1952 MERICA DOROTHY COLLINS, 0 The Sweetheart of Lucky Strike, ,, says· BeHappy­ ... GOLUCKY! LUCKIES TASTE BETTER! INDIANA - OHIO STATE \ V II.BUR E. NYPP, Editor Wiiiiam A. W ood ruff Advertising Manager John F. H ummell C ircula tion Manage.r National Advertising Rep resentative Don S pencer o .• 271 Mad iso n A ve., New York 16, • Y . T he President& ----------------------------------· l T he A thletic D iret"lo n, ----------------------------- 5 T he H ead Coache --------------------------------- 6 The Faculty Repre~cntatives ---- -------------------- 7 fosic at Half-time --------------------------- --- 8 Meet T he Hoosier, -------------------------- _ 'I Ohio tale P layers -----------------10, 14. 18, 27, 30, 31 Indiana Players -- ------------------------12, 16, 28, 32 Ohio late P laying umbers -----------------------20 lndiana P laying umbers ------------- ____________ 25 Action of '51 Indiana-Ohio tale ____________________ 36 Ohio tale H onors Boy couts ___ ------------------38 Ohio tale R oster --------- ______________________ 39 Indiana Roster ----------- •• ___ _ ------- ___ 41 TODAY' S COVER Invites your a ttention to He -42n d a nnive rsary of Boy Scoutdom. Th Boy Scout movement, init iated in this country in 1910 by William D. Boyce of Chicago Il l., has, as its 1952 slogan, " Fo rward on liberty's Team". f or man)' years, Boy Scouts of Columbus a nd vici nity have a ssisted as ushers in Ohio Stadium. ., . ... - ~ .'•' \, ! . 3 The The Presidents Athletic Directors DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS RICHARD C. LARKINS Ohio State University Ohio State University DR. HERMAN B. W ELLS PAUL J. HARR ELL Indiana Un iversity Indiana University 4 5 The The Head Faculty Coaches Representatives W.W. "WOODY" HAYES DR. WEND EL L D. POSTLE Ohio State University Ohio State University BER NIE CRIMMIN S JOHN F. MEE India na University Indiana University 6 7 : ooooooooooooo ooooooo ooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo cooo oooo oo ooo oo oooooo ooo ooo ooooo n9'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWW 4 MUSIC AT HALF TIME Meet the Hoosie rs J OHN BARTKIEWICZ, of Chicago, freshman Ambridge, Pa., is the 1o. 1 chatter box for the halfback, i the only Korean veteran on the Indiana Hoosiers. Rus o, who played 313 0 minutes last fall football quad. Graduate of Tilden Tech and brother to stand only behind Eel Roth (3150), is one of the T HE Ohio tate Univer ity Marching Band form a fine service of ushering in Ohio tadium. 1 of Joe and \Valter Bartkiewicz, squad's be t morale in trument with his flaming opens its 1952 sea on with "The Buckeye Fanfare". First Class Scout badge is fo rmed to the march, " a­ Indiana football letter111 en of 1946 spirit and con tant conversation .... Florian Helin­ Then, in two solid ranks tretching from sideline to tional Emblem". The head of a cout is formed next, through 1949, he \\'ent directly to ski ophomore quarterback and punter, had his Big sideline, it stride precisely do\\'n the fie ld to the tune complete with hat and neckerchief. The music the front-line battlefields from Ten baptism of fire last fall under lll1ll ual and un­ high chool with a Marine unit. favorable circumstance . Native of Hurl ey, Wis., he of "School Days." "Marching Along Together". Young Bartkiewicz has four made his debut in the snow at the Indiana-Wi consin years of college competition in game at Madison and came through brilliantly. In a front of him, having qualified for 35-111.p .h. gale, Helin ki punted 14 time for a 37.1 freshman eligibility by February average with one blocked boot and another that entrance last year. :Floyd sai led 61 yards in the snow. The \tV i con in kicker John Bartkiewi cz \\T' Campbell , of Milwaukee. 1 ., that clay \\·as Capt. Jim Hammond, who had won the another freshman halfback, wa the top scholar the conference punting crown the year before, and he second eme ter. He was right on the heel of an had a 36-yard average on half as many kick .... "A" standard .... Behind Campbell on the honor lt wa little \\'Oncler that Eugene Gedman, enior full­ list \\'ere junior end John Zuger, junior halfback back from Duquesne, Pa., walked off \\'ith the Most \I\Tilliam Daugherty, senior encl Bob Inserra, enior Valuable Player award at Indiana la t fa ll. He halfback George Byers and sopho111ore guard Ken gained 731 yard by ru bing, 56 by forward pa sing, chermer. ... Byer · is the son of Herman Byer·, 240 b_v pa receivi ncr, 33 by punt returns, 247 by head football c ach at Evan ville Reitz High chool kickoff return and talli ed eight of the team's 18 and for111er Indiana halfback . .. The city of Ft. touchdo\\'ns .... Nate Borden, who played 127 min­ \Vayne i top contributor to the Indiana squad, with utes a · a freshman tackle last fa ll, i · the fa te t of senior guard Benny Fioritto and senior tackles Ed the Indiana linemen .... Quarterback Dick A h­ Roth and Sam Talarico playing regularly in some burner completed the longe t touchdown pass in the role .... Roth gained the 1952 ea on of eligibility history of Indiana's Memorial stadium last fa ll, a 51- by action of the Big Ten co111mittee last June after yarcl heave to Encl Cli fton Anderson. The pitch ac­ he had missed spring drills. The LU. Military De­ tuall y traveled more yardage-from hi s own 49 into partment hospitalized Roth for urgery a week later the end zone but was rn ea ured to the goal line only. ( he 11·iJI be commissioned upon his graduation) and ... John Popka, sophomore end from East Chicago so he ·pent most I f the summer months recuperat­ Roosevelt, wa president of hi senior c uncil, won ing .... Talarico mi sed the 1952 campaign because the prize a the top (alu m t athlet - cholar and was of injuries. He and Fioritto pent the ummer at an cited by the Elk national organization a one of ir Force ROTC camp .... J nnior halfback Earl ''America's outstanding yo ung citizen " as a high ( P t ) Fisher, another Evan ville Reitz product, chool enior. ... Bill Holz bach, junior halfback \\'ho hustle to weigh 150 pounds, was hi s teammates' from the same school, holds the all-time football scor­ choice a the out tanding player of Indiana's spring ing record and the Rough Rider , without exception, drill · .... Deno Kottarclis, junior halfback from have been Hoo ierland's mo t consistently powerful Gary Emer,,011, and Harry Jagiel ki, junior tackle, grid machine the pa t decade .. .. Quarterback Ray who played with Bartkiewicz at Tilden Tech in Chi­ Petrau. kas, of Homestead, Pa., hope to be Dr. Pet­ cacro, were picked a the mo t improved back and 1'-1oving to the south end of the field, the band, rau kas in not too many years; he is a Medical A the two ranks reach the center of the field, a lineman, re pectivcly .. Jagielski was the Big Ten chool student. ... Petrauskas, junior center harley large "I" is formed and the band plays " Indiana, our while i111itating the ound of a bell, for111 a li berty heavyweight wrestling runner-up last wi nter, too .... Razmic and Zuger were high school teammate .... Indiana." The mu ic changes to "Fight the Team bell wh ich i the symbol of "Forward on Liberty 's J unior guard Dick Barnhart and junior tackle Kay As were J erry Ellis, junior halfback from New Across The Field" and the band spells a fo rmation Hut ell al o lettered in the grappling ·port. .. Ca tie, and Tom Dailey, ophomore fullback. Team", the Scouts' n,ational get-out-the-yote dri\' . Barnhart. sophomore center James Vesel and sopho­ \tVilliam Dozier, senior right halfback, played with which reads O H I O to the west stands. s the ba ·while the band plays "America, the Beauti ful", mor cruard Lou Zobrosky, all former outh Bend Ru so at Ambridge, Pa.... Larry Fromhart, senior horns shuttle back and forth, the fo rmatio n is re­ Central players, joined their old high school coach fullback an d punter, is a nephew of \Vally Fromhart, the 600 Scouts u hering at today's game move ont versed for the ea t stands and then returns to face this fall at Bloomington when Chris Dal Sas o left ex-Notre Dame star . Center \\'illiam Svyantek the Ohio tand for the sea on' first performance of the field to repeat in uni on the Scout Oath . .--\.s the his coaching spot there to become Bernie Crimmins' is left-handed. About Paul Kobulnicky, who tackle tutor at Indiana. Dal Sasso played at Carmen Ohio. Scout leave the field, the band ends the ho w by plays end at less than 170 pounds, Coach Bernie Indiana in 1934, 1935 and 1936 and scored two spelling out V O T E and playing ' My Land and touchdown ( first again t Ohio niversity in 1934 Crimmin says this: "For a boy his size, Kobulnicky The balance of today's show i dedicated to the i as good as any coach could expect to have on his Your Land". and then against 1'-Iichigan in 1936) as a tackle. Boy Scouts of America, \\'ho, year after year, per- enior tackle Pete Russo. who hail from quad'. - 000 00 0000~0 00000000002ooooooo oooooooo ooo ooo oo ooo oooo ooooooo oo ooo oo ooo ooooooooo~ 8 9 ------------· CARMEN OHIO Words by Fred A. Cornell, '06 (Spanish Chant} Oh! come let's sing Ohio's praise, And songs to Alma Mater raise; While our hearts rebounding thrill, With joy which death alone can still.
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