192G CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE 1455 By Mr. SWING: A bill (H. R. 6687) for the relief of Hen- law to permit the sale of beer and light wines; to the Commit­ rietta Seymour, widow of Joseph H. Seymour, deceased; to the tee on the Judiciary. Committee on Military Affairs. 229. By Mr. ROUSE: Resolution of Local Union 698, of the By Mr. S"\\"OOPE: A bill (H. R. 6688) granting an increase Newport, Ky., International Union, protesting against the pro­ of pen ~ i o n to Emma C. ·weston; to the Committee on Im·alid posed combination of the Ward, Continental, and General Pension . Baking Cos.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee: A uill (H. R. 6689) for the 230. By :Mr. TILSON: Petition adopted by the Connecticut relief of Charles ·w. Anderson; to the Committee on Claims. Chamber of Commerce regarding the settlement of the Italian Al. o, a bill (H. R. 6690) for the relief of George T. Larkin; war debt and those of other countries; to the Committee on to the Committee on Claims. Ways and Means. AJ so, a bill (H. R. 6691) for the telief of 1\f. L. Ward; to I 2.31. By l\Ir. WATSON: Resolution passed by the Philadel- the Committee on Claims. phia Society for Promoting Agriculture, favoring an appropria- Also, a bill (H. R. 6692) for the relief of Virgie Young; to tion to eradicate tuiJerculosis in cattle; to the Committee on the Committee on Claims. Agriculture. Also, a bill (H. R. 6693) for the relief of Thomas Green; to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. TILSON: A bill (H. R. 6694) granting an increase SENATE of pension to Abraham Senator; to the Committee on Pensions. TuESDAY, January 5, 191£6 By Mr. TOLLEY: A bill (H. R. 6695) granting a pension to Lois A. Briggs ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. 1\iuir, D. D., offered the following By Mr. TREADWAY: A bill (H. R. 6696) for the relief of prayer: Edward J. O'Rourke, as guardian of Katie I. O'Rourke; to the Our Father, lover of our souls, and desiring that we should Committee on Claims. realize the highest good for Thy glory and for the welfare By l\lr. 'VHITE of l\Iaine: A bill (H. R. 6697) for the relief of our fellow men, we come this morning with some degree of Alfred '"'· Mathews, former ensign, United States Naval Re­ of sadness asking Thee to remember the stricken home and serve Force; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. to give unto them the comforts of Tby~grace at this time of Also, a bill (H. R. 6698) granting a pension to Angie H. Skin­ gloom. Reveal to each of us how we had best conduct our­ ner ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. selves along the pathway of life, not knowing what may be By Mr. WILLIAl\IS of Texas: A bill (H. R. 6699) granting for us as the days multiply, but we would like to have Thy an increase of pension to Amanda J. Crisp; to the Committee hand holding ours, leading us through the steeps and in the on Invalid Pensions. dark places until we shall see Thy face in peace. Through Also, a bill (H. R. 6700) granting an increase of pen_sion to Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1\Iary C. Marvin ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester­ Also, a bill (H. R. 6701) for the relief of J. H. Wallace; to day's proceedings when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by the Committee on Claims. unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with By Mr. WILLIAMS of Illinois: A bill (H. R. 6702) granting and the Journal was approved. an increase of pension to Jesse Vandigriff; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. AMERICAN AND IMPERIAL TOBACCO COS. Also, a bill (H. R. 6703) granting an increase of pension to The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a commu­ Lucy A. Gallegly ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. nication from the chail..-man of the Federal Trade Commi. - Al ·o, a bill (H. R. 6704) granting an increase of pension to sion advising the Senate that a report of an investigation by 1\lar:r E. Phillips ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the commission of certain charges against the American Also, a bill (H. R. 6705) granting a pension to Charles Wes~ Tobacco Co. and the Imperial Tobacco Co. of boycotting to­ ley Simmons ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. bacco growers' cooperative marketing associations, made under By Mr. WOODRUFF: A bill (H. R. 6706) granting an in­ Senate Resolution 329, of the Sixty-eighth Congress, bas been crease of pension to Jane Thompson; to the Committee on In­ transmitted to the President, which was ordered to lie on the valid Pensions. table. TRAVEL REPORT, INTERIOR DEPARTMENT PETITIONS, ETC. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before--the Senate, pursuant to Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid law, a report of the Secretary of the Interior, showing in de­ on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: tail what officers or employees (other than special agents, in­ 221. By Mr. ARNOLD: Petition from Spanish-American War spectors, or employees who in the clischarge of their regular veterans of Mount Vernon, Ill., and vicinity, favoring the pas­ duties are required to constantly travel) have traveled on sage of House bill 98, to grant an increased rate of pension to official business for the department from Washington to points this class of veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions. outside of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year ended 222. By Mr. BURTON: Petition adopted by the Commercial June 30, 1926, etc., which was referred to the Committee on Law League of America at its annual con1ention, Mackinac Appropriations. Island, Mich., approving the principle of increased compensa­ BEPOBT OF AMERICAN WAR MOTHERS tion for Federal judges; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate, pursuant 223. By Mr. GRIEST: Petition of the members of the General to law, the first annual report of the American War Mothers George C. Crook Cantonment, No. 8, Philadelphia, Pa., in faV"or for the year 1925, which wa. referred to the Committee on of the Smith bill (H. R. 12), granting a pension to surviving Military Affairs. Indian war veterans and their .. dependents; to the Committee on Pensions. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE 224. By Mr. FRENCH: Petition of Moscow Chamber of Com­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Farrell, merce, Moscow, Idaho, to modify the existing tariff law and its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had passed a bill provide a duty of 3 cents per pound upon all peas imported to (H. R. 5959) making appropriations for the Treasury and the United ·States from foreign countries; to the Committee on Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, Ways and Means. 1927, and for other purposes, in which it requested the concm·­ 225. Also, petition of Wallace Board of Trade, Wallace, rence of the Senate. Idaho, to modify the existing tariff law and provide a duty of PETITIO~S AND MEMORIALS 3 cents per pound upon all peas imported to the United States 1\Ir. EDGE presented a telegram, in the nature of a memorial, from foreign countries; to the Committee on Ways and Means. from l\Iary O'Neill and members of the Liam l\Iellowes Council 226. Also, petition of Pocatello Chamber of Commerce, Poca­ of the American Association for the Recognition of tbe Irish tello, Idaho, to modify the existing tariff law and provide a Republic, of Jersey City, N. J., remonstrating against the par­ duty of 3 cents per pound upon all peas imported to the United ticipation of the United States in the Permanent Court of In­ States from foreign countries; to the Committee on Ways and ternational Justice. which was ordered to lie on the table. Means. · Mr. JONES of Washington presented resolutions of the legis- 227. Also, petition of Kootenai Valley Commercial Club, Bon­ lative committee of the Spokane (Wash.) Central Labor ners Ferry, Idaho, to modify the existing tariff law and provide Council favoring an investigation of the plans and activities a duty of 3 cents per pound upon all peas imported to the of the promoters of the so-called Bread Trust, etc., which were United States from foreign countries; to the Committee on referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Ways and Means. - Mr. :McLEAN presented a petition of Charles P. Kirkland 228. By Mr. KINDRED: Petition of the College Point Tax­ Camp, No. 18, United Spanish War Veterans, of Winstead, payers Association, asking for a modification of the Volstead Conn., praying for the passage of legislation granting increased 1456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 5 pen-sions to aged and disabled veterans of the war with Spain .A. bill ( S. 2129) for the relief of Henry Mathews ; to the and their widows and orphans, which was referred to the Com­ Committee on Military Affairs. mittee on Pensions. A bill ( S. 2130) granting a pension to George W. Sampson; He also presented a resolution adopted by the board of di­ A bill ( S. 2131) granting an increase of pension to Floyd A. rect,ors of the Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, at Hartford, Honaker; Conn., indorsing the terms of settlement of the Italian war A bill ( S. 2132) granting an increase of pension to Susan debt and urging that the Government of France be requested to Amelia Batson; again take up the debt problem with this country, so that a A bill ( S.
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