March 2019 Meetingsare held at Smoke'n Pit Bar-B-Que,164l North Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers, locatedon Rte 4l (Bus) betweenPine Island Rd (SR78)& the EdisonBridge. First Tuesdayof every month, at 4:30 Ft Myers Knife CIub - Last Meeting [Ipdate .,.! t,*8t':. The Februarymeeting of the Ft. Myers Knife Club had an attendanceof 15 members& ;. guests.This rnouth'sdoor prizesconsisted of a Ka-BarLockback and a CRKT Cnriser.Dave "z*tffi::..;. ''''47',Yi:' :'' Mastenr'von the Ka-Barand the CRKT Cruiserwent to nervrrember: Ra1, Orlrnenski. This month"s50/50 drawingof $30 went to PaulErrglund. Congratulations to all the winners.you too can be a winrterof our monthlydoor prizes.50/50 and/or ral'fles just simplyatteud one of vour rnonthlyFMKC club nreetings.TheBest Specialknife for the month was your bestCase A-, XX StagStraight Knife, the r,vinnerrvas Russ Smegal. - Next meeting Dote: Mar Stlt 2019 - Free Door Prizes Druwing r---I Bring your.fuvorite knives.for Show & Tell and /or Sell F March's Feature Knife will be: Builsong (Butterfly) Knife. -r Monthly Gtn & Knife ShowSchedule FT SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GLTN& KNIFE SHOWS - GO THIS IT/EEKEND !!! r_=r-I Mar 16-17 WestPaln-r Beach - SportShow Specialists - SouthFlorida Fairgrounds - Mar 23-24 Orlando- FloridaGun Shows- CentralFlorida Fairgror.rnds Mar 23-24 PortCharlotte - 2 GuysGun & Knif-eShow - Cl-rarlotteCty Fairgrounds Mar 23-24 Ft Myers- Gun, Knif-eand Civil War - ArabaShrine Temple i- Mar30-31 Palmetto- FloridaGun Shows- BradentonConvention Center O ANNUALMEMBERSHIP DUES: Menrbershipducs 1br 2019 are due. In order to rraintain'all privilegesof the club you needto fulfill this reouirernent.The Annual F Duesare or you rray considerbe- S10.00 r-=r=.-! conringa Lif-eMember. this a one-tirnefee - of $7-5.00.If you are Lrnsurethat youl dues are paid for 2019 pleasecontact the club secretafyat239.233.56l I clre-rrail: Nmeg- [email protected] nray pay your dues at any upcomingclub meetingor submit z paymentto the clr.rb'saddress: FMKC, PO Bor 706, St JamesCity, FL 33956-0706. qJ Checkswill be accepted.however all checks musr be endorsedto RUSSELL SMEGAL. Any other endorsementwill resultin return of vour check.Sorry'.. inl (' t-rST'()i\'lN'lr\D[, l].\ l.lS()}*(; t ,i,try 7-_, .,1'-;+' FMKC\[/EBSITE :iti!""' - www.FtMye rsKn ifeCl u b. mg mi kuti s.com Mailing Address: FMKC - P.O. Box 706 - St James City, Fl 33956-0706 t0 Thirp Ymffim lfrnffi fu$M$$ tum$ ffinnm$ Over 34,000 are produced every single day. But that's not all yoa didn't know ! ! ! The Swiss:We love them for their decadentcheese, their masterfultimepieces, and their awesomecorporate tax loopholes. The SwissArmy Knife is a modernmarvel that was made out of necessity(the first modelsincluded only a blade,a can openerand reamerfor consumingcanned food, and a screwdriver neededto assemblethe SwissArmy's rifles), but its stayingpower proves its unbeatableutility. Every U.S. Presidentsince Lyndon B. Johnsonhas issuedtheir guestsan original Victorinox Swiss Army Knife. Why? We haveno clue. But hereare l0 otherthings you didn't know aboutthe SwissArmy Knife: l. They were born in Germanv. not Switzerland. The first SwissArmy knives were actuallyproduced in Germanyby Wester& Co. The Swissmilitary force requiredquality compactknives for its army, but no Swisscompany had the capacityto producesuch a knife. The first official Swiss Army Knife, the Modell 1890,was outsourcedto Wester& Co. and producedin Solingen,Germany, over 300 milesfiom the Swissborder. 2. But thev didn't stav there lons. Miffed about the whole "Made in Germany" thing, Victorinox founder Karl Elsener,who at the time was in the surgicalequipment production business, decided in 1891that it was time to bring the Swiss Army Knife - and the productionjobs it entailed- to Switzerland. Fun Fact: Elsenergot the name "Victorinox" by combining the name of his deceasedmother, Victoria, and acier inoxydable,the Frenchterm for stainlesssteel. 3. There were actually two official Swiss Army Knives. In order to provide a level of competitionand ensurethe qualityof goods and goals of production,the Swiss governmentawarded 50 percentof their order contractto Victorinox, and 50 percentto another Swisscutlery company,Wenger. Victorinox advertisedtheir knives as "Tlr1eOriginal Swiss Army Knife," and Wenger "The GenuineSwiss Army Knife." That is, until Victorinox acquired Wenger in 2005, retaining sole conffol over the Swiss Army Knife market, and kicking Theodore Wenger'sghost in the balls. 4. The Swiss Army Knife is a literal work of art. The SwissArmy Knife hasbeen selected for inclusionin exhibitsfor excellence \5 in designatboth iltt \trtt \"trtli\ltt:.e trll qri 1,.,,1 r,r'tandthe r||ii1'1i.\il rir\irrriir. ir. The \r isstirrrnrp\,\ v I is thelargest production VictorinoxSwiss Army Kni includesover 44 toolsthat serve over 80 functions. 6. There's a 9-inch. 2-nound version. l lrc ( 'iur , producedby Wengerand first releasedin2006, weighstwo poundsand includes 87 toolswhich perform120 functions. 7. Victorinox is still Karl-owned. Karl Elsenerfounded and ran the companyuntil I 9 I 8 when Karl ElsenerII took over from 19l 9 to 1950.Karl lll ran the companyfrom 1951 to 2007, and Karl IV took over and curently mansthe helm. 8. Oualitv control at the Victorinox factories is a bis deal. Fifteento 20 million partspass through the assemblyline at the Victo- rinox factory every month. Eachand every knife, product,and tool undergoesa rigorousquality inspectionat all ofthe sevenphases of production. Every inch of raw steel is inspected,as well as the contentof the metal digitally analyzedfor tensilestrength. The bladesare cut, polished,forged and then ground down and sharpened,and then stamped-where again,they are inspectedby real eyes and real handsand real micrometersafter every single stepof production.Perfectionism is an understatement. 9. Todav. vou can buy everythins from Swiss Armv forks to Swiss Armv perfume... kinda. Victorinox dabblesin otherSwiss- made productslike householdcutlery, watches,general tools, and even cosmetics,Pell1r1rl.::, and clothing. Only l0 i,crc..rrlof the company'soutput is still dedicatedto their namesakeknives. 10.But beware:there are manvfakes out there- manv.manv fakes. Though they say imitation isthe most sincere form o flaftery,the folks at VictorinoxlitliqiQttittr-f .'ir ;r ,i11ii..t'r'iu{i:.:,.While legal recourse for imitationis limited, the company dis- playsa showcaseof variousknock-offs from the hundreds of imitatorsaround the world. Luckily, spottingthe differencebetween a real-dealSwiss Army Knife and a fake is simple. The trick is in the spring mechanism and the telltale SwissArmy Knife "snap" of the tools. You can alsotell by the classicVictorinox shield,as well as the inscriptionon the big blade: "Victorinox Swiss Made." If your knife doesn'thave thesequalities, chances are, you got duped.You just can't fake quality. Receive'1p'wmoath,ly newsletter via e-mail insteadof snail mail Contac! the club seeretary, af r\[email protected] net By doing this you will savethe club the newsletter mailing cost..
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