• 482 WIMBLEDON. SURREY. (KELLt'S Butcher Helen (Mrs.), laundry, 35 Palmerston road Coleman Henry George, plasterer, 24 Alexandra. road Butler Frank & Son, oil & color men, 47 Broadway Coles Bertram C. architect & surveyor, 70 Coombe lane Butler Eliza (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 78 Quicka road Collier & Ha.rvey, physicians & surgeons, 135 Hartfield road Butler La.ura (Mrs.), laundry, 23 Hartfield crescent Collier Samuel Ruddell M:.D., M:.ch. physician & surgeon (firm, Butlin Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Effra road Collier & Harvey),135 Harttield road & 70 Wimbledon Hill rd Butt Henry F. boot maker, 345 Haydon's road Collin & Co. grocers, 58 Durham road Butt Waiter, cycle repairer, 8 De Burgh road Collins & Kew, stationers, 54 Broadway & 8 The Pavement, Cable Heury, farrier, 2 St. Mark's place Worple road Ca.lder Mary (:1\lrs.), art needlework, 38B, High street Collins Emest Victor, builder, 631 Kingston road Calf & Co. Limited, motor engineers, 1 & 33,35 & 37 Russell rd Collins Florence Mary (Mrs.), boot maker, 316 Worple road Callaway & Sons, dairymen, 37 High street Collyer Violet G. (Miss), school, 158 Queen's road Calla.way George C. tobacconist, 15 High street Colman Clement G. solicitor, 174 Worple road • Calliss William Dennington, boot repairer, 120 Pelham road Colma.n Ernest. Gershom, architect & surveyor, 174 Worple rd Campbell James, fruiterer, 92 High street Colman Frederick W. architect, 174 Worpleroad Campbell John H. pianoforte maker, 6 Gladstone road Compton Hall (George Ely, sec.), Compton road Cane Frederick, barrow proprietor, 43 Hubert road Connaught Hand Laundry, 230 Haydon's road •Cannon Henry, boot maker, 11 Chwch road Connor & Sons, jobmasters, Arthur road ·Ca.rnegie John, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 22Ridgwa.y pl Convalescent Home (Mrs. Martha Essam,matron),23 West place, •Carnwath Laundry (receiving office), 66 Arthur road Wimbledon common ·Carpenter S. K. & Simmonds L. M. (MissElB), dress makers, Convent of the Holy Cross, school (Sister Augustine, mperior. 8 Coombe lane • ess), 12 & 14 Southey road Carr Alan D. laundry, 204 South Park road Cook Georg£>, builder, 17 Lambton road Carr Edward, builder, Coombe lane Cook George H. grocer & provision dealer, 148 Merton road Carswell John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 69 Ridgwa.y Cook John Henry, boot maker, 24 Hartfield road -Carter Dorothy Mary (Miss),schl. of embroidery, 7Courthope vils Cook Waiter William, boot repairer, 8 Victoria. crescent Carter William, beer retailer, 15 Church road Cooke William, riding master, 32 Church road Carter William, supt. Public Baths, Latimer road Cooke Willia.m George, architect, 13 Speneer hill • Case William Henry, draper, see Hewling & Case Cooper Charlts Hamlet lii.I.O.E. borough engineer & survPyor, Cash Esther (Mrs.), tobacconist, 279 Wimbledon Park road Town hall, Broadway & 15 Dora road Cemetery (Alfred Steele Sheldon, c1erk to the burial board; Cooper's Drug Stores, 183 Kingston road George J. S. Booth, depl.lty clerk to board; Rev. Ja.mes Alien Co-operative Permanent Building Society (Albert E. Piper, Bell M.A, & Rev. Edward Hutton Bell M.A, chaplains of branch sec.), 86 Ashen grove consecrated portions ; Rev. G. Ingrem, chaplain of general Coote J. W. & Co. upholsterers & cabinet makers, 60 High street ground ; S. Morris, supt. ), Gap road 1 Cope Brothers, fishmongers, 78 High street Central Type writing Offices (The Misses Cotsworth, principals), Copp Alfred E. Guillaume, solicitor, 21 Trinity road 21 St. George's road; & at Folkestone. See adver- Cop pen Brothers, grocers, 10 Broadway tisement Copper Edgar A. boot maker, 189 Kingston road Chadwick Frederick James, confectio:tJ.er, 77 Norman road 1Cornwall Carolina & Elizabeth (Misses), confectioners, Ill Challis Arthur Edward, coal dealer, 68 Quicks road 1 Merton road Chamberlain Fra.ncis William M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, Corrall & Co. coal merchants, 14 Victoria crescent 41 High street & veterinary shoeing forge & veterinary Corsellis & Berney, solicitors, Court house, Queen's road inspector to the borough, 4 Broadway Coster Charles, artificial teeth maker (firm, Parkinson & Coster), Chandler Edward, jobbing gardener, 12 Oldfield road 44 Broadway Chapman Edward, builder, 2 Leopold road 1 Coston Edward, watch maker, 86 Palmer!!ton ro&.d Chard & Sons, dairymen, 319 Haydon's road County Club, Alwyne road Charity Organisation Society (Richard M. James, agent), Cousins Arthur, inspector to the National Society for the 43 High street Prevention of Cruelty to Children (local office), 16 Herbertrd Charles William & Son, dairymen, 55 Broadway Cowan & Son, tailors, 13 Worple road Charlton Edward, dairyman, 67 Haydon's road Cowie George M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, 144 Worple road Cheek Robert P. wine & spirit merchant., 23 Harttield road Cox Frances Emily (Miss), confectioner, 11 Queen's road Child John W. confectioner, 129 Kingston road Cracknell Harriet (Mrs.), midwife, 30 East road ·Children's Home (Miss Grace Bensley, matron), 34 Worple road Craggs Richard Thorn, butcher, lOO Haydon's road Childs Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer, 15 Crooked Billet I Cranefield William George, tobacconist, 127 Haydon's road Childs William George, builder, 26 Pepys road I Crawley Elizh. (:Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Palmerston road Chipping Eleanor (Mrs.), bath chair proprietor, 18 South place Crawley Henry, tailor, 9 Palmerston road Chul'Oher Frederick William, teacher of music, 37 Alexandra rd 1 Creese Howard, draper, 144 Merton road Churcher John, builder & bricklayer, 25 Hartfield crescent Criswick George, furniture dealer, 13 Kingston road Chuter & Son Limited, leather dressers, Copper Mill lane j Crocker George L. & Son, dairymen, HO Merton road Clapham Ramblers' Sports Club; ground, Merton Hall road Croke John, turncock, 50A, Church road Clapham Edward M.D., M.R.c.s.Eng. physician & surgeon & Cromwell W. D. builder, 6 Cromwell road medical officer to Isolation Hospital, 79 Murray road Cross & Prior, estate agents, 36 Wimbledon Hill road Clare Alfred & Son, gasfittus, 52 Russell road Crossley Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 19 Mount road Clare Eliza (Mrs.), ironmonger, 25 Wimbledon Hill road Crowhurst & Ashton, undertakers, 139 Alexandra road Claridge Richard, furniture dealer, 139 Kingston road Crowther Cecil, optician, 5 St. George's road & 70 Merton road Clark & Co. fishmongers, 20 Coombe lane Cuckney Herbert John & Son, builders, 127 Gladstone road Clark Dan, outfitter, 3 Merton road Cullen William Henry, grocer & wine & spirit merchant, 335 Clark S. Ell en (Mrs.), grocer, 153 Hartfield road Haydon's road ; 68 Wimbledon Hill road & 93 High street Clark William, boot maker, 69 Haydon's road Culling D. A. (Miss) A.L.c.MJprofessor of music, 10 Ryfoldroad Clark William, insurance agent, 25 Pelham road Culling Ellis, grocer, 275 Wimbledon Park road Clarke Alfred & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 5 Hartfield road Curtis John Richard, hair dresser, 89 High street Clarke Eliza Mary (i\:Iiss), confectioner, 173 Haydon's road Cusack Martin F. L.R.C.P. & L.R.c.s.Edin. phJ1:1ician & surgeon, Clarke Frederick, butcher, 268 Haydon's road 24 Home Park road Clarke Frederick, news agent, 31 Dundonald road Cusden Harry, grocer & beer retailer, 79 & 81 Clarence road Clarke Percy Henry J.P., F.s.I. surveyor, 38 Merton Hall road Custance John Henry, tobacconist, 36A, "Wimbledon Hill road C!arke Sydney William, Fox & Grapes P.H. Camp road, Wim- Cuthbert Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 79 Norman road bledon common Cutler & Hadden, dairymen, 147 Kingston road Clarke William Henry, draper, 74 Arthur road Dabbs Thomas, insmance agent, 59 Hamilton road Claxton Robert, draper, 23 High street Dakin H. & Co. Limited, ironmongers, 26 High street Clegg & Flexman, motor jobmasters, 20 & 22 Thornton road Dale Clifford, hosier, l2A, Wimbledon Hill road Clifton Christopher H. boot maker, 5A, Church road Dale John Henry, boot maker, 54 Hartfield road Clifton Fred, dining rooms, 6 Lambton road Darling & Maxted, house agents, 84 Merton road Climpson's Stores, boot & shoe makers, 175 Haydon's road Davey Alice (Miss), nurse, 71 Ashen grove Cobb Henry John, tobacconist, 82 Effra road Davey John Ashford, grocer, 189 Haydon's road Cobley William Henry, grocer, 44B, Cecil road Davies Charles \Villiam A.R.I.B.A. architect., 37 Ryfold road Cockerell Gcorge J. & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell I Davies Samuel, dairyman, 258 Haydon's road & Co. LimJtt-d), coal & coke merchants, Railway Station Davies William Henry, dairyman, 183 Haydon's road yard, Wimbledon Hill road Davi'! Bcrnhard, artificial teeth maker, 55 Broadway ;('ockle Arth. grcr. & prov. dlr. & post office, 75 & 77 Ridgway Davis Hugh Alexander M. D. surgeon, 225 Queen's roa.d; Cocks M. E. & I. (Misses), art needlework repository, 24 St. surgery, 120 Haydon's road George's road Davis Joseph, hair dresser, 12 Worple road Uodman Edward William, insurance supt. 24 Albert road Davis Richard, greengrocer, 243 Haydon's roa.d Cola & Co. chemists, l Queen's road Davison George, grocer & tea dealer, 23 Kingston road Cole Thomas Arthur, clothier, 242 & 244 Merton road Daw, Saville & Co. architects, 70 Coombe lane Coleman Albert Edward, boot maker, 1 Evelyn road I Dawson E. & Co. milliners, 1 Church road Colcman George William, boot repairer, 184 Effra road Deamer William, greengrocer & fruiterer, 4 La.mbton road .
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