FederalRepublic.ofNigeria Official:Gazette | No 8== RAGS «SthOctober 1967 —f* Vel, 84 “CONTENTS oN . _Movenients of Officers Saw 1430-5 “Reconastituted9 Géunal of Univer of Lagos 1438 Ministry of Defence—Promotions—Nigerian. \ ‘Closure of 8 Section of Adeniji Adele Road : 3 . Army Officors " : os te 1495-6" : Lagos “ay wy a A a. 1438 inistry of | orien A | Minkteyof: DefneoNigerian Me Foretey‘Monthly Purchases of Marketing Board _° *4:* Produce covering the Perlod 28-7.67 to Applications for Rogistration of Trade Unions 1437 Btn867(Month ofo August 1967) excluding Granting ofPioneer Certificate oan ae 1437 7 Cocoa.» woe vO woe 149 4067 | June 1967 Examinations in: Law, General University of Lagos Decree No. 3, WF OT: Orders, Financial Instructions, Police Revocation of Import Licence 1s ae 1487 Orders and: Instructions and Practical Lons of Local PurchaseOrders te 1437.8 "Police Wark--Pape:hint -" ‘1440 “Lous of Receipt Book us eve 1488. Tenders renee 144002 Lots of Original Treasury Receipts we oe 1438 "Vacancies betes ae ake 144266 \ \-an \ ' \ ONgyee t , ] ™ | 1440 FICIAL GAZETTE 7 _ No, 86, Vol. 54 Government Notice No, 1608 ws ele | NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHERSTAFF CHANGES The following are notified for general information :—= NEW APFOMNTMENTS s . wes Date of Date of Department Name — Pe Appointment Appointment Arrival Customs and Excise .. Bakar A.R. +» Customa Officer ., ve 1-4-67 _ e, F. +» Preventive Officer 146-6500 ehinde, 8.0. :.° 3rd Class Clerk.... 3. 1-2-6600 Inland Revenue... Smite Le. ee Typist, Grade Ha ‘a. 12-12-66... Otusajo,Orovboni8,8.K.E. nN oe1. Typist,Tax Collector,Gra Grade (.ee 17~1-66‘ese? =— Ministry of Agriculture Sholola, T. A. .. Artisan, Grade IIL =) \. 1+2+67° and Natural Resources ~ ol Le : Ministry of Communica- Akinyemi, Miss M. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. ve 24-5-66 — tions = Ministry of Defence .. Talabi, T. O. vs ard Class Clerk we 7AN1-66 ee Ministry of Education Ebom, C. K. Workshop Assistant(asian) 4-966 _ Efekodo, J. .. Lecturer (Botany) 9~1~-67 ~ Opaleye, T. O. .. Archive. Assistant, Grade. III’ 16-11-66 _ “Ministry of Establish- Adenuga, A. 3rd Class Clerk +» 12-12-66 _ ments . Ministry of Finance .. Edeki, A.J. ee 3rd Class Clerk .. +. | 1-9-65 _ . Ministry of Health .. Adebonojo, MrsG.T. ‘Typist, Grade III ~ 1 14-66-00 Alamba, B. U. oe 3rd Class Laboratory : Technician . ae oe 8-7~-66 _— Biose, A. O. .. 3rd Class Healthinspector vs 9-1-67 =. — al Kuti, Mrs O. +» Typist, Grade ITI Lae 1-4-6600 = 2 Ojeshina, B. O. +» 8rd Class Laboratory ; _, Technician... ae 146700 Ministry of Information Said, Miss oO... .. 3rd Class Clerk .. ." . «=©10-4-67 0 Ministry of Internal Alalu,D... .. (Immigration Assistant ». 15-10-66 _ Affairs . Fadeyi, A. ..- Immigration Assistant .. 15-10-66 _ _ Idehenre,J. .., Immigration Assistant ott 15-10-66 —_ Ministry of Labour .. Akinyemi,A.B.. ... 3rd Class Clerk .. 16-12-66. — Ayoola, Miss A. A. 3rd Class Clerk .. ae ©29+12-66 —_ ereonye,C.U. .. 3rd Class Clerk. .. .> 16-12-66 —_ Falase, Mrs V. A. .. Staff Nurse oe ve 8-2-67 — Fombo, D. K.W. .. ‘Co-operative Inspector, _ Grade III : .. 29-12-66 - Odunjinrin, A.O. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. .» 16-12-66 _ . Okpodu, Miss P,N. —_—_Clerical Assistant +» 15-5-67 —_ Ministry of Trade .. Bisiriyu, M. A. .» ‘Typist, Grade I ov. 1-12-66 _ Ministry of Transport Abbey, G. G. «+ ‘Driver-Mechani « 23-9-65 — 1Adeniran, t .. (Coastal Mscieeane, Grade Ill... 3-3-66 —, » Ministry of Works and Adekunle, L .. Artisan, Grade III «» 1-4-66 — Housing ; Bello,ello,J “e ‘Artisan, Grade II as 1-4-65 —_ ‘arombi, E. 0. _ +» Artisan, Grade IIT ve 1+4-66 _ Be,jo, A. .. Artisan, Grade III - 1-466 _ .. Olajide, J. .. .Plant Operator, Grade TI. 1-466 — , Oshodi, K. .. Artisan, Grade II a 14-66 _ Shokunbi, Y. .. Artisan, Grade IIT 14-66 — Statistics .. .. Abidoye, J. A. .. Enumerator =... .. 20-466 _ Baure, H, .» ‘Clerical Assistant oe 1-6-67 _ Cotterell, E. .. Enumerator —_.. an 1-4-66 _ Ibileye, j. oO. .. Enumerator vs 1-4-66 _ Qkon, ooA. .. ‘Typist, Grade Ill 1. —14-9-66 _ ; ni . Enumerator ee .» 20-4-66 — 1 Notification in Gazette No. 64 of 27-7-67 amended. - ang? ‘Sth: October,:1967_ OFFICIAL GAZETTE ~ PROMOTIONS... i: “Department, Name Appointment Administration iareaes Mrs M,.AL ' Stenographer, Gradel oe 23=2-67 ot . * ve 23-2467 £A. 4, ~‘Becretary-Typitt ee Seler F vos oo | 63-67 ‘Nafe,N.o “ ,,_, Stenographer, Grads t e o - J, /Stenographer, Grade I : oo6=3-67: 1p’ ba MAB. EB. oes, _ Stenographer, GradeI cen) 68867 GradeI te 6967 avlomoh,3Ke ~’ Stenographer, owe Opptaken MiEA, “Stenographer,Grade I. “te : 6=3-67 1Okeb wG. O. .v.. Stenogtapher,GradeT ee 6-3-67 1Okiwelu, MissM. _.. “Stenographer, GradeI -.. ve 693-67 - eMMiss B,.O, | Stenographer, Grade Iw te 63-67 1Osikoya,MissM, Aue' Stenographer, GradeI 1s 63-67 ‘Sanya, aga -Stenographer,Grade I... +. 6=3-67 obiye, Miss C. A... Stenographer, Grade:E as 1s 6=3=67 1Uweh, E. J. “sa. Stenographer,GradeI v 6-3-67 “4 Notification in Gaxet No. 80 of219-67 under ““ GeneralExecutive Claws", ishereby amended, CONFIRMATIONoFAPPOINTMENTS| Department Name Appointment Dateaf ' Confirmation - Ministry of culture Igeleke,C. A: +e _ Meteorologist GradeIt. os, 59-67 and Natural. Urces | : Ministry of Communi= | Awoniyi, L. Ae ove. o Investigation Officer ve 77-67 cations Fakorede, Jo. aes ‘Investigation Officer ae 1-7-67. ’ .. Shode, M. A ae. + Investigation Officer «. 27-8-67 Miniaty of Economic ‘Shittu, M, A. as “Typist, Grade III ‘ea 17-867+ - Development” * Ministry. of Education.. ‘Ekanem, D.J.. «+ _ Lecturer oe ee 19=9-67. - Ministry ofHealth. .. Adekoya, eK Le Clerical Assistant. oe +9=10=65 Artisan, Grade I... oe ct 111-64 . Fatoye, J; Oo “Clerical Assistant... ss 16=5-67 Ministry of Inférmation gen, B. Oo. ». Clerical Assistant.. ee 22—4-66 Sorenekun,A. Bi. .»Cinema Projectionist Ministry of Transport . Oriere, G. Y. «Typist, Grade If se. i466 Ministry of Works and Ibiwande, M. ee D/P. Messenger. Housing Kolashade,S.S.' .. Artisan, Grade ug M466 Odofin,K. .. .-ss Artisan, Grade III _,. oe. 14-66 -Adiakpantin, GF, _ Assistant Btatiotical Officer,€ . ee 2~9-67 Statistice ee. an ACTING APROINTMENT | | oo : Date f ‘Date of: , _ Department Acting Appointment Acting. Reversion ‘ri- ~ Appointment : Administration . "Hadejia, SS.| msa“Assistant Chief Clerk: ' 18-8-67 _ -4 Notification. ini Gaxette Nos 80gf 21-9467 amended, LEAVE«OF ABSENCE- Depart Name’ Appointment ~ Date of Leave Departure Granted - Administration B jo, A. O.. : : a- Personal Secretary, Grade II ~~ §-8-67 32 days-. ae Ss. 8, an we : ‘Permanent Secretary... ee 1~7-67 26 days Customs and Excise Ajayi, S..A. Swe! Senior Preventive : .Superintendent 10-7-63 23 days General Executive Class Adoki, HI os Higher Executive:Officer . ae 16-8-67 21 days - Maina,'S, oe Executive Officer (Accounts) 16-5-67 . 14 days Oduekun, L. Ac: oe ‘Higher Executive’Officer" 28-12-66 42days Inland ‘Revenue Brown, RK, j.- . Inspector of Taxes. «ae 8-5-67. 70 days * Feshola, A.A, =. Hi er Executive Officer 27-7-67 42 days 1432 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.86,Vol..54 ‘LEAVE OF ABSENCE—continued Department Name Appointment Date of Leave Departure ‘Granted ‘Judicial =. ee Brett,L.L. ++ Justice +s: 21=6-67. 85 days ~ Famakinwa, V.B, .. Mogietrate, GradeII . 47-67 66 days - Sobanjo, G. A. .. Assistant Registrar, Grade I’ 7~8-67 35 days Ministry of Agriculture Wylde, W. R. .. Higher Technical Officer .. 24-4-67 126 days and Natural Resources . Ministry of Communi- Annan,J. K. Workshops Supervisor .10-7-67 72 days cations Duke, J. E. Y. .. Instructor,GradeT] = .. 22-5-67 39 days Odunowo,J. O; .. Instructor, GradeII ee 3-7-6758 days Onyemenam, A. I. .. Traffic Officer... .. 247-67 35 days Ministry of Education Abolade,J. O .. Education Officer 31-7-67 40 days Aigbokhai, O .. Technical Instructor 31-7-67 35 days Akpofure, R. 'E. O- Principal, King’s College 11-8-67 28 days Elakhe, R.A. = —~=««««.-:~«/ Technical Instructor . 26-6-67:. 20 days Kelland,J. A. .. -Education Officer 31-7-67 45 days Nazirudddin, M . Lecturer : 21-7-67 55 days Obianwu, Mrs C. L. Education Officer 17-6-67. 84 days Odukoya; G. A. Assistant Lecturer 3~7-67 65 days Omolaso, H. O. Master .. (-24-7-67 49-days Young,R. I. Senior Technical Instructor |. 2-7-67 55 days Ministry of External © Chukwumah,P. A. L. Principal Labour Officer 17-7-67 7 days airs . ‘Ministry of Finance .. 1Karim, B.A. Principal Accountant _30-6-67 - 42 days . ’ Ogunbiyi, O. A. Principal Accountant 1-8-67 42 days Ministry of Health . Bodede,Mrs M.J. HealthSister - 1-8-67° 30 days Fadaka, Mrs A. A, Night Sister 19-6-67 84 days Odeghe, Mrs 0.0. .. Nursing Sister. - 3-7-67° . 70 days Offiong, O. E.E. .. Health Superintendent 6-6-67. .70 days Soboyejo, DetO. A. ..-- Senior Specialist (Tuberculosis) . 26-7-67 35 days © : Ministry of Transport Chou H.C.R. Training Officer .. .. 23-3-67 168 days Ministry of Works and Alafum, K,"A, .. PupilSurveyor 21-8-67 18 days ousing Nigerian Institute for Gray, A. R, Principal Research Officer 28-4-67 130-days 'Trypanosomiasis , ‘Research . Police Gowan, W. B Assistant Superintendent 28-4-67 126 days Jimeta, B. -» Deputy Commissioner 15-6~67 84 days. Statistics .. Osikominu, 0.0. .. Senior Data Processing Officer 8-5-67 129 days 1 Notification in Gazette No. 73 of 31-8-67 amended.
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