FIGHTING 69rH INFANTRY DIVISION ****fissoC:.iafion, Ina. VOLUME 40, NO.2 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH - APRIL 1987 "THE THREE B's" 101 STEPHEN STREET BOLTE'S BIVOUACING BASTARDS NEW KENSINGTON, P A 15068 412/335-3224 bu.lletin OFFICERS 1986-1987 William Beswick. President P.O. Box 576 West Point. VA 231 81 .................. 661 1987 Annual Reunion Niagara Falls, New York Willi am Foster. Vice President 803 ELk wood Drive New Cumberl and, PA 17070 ......... 269 ~--, '" Frank emeth. Secretary 66 Gaping Rock Road Levilttowll. PA 19057 ............... 269 Hobert. Kurtzman, Treasurer P.O. Drawer 178 Wilmot. 01-1 '14689 ......................... 272 Clarence !o. l arshall. M embership 101 Stephen Street. New Kens ington, PA 15068. Div. Hq. Anthony Keller. Auditor. ........ 272 Edward Lucci. Asst. Auditor . ...... 273 Harold St arry, Co·Chaplaill ........ 272 William Snidow, Co-Chaplain ........ 661 Habbi Ernst Lorge, Co-Chap. Oi\,. I-Iq. HoberL Kurtzman. Scholarsh ip ..... 272 LADIES' AUXILIARY Anna K. Wallers. President Vivian Kurtzman, Vice President Maria Keller. Secretary Ellen McCann. Asstistant Secretary Virgini a Weston. Chaplaill Ellen Snidow. Assista,a Chaplain \1argie McCombs. Slln shine Lady BOAIlO OF OIHECTORS 1986-1987 Eugene Butterfield ................ Oiv. I-Iq . J ohn Hayes ................................... 27 1 J ames Henry ................................. 272 J acoh Stark . .. ....... 273 Philip Colombo ..................... Divarty Dan Evers ...................................... 269 Eugene Pierron .............................. 66 1 Vernon Wirth ................................. 777 1987-1988 Cu rt Peterson ........................ 569 Sig. William Sheavly ............................. 27 1 Wendell Freeman .. ......................... 272 .John Mowrey. ..................... 273 This is a view of the American Falls from Canada and the building in the center background J ay Rollman ......................... Divarty Larry Roeder .................................. 269 with the silver domes on top is the Hotel Niagara. Jules Slopek . ... 661 Don )(naus ................................... 777 1988- 1989 Fred Avery ............................ Di v. IIq. Irv Gotkin .................................... 27 1 Close-up view of the Niagara Hotel J . Herbi son .................................... 272 where the 69th Divisions's 40th Annual A. Francavill a ................................ 273 AI Faison ................................ Di varty Reuion will be held. John Hawley .................................. 269 Dan Ru sso .......................... .......... .. 66 1 Attractions Nearby: Within walking J ohn ~IcCanl1 ... .. ........................ 777 distance: Niagara Falls, Maid of the Mist PAST PIlESIDE 1'S Boat, Native American Center, Aquarium, *Maj. Gen. E. F. ReinhardL. T X _______________ ._. _____ ___ __________ Oiv_ \-Iq _ Rainbow Bridge to Canada, Indoor Shop­ *Lester J . Milich, IJ ............. 569 Sig. *Hy man E. Gold stein . N y .... 272 InL ping Mall, Cave of the Winds, Wintergarden. Clifford E. Ewing. GA ........ 769 Ord. Sherman Lawrence. Ny ....... 272 InL Murry Galu tcn. OK ............. 272 InL *Henry Madison. Ny ............. 272 InL *Sol Rosenbli tt. FL ................ 271 InL *E~:~ ~.aQ~i~ ~~. 'NJ ::.:::::::::. ~~'i r!~ : 1·larold M . SLarry. PA .......... 272 InL Wm. R. MaLlach. Ny ........... 273 InL Sam Woolf. N y ..................... 273 I nL Geo_ E. Phillips. FL ______ ._. ____ 271 I nf. Albert. Carbonari. CT ........... 271 InL Stanley Olszewski. CT ......... 273 I nL J ohn Moriarty. ~ l A . 69 MP ,' Robert Myers. AZ ............... Oi \,. Hq. IWaller Doe rnbach. NJ ...... .. Di\,. J-Iq. George Gall agher ............ ~ IP & Q~I -Deceased CONVENTION AND CIVIC CENTER WHERE BANQUET WILL BE HELD_ Glenn B. Vanderlaan, 2215 March Street, Kalamazoo, News From Michigan 49001 - AT-273rd: I am enclosing a picture with 3 6gers on it. The one in the middle is me. The one on the right The is Robert Lehmann, who lived in Massachusetts, and his parents owned a greenhouse. The one on the left was called Editor's Desk "Big Red." He was from Texas, was a jeep driver, and would bring us mail and hot meals. I would like to find their current addresses. I am in better health than when I saw you in Pitts­ by - Clarence Marshall burgh. I move around 50% better, and my arthritis pain is down by 80%. Therefore I am back to playing the pipes again. I plan to attend the 1987 Reunion at Niagara Falls. At the l1eunion in Pittsburgh I reminisced with General Bolte how John W. McGolerick, Jr., Route 2, Box 47, Knoxville, I piped for him several times in 1978 at the Greentree Mar­ Maryland 21758: Enclosed are my dues for 1986-1987. I am riott. I hope that I can get permission to pipe the Color Guard glad to be a part of this great organization, even though I had and play Taps for the Memorial Service. to leave it in the States in April of 1944. I was in Combt in Germany with General Patton's Third Army from November (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Vanderlaan's picture appears of 1944 till the War ended in Austria in May of 1945. I was elsewhere in this issue). wounded on March 17th, and back in action on May 1st. I was John M. Fleming, Box 404, Rockhollow Road, R.D. #1, discharged in January of 1946 at Fort George G. Meade, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania 19508 - D-271st: Mr. Fleming was Maryland. My basic training in Camp Shelby from May 1943 a former Sf Sgt. in his Unit. Wife's name is Shirley, and they to April 1944 was outstanding by good Officers and men. have 4 children. All children are away from home, and Kevin Arthur Shinder, 11 Bristol Road, Windsor Locks, Connec­ is not married. There are 7 grandchildren. I worked for Birds­ ticut 06096 - F-273rd: Enclosed is my check for membership boro Corporation Machine Shop for 44 years, 23 as a dues, postage donation, a Division History Book and two machinest and assembler, and 21 years in Supervision. I shoulder patches. I would like to take you up on your offer, retired in 1966 as superintendent of 2 shops. I am presently and receive the names and addresses of the men of Company operating a small machine shop of my own. F-273rd. I am interested in information on a Robert Sipes, and Robert Ericksen, Route 9, Box 86, Canal Drive, Florence, a guy named Piskor. So far I have received 3 issues of the South Carolina 29501 - 569th Sig.: I am a member of the 69th Bulletin and would like to congratulate all concerned on a job Infantry Division Association, and have corresponded with well done. I'm just mad at myself for not becoming a member Bob Kurtzman about information on the 69th Division sooner, as I feel I have missed out on a very important part History Book. He told me to contact you in reference to the of my life. My sincere wish is that you have an enjoyable Holi­ same. I was with the 569th Signal Company from April 1943 day Season, and the best of Health and Luck for the New Year. till August 1944, and have often wondered how the old Com­ John F. Murphy, 18 Court Street, Cromwell, Connecticut pany made out. Bob sent me a roster, but so many names were 06416 - H-272nd: I heard about the organization from missing that I remember. I wonder if they got back O.K., or Howard Carlton, and would like to know how to apply for Lransferred like I did. I served the rest of my time till 12-7-45 membership. I was in Company H-272nd Infantry, and would in the South Pacific. I have enclosed a check to cover the book, like to know about others from my Unit in the Association. and any other info about the 569th that you might have. Hope I am also interested in the 1987 Reunion at Niagara Falls. to get to a Reunion sometime. Carl F. Kaiser, 22330 Homestead Road, #222, Cupertino, Richard K. Witmer, 119 Mussetta Street, Hanover, Penn­ California 95014 - E-271st: I'd like to thank you for sending sylvania 17331 - B-272nd: It has been a long time since the me the roster of E-271st people to help me plan a special din­ link-up, but I remember it well. About 6 years ago a fire in ner at the Reunion in Pittsburgh. As a result of these efforts, our house destroyed my History Books. They were the History as well as the overall Reunion planning, our Company showed of the 69th Division and the History of the 272nd Infantry an attendance of 16, which was better than previous years. Regiment. I would like to replace these books if you still have The greater number made the affair more fun for all of us. I them on hand. have the address of a new member for you. He is Jerry Fine of Los Angeles, California. I don't know his Unit designation. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Witmer was sent a new Division History Book, and advised that there are no 272nd Regiment Kyle Ellison, 110 Olympia Drive, Beckley, West Virginia History Books available). 25801 - L-272nd: I recently was in touch with a former 6ger who was unaware that there was a 69th Division Association. Harold Hendrix, 3017 Johnson Road, Box 28, Would you please send the necessary information to him in Stevensville, Michigan 49127 - E-271st: Enclosed is the order than he may become a member. He was a member of address of another former 6ger who lives near me. He is Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., 272nd Infantry Regiment, and he is Russell William H. Sommers, who was the former Supply Sergeant E. Rakestraw of Findlay, Ohio. for Company E-271st. I sent him some pictures taken at the Reunion in Pittsburgh. He claims he has not heard from Howard Carlton, 125 Bolton Street, Manchester, Connec­ ticut 06040 - Hq. 880th: I appreciated your letter, and also anyone from the 69th since his discharge. Please send him the the News Bulletin that you sent me. I apologize for not giv­ latest Bulletin and a membership application. Bill is a little ing you my complete Unit.
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