864 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 FEBRUARY, 1927. Factory Department, Home Office, Admiralty, 31st January, 1927. February 5, 1927. R.N.R. The Chief Inspector of Factories gives notice : His Majesty the KING has been graciously that' in consequence of the resignation of pleased to approve of the award of the Royal Dr. E. H. C. Allen an appointment as Certify- Naval Reserve Officers' Decoration to the- ing Surgeon under the Factory and Workshop following Officers: — Acts at Clwt .y Bont, in the county of Caernarvon, is vacant. Lieut.-Comdr. G. D. Brown. Lieut.-Comdr. R. L. Burridge. Lieut. J. L. M. Campbell. Downing Street, R.N.V.R. 4th December, 1926. His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Royal The KING has been pleased to give direc- Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers' Decoration tions for'the appointment of Percy William to the following Officer:— Buncombe Armbrister, Esq., to be a Member of the Legislative Council of the Bahama Lieut.-Comdr. F. M. Fox, A.F.C. Islands for a further period. Admiralty, 3rd February, 1927. R.N. Sub-Lieut. R. G. Swallow to be Lieut, with Downing Street, seny. of. 15th Feb. 1926. 5th February, 1927. Wt. Eng. W. J. Ison to be Cd. Eng. 30th The KING has been pleased to appoint Jan. 1927. Thomas Laurence Roxburgh, Esq., C.M.G., to Sub-Lieuts. to be Lieuts.: — be a Member of the Privy Council of the Island P. M. Stephens. of Jamaica for a further period. H. G. Bowerman. 30th Jan. 1927. R.N.R. Proby. Sub-Lieut. D. H. T. MacMillan to be- Sub-Lieut, with seniority. 21st May 1925. Downing Street, Skpr. W. H. Barber to be Chief Skpr. 21st 7th February, 1927. Jan. 1927. The KING has been pleased to give direc- tions for the appointment of James EonaJd Admiralty, 4th February, 1927. Clerihew Young, Esq., to be a Member of the Legislative Council of the Bahama Islands. R.N. Cd. Engr. J. W. Turner placed on Retd. List. at own request. ' 14th April 1926. Lieut.-Comdr. H. M. Garrett placed on Retd. List at own request with rank of Comdr. 2nd Feb. 1927. Board of Trade, Lieut.-Comdr. I. C. S. Hilton placed on Retd.- Great George Street, List at own request with rank of Comdr: London, S.W. 1. 2nd Feb. 1927. 7th February, 1927. Lieut.-Comdr. A. M. Roberts, D..S.O., placed on Retd. List at own request with rank of His Majesty The KING has been graciously Comdr. 2nd Feb. 1927. pleased to confer the Decoration of the Albert Lieut.-Com. G. W. Walker-Jones placed on Medal upon Stanley Gibbs of Sydney, New Retd. List at own request. 2nd Feb. 1927. South Wales. The following is an account of the services in respect of which the Decoration has been Admiralty, 5th February, 1927. conferred:— On the 3rd January, 1927, at Port Hacking R.N. near Sydney, New South Wales, a youth Wt. Master at Arms R. H. Johnson to be Cd. named Mervyn Allum was swimming a short Master at Arms. 14th Jan. 1927. distance from the shore when he was attacked Engr. Comdr. R. Stansmore placed on Retd, by a large shark. It was at first thought that List at his own-request. 2nd Feb. 1927. he was drowning, and Stanley Gibbs, who was R.N.R. standing on the nose of a launch he was driving, ready to give assistance to Allum, Skipper F. E. Barker to be Chief Skipper with observed that he was being attacked by the seny. of. 22nd Jan. 1927. shark. Gibbs dived from the launch and fought the shark with his hands and feet and eventually • succeeded in getting Allum, who Admiralty, 7th February, 1927. was very badly injured, from the jaws of the R.N. shark, and with the assistance of a man named Macdonald placed him in a rowing boat. The Eng. Lieut. S. G. West, D.S.C., to be Eng. victim died of injuries shortly afterwards. Lieut.-Com. 6th Feb. 1927..
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