Permafrost, Phillips, Springman & Arenson (eds) © 2003 Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN 90 5809 582 7 Water in permafrost; case study of aufeis and pingo hydrology in discontinuous permafrost K. Yoshikawa, D. White, L. Hinzman, D. Goering, K. Petrone & W. Bolton Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA N. Ishikawa Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Japan ABSTRACT: Groundwater infiltration and discharge processes for a watershed located in discontinuous per- mafrost were identified and characterised. The source of the groundwater and freezing conditions for intra-, or sub- permafrost groundwater are studied at the Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed (CPCRW) in Interior Alaska. Two open (hydraulic) system pingos are located along Caribou Creek; the pingo ice and discharge water were stud- ied. Springs adjacent to one of the pingos (collapsed pingo) had a higher electric conductivity and higher uranium and strontium concentrations than nine other springs in the watershed. This result suggested that the pingo water had a different source than surrounding springs. Pyrolysis-GC/MS fingerprinting of organic matter, used to detect the areas the infiltration of surface water in the watershed, suggested the water in adjacent springs came from a permafrost free, hardwood (birch) forest area. The residence time of the water in adjacent springs was determined to be about one to three decades by CFCs and tritium analysis. There are several intra- and sub-permafrost ground- water monitoring wells in the area. The seasonal oxygen and deuterium isotope abundances vary in Interior Alaska. However, the eight springs surrounding collapse pingo do not respond to this seasonal fluctuation. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic carbon (IC) results show three different types of aufeis (icing). Perennial groundwater has three different types of flow: 1) near surface permafrost-free flow, 2) deep bedrock sub- permafrost flow, and 3) intra-permafrost (mainly between sediment and weathered bedrock) flow. Each of these flow paths plays a critical role in aufeis (and pingo) formation in a permafrost-dominated watershed. 1 INTRODUCTION There have been many research studies conducted in CPCRW since it was established by the Inter-Agency Hydrology Committee of Alaska in 1969. The purpose of this study is to clarify the groundwater source, path- way, residence time, and relationship with aufeis and open (hydraulic) system pingos. Figure 1 displays the permafrost distributions, springs, and sampling sites at CPCRW. Permafrost dominates valley bottom or north facing slopes, but is largely absent on south facing slopes (Fig. 1). The annual mean ground temperature of CPCRW varies between Ϫ3 to 0.5°C in permafrost areas and up to 2.5°C for south facing slopes. The ther- mal and hydraulic properties of the soil are strongly Figure 1. Caribou Creek well study site (double circle) affected by the absence or presence of permafrost. The and springs location. Shaded pattern indicate permafrost distribution. liquid water content of soil (particle size) and the sur- face topography are the important factors affecting permafrost related features. These hydrologic and ther- used chemical, physical, and isotope approaches to mal regimes directly control the aufeis or pingo forma- investigate the groundwater system and its related tion. There are 463 open system pingos reported in permafrost hydrology, including pingo genesis. interior Alaska, including the Brooks Range (Holmes et al. 1968, Hamilton & Obi 1982, Slaughter & Hartzmann 1993). Many of the open system pingos in 2 METHODS other areas have a different type of groundwater sys- tem and genesis, such as glacier fed type and near Twenty-eight drilling operations were conducted in shore type (Yoshikawa & Harada 1995). This study 1985, 95, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, and 2002. The depth of 1259 the boreholes varied between a few metres up to 33 m. dominated and permafrost-free slopes support signif- Eight of 28 boreholes were used as groundwater mon- icantly different vegetation types (Haugen et al. 1983), itoring wells. Geophysical surveys (DC resistivity, the leachable organic matter from respective slopes ground penetrating radar at 40–200 MHz) were per- should likewise be different. Most samples were col- formed along the Caribou Creek tributary (in the draw lected in late winter when the active layer was frozen. immediately south/upslope from the two pingos). This NOM in springs were therefore considered as unconta- data was used to extrapolate knowledge of subsurface minated by surface sources of organic matter. Prolysis- materials and thermal conditions using borehole data GC/MS was conducted with a CDS Pyroprobe 2000 as a reference. Topographic surveys were conducted pyrolyzer and AS2500 autosampler in tandem with 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 98, 99, 2000, 01, and 02 at two a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) at pingo sites. Stereo photogrametric analysis was applied University of Alaska Fairbanks. to determine pingo surface elevations and to locate Tritium samples were analysed with an enrichment springs in 1950, 69, 86, 99 (Fig. 2). Groundwater levels method at CAIS, University of Georgia (Neary 1997). were collected using pressure transducers (1, 5, 30 psi ␦18O and deuterium samples were analysed at the by Honeywell) with data loggers (Campbell Scientific University of Arizona, National Institute of Polar CR10x, 21x) since 1997 at four monitoring wells and Research in Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University and collapsed pingo crater pond. University of Alaska Fairbanks. Chemical samples were Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyzed at USGS Boulder Colorado and Hokkaido (py-GC/MS) was used to investigate the molecular University. character of organic matter in groundwaters from The residence time of the ground water was deter- the CPCRW. Py-GC/MS is an analytical tool with mined through analyses of chlorofluorocarbons which individual organic compounds from Natural (CCl3F and CCl2F2) (CFCs) and tritium. The mixing Organic Matter (NOM) can be identified and quanti- ratio between snowmelt water and summer precipita- fied. Pyrolysis-GC/MS has been used to examine litter tion in to the groundwater system was determined decomposition and humification of soils. White et al. through oxygen and deuterium isotope analysis as (2002) used pyrolysis-GC/MS fingerprinting to cor- well as general chemistry analysis. CFCs samples were relate the organic matter found in CPCRW water to its analysed at the U.S. Geological Survey Chlorofluoro- probable origin. Since water dissolves organic matter carbon Laboratory, Reston, Virginia. as it passes through the canopy, soil litter and subsur- face soil, it retains clues about its origin despite physi- 3 RESULTS cal, chemical and biological changes. As groundwater ages and the organic matter is subjected to greater 3.1 Infiltration processes degrees of transformation, less information about the organic matter origin is retained. Since permafrost Evapotranspiration creates relatively dry soil condi- tions within the root zone during the summer. Minor summer precipitation events are offset by evapotranspi- ration (Kane 1980). The snowmelt and summer heavy storm events were the most reliable sources of ground- water recharge. The ␦18O value of the precipitation has strong seasonal signals in the Fairbanks area. Figure 3 presents the ␦18O values and air tempera- ture during 1998–2000 for each snow or rain event. Figure 2. Four different stages of the collapse pingo along the Caribou Creek. There is already crater form in 1950. Spring discharging point was shift to out of rim in 1999 Figure 3. ␦18O value of precipitation and air temperature (aufeis suggest presence of active spring). at Fairbanks Alaska. 1260 Most of the snow precipitation was lighter than distance from the pingo and separate from the spruce Ϫ20‰, and rain was heavier than snow. However, there stand immediately upslope of the pingo. were several strong southern wind events (Chinooks) that brought heavier ␦18O water from Gulf of Alaska during the middle of winter (see Fig. 3 arrow). The ␦18O 3.2 Water-rock (permafrost) interactions value of the snowmelt water is around Ϫ23‰. The ground-water mixing ratio from the snowmelt and There were no isotope exchange processes observed summer storm water was distinguished using a two in the water from spring sites such as exchange with ␦18 member mixing model (Rantz et al. 1982). CO2 or hydration of silicates. The ratio between O and ␦2H of the groundwater is aligned with the local ␦2 ϭ ␦18 Ϫ Qs() IsϪ Igw meteoric waterline ( H 6.7469 O 21.589). The Q ϭ (1) Ϫ strontium concentration of water from pingo springs ()Igw Ir and south-facing slope wells was relatively high (Table 1), as was uranium. Pingo spring and Cabin ϭ where Q discharge of spring; Qs infiltration vol- well water (schist bedrock aquifer 18 m below sur- ϭ 18 ume of snowmelt water; Is d O value of the face), at the base of the south-facing slope, also had ϭ␦18 snowmelt water; Igw O value of the groundwa- higher Ca concentrations. The source of the Ca, such ϭ␦18 ter; and Ir O value of the summer storm water. as limestone bedrock materials, is possibly located in The springs and base flow at CPCRW had a nearly these areas. ␦18 Ϫ constant value of O value between 17 and The strontium isotope 87Sr/86Sr data also indicate Ϫ ϭ 18.5‰ (Caribou Creek; 0.12, pingo spring; pingo spring water had passed through highly weath- ϭ 0.89), which indicates 33–40% of the ground- ered, fractured Birch Creek Schist formation water will be derived from snowmelt infiltration. The (0.74071 Ϯ 1 ppb) (Farmer et al. 1998). The current infiltration process during snowmelt through the sea- seasonal variation of the tritium value was 4.96 (sum- sonally frozen dry materials mainly occurs near the mer) and 10.96 (winter) TU. The residence time (t) is upper part of the hill. The infiltration rate is reduced to about one-half that for the unfrozen condition (Kane 1980).
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