now Pennsylvania Railroad Co— 1962 (ii) District 2: unlimited movement. available: Pittsburg & Shawmut Rail­ (2) The prorate base of each handler road Co------------------ ----- 1963 who has made application therefor, as Book I: Titles 1 through 7, Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail­ provided in the said amended marketing including, in Title 3, Presiden­ way Co__--------------------- 1962 agreement and order, is hereby fixed in tial documents in full text with Securities and Exchange Com­ accordance with the prorate base sched­ appropriate reference tables mission ule which is attached hereto and made and index. a part hereof by this reference. Notices: (3) As used in this section, “handled,” This book may be obtained from the Hearings, etc.: “handler,” “carloads,” “prorate base,” Superintendent of Documents, Government Dallas Power & Light Co. and “District 1,” and “District 2” shall have Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.f Texas Utilities Co----------- 1964 the same meaning as is given to each at $3.50 per copy.
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