IIIai(tfbrstfr,Ettrttinfi R m ilb WEDNESDAl, DEClCMBER 28, 1942' An^nual Newshoys* Edition The South Methodiat Woman'a and Christmaa trees is said to be Soclaty of Chriatian Servica Will Steal Wreaths responsible. About Town hold ita annual maatlny with re* After residents had called the police last night a ertiiser covered AFentfc Daily Circalation The Weather porta and alacUon of offlcara, Mon­ Fowenta of 0. S. Weather Bureau day evaniny, December 28 at 7:45. On Clinton St. the scene but up to a late hour to­ For Hta Month af Nouember, 1M2 JidMfik B. Tha buEneaa will include the day no trace of the boys had been to’iiM Hutk Of auir atrrtuit praaantatlon of flnanclal plana for uncovered. Several other instances 7 , 8 1 4 Continued moderate tempera­ HUMMawad Mt th« tha year 1043. Mra. Inez Truax, Boys Are Blame<l for had been previously reported. HALE’S Last Minute Suggestions ture tonight, with rain or snow Iton n B A M f VtiriBC M moI, Ro*- preeidMit of the aociety will be in In one case the wreath was ta­ McMber nf the Audit tCiiFtititit xiFirm u beginning late tonight. .vaMa.'If. M. H » WM fOtfseriy mob* eharyc. A aocial time will fellow. ken from between th^atorm and Burenn of OUenlntlous at Rm H oM RMaldaa har*. At I^ast Six Thefts on regular front door. ^ Manchester-r^A City of VUlage C h m r m » • jBlaM Ika Amor ta Aon, IMI. Wnilaoi 'Muldoon, aon of Mr. One Street. and Mra. Robert Muldoon, of 152 L'' A aon WM born liendajr M M. Eldrtdye atreet, who enliated re- Clinton street re.sidents. st lesst (ClaMtSeS ASvMtfatag oa Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS y Vhancla hoafiital, Hartford, to Mr. oantly in the U. 8. Navy, cxpecta For Last Minute Shoppers! VOL. LXII., NO. 72 six, are angry. , ;:aad Mra. Oari A. Gaiariar, vt 300 to leave tomorrow morniny for the ^m etim e between 8 and 9 Anderson Main atreat. Mm. Oaiaalar Newport Naval Tralniny atation. o'clock last night, thieves, pre­ [wa»a»aMi9a>a>apa»a»iaaiis papa>a»a»aiiaiiaMiPa»aHi9a>a^a>iiMiiata*h»siia>ii>iiiiapaMi>aniMi»a>a»ii>awi>iiMi>ia iBiiiiiiaiiRiRiauwuaiiRiwiwRMHiij was ttia former Mlaa E. Liaora Htb- He attended Manchester Hlyh sumed to be boys, stripped six V terd, 4au(htar of Mr. and Mra. W. school and was employed part home., of holiday wreaths. It Is Greenhouses Hitler’s Hopes Go Up in Smoke - - RtUbard o f Horth Mata atraat time by Cheney Brothera Flare evident, these people say, that the ‘ Just Received! f S u c d c V e S t S Japs in Desperate ericans at Dakar Parachute department. William wreaths are taken from homes Artistic will be 18 on January 10. early in the evening and then sold NEW SHIPMENT OF ARISTOCRAT to other people the same night. Jimt the right warmth to wear under a Members of Local No. 63, Tex­ TTiis year'the epidemic of stolen Floral Arrangements coat or for office. Red, blue, gold, brown. tile Workera Union of America wreaths reported to the police is Sizes 14 to 18. $3*98 Straits Near Buna are reminded that their offices at greater than at any other time in for Initialed Stationery To Form Last Link Tinker Hall will be open thia eve- years. The scarcity of materials niny until 9 o'clock. Instead of Weddings, Funerals, Thursday which will be Chr'Stniaa 24 Sheets — 24 Envelopes As Lines Breached Eve. Tude Vince, secretary asks 4 » ‘ that all those with returna to PAINTING AND Anniversaries All White with Blue Initial. make on Christmas party Uckets PAPERHANGING 5 0 c box I Cotton Dresses Est. 1922 Ranks Decimated by De* t For Chain of Bases to do so thia eveniny. Oood Work. Beasonable Rates. New assortment of prints, floral, in small The usual Prmyec and Praise 153 Eldrid^e Street and bright patterns. Sizes 14 to 4fl. $2.49. termined Allied Of­ No Herald service will be omitted tonight at RAYMOND FISKE Phone 8486 Others to ......................................................... $4*98 fensive; Deprived of Gimpaign to Drive Axisl the Church o f the Nazarene. The Phone 3384 Tomorrow Yankee Units Give Details Christmaa program of the Sunday Gift Undies Sufficient Supplies From North Africa I achodl will be given Thursday at Moves Steadily Closer 7 p. m. Christmaa morning service And Reinforcements Will Observe On Scanning I will be held in the vestry at 7:30 Lace trim, non-run rayon undei-wear. Dain­ By Allied Aerial Action No issue of the Manches­ To Climax; Italiansl a. m. All services are open to the tily trimmed Pantiea In white or tearoae color. ter Evening Herald will public. 79c! Parka Hoods Cash Ask^d Claim Allied Thrastl Allied Headquarters in be published tomorrow, Yule Holiday Wool hoods with embroidery trim at Australia, Dec. 24.— (/P)— Christmas Day. A Merry To Recapture Lostl $1.19. Plain colors ........................................ Japanese forces in the Buna Christmas to all from Auditors to Furnish Ap­ Positions in Tunisia] Red, brown, blue, green. $ 1.69 The Herald FamUy. Soldiers ^ to Celebrate area of New Guinea, their propriations Commit­ Repulsed by Axis Units] fortifications breached in Christinas in Strange A. W. Benson fEkes this Gift Handbags Gorgeous 72” x90” many places and their ranks Lands Tomorrow; Tur* tee Information on opportnnity to thank his London, Dec. 24.—{JPy—] many friends and custom* decimated by the determined keys to Be Scarce. Necessity for Spending American forces wera dis-J I Best Wishes For | Real leather handbags in roomy Pouch or Envelope Allied offensive, are now in era for their cenerons pa* styles. Colors: Black, brown, navy. Pope Asserts closed today to have arrived] desperate straits, a commu­ London, Dec. 24-—(iP)—It will be Washington, Dec. 24.—(P)—Final in the French West African] tranat* dnrinir the past I A Merry Christmas and A Happy | I Lace Table Cloths nique from Gen. ,Douglaa MacAr- Christmas — American style — In details of a plan to give micro­ port of Dakar, welding the] year and to wish one and g_ You have someone on your list for one ^ p i i i _ _ tburiz headquarter* Mid today. a n ... I New Year To All Our Customers H of these beautiful lace cloths. Several pat- Deprived of lufficient sea-borne Church Shuns strange lands tomorrow. scopic security to all appropria­ last big link in the Allies'l to each tema in gorgeous laev designs. Size $ supplies and reinforcements by There may be no snow, and tion requests next year were out­ chain of bases and supplyl and Friends $2*25 $5*00 72”x90". 5*98 Allied aerial action against their Part in W ar Christmas trees just don't grow in lined today by an authoritive con­ ports, as the campaign to| A M erry convoys, the Japanese have been many places where American sol­ gressional spokesman. Other Lace C loths___ .$2.98 to $8.98 battered by United States and drive the enemy from NorthI diers are fighting. Turkeys are Approved by leaders of both Africa moved steadily closer to Itsl C h ristm a t Australian troops for weeks and scarce. parties, the plan was worked out subjected to a terrifle pounding Not Deaf to W^rld Sit climax. The Italian high command| And A But the real holiday spirit in a series of conferences held aaid Allied forces had launched i I PLEASE NOTE:- from the air. uation; Heresy of hasn't been dulled and American after members of the House Ap­ armor-supported thrust to recap Fortifloattona Breached troopa are more than meeting the propriations committee bad an­ ture lost positions in Tunisia, Happy New Year TOILETRIES ! “ , nounced non-war expenditures next “Our attack has breached ene­ National State Is test of making Christmas as sumably in the Medjez-el-t f T " " * Wc will close promptly at 9 p. m. Christ* | my fortifications in many places,” homelike as possible. year would be cut to the bone. gateway sector before Tunis and| Williams* Shaving S e t s ...............................................98c | C / h C I l l l l C I j C C l S p r C S l C i S the noon communique said. "Many Seen as New Danger. To Use Auditing Staff Blzerte, but had been stopped. Fire* blanket Eindhoven. Holland, with a heavy pall after R. A. F. bombers pour tons of high ex­ Enough to Eat Everywhere S mas Eve. We will appreciate your coopera* S hundred of his dead are being There will be enough to eat The program will center around Claim 300 Prisoner* Williams’ Shaving M u g ...............................................97c ft * London, Dec. 24 — [IP) — Pope plosives on the Philips Radio Tube Works, which wa.* turning out war materials for Axis nations. a staff of auditors, to be known a buried by our troops. His situation everywhere, although the menu must now be regarded as desper­ as "A-Men,” who will be direct This apparently was only par g tion in making this possible. This will en* ^ Yardley Men’s S e t .....................................................$2.25 S Exceptional patterns with loads of work. Pius xn, broadcasting a Christ­ won't match the Yule season in of increasing patrol activity .........................",.......................... S All white with colored chenille and multi- ate." mas message and blessing to the all cases. the Tunisian front, however, al-| *Sutton’s Bubble B a th ....................................................59c S color flowers. All colors. $ The location of the Japanese There will be parties in camps (Continued On Page Two) i able our employees to enjoy Christmas Eve R 5*98 fortifications newly breached waa Christian- world today, asserted though the Italians said 300 pr and some of the boys lucky enough oners, mostly British, were cap not given, but it was assumed that the church will not take part Russians Capture More Towns; *Heaven Sent Bath P ow der.......................................$1.25 1 " ...............
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