MPEGMPEG--21:21: TheThe 21st21st CenturyCentury MultimediaMultimedia FrameworkFramework Jan Bormans, Jean Gelissen, and Andrew Perkis IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2003 OutlineOutline z ContextContext andand motivationmotivation ofof MPEGMPEG--2121 z AnAn overviewoverview ofof MPEGMPEG--2121 specificationsspecifications z UMAUMA andand MPEGMPEG--2121 MultimediaMultimedia TechnologyTechnology z MultimediaMultimedia technologytechnology providesprovides contentcontent creatorscreators andand consumersconsumers withwith aa myriadmyriad ofof coding,coding, access,access, andand Content creators and consumers distributiondistribution possibilities.possibilities. z IndividualsIndividuals areare producingproducing moremore andand moremore digitaldigital mediamedia forfor bothboth professionalprofessional andand personalpersonal use.use. More and more digital media are created ContentContent AccessAccess andand DeliveryDelivery z CommunicationCommunication infrastructureinfrastructure isis beingbeing putput intointo placeplace toto enableenable accessaccess toto informationinformation andand multimediamultimedia servicesservices fromfrom anywhereanywhere atat anytimeanytime.. Communicating everywhereeverywhere at anytime z ExistingExisting businessbusiness modelsmodels forfor tradingtrading physicalphysical goodsgoods mustmust bebe extendedextended andand newnew modelsmodels forfor distributingdistributing andand tradingtrading digitaldigital contentscontents electronicallyelectronically areare required.required. Traditional and new business models ProblemsProblems ofof MultimediaMultimedia z NoNo endend--toto--endend solutionssolutions existexist thatthat allowallow differentdifferent useruser communitiescommunities toto interactinteract inin anan interoperableinteroperable andand standardizedstandardized way,way, thusthus stallingstalling thethe deploymentdeployment ofof advancedadvanced multimediamultimedia packagingpackaging andand distributiondistribution applicationsapplications z UsersUsers areare notnot givengiven toolstools toto dealdeal efficientlyefficiently withwith thethe intricaciesintricacies ofof thisthis newnew multimediamultimedia usageusage contextcontext MPEGMPEG--2121 z In 2002 June, MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11) started working on the definition of enabling normative technology for the multimedia applications of the 21st century: MPEG- 21 “MultimediaMultimedia FrameworkFramework”” z To enable transparent and augmented use of multimedia resources across a wide range of networks and devices z To support transparent and highly automated transactions, especially taking in account z Digital rights management (DRM) requirements z Multimedia access and delivery using heterogeneous networks and terminals DigitalDigital RightsRights ManagementManagement z TheThe desiredesire toto achieveachieve interoperabilityinteroperability maymay bebe inin violationviolation withwith thethe requirementrequirement toto protectprotect thethe valuevalue ofof thethe contentcontent andand thethe rightsrights ofof thethe rightsrights holdersholders z DRM systems can go against the very goal of interoperability if they use non-standardized protection mechanism z To realize an open multimedia infrastructure, more interoperability inin DRMDRM systemssystems are crucial z IPMPIPMP inin MPEGMPEG seriesseries z MPEG-4 describes a set of standard interfaces to proprietary intellectualintellectual propertyproperty managementmanagement and protection (IPMP) systems z IPMP is at the very core of the MPEG-21 specifications HeterogeneousHeterogeneous TerminalsTerminals andand NetworksNetworks Terminals with different computation and rendering capability z TheThe heterogeneousheterogeneous terminalsterminals andand networksnetworks makesmakes itit difficultdifficult forfor contentcontent creatorscreators andand serviceservice providersproviders toto ensureensure thatthat theirtheir contentcontent cancan bebe usedused andand renderedrendered inin aa meaningfulmeaningful wayway Networks with differing bandwidth and characteristics DifferentDifferent PointsPoints ofof ViewsViews • Content accessing and creating should be offered services with an a priori known subjective quality at a known/agreed price • Network and terminal installation/management/implementation issues should be shielded • “high-level” user parameters, subjective quality and price, need User to be mapped transparently to the underlying network and terminal parameters • Application serving the user should be able to translate the user requirements into a network “QoS” contract • The contract is handled between the user and the network and Network guarantees the delivery of a given QoS network service • The contract is likely to have a dynamic nature • The impact on the end-user perception of the variation in resource requirements associated to accessing dynamic, Terminal heterogeneous content should be kept hidden or minimum • The terminal should allow for trade-offs between the resource budgets and the end-user’s perception Media Scalability in MPEG-4 MPEGMPEG--2121 VisionVision Consumption some metadata Delivery z MPEG-21 aims at defining a discarded Delivery some metadata normative open framework discarded Consumption Packaging z For multimedia delivery and consumption for use by all the players in the delivery and Interaction Composition Library consumption chain z To enable transparent and Commission Synthesis augmented use of multimedia resource across a wide range of networks and devices used Elaboration Analysis by different communities Capture Production Post-production CurrentCurrent StatusStatus ofof MPEGMPEG--2121 Part Current Status 1 Vision, Technology and Strategies TR 2 Digital Item Declaration (DID) FDIS 3 Digital Item Identification and Description (DII) FDIS 4 Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) CD 5 Rights Expression Language (REL) FCD 6 Rights Data Dictionary (RDD) FCD 7 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) CD 8 Reference Software SW 9 File Format WD 10 Digital Item Processing (DIP) WD 11 Evaluation Methods for Persistent Association Technologies Request 12 Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery WD TwoTwo EssentialEssential ConceptsConcepts ofof MPEGMPEG--2121 z DigitalDigital ItemItem (DI)(DI) z ““WhatWhat”” ofof thethe multimediamultimedia frameworkframework z UserUser (U)(U) z ““WhoWho”” ofof thethe multimediamultimedia frameworkframework • Goal of MPEG-21 Defining the technology needed to support users to exchange, access, consume, trade, and otherwise manipulate digital items in an efficient, transparent, and interoperable way. DigitalDigital ItemsItems z DigitalDigital ItemsItems z AA structuredstructured digitaldigital objectobject withwith aa standardstandard representation,representation, identification,identification, andand associatedassociated metadatametadata withinwithin thethe MPEGMPEG--2121 frameworkframework z TheThe fundamentalfundamental unitunit ofof distributiondistribution andand transactiontransaction withinwithin thethe MPEGMPEG--2121 frameworkframework z MPEGMPEG--2121 definesdefines aa setset ofof abstractabstract termsterms andand conceptsconcepts toto formform aa usefuluseful modelmodel forfor definingdefining DIDI inin DIDDID z Digital representation of some work z The unit that is acted upon UsersUsers z UsersUsers z Any entity that interacts within the MPEG-21 environment or makes use of DI z Including individuals, consumers, communities, organizations, corporations, consortia, and governments z A content provider and a consumer are both users. z A user may assume specific or unique rights and responsibilities according to their interaction with other users within the framework Transaction/Use/Relationship User A ÍDigital ItemÎ User B ÍAuthorization/Value ExchangeÎ Users are identified specifically by their relationship to another User for a certain interaction InteractionsInteractions betweenbetween UU andand DIDI Examples: What is the structure of the Examples: Digital Item fundamental unit of distribution •Unique identifiers •Container Declaration •Content Description and transaction? •Item Digital Item What content actually has been Identification and delivered? Description Examples: •Storage Management How is the content used Content Handling •Content Personalization and delivered? And Usage Transaction/Use/Relationship User A ÍDigital ItemÎ User B ÍAuthorization/Value ExchangeÎ Intellectual How are rights controlled in Property respect of each User? Management and Protection Examples: Is the content delivered Terminals and Examples: over a cable line or cell phone? •Resource Abstraction •Usage Permissions Networks •Resource Mgt. (QoS) •Authentication Content Is it natural or synthetic content? Examples: Representation How does it scale? •Error Resilience •Scalability What reportable event has Event Reporting happened and how is it described? Event Reporting provides metrics and interfaces for other six key elements PartPart 1:1: Vision,Vision, Technologies,Technologies, andand StrategyStrategy z FundamentalFundamental purposepurpose ofof thisthis technicaltechnical reportreport z Define a vision for multimedia framework to enable transparent and augmented use of multimedia resource across a wide range of networks and devices to meet the needs of all users z Achieve the integration of components and standards to facilitate harmonization of technologies for the creation, management, transport, manipulation, distributdistribution,ion, andand consumptionconsumption ofof DIs.DIs. z Define a strategy for achieving
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