Pages 3187-3218 FEDERAL« REGISTER VOLUME 29 1934 NUMBER 48 4 O/Vjt EO ^ Washington, Tuesday, March 10, 1964 Contents Proposed Rule Making Mid-America Food Service, Inc., et al_____________________ 3196 THE PRESIDENT Domestic public land mobile radio Modern Handcraft, Inc., et al— 3193 EXECUTIVE ORDER service; dispatch stations-------- 3204 National Home Supply Co., Inc., Providing for a curator of the Notices et al______________________ 3191 White House and establishing a Hearings, etc.: / Tranex Scientific, Inc., et al----- 3191 committee for the preservation A -l Radio-TV_-— ............ 3209 Tyrex, Inc., et al-------------------- 3191 of the White House--------------- 3189 Copper Country Broadcasting Wilson’s of California, Inc., et Co. (WMPL) and Upper al_____ _____ 3192 Michigan Broadcasting Co. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES (WHDP)__________________ 3209 FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL Eaton County Broadcasting Co. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Notices (WCER) and Flat River Camel hair; importation from SERVICE Broadcasting Co. (WPLB)___ 3209 Herring, Larry E-------------------- 3210 Outer Mongolia--------------------- 3207 Proposed Rule Making WXXX, Inc. (WXXX)_______ 3210 Milk handling in certain mar­ INTERIOR DEPARTMENT keting areas; extension of time See also Oil Import Administra­ for filing exceptions (3 docu­ FEDERAL MARITIME tion. ments) ____ ____________ 3205, 3206 COMMISSION Notices AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Notices Imports of residual fuel oil to be Agreements filed for approval: used as fuel; District I; maxi- See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ American Mail Line, Ltd., et al— 3210 - mum level---------------------------- 3207 ice. American President Lines, Ltd., and Nedlloyd Hoegh Lines— 3210 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ARMY DEPARTMENT N. V. Nedlloyd Lijnen and Alcoa Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Steamship Co., Inci------------ 3210 Employment tax; credit reduc­ National Guard regulations; com­ Pacific Coast Committee of In­ ward Trans-Pacific Steamship tions—________ _______ —------ 3198 missioned officers____________ 3199 Income tax; extension of time for Lines__Z_-___ 3211 for filing consents to election by CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Pacific Westbound Conference— 3211 Trans-Pacific Freight Confer­ small business corporation— „ 3197 Notices ence of Japan_____________ 3211 Hearings, etc.: INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Air Gaspe, Inc______________- 3208 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION BUREAU American Express Co_________ 3208 Transportes Aeros Benianos, Notices Notices S.A___ ______ _____ ; _____ 3209 Hearings; etc.: Cremer, Josef; order denying ex­ Alabama Power Co----------------- 3213 port privileges for an indefinite COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Fogelson, E. E., et al__________ 3213 period_____ _________________ 3207 Fords-Brook Drilling Co—------ 3212 See International Commerce Bu­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE reau. Transwestem Pipeline Co. et al________________________ 3214 COMMISSION d efen se d e p a r t m e n t Rules and Regulations See Army Department. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Annual Report Form H (Express Companies)--------- ----------------- 3203 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Rules and Regulations Annual Report Form G (Electric Prohibited trade practices: Railways)___________________ 3203 COMMISSION Bali Brassiere Co., Inc., et al— 3193 Notices Rules and Regulations Clin-Tex Products Corp. et al—_ 3194 Domer, Charles R., et al______ 3194 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ Organization: ings_______________________ 3216 Authority delegated__________ 3202 Geinopolos, John, and Sun Dis­ Functions of office____________ 3202 tributing Co_______________ 3196 (Continued on next page) 3187 3188 CONTENTS LABOR DEPARTMENT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE TREASURY DEPARTMENT See Wage and Hour Division. COMMISSION See Foreign Assets Control; In­ ternal Revenue Service. OIL IMPORT ADMINISTRATION Notices American Electric Power Co., Inc.; Rules and Regulations allocation of tax liabilities___ _ 3211 Oil import regulation; residual WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION fuel oil_____________________ 3200 TARIFF COMMISSION Proposed Rule Making PUBLIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Notices Driver salesman_______________ 3206 FOR TRADE NEGOTIATIONS Investigation and hearings: Notices Umbrellas and parts of umbrel­ Certificates authorizing employ­ Rules and Regulations las__________________ .____ 3215 ment of learners at special mini­ Establishment and functions------ 3202 Unmanufactured lead and zinc. 3215 mum rates__ _ ____________ 3217 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 1064. 3205 1134— _____ ______ 3206 1065. 3206 1135_______________ ______ 3206 EXECTTTIVE ORDER: ___ 3189 1066. 3206 1136___________ __SUffiT' ____ 3206 11145_____________ 1067. 3205 1137 ____ ___ ____________ 3206 1068. 3205 1138__________ „ ___________ 3206 7 CFR 1069. 3205 P ropose» R ules : 1070. 3205 16 CFR 1003___ :__________ ___ 3205 1071. 3206 13 (10 documents)____ 3191-3194,3196 1005______________ ___ 3205 1072. 3206 1008___________^ 3205 1073. 3206 26 CFR 1009_________ i__ — ___ 3205 1074. 3206 1011______________ ___ 3205 1075. 3206 i _ ________________ ___ 3197 1013_____ ________ ___ 3205 1076. 3206 31- — ________ ■ ■ 3198 1016-_____________ 3205 1078. 3205 1030-_____ _______ . 3205 1079. 3205 29 CFR 1031 _________ 3205 1090. 3205 P roposed R ules : 1032 (2 documents) ó. 3205, 3206 1094. 3205 541_____ _____ _ - 3206 1033 _________ 3205 1096. 3205. 1034 ___________— ___ 3205 1097. 3205 32 CFR 1035 __________ 3205 1098. 3205 1036— ___________ ___ 3205 • 1099. 3205 564_________ ___ _[ S it e / .. — 3199 1037 _________ _ 3205 1101. 3205 1038 __________ 3205 1102. 3205 32A CFR 1039 __________ 3205 1103. 3205 3206 OIA (Ch. X ) : 1040 __________ _ _ 3205 1104. OI Reg. 1—________ 3200 1041 ________ _ ___ 3205 1105. 3205 1042 .................. ' 3205 1106. 3206 1043 _________ ___ 3205 1107. 3205 47 CFR 1044—____________ 3205 1108. 3205 0 (2 documents)____ __ 3202 1045 _________ 3205 1120. 3206 3206 P roposed R ules : 1046 __________ _ 3205 1125. 21 — 3204 1047 __________ 3205 1126. 3206 1048 __________ 3205 1127. 3206 1049 _________ 3205 1128. 3206 48 CFR 1050 _________ 3205 1129 3206 __ 3202 1051—_____ ______ 3205 1130. 3206 4 3206 1061______________ 3205 1131. 49 CFR 1062— ___________ 3205 1132. 3206 3203 1063____ ____ ____ 3205 1133 3206 120 (2 documents) — 1 1 1 1 1 7 0 1 1 W # n C r i C T C B Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal boUdays» r r i l r llj-i f jaMPaitiF.IIITv I r li by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General ■ i(fes Admlnistration( pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Begister Act Telephone WOrth 3~3261 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regulatio^ prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President. Distribution is made only y Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. \ movable in The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per y > money advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit cnee* order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. titles pur- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code or F ederal R egulations, which is published, under guDerln- suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ederal R egulations is sold y tendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements vary. wvgulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister, or the Code op federal tu Presidential Documents Title 3— THE PRESIDENT Executive Order 11145 PROVIDING FOR A CURATOR OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND ESTAB­ LISHING A COMMITTEE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE WHITE HOUSE WHEREAS the White House, as the home of the highest elective officer of the United States —symbolizes the American ideal of responsible self-government —is emblematic of our democracy and our national purpose —has been intimately associated with the personal and social life of the Presidents of the United States and many of their official acts —occupies a particular place in the heart of every American citizen, and WHEREAS certain historic rooms and entranceways in the White House —possess great human interest and historic significance —traditionally have been open to visitors —have provided pleasure and patriotic inspiration to millions of our citizens —have come to be regarded as a public museum and the proud pos­ session of all Americans, and WHEREAS the Congress by law (Act of September 22,1961), (75 Stat. 586) has authorized the care and preservation of the historic and artistic contents of the Wliite House and has given the President certain responsibilities with regard thereto: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows : S ection 1. (a) There shall be in the White House a Curator of the White
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