1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 6213 sick officers and enlisted men-to the Committee on Military SENATE. Affairs. Also, resolutions of St. Clair Lodge, No. 353, Machinists' Union, TUESDAY, June 3, 1902. of Belleville, Ill., favoring appropriation for naval deficiency-to The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. the Committee on Naval Affairs. Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. Also, petition of Mexican war veterans, favoring pension for all The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. survivors of the Mexican wru:-to the Committee ·on Pensions. Also, resolutions of Retail Merchants' Association of Belleville, RENTAL OF BUILDINGS. ij.l., favoring House bill 9352-to the Committee on Interstate The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ and Foreign Commerce. nication from the Secretary of State, transmitting. in response to Also, resolutions of the Chicago Federation of Labor, favoring a resolution of the 22d ultimo, certain information relative to appropriation for hydrographic survey and the amended immi­ quarters rented by the State Department, giving the location, gration bill-to the Committee on Appropriations. area of floor space occupied, and annual rental thereof; which, on Also, resolutions of Master Plumbers' Associations of East St. motion of Mr. GALLINGER, was referred to th~ Committee on Ap­ Louis, Ill., and Belleville, Til., favoring contracts for Government propriations, and ordered to be printed. buildings to be let directly to plumbers and not to a general con­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tractor-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. By Mr. LINDSAY: Resolutions of Electrical Workers' Brother­ Mr. FOSTER of Washington presented a petition of Puget hood No. 3, of New York City, indorsing House bill 6279, to in­ Sound Harbor, No. 16, American Association of Masters and crease the pay of letter carriers-to the Committee on the Post­ Pilots, of Seattle, Wash., praying for the enactment of legislation Office and Post-Roads. granting pensions to certain officers and enlisted men in the Life­ .By Mr. LITTAUER: Papers toaccompanyHouse bill granting Saving Service, etc.; which was referred to the Committee on an increase of pension to Willirun Hawley-to the Committee on Pensions. · · Invalid Pensions. He also presented a memorial of the Okanogan Protective Stock By Mr. LITTLEFIELD: Resolution of the Board of Trade of Association, of Conconully, Wash., remonstrating against the Bangor, Me., and ·Board of Trade of Thomaston, Me., urging the leasing of the public domain in that State; which was referred to , passage of House bil1163, to pension employees and dependents of the Committee on Public Lands. Life-Saving Service-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Mr. ELKINS presented a petition of the congregation of the Commerce. Fh·st Methodist Episcopal Church of Parkersburg, W.Va., pray­ By Mr. McCALL: Petition of citizens of Massachusetts pro­ ing for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to pro­ testing against the taking of the lands of the Sioux Indians-to hibit polygamy; which was Teferred to the Committee on the the Committee on Indian Affairs. Judiciary. Also, resolutions of the board of aldermen and common council lie also presented petitions of Bluestone Lodge, No. 446, Broth­ of Medford, and aldermen of the city of Somerville, :Mass., in­ erhood of Locomotive Firemen, of Bluefield; of Local Division dorsing House bill6279, to increase the pay of letter carriers-to No. 511, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of Kenova; of the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Local Division No. 408, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of Also, resolutions of Provincetown Maritime Exchange, in favor Kanawha, and of Local Division No. 140, Order of Railway Con­ of a law to pension men of Life-Saving Service-to the Commit­ ductors, of New River, all in the State of West Virginia, praying­ tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. for the passage of the so-called Grosvenor anti-injunction bill; By Mr. NAPHEN: Resolutions of the common council of Med­ which were ordered to lie on the table. ford, Mass., indorsing House bill 6279, to increase the pay of He also presented petitions of Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire­ letter carriers-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ men No. 544, of Point Pleasant; of United Mine Workers of Roads. America, UnionNo.1227,ofMontgomery; of United Mine Work~ Also, resolutions of the Provincetown Maritime Exchange, in ers of America, Union No. 1882, of Cedar Grove; of United Mine favor of a law to pension men of Life-Saving Service-to the Com­ Workers of America., Union No. 1729, of Central; of United Mine mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Workers of America, Union No. 1788, of Maybeury; of United By Mr. NEVILLE: Petition of Sylvester St. John, John Hoge, Mine Workers of America, Union No.1808, of Switchback; of and others of Kearney, Nebr., in favor of House bill7475, for ad­ United Mine Workers of America, Union No. 1888, of Caperton; ditional homesteads-to the Committee on the Public Lands. of United Mine Workers of America, Union No. 1905, of Mount By Mr. NORTON: Paper to accompany House bill granting a Hope; of United Mine Workers of America, Union No. 1907, of pension to Mrs. Mary Moss-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Coaldale; of United Mine Workers of America, Union No. 1910, sions. of Elverton, and of United Mine Workers of America, Union No. By Mr. PAYNE: Papers to accompany House bil18663} for the 1945, all in the State of West Virginia, praying for the enactment removal of the charge of desertion from the military record of of legislation providing an educational test for immigrants to Charles F. Woodford-to the Committee on Military Affairs. - this country; which were referred to the Committee on Immi­ By Mr. RAY of New York: Paper to accompany House bill gration. 4082, granting a pension to Jacob Hull-to the Committee on In­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. valid Pensions. Mr. HALE. I am directed by the CommitteE.' on Naval Affairs, Also, papers to accompany House bill l4162, granting a pension to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 14046) making appropria­ to Charity A. Seibell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tions for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, By Mr. RICHARDSON of Alabama: Petition of John H. Mar­ and for other purposes, to report it with amendments, and to sub­ . tin and Henry B. Lindsay, heirs at law of John Walston, of mit a report thereon. I wish to give notice that I shall call the Florence, Ala., for reference of war claim to the Court of Claims­ bill up for consideration at as early a day as possible. to the Committee on War Claims. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be placed on the By Mr. ROBINSON of Nebraska: Papers to accompany House Calendar. hill granting an increase of pension to James P. Freeman-to the l\1r. NELSON, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom Committee on Invalid Pensions. the subject was referred, submitted a report accompanied by a By Mr. RYAN: RosolutionsofBrotherhoodofElectrical Work­ joint resolution (S. R. 110) empowering the State of J\.finnesota ers No.3, of New York, indorsing House bill 6279, to increase to file selections of indemnity school lands upon public lands in the pay of letter c&nie:!:s-to the Committee on the Post-Office Minnesota, otherwise undisposed of, after the survey thereof m and Post-Roads. the field, and prior to the approval and filing of the plat of survey By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky: PeLHion of Simon Kenton Lodge, thereof; which was read twice by its title. No. 345, Brotherhood of Rnilway Trainmen, of Covington, Ky., The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The joint resolution will be favq1ing the passage of the Hoar-Grosvenor anti-injunction bill­ placed on the Calendar. to the Committee on tho Judiciary. Mr. NELSON, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom By Mr. SULZER: Resolutions of Brotherhood of Electrical was refened the joint resolution (S. R. 106) empowering the State Workers No.3, of Now York, indorsing House bill 6279, to in­ of Minnesota to file its selections for indemnity school lands upon crease the pay of lettc::: caniers-to the Committee on the Post­ public lands in Minnesota, otherwise tmdisposed of in townships, Office and Post-Roads. immediately upon the survey thereof in the field and prior to the By Mr. TIRRELL: Resolutions of Provincetown Maritime Ex­ approval and filing of the plat and s-q.rvey thereof, reported ad­ change, urging the passage of House bill163, to pension employees versely thereon; and the joint resolution was podtponed indefi­ and dependents of Life-Sav-ing Service-to the Committee on In­ nitely. terstate a.nd Foreign Commerce. Mr. FOSTER of Washington, from the Committee on Pensions, By Mr. THOMA.'3 of Iowa: Petition of Wallar Post, No. 223, to whom were referred the following bills, report--ed them each Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Iowa, favoring without amendment, and submitted reports thereon: Honse bil113986, to modify and simplify the pension laws-to the A ~ill (H. R. 5146) granting an increase of pension to Florian Committe-e on Jnvalid Pensions. V. Srms; and 6214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 3, A bill (H. R. 8476) granting an increase of pension to Moses S. of pension to Charles Sprague; which was read twice by its title, Cu1·tis. and refen-ed to the Committee on Pensions. :M:r. BERRY, from the Committe-e on Commerce, to whom was Mr. MILLARD introduced a bill (S. 604.6) granting an increase referred the bill (H. R.
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