-Tn^ rarst Public Lib rary l * \ l s r Broak At*., -w iaarai, a. i i DERETTE Tbe Wobbly Concert POST SEASON CAME UNLIKELY, LYNDHURST Thank* to tlw good office* »( die K iw .ni* C h*. the pattern of l^ d h n t'i (n cn u m t is now in ilu ifn fora*. IS THE UNQUESTIONED |6R0UP.TW O CHAMPION Thr speeches given by tbe five commissioners to tbe Ki- waniana should make Lyndhurat better able to realise that it i« getting fairly good government. I L m T l f t . ahur U lL UIm, TLa T|aL Hackensack Doesn't Want to Gone are tbe ilaya of tbe ateamroller and tbe blind H 6 H 6 I n e y Aft, VM w ys W h o W 0 t t 1116 I Iff© Tangle With Bear Gridders vote. The present Mard ia aplit nad aerappy. Thia » all I «*4*> *MS Ms am «aW>i .i ant w a I to the good cf fhe citiaenry. It ia the -way toward better •kin W W tt c-sia WW. IW (Wan u.i n>nm .n m sv U< government. And it ia thrilling to know that at last we Ralhrrtm l h* t* la a la th* saaail k M n <ls*sl«» *1 l.l a* are on tbe way. ' • . ha, a ana. ik* Ural M ai haa , m • i .u i a. „ih*t I ta* b a n l I v m i m i M One needs only to look at place* like Paterson, where - TW m w itiMwi rlMMfteR Ia t.rwap II n m Of* tai Mew a victorious mayor ia uaing his new power to engineer an ^ «*eap rtM iNiiM H traaa I «• IV. I«M« apaa v M *e ioM it*l~ LtmNmn M l mam MiMNMim ebt M l IMt N m M Sll>400 pay increase, for himself—to Passaic, where the akl^ *a> Meak la New J e e a e ? . looting of the treasury appears to be tbe only poaaible gov­ I I L > . H m M mp w n l U ke U f **<a<ae*»laaaNl » lif ln ea ernmental exercise—and to ao many other places, where Ike K dH m . H ukeiuM i Lkh «»rk et M-ea*. aha wed HeM le k e e a r t l U m M Mrtetl el tM w Im MM i I n m i by rala«ka« le M ae self enrichment rather than public service seems to be; aa* part el (ke Meal ireai.ta • game UM the objective M City llaII—to realise tbe victory which the 1 ■ NN<M eale i M l «IIIm«|Ii * pta»a b Ike Uvwp taxpayers won at the polk last May. tk e iu lliN . Itelkaisi aae eager la lake mm Mm e»|» «MM» N»i» naM ettol eleeea Our officials arr scrapping about the tax rate. That's l*»i Ueekaaaack mM »« aal llu i aeert) aaale N pmW m IMt good. It can stand plenty of it. j Ike M alta* trfaaf IV leaaa* »e As for what the commissioners told the Kiwanians— New Jeraey, aka laltrtlel tM * a aall aet lake pan la paU-aee»»a it’s up to the taxpayer to make his own evaluAion. Mayor •* lale UMa aeek lk. team el M walka eaa MiH lftia« Savino said one thing: the four otber commissioners an­ ial a ae* eerM Im Um M m HMm i leaaa la reaper wHMat other. Events will prove which was right. Remember, it l yalkawl aeeardlag la eaaeBMtel raakiai . M a i akw l 191k was only Savino who held out hope for tax relief. Thr IM kick ek w i lea aaa la U fa Jeraey la let U m t ' e t others said it is impossible. We'll see. la aaaek a *aaaaaecv, aaee kealea CBBaa Savino’s promise waa: Lyndhurst's financial condition akawe l iw lkww, W i Itiiii laaakpelht O oakUk is precarious. Hie cited the fart that a community which. H aH kir, M eeaee al Ike » lm |lk M ike laeaap IV leaaaa M platt. •baM ke keel, lar aal ketaal aat aUer leaaa 14 U m M a C * had to uae 1203,000 of its cash balance atop current tax Bat ae aaetter kea lialkarM a iUm N laete la aa leakl ikal M ke* Um alaaMallMi ml all Mea l*m * Tle«e aka tea collections of 95 per cent lo get a lax rate just under 17 j _ l _ War* The Boys Happy About It All? Um Bean pie* tk* tear «aa aaae el Um ke*« leaaaa leiek p el m isn’t healthy. j B T C S l i d I I I » Um M ate la l aaral Heaaaera. Um W a a a l >— M<le» eM fcftd The other rommissioneTs Wok sharp issue. J i a m i y . | | ^ | p | [ . —■ "leaaa « M HMrk aaaU»»ai■■aa. laaa aaa Ike pkt«f wM andaaM Breslin, who, as a crackerjack lawyer, could br depended j • tt» M Ike M a peeleraiea la M ae Jeeeet IMker I# eaa a kel iM i* ila n tka* teer kaH aaae kal a plat#* upon to give bis ease its best possible face, said he will take aaall aaetek U m aapawMliae attle el M aakffa ask the township auditor to settle the dispute. J l a a a e t in Vrt. ler«e« kenaer< ka ItuiiM Bui even aa Jimmy was speaking, tbe irrefutable testi- Takes I mim mony in Savino's favor waa in tbe mail*. These were the W ith Mayor On M e ie r a a U m gaMUa# liakl al ka» l*a«a aN yeaa fa e eaaiaae leeai ra |e % r I Um eU i fakM Ui aeeeftvel k> UaaMeea la la f IM aae 1950 advance tax billa, baard on tbe aame tax rate that Treasury's Condition- aea M»*ea M »a naa»aie< ky M —— caused tbe upheaval ia the Town Hall laat May. j tkai waa akt t^aJkaral twkfkl m a eaa aal a*Na a*u< ««a» gaaoel -WaM faea. all al wkaaa alaael ta ®el I y aH aam t t lke% B reslin aaid: “D on’t confuse the tax rate w ith the fin- ^ J s T m S w w*T**t' W eda**- <tay ^JTlTLSSrMirM j^Mn (M a e * J a w ttmmim. M t i k k i IMa IMU »*a al ItaIM M ea ! ■ n a e n fe f , d t e a iil||4 i npreiard before the K iw u a ley e l Ma leal Club ahowttbe sharp divergence in the way our public of- i i h *tuck*4 him ttr kts "wub- I wMk a Itaaer I ralftaM kiaea ficiala think. h*'r tea* a ll M peeaeal le la ke mm l e t t a a a a B ala a « awlital ky tai Cak mt t»mmaa * ••ew r •» im At tbe last commission meeting Breslin charged bit­ Breelan s a a l h e woui<tn*t d r o p He declared M gk arMwl laeallv. aaal I ale* Banklap ml laealeM a •-»»•*» at baw |e«aea I terly that a prflitical plot bad defeated the police depart­ w ill a o t he the vic­ i Ikeee aaee rtal*el m * • b r t l w arn tim al I ualra it M t h e tr u t h ment’s request for a 40-hou* week. That Breslin waa at ato«ae| a« UM eUNale al tk* Me»fc«aae*fc Baarl »< U *.'uw i ■least pertly right ia a tragic fact. There wa* some oppo­ At tke next coromiaakanen' meet int I will direct the toamehip wkea Meal anlMrOMa laeaaeal I Mae U w al taew M . sition to the 40-hour week because at least one political auditor. David Afttitatt. to tnve« L iaA ara »a a paal aeaaaa flaaae faction did not want tn give Breslin tbe right to appoint tiipate our financial condition m o d Maekeaeaek Baerl rtaaaleai M ri I N«tlee« reeeale4 IM» prepare a full statement aa to L-alkarera pMa aaa la plat IM • eaa# la I •!» W etow six or eight new policemen. We think this kind of think­ whether it » 'wobbly tiaHeWi I IM Meal Hm M •! M w alka M l pae*wtMlt Ike l.ralkarM Irreatef (taker It aa IM leaUtiaa late «•! Maal ka> k»pw le H i ing is abhorrent and we can understand Breslin's anger r a k d a l B M <* >ea ea l wkv aal! '* IIA A iaa mea «a IM la>i tM« IMaaeaael *1 Baal over h. m h o d id n o t m e n tio n aad UwMa al leeaet i m , M l aMealf taw nal U n Savmo'a naaie. made it clear j But, at the same time, it was not just coincidence that ta Ikew pael aaaeea fray • hue> M meant when .hr -w k I many cf tbe folks who fought so valiantly for the police Mr. Football, The "Coot," Seta Out — That's AIM BlW rt reabeckei IMI - I yaIkaeat a eal el aa* Ma. .U a’ thSi “a pufeOx oArial cannot aay BM a a ae* paaalal «rt Ikal lia lM a waa melt a <»«map tt o n e thins when it M to hia ad referendum ware Brealiq’a political aCliales who.
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